fall for you ll Nathan Sykes...

By kidbianca

2.6K 84 26

Jamie is a smart bright girl she does her best day in and day out but when 'it' comes in her life, everything... More

fall for you
chapter 2 'beautiful'
chapter 3 'unique'
chapter 4 'secrets'
chapter 5 'clueless'
chapter 6 'Everybody knows
chapter 7 'demons'
chapter 8 'DANGEROUS'
chapter 9 'danger'
chapter 10 love wolfs???
chapter 11 'weird'
chapter 12 'radioactive'
chapter 13 'insane'
chapter 14 ' flashbacks'
chapter15 'explanation'
chapter 16 ' new creation'
chapter 18 'your home'
chapter 19 'at sunset'
chapter 20 ' we need to go'
chapter 21 'this day wouldn't come'
chapter 22 'as long as were alright'
sneak peek
lame news

chapter 17 'safe'

50 3 0
By kidbianca

Jamie's p.o.v

its been weeks since the inccdent with ushio and nathan hasnt come for a vist since the attack and Ive been kind of lonely even though I have ushio as a half sister you can say. and yea also lately Ive been feeling kind of weird like sick  feeling. don't worry I'm not pregnant I've check like a billions if times. like I don't know who to explain it and its just weird like I feel like I'm need to throw up and then I try but I don't its just weird.

"Jamie!!!" "WHAT??" " did you eat already?" asked my mother. "um……… yea" I said hoping that she didn't know I was lying. " don't you dare lie to me young lady you know very well never do that to your mother." I laughed at her comment. " alright but I'm not hungry at all you know." I go in to my closet and search for my mini fridge. I move things and toss thing until I feel two arms around me. they spin me around and cover my mouth. "don't scream its just me" I was hoping it was Nathan but sadly it wasn't.  "what the fuck are you doing here ?" I asked him. " I came to tell you something, something that you will you never expected. " he said. " well then spit it out jay" I said while trying to find the blood bags. " don't trust your parents alright trust your self and your closets friends and us and the girls alright." he said " why cant I trust my own parents?" I was about to drink the blood when I blacked out.

jays p.o.v

I told Jamie that she couldn't trust her parents at all I knew what she was truly capable of and which it was pretty bad ass. but anyways that's not the point. once I told her that she asked me why and when I was about to tell her she passed out again. (not a surprise). I try to rush to her but when I went over there she disappeared into a cloud of darkness and this only meant one thing


5 minutes

later I tried to get the boys attention by sending them a message but something was blocking me from sending them to it , I just hoped that the boys will figure out that I'm missing.


the boys and I were going out to get a drink and I noticed that there were only the 4 of us counting myself " hey guys do you know where jay is?" I asked them. "nope sorry mate maybe he left already" said max. " I don't think so because he would have said yes before anyone else." I said. then they all started to think. then I got an Idea. " hey maybe we can send him a message. " they all nodded. Hey jay where are you were all worried sick about. He  usually said something about it but I got nothing. " I got nothing why don't you guys try." they all nodded their heads. "I got nothing" they all said except Nathan. " what's wrong mate?" I asked him because he looked like something bad was happening to jay. " theirs a block in the place he's in so maybe the people there don't want him to know where he is but I can probably can send him a message still." I swear that  Jaynathan is real sometimes. you could see that their was tension between everyone in the room why Nathan was sending a the message. " he said that he is in Jamie's house and he also said that we cant trust her parents because their not actually 'her parents' " once he said that Siva got a little stiff. " what's wrong mate it looks like something is troubling you " I said he sighed and it looked like he was about to tell us something big. " well the truth is mate is that Jamie is actually........"


nathan has been sending me non stop mesaages and let me tell you that it was getting on my nervous. once he stoped I strarted to look for jamie around the house so far no luck. I went down in to the basment and saw a cellar I opened it up and saw jamie of course in the basment. I moved towards her and noticed that she was still passed out I picked her up and ran out of the cellar. and teleported to the boys once I arrived all the boys looked shocked about something. " am I missing something?" I looled over to siva for an explanation because he was the only one who could move at this point. "hand me her " said siva as he came closer. "no first tell me whatsl happened." moving jamie around with me. "just give me her and then I will tell you" he said very claimed. " no tell me first then I'll give her to you!" I said while forgeting that jamie as in my arms I almosted droped her when "JUAT GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER BACK RIGHT NOW !" he screamed which was rare and when he said daughter I was even more shocked about that. I handed her to him. he kissd her forehead then walked away in another room. " well that beats me I don't think were going to the pub anymore. " said tom. they all walked away in different dicertions except for nathan. "you alright nathan?" he blinked and looked around. " did you know ?" " no I just found out" I said. " shes here if you want to go see her shes in a room with siva"I said as I pointed in the dicertion. then he walked off.

nathans p.o.v

once siva told us jamie was his daughter I just froze in shocked. and once I came up again jay was here and he said that jamie was here. so I walked into the room. I looked in the room and noticed that siva had placed jamie on hes bed and he sat their looking at her. " when were you goimg to tell us?" I asked him. " I honestly wasnt and never planed on telling you only herso she was aware that I'm her real dad."


hello their how are you peoples doing ? I know i havent been updateing this one because ive been very depressed and i dont feel like writeing but now i am so yesh !!! insperation has finally hit me!!! ♥✔♪★ anyways.

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so thats it bye fabulous peoples 

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