Variety |Edward Cullen|

بواسطة cCherishh_

179K 4.8K 669

Variety ➤ The state of being different; the absence of normality. Iris holds the power of manipulation agains... المزيد

P r o l o g u e - Sebastian
P r o l o g u e - Alexander
P r o l o g u e - Iris
P r o l o g u e - Caroline
P r o l o g u e - Robin
T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E


2.8K 114 2
بواسطة cCherishh_


"We know you were with her you can stop denying it. Sarah's brother saw you two in Port Angeles the other day." Lauren said picking at the stale pizza that was entered on her plate.

"Lauren leave her alone if she doesn't want to tell us she doesn't have to, you aren't her mum." Jessica defended. Angela shot her a grateful look before shrugging her shoulders at Lauren.

"I'm just trying to make sure she's okay, I mean they're obviously freaks for all we know they could be forcing her to take drugs."

"She doesn't take drugs."Angela snapped before she realised.

"Sarah's brother said you two were holding hands, what are you two like best friends now." Lauren continued as Angela shrunk down into her seat. Lauren and Jessica both gasped simultaneously snapping Angela out of her semi frozen state. The two had their eyes set on something behind Angela's back.

Angela turned around and found Robin looking directly at her with a small smile. Instead of Robin being surrounded by her friends like she usually was during lunch she was sat by herself in the corner of the cafeteria, gesturing for Angela to come to her with her hand.

"Does she mean you?"

Angela shrugged at Lauren again. "She probably needs help with homework." Angela suggested.

"Go see what she wants." Jessica said gently shoving Angela.

Lauren scoffed before rolling her eyes.

Turning back to Robin, Angela gave her an apologetic smile before shaking her head.

With a small sigh Robin rose from her seat and started making her way towards her.

"What is she doing." Jessica asked. All three girls now watched as Robin stood near their lunch table that was now silent waiting for Robin to speak. Mike, Tyler and Eric who had been in their own conversation now had their eyes set on Robin with wide eyes.

"Would you like to have lunch with me today." Robin asked glancing around at all Angela's friends with a weary expression.

"Umm." Angela started.

"Of course we would." Lauren replied patting the empty seat besides her.

"I was actually hoping Angela and I could sit alone." Robin continued ignoring the scoff that Lauren let out.

"She would love to, wouldn't you Angela." Jessica said. Instead of answering Angela gave Jessica a nod before standing up.

"I'm Tyler." One of the guys said hunching forward.

"We'll see you later Ang." Jessica added shaking her head at Tyler.

The two had found their way back to Robin's empty table and were sitting side by side with their backs turned towards everyone else.

"I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that." Robin said uncovering the plate of pasta she had left on the table and handing Angela a plastic spork.

"Thank you and it's fine."

"Then why did you say no." Robin asked covering her mouth that was full with food.

"My friends, well more like my friend I know she would've given me a lecture about abandoning or sometime. I wouldn't be surprised if she still gave me one after this."

"I can talk to her I you want." Robin suggested glancing back at Angela's friends who were now back to their conversations. Angela shook her head with a laugh.

"What." Robin asked Angela who was staring at her.

"I'm just trying to figure out who you are."

Robins smile dropped while she took another spork full of pasta. "Well tell me when you figure it out because I have no idea."

"You and your friends just showed up and started going to school at the end of the year. You don't have parents, hell nobody even knows where you live."

"We have parents." Robin said.

"What's your story." Angela asked.

"I'm from New York. My friends and I moved to Washington because of a freak accident that happened."

"Why didn't your parents come with you."

"Because they had to stay back to fix the problem."

"What was the problem." Angela started but paused when she saw the look Robin gave her. "It's ok if you don't want to tell me."

"Thank you."

"I always thought it was illegal to send minors to live alone." Angela continued.

"They worked things out." Robin lied.

"Must of been one big accident. How do you and your friends know each other." Angela asked and Robin sighed. 'Finally something I don't have to lie about.' she thought turning her head around to look at her friends who were staring at her with worried looks.

'Robin I really hope you know what you're doing.' Caroline said speaking through their mental link.

'Maybe you spending time with her wasn't the best idea.' Xander added.

'I thought we decided not to communicate like this in public.' Robin said.

'And that was a good decision because people are starting to notice.' Sebastian hissed, his eyes were roaming around the cafeteria with a hard look in his eyes.

"Robin. Are you okay." Angela asked gently shaking Robin's shoulder with her hand.

"Yeah, sorry I just zoned off for a second there."

"Are you sure you're okay." Angela said and Robin nodded her head. "I shouldn't have pushed you with the questions....I just want to know more about you."

"No. It's okay, really." Robin reassured glancing back at her friends once more.



"Caroline, please don't get involved." Iris begged.

"What do you mean don't get involved. This isn't about some high school crush Iris, this is about the lives of millions of people, if she gets found out we all could get expelled or worse thrown in jail. People could get hurt." Caroline hissed.

The two were making their way towards the parking lot after their last period together.

"Maybe this is more than a crush."

"They just met." Caroline said rolling her eyes.

"So did Edward and I." Iris muttered .

"That's different." Caroline huffed. "You two were literally made for each other."

"If you haven't noticed Edward is hundred years older than me, if he hadn't been turned into a vampire we would've never met and he would of found someone else and fallen in love them, I would of done the same thing. You can't wait for some that you're not sure even exists." Iris said glaring at the thought of seeing Edward with someone else. "Besides you and Xander aren't mates and that didn't stop you from falling in love with him."

"Iris. Keep your voice down." Caroline said her eyes wide.

"Sure shush me when I say you're in love with one of your best friends but not when I say that Edward is a one hundred year old teenager." Iris murmured, making her way towards her car with Caroline at her side. 

The spot that was once vacant with Sebastian's car was missing which meant that Robin, Sebastian and Xander had already left. Caroline slid into the passenger seat while Iris took her time placing her backpack onto the backseat.

She caught sight of the Cullen's parked on the opposite end of the loft, Edward's Volvo shining in the sun, when the sound of screeching tires echoed through the parking lot.

Caroline reacted as soon as she heard the screeching and snapped her head towards the swerving van that was heading towards Iris's car. Planted in the passenger seat she didn't know how to react physically so instead she worked on creating a shield to protect her and Iris but stopped when she saw the look Iris gave her that read 'We can't risk someone seeing a car bounce off of thin air'. 

Iris was stood behind the open door of the back seat of the car and with one fluid movement she crouched down using the door as a shield and outstretched her hands to block the impact the Van was going to cause. She knew she would survive, if the door wouldn't stop the van her hands that were outstretched would.

Iris waited for the crash with adrenaline coursing through her veins and when all she heard was the Van coming to a screeching halt and metal hitting rock she opened her eyes that she hadn't realise were closed. The first thing she saw were pale arms wrapped around her waist and with sight she felt the cold that came with the arms. Edward.

The Van was a mere couple centimetres away from the side of her face with a dented imprint on the side.

She could see Caroline rushing out of the car and her lips moving but not her voice, as a matter of fact she couldn't hear anything. Looking up see saw Edward's eyes on her and she exhaled as her ear popped.

"Iris!" Caroline yelled ignoring Edward who unwrapped his arms from around Iris's waist and jumped over the triangular gap that formed from the van colliding with Iris's car.



Edward felt fear engulf him for the first time in years as he sprinted towards his home.

Running into the house he was met by his family members who were sat around the living room with Rosalie stood up front.

It had been a couple hours after the accident before Edward finally found his way home.

Carlisle stood up walking towards Rosalie who was now face to face with Edward. It was moments like this that having a family with such different personalities weighed on him.

"You're an idiot."

"Rose." Esme warned fixing her with a shake of her head.

"I'm sorry." Edward said glancing at all his siblings and lastly his mother and father. "Putting you at risk was not my intention, what I did was thoughtless and I will gladly take responsibility for my actions."

"So you'll fix your mistake." Rosalie glared, her arms crossed over her chest. Edward froze when he read Rosalie thoughts with his lips curling into snarl.

"If you lay a finger on her, I swear I will-."

"Edward." Esme said placing a hand on Emmett's shoulder when he moved forward to defend Rosalie with a glare set on his face as well.

Giving Esme a nod and Emmett an apologetic look Edward continued. "What I meant was that if leaving is the option to keep you all safe I would be willing."

Carlisle shook his head giving his son a worried look. "Leaving wouldn't be helpful at this point, it would draw more unwanted attention towards us."

"We all know what we have to do." Rosalie snapped. Her family sent her looks of disapproval and horror. "Don't make me out to be the bad guy here, the longer we wait the closer we get to being exposed."

"She didn't see anything."

"You can't read her mind Edward." Jasper said. "Even if she didn't see anything, Caroline was in car during the accident, it's more than likely that she caught you and you can't read her mind either."

"Jasper." Alice gasped.

"It's the logical option Alice." Jasper murmured cringing when Alice ripped her hand out of his.

"She's our friend." Alice hissed.

"Friend?" Emmett questioned.

"Yes. Did they forget to mention that they spent the day with the humans last weekend." Rosalie said leaning against Emmett's chest.

"Alice." Carlisle scolded.

"I knew if I told you, you would disapprove."

"We never make a decision that could affect our family without consulting with each other beforehand." Carlisle continued.

"You're right and I'm sorry." Alice said. "I had a vision about Caroline and her friends."

"Of course you did." Rosalie said rolling her eyes.

"They become our family." Alice said replaying her vision in her mind for Edward to see after he gave her a look of disbelief

"How will your vision stop them from exposing us. The Volturi will come after us."

"It gives us a reason to trust them." Jasper defended giving Alice a small smile before outstretching his hand for Alice who took it without a thought.

"We can't trust people that we barely know."

"But we can trust Alice. When has she ever been wrong." Emmett said running his hand up and down Rosalie's arm.

"Then we vote." Esme sighed standing from the couch. "I agree with Alice. We trust the humans."

"I trust Alice." Carlisle said nodding at his wife. Jasper, following his father's lead gave his mother a nod too.

"I vote we hold of on killing the humans." Emmett joked. Rosalie let a small laugh before shaking her head and agreeing with Emmett. He always found a way to make her laugh during her angriest moments.

"Edward you have the final vote." Alice said.

"No one hurts her." 



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