Alan Walker Saved Me

By Walker_5004

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#2 in Alan Walker Your brother is a security guard in a nightclub in Dublin (Ireland) He gets you a backsta... More

Authers Notes/ Backstory
1. Best Brother Ever
2. Getting Ready
3. Did That Just Happen??
4. Blackout
5. Alan's POV
6. Family Secrets
7. Robbie's POV
8. Pizza Girl
9. Wakeing Up
10.Alan Walker's in my hospital room
11. Talks
Authors note
12. Alans POV
13. Phone Call
14. Restaurant
15. Heading Home
16. VIP list pt1
17.VIP List pt 2
New Characters
18. Getting Ready 2
19. Meeting The Team
20. First Kiss??
21. Need To Talk
22. Opening Up
23.Nice Calvin's
24. Gossip
25. New song
27. Video Call
28. GBF
29.Kicked Out
30. meeting
31. Lies
32.Gavin James
33. Back to Ireland
34. Pancakes
35. Music Video??
36. Confession
37. Welcome to Bergen
40. Skate Park
41. Instagram recents
42. Making Friends
43. Tired
44. After Party
45. Warnings
46. Heading Home 2
47. Instagram recents 2
Life Update

38. Meeting the family

1K 41 41
By Walker_5004

Alan's POV

As I drove home I explained to everyone what the plan was for the day. "so we're heading back to my place for now but we have to be in the studio for 1 o'clock until 6 o'clock maybe 7 it depends. Then Robbie, your gonna be dropped off at Gunnar's house while me Dannii and James will go back to mine" I explained.

"What kind of makeup am I to do on the actors??" Dannii asked

"Post apocalyptic, so the music video is going to tell a story. The story is about a solar storm that hits the earth causing all technology to fail. In the music video the walkers are going to be making time capsules for the years after the storm hits. And there's also a bit of a love story in there too." I explained as best I could.

"Wow you've put so much thought into it" James said.

"Well yeah. I like my music videos to tell a story. Not just a cringy predictable video of a club with half naked girls that's borderline porn. That's not me. It's not my style" I said while cringeing slightly. Those types of music videos annoy me.

"That's one of the things I really love about you.... Your different" Dannii said and for some reason it made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"That's kinda what I was going for" I said with a chuckle "I want to be different but I also want unity. There's too much hate in the world, I want to unite all my walkers from all over the world with my music, that's the amazing thing about music. It brings people from all different backgrounds and all different interests together for an escape from the real world" I explained as we neared my house

"That got really deep, Really quick" James said

"That's what she said" Robbie said with a chuckle. I smirked and rolled my eyes at him

"Remind me again who the younger sibling is here??" Dannii said in a slightly confused tone

"I mean...Physically you but mentally me" Robbie said and Dannii chuckled.

I pulled up outside my house and parked my car on the kirb.

Once I knocked off my car I turned in my seat to explain my family a little to them. "ok so... My family.. is a big one I guess, there's 5 of us Hilda my mom, Philip my dad although he'll probably be in work. I have an older sister Camilla and an annoying 16 year old brother Andreas..... We also have a dog named happy"

"He's like the cutest dog ever" Dannii said excitedly.

"That's true" I said with a chuckle before continuing. "my dad's English so you guys will probably talk to him the most. My mom's Norweigian so her accent might be a little difficult to understand...... Although if you guys can understand my accent than you should be fine... Also none of you are allergic to dogs right??"

"Nope" they all said in unison.

"Good. I guess we better head in then" I said as I opened the car door and got out. I then opened the door for Dannii and James before going to the boot to get their bags for them. However I carried Dannii's bag for her.

Once I opened the front door we were greeted by my mom. "Alan, hva tok så lang tid (what took so long) are these your friends for the video??"

"Ja, this is Dannii, James and Robbie. De er fra Irland (They're from Ireland)" I explained

"Ohh nice to meet you my name is Hilda" my mom greeted them as she gave them all a hug. "Please come in and sit down" she said as she led them to the living room.

"How was your flight?" She asked as I left to take James and Dannii's bags upstairs to my room.

Once I dropped the bags into my room I found Camilla coming out of her room "ohh your back. Are your friends here" she said excitedly

"Ja, mom is talking to them" I said as I began to make my way back downstairs.

"Is your kjæreste (girlfriend) here??" She asked

"Hun er ikke kjæresten min (She's not my girlfriend)" I said as I glared at her

"Ikke ennå (Not yet)" she mused as we made our way downstairs.

Camilla then quickly made her way over to my mom

"Mamma (mom) I think I smell burning" she said and I chuckled I know exactly what she's doing.

"Ohh nie frokosten (ohh no the breakfast)" my mam said before running to the kitchen.

"Works every time" Camilla said with a chuckle "hi, my name's Camilla it's so nice to meet you guys" she said as she put her hand out and shook their hands.

When she shook Dannii's hand she just couldn't help embarrassing me. "you must be Dannii right??" She asked and I facepalmed. I knew exactly what she was going to say next

"Yeah that's me" Dannii said kinda shyly and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.

"I've heard a lot about you Alan talks about you a lot" she said and Dannii looked at me with a smirk

"He does??" She asked with an amused grin on her face.

"All the time. He never shuts up about you" camilla said with a chuckle and I slightly elbowed her.

"Steng kjeften opp (shut the fuck up) Camilla" I said quietly.

She just giggled and was about to continue talking but was interrupted by a tired Andreas.

"Why is everyone up so early. Don't you know it's 9 am...." He said before he suddenly noticed Dannii,Robbie and James. He gave them a confused look "ughhh hi.... I'm Andreas" he said kinda awkwardly.

"Andy. This is Robbie, James and Dannii" I said and Andreas waved at them.

He then turned to me "damn Alan er hun selv lovlig?? (is she even legal??)"

I punched him in the arm "ja Andreas hun er (yes she is)" I said as I gave him a death glare and grabbed his arm "please excuse us I just remembered I need to show Andreas something in my studio" I said as I pulled him out of the sitting room.

Camilla just rolled her eyes at me "boys"

Once outside the room I glared at Andreas. He gave me a nervous smile
"First of all, her name is Dannii, second of all she's 18 so yeah she is legal, and third of all don't let her size fool you. If you piss her off she will beat the shit out of you ... And I'll help" I said trying to sound as threatening as I could.

"Awhhhh is someone getting protective over their kjæreste (girlfriend)" Andreas said while pouting

"Ok that's it" I said and he ran away from me as quick as he could.

I was about to chase him but someone grabbing my collar stopped me. I turned around to see camilla.

"Why must you insist on killing your brother??" She asked and I rolled my eyes

"Because he's a little shit" I sighed

She then chuckled "he's exactly like you were when you were 16"

I sighed in defeat "that's what I'm afraid of" as I rubbed my left forearm where all my scars were.

"Hay.... I was talking about the fact he's annoying" she said while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Ohhh .. ugh.. ja......I knew that...." I said quietly.

"Alan ... Now isin't the time, trust me Andreas is fine, you should focus on your music video. And your girlfriend" she said

"How meny times do I have to tell you she's not my girlfriend" I said with a sigh.

"Hun er definitivt (she definitely is)" Andreas said from behind me.

"Ikke ennå (Not yet)" I said and he smirked at me.

Before any of us could say anything else my mom called us for breakfast.

"Alan I made breakfast for you and your friends before you go to the studio to film. I hope your friends like waffles" she said as she walked past me and into the sitting room to get Dannii and the others

We all sat down at the table and of course I sat beside Dannii which earned me a smirk from Camilla and Andreas. I rolled my eyes at them and they both chuckled.

I noticed Dannii looked a little anxious. I gave her a confused look and she just smiled at me trying to hide her uneasiness. I gently grabbed her hand under the table and she seemed to calm a little.

"So if you three are from Ireland how come none of you have red hair" Andreas said and I rubbed my temples.

"Andy!!" Camilla scolded.

"What it's a genuine question" andreas said.

Dannii chuckled "none of my family have ever had red hair" she said

"My hair was red for like 20 minutes when I was trying to change my hair from brown to bleach blonde" James said and everyone chuckled

Supprisingly for the rest of the breakfast we had a normal conversation.

"So how did you guys meet my brother" Camilla asked all three of them.

"Well I worked as security in one of the clubs he was playing in back in Ireland and because I'm just the best brother ever I got Dannii a backstage pass to Alan's concert" Robbie told Camilla.

"How did you two become so close. Alan meets a lot of fans at his shows??" Andreas asked Dannii and I scratched the back of my head nervously. I haven't exactly told my family about her being attacked yet.

"Ohh well some girls at the concert tried to beat me up and steal my backstage pass after the concert.... I was knocked unconscious and next thing I woke up in a hospital room with Alan next to me with a box of pizza" Dannii chuckled.

"Awhhh Alan that's so sweet" Camilla said while looking at me.

"Well I mean I couldn't just leave her there unconscious" I said in an obvious tone.

"Well I mean my brother was there so you technically could have" Dannii said and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"If I did then you wouldn't be here right now" I said with a smirk.

"Your right, I appreciate you being a good person" she said with an amazing smile.

"Wait is that pic on your Instagram of you holding someone's hand in a hospital from that day??" Andreas asked. And I scratched my head nervously.


"Awhhhh you two are so cute" my mom said and I chuckled nervously.

"Ja.... Ughh we gotta go get ready... Thanks for the breakfast mom" I said kinda awkwardly as I stood up and signaled for Dannii, James and Robbie to follow me.

They all said thank you to my mom and then continued on to follow me into the sitting room.

"Ok guys it's gonna be a long day, you ready for this??" I asked

"Yep" Robbie and James said at the same time.

I looked at Dannii who looked a little nervous. She realized I was looking at her and quickly nodded at me

"Ok so we're going to be filming two different parts for the music video. There's going to be an artwork video for the song since this music video is gonna lead into something big that I can't actually tell you guys about yet" I said and Dannii seemed to perk up a little bit. "and then we'll move on to film the actual music video" I said and they all nodded

"Dannii you've got all of your makeup with you??" I asked and she nodded again. She's being pretty quiet today It's scareing me.

"Robbie you have a meeting with Gunnar he'll meet you at the studio ok??" I said and Robbie hummed in agreement. He was having a meeting with Gunnar about his new job being my security guard for the summer but Dannii thinks it's for an incident report. I hope she doesn't catch on that something's going on.

"And James since you don't have a job to do here do you wanna be in the music video?? I already have my main actors but I always need some background actors" I suggested as I didn't want him to feel left out.

"Really" he said excitedly.

"Yeah don't worry I'll have a hoodie there for you and a mask to wear in the video" I said happily

"Thank you Alan" James said with a genuine smile.

"No problem" I said with a smile. "ok you guys can get changed quickly if you like. My room is the first room on the left upstairs. Once you guys are all changed let's get on the road to the studio" I said as I opened the front door and made my way to my car.

Wooowwww guys it's been so long since I wrote😱😱 I'm so sorry but leading up to Christmas I had a lot of assignment Deadlines and also I got a Christmas Job so when I wasn't in college I was working but anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS❤️❤️ I love each and every one of my readers and I hope you guys have an amazing day and for any of my readers that don't celebrate Christmas I hope you guys have a great day too❤️

Anyway since I took so long with not uploading and since it's Christmas I'll have another chapter up for you guys in about 2/3 maybe 5 hours 😂😂😂😂😂 I'm not really good at remembering stuff so hopefully someone will remind me😂😂

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 😘 I love you guys❤️❤️

Shoutout-----> IAmNotWalker

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