the spy life is the high life...


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When he turns 19, Yugyeom follows his father's footsteps in becoming a secret agent, a spy working for the go... More



170 10 13

I haven't read this chapter in two weeks so bare with mistakes plz thx

"Kim Yugyeom?" Yugyeom gulped out of some childlike sudden nervousness. Basically the whole rest of his life would be set out in a couple moments. For some, it might seem like getting some buddies and people to drink with and "shoot grappling hooks at things" (Yugyeom hated spy stereotypes, grappling hooks hadn't been used in a VERY long time) with, but this was his life. You don't just say, "I don't like my group." and get out of it. This is REALLY it.

"Yes, sir." He was proud of himself for his voice not shaking. "I am Kim Yugyeom."

The person at the end of the room, JYP, was just a black blob. The room was too dark to make out any facial features or even the tone of his skin. He had heard that after agents go through the 'incognito' stage they become quite close with the ceo.

The first 3 months that you are an agent are referred to as the incognito stage. For the first 3 months, new agents cannot show their face to their teammates or other agents. Yugyeom didn't exactly know the story behind it, but something had happened a while ago that made it that way. New recruits also had to use a codename during the incognito stage. The nicknames were usually childlike, like "Oreos" or "Icey" or something of the sort. For Yugyeom, he went by the oh-so-cheesy Browny. (He put the name on his 'future spy form' in 7th grade- there was no changing after words.)

"Ah, I suppose I should say Browny." JYP laughed casually and Yugyeom inwardly blushed- even if it was funny, he didn't have to be so honest about it. He waved his hand to the side, and a lady he hadn't even noticed rushed to his side and grabbed an envelope out of his hands. She bowed to JYP respectfully and brought the envelope to Yugyeom.

He grabbed the envelope and she bowed to him, though not at as much of an angle as JYP. He nodded his head thankfully and looked at the envelope hopefully. What group? Maybe... Day6? No, that group already has as many as they want. 2PM wasn't too active nowadays... There was that new group, Stray Kids, too. Well, all he had to do was open the envelope.

JYP cleared his throat and motioned to a door on the opposite side from where he came from. Yugyeom could barely make it out because soft light creeped from the bottom. "Your team is waiting for you in there. I would suggest making it quick, they're all tired from an unexpected job today." JYP stood and nodded his head to Yugyeom. "Here's to hoping I'll see your face in three months." He said, before walking back through the door he'd came in. He really was gone that fast.

Yugyeom gave the envelope another glance in contemplation. Should he open the envelope, or just walk in and see?

Then it came to Yugyeom that he probably wouldn't be able to read the letter even if he opened it, so he really had no choice. He stood and pushed his chair in. Deep breaths, one, two... 

He walked up to the door, and put his hand on the doorknob. He waited a minute to calm his nerves, but Yugyeom ended up thinking that he probably wouldn't be calm again until he was snuggled up against Bambam. He opened the door and held his breath.

Yugyeom expected many things, but a pillow in the face wasn't one of them. "YAH CHOI YOUNGJAE!" He heard a loud voice yell.

Yugyeom was half tempted to close the door and just walk away. He felt like maybe he wasn't supposed to walk in on this..? There were four people in the room, but it looked like none of them were sane. Because the room was such a mess, he really couldn't tell what was happening in the room. At all.

"Look what you've done, Youngjae. Whatever play through you were watching was so funny that you had to throw a pillow at the new kid." A man with slick, black hair and two moles by his eye commented. He glanced at another person in the room judgmentally. Then he looked at Yugyeom. "You're Browny? Let's just cut to the introductions because I'm tired. You can take a seat,"

Yugyeom took a moment to collect himself. There were four people in the room. The one who told him to sit was sitting alone in a chair, two people were sitting on a sectional in the corner, and one last member sat on a bean bag on the ground. Yugyeom sat down on the couch next to the door and listened to the rest of the man with the moles' introduction. "I'm Jaebum, the leader,"

"Cat enthusiast," A short boy with ketchup red hair and a small head interrupted, "lover of food, liker of Youngjae"

Jaebum glared at ketchup boy, "Thank you, Mark, for that amazing description. I really appreciate it." Ketchup boy- Mark?- shrugged. He was sitting on a sectional couch in the corner. Beside him was a boy with cheeks that had just turned faintly red. He had white earbuds dangling from his hand and he must have been watching something on his phone.

"I'm Mark, I'm from LA. This is Youngjae, he's the one that hit you with a pillow when you walked in. He has a habit of hitting and throwing things when he's amused, so I would suggest getting used to it." He motioned beside him to Youngjae, and the boy smiled sheepishly. His happiness seemed contagious to Yugyeom.

Yugyeom collected his thoughts briefly before the next boy could introduce himself. Mark, teases the members, ketchup hair. Youngjae, dangerous and happy. Liked by Jaebum? Brown, sort of long hair + forehead. Jaebum, lover of cats, food, and Youngjae. Also the leader. Slick hair and moles. He tried to arrange it in his head.

The last boy in the room looked up from behind a book, he was sitting on a beanie on the ground by Mark's other side, and barely spared him a glance. "I'm Jinyoung." He said nothing more. Youngjae found this amusing somehow, and Yugyeom found another thing to add to the list: laughs louder than tornado sirens.

"Don't mind him," Youngjae said after calming himself, "He's just salty because he's single and alone. Jinyoung is nice once you get to know him, he's a really caring hyung. You just have to give him time and put up with his savageness for a bit." 

Yugyeom nodded. "Okay, so Jaebum, Mark, Youngjae, and Jinyoung? It's nice to meet you all!" His voice was sort of muffled through his mask, but the other members were probably used to it.  "I''m Browny, but I guess you knew that" He tried to make a positive impact- he learned this in that dumb class he had to take in 11th grade, social skills- so he wouldn't be so much of an outsider.

"There's also Rainy, but he's not here right now. He's the other new member. Oh, and we're GOT!" Youngjae cheered. Yugyeom almost snorted, what kind of dumb name is Rainy?  but didn't. "He reminds me of you, somehow. You smell similar," Mark commented. Yugyeom wasn't sure about smelling similar to anybody. He wasn't even by Mark so it was quite an odd statement.

"Oh, well, I'm sure you know this, but I haven't met him. Maybe it's a training camp thing. Odd, I don't remember any guys from training camp using the name Rainy." Yugyeom commented thoughtfully. Usually new recruits new each other, from what he heard. 

"He's from Thailand. From what I heard, he threw a real fit to come over to Korea for someone or something like that." Mark shrugged. 

"For someone?" Yugyeom questioned. "Like a family member?"

"Dunno. You'd have to ask him yourself, but he left earlier because we had an emergency mission and it wore him out a bit; it'll be the same for your first mission too." 

Yugyeom figured it didn't really matter why Rainy was there. He talked with the members and figured out a little bit more about them, and the rules, before everyone decided to head home. Yugyeom learned that Jaebum and Youngjae were dating, and that Jaebum and Jinyoung used to be the legendary spy duo JJP. He also learned Mark was a transfer spy from America and that Jinyoung liked young children, and Youngjae hated cucumbers. 

He headed home with a light heart and confidence in his team. They were obviously very talented and fun people and he couldn't wait to work with them. 

He took his spy gear off and put it in his bag outside the door to his apartment. He was left in just a black t-shirt and pants, which was what Bambam usually knew him to wear anyways. Yugyeom knew Bambam wouldn't go sifting through his things, so he didn't worry about hiding his bag once he entered, and he just threw it down by the door lazily. He took off his shoes and socks and set them right beside his bag. It was 2 in the morning; way to late to be awake without Bambam, if you asked him. 

He carefully snuck back into his room and put on his PJs as spy-like as he could. Bambam was thankfully still fast asleep in his bed. His makeup was smeared and his hair was a mess, but he still looked so amazing. The sight made Yugyeom's heart warm, but he was more concerned with getting to sleep. He sat on the side of the bed, with his eyes focused on Bambam's face. Bambam had two levels of sleeping: he was either woken up by the neighbors dropping a pen, or he couldn't be woken up until Yugyeom hired elephants to come parade around. He hoped it was the elephants.

He repeated, 'Don't wake up, don't wake up!' to himself and carefully raised his legs onto the bed. Bambam stayed still, and somehow didn't wake up even when Yugyeom covered himself with the black comforter on his bed and repositioned himself comfortably.

Only when Yugyeom wrapped his arms around Bambam with confidence that he wouldn't wake up did Bambam stir. Even then, it was only slightly. He just pressed himself closer to Yugyeom and mumbled, with his half asleep voice, "D'n't pr'ctice so late, Gyeom. "

Yugyeom nearly screeched, not expecting to hear anything out of Bambam. He felt bad for going along with Bambam's wrong idea, but he couldn't tell him yet. 

"Mkay, but go back to sleep now," He whispered back. 

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