
By emisonendgame19

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What would have happened if Ali had come home sooner? When Alison finally reveals to Emily that she is alive... More

You Have No Idea How Much I Missed You
What Are We?
Welcome Home
I Just Want To Be With You
Home Is Where The Heart Is
You're Stuck With Me
The Library- Take Two
The Kissing Rock
The First Time
A Noel Kahn Cabin Party
Thank God, I'm Yours
What Does This Mean for Us?
We're Actually Doing This
Five Years Later

Did You Miss Me?

332 4 1
By emisonendgame19

Alison had been pacing around CeCe's apartment for the past hour, in anticipation of being reunited with her best friends.  Would they accept her? She wouldn't blame them if they hated her for making them believe she was dead for the past two years.  More than anything, she wanted them to believe that she was not the same Ali that they remembered.  She knows that she was a terrible person to her friends, but she wanted them to know just how much she regretted it. She found herself glancing at the clock for the sixth time, it's still 7:52pm.  The girls should be here any minute, Emily should be here any minute.  Alison is nervous to see her friends again, but she is also nervous to convince them that what she feels for Emily is real.  Emily is the type of person who cares what her friends think, so what if they disapprove of her being with Ali?  Would Emily take back everything she said and leave?  After pacing around the living room to the point of wearing a path in the rug, she finally hears a knock at the door.

Emily's POV

This is it, we're going to finally be reunited with Ali. I haven't told the girls about what happened between Ali and I at the warehouse and I feel a little guilty about it. When Spencer asked what we talked about, I had to put my foot down and say that I wanted to keep that between us. I could tell that the girls were nervous, how could they not be?  For the past two years we believed our best friend to be dead.  As I pull the car up to CeCe's apartment, I feel like I need to say something to the girls, "Guys, please give Ali a chance to explain before you write her off.  She's been on her own for so long, she's probably just as scared as you are to see her again." Hanna gives me a look like she knows that something else is going on between me and Ali, she always has a way of knowing things.  She looks at me and says, "Em, we'll let her explain but is there something going on between the two of you?  I mean, you were in love with her, how are you feeling now?  Do you still having feelings for her?"  I knew I wouldn't be able to get anything past Hanna, but I can't seem to bring myself to tell her that of course I'm still in love with Ali and Ali is actually in love with me too.  I decide to work my way around the situation, "It's complicated Han. Let's just go inside, I'm sure she's waiting."  She looks at me with questioning eyes, which she has every right to, but she'll find out soon enough.  The four of us exit the car and make our way up the brownstone steps to CeCe's apartment. I take a deep breath, and knock.  I can't wait to see her.

Alison's POV

I hesitate for a moment and realize that my hand is shaking as I reach for the doorknob.  I take a deep breath and open the door.  I forgot how much I missed them while I was away.  They all look so different from the days when we were so carefree.  Spencer has ditched the field hockey skirts and preppy sweaters for a more political wardrobe.  She looks every bit the part of a future senator.  Aria no longer has a pink stripe in her hair, but her clothes are just as bright and funky as ever. Hanna has changed the most out of the three and I can't help but think that part of it is my fault.  She dresses a little bit like me, fitting the part of the "it" girl. She is no longer Hefty Hanna that I spent so much time teasing.  Finally, there's Emily...my sweet Emily. It's only been a week since I last saw her and I find myself staring at how beautiful she is.  She can dress in the most simplistic outfit and still turn heads. 

I find a smile spreading across my face as I step back and let the girls enter the apartment. We make our way into the living room and I can't help but feel the tension in the room. I try to lighten the mood and say "Did you miss me?"  Hanna is the first to rush towards me and hug me, then Spencer, then Aria, and finally, Emily.  I realize that I hold Emily a little longer than the rest, but I can't help it.  As we pull apart, my hand finds it's way to hers.  I turn to the girls, "I'm so glad  you decided to meet me. I missed you all so much."  Hanna's eyes linger on me and Emily, finding their way to our entangled fingers.  I almost forgot that we were holding hands.  I decide to be the first to sit, and let go of Emily's hand.  I immediately miss the contact of her skin on mine. I know that they are wondering why I asked them here and why I finally decided to come home. I need to tell them everything,  I just don't know how they'll react. I sit and silently fiddle with my hands but when I look up, I am met by the most beautiful pair of brown eyes that I have ever seen.  When you look into her eyes, you immediately want to be the person that she sees.  She always sees the best in you, you want to be worth the effort.  I find myself reaching for her hand and taking a deep breath.  Her eyes grow wide at the gesture, almost like she never thought I would actually show her affection in front of other people. But, she returns my smile as an encouragement and I start to speak, "I know you guys are wondering why I asked you here.  First off, I want to apologize for allowing you to believe that I was dead but I thought that it was the only way to keep you guys safe.  I know now, that I could not have been more wrong and I am sorry for everything A put you guys through.  Second, I am sorry for the way that I treated you guys in the past, I was a terrible person.  I was young and afraid to let my walls down.  You all have seen the type of family I grew up in, not exactly family of the year. But, that's not an excuse. I did things to each of you that I will never forgive myself for, but I want you to know that I am not that Ali anymore.  It took me leaving for me to finally realize who I am and the person that I want to be."  

I can feel the tears in my eyes as I stare at my four best friends.  The amount of regret that I feel for hurting them, will never subside but I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.  I feel Emily squeeze my hand lightly to catch my attention.  I turn my head to face her and my heart begins to pound; how does she have this affect on me? One look from Emily could calm even the toughest storm. "There was a reason that I was such a terrible person.  I always felt like there was something wrong with me, like I was never good enough.  I found myself gaining satisfaction from hurting others and feeling superior, but I never felt complete. The feeling of having something wrong, always stayed with me.  But, when I would have moments of clarity were when I found the person who made me question everything.  This person made me feel loved, beautiful, respected, and safe.  This person made that terrible feeling go away and made me want to be a better person.  You all know this person, because she's sitting next to me."  I look to Emily and she has tears streaming down her face.  I look back to my best friends and they all have their mouths hanging open.  Hanna is the first to speak, "I knew it! I knew something was going on, it's about time!"  I can't help but laugh and neither can the others.  I return my attention to Emily, "You made me want to be a better person, a person that deserves to be loved by you.  You made me want to come out of hiding, because you are my home.  When I told you how I felt about you last week, that was the first thing I've done right.  I know I have a lot of making up to do, but I hope you'll give me the chance to do that."  I wipe the tears from her eyes, and she smiles. That smile could light up the darkest room.  

Emily's POV

I wasn't sure how this meeting was going to go, but I wasn't expecting for Ali to express herself in such a genuine way.  I can't help but be proud of the person she is, the person I get to call mine.  As she wipes the tears from my eyes, I can't help but smile.  "Ali, I... I don't know what to say.  When you went missing, it destroyed me.  When I found out you were alive a week ago, I could feel my heart being put back together.  I've been in love with you since I can remember, I always knew the type of person you really were because you allowed yourself to let her show when it was just me and you.  When you finally told me how you felt, I was nervous that you would continue to only let me see that side of you.  You continue to surprise me."  I place my hands on her cheeks and look into her eyes and slowly lean forward, "I love you," and I close the gap by giving her a chaste kiss. It may have been brief but it was full of promise, the promise that I am going to love her with all that I have.

Hanna's POV

I always knew that there was something between Ali and Emily, I mean, look at them.  Ali always went out of her way to be nice to Emily while she treated the rest of us like dogs.  If Emily told her to do something, she did it.  Now we know why... Ali was in love with Emily from the very beginning.  Ali was so angry all the time because she was fighting her feelings for Emily, if she'd only let herself feel loved she would've saved us all a lot of therapy.  But, looking at them now staring into each other's eyes like two love struck idiots, I can't help but be happy for them.  Alison may have been the bitch queen bee back in the day, but not now.  Watching Emily kiss Alison and the way that she melts, you can tell that there's no going back.  THE Alison DiLaurentis finally learned to love.  "It's seriously about time you two got together, I mean, Em has been obsessed with you since day one." Emily laughs and shrugs her shoulders while holding Ali's hand.  "So, Ali, you're going to come home now right?  It doesn't look like you could stay away from Em if you tried."

Alison's POV

Oh Hanna... I can't help but admire her and her perfect comedic timing.  "Yes, Hanna, I'm going to come home.  I was actually going to ask if you guys would drive me down to the police station.  I'm done hiding..." I squeeze Em's hand and smile. I get to finally come home and be with the girl I love, I'm not going to let A or anyone else come between that ever again. "I thought by staying away I was keeping you guys safe, but I know now that, that wasn't the case.  I am so sorry for what A has put you guys through because of me.  I know now that it isn't something that I can handle on my own and that you guys shouldn't have to share that burden either.  Hopefully by finally telling the police, we can bring this bitch down."  

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