Crazy In Love | j.t. l.p

By jademymom

18.9K 723 200

Leigh-Anne has an anger problem, and Jade is full of surprises. More

The Proposal


1.6K 66 29
By jademymom

The sound of music awoke Leigh-Anne from her sleep. It took a moment before she realized it was Christmas music. Today was the first day of December, but she still thought it was too soon. Leigh-Anne turned around to see Jade sitting on her bed, humming along to the music.

"Good morning," Jade chirped when she noticed her roommate was awake. Just yesterday, Jade was very shy. But, now, she was babbling about how she colored a picture of a giraffe.

Leigh-Anne ignored Jade and walked into the bathroom. It was a small room, and the shower looked like it was made for a small child. Speaking of small child, Jade had gotten awfully quiet.

The first thing Leigh-Anne saw when she had finished showering and brushing her teeth was Jade. She sat in the corner of their room, crying. Her legs were pulled up to her chest, and Leigh-Anne wished now that Jade had worn some pants or shorts.

"Jade?" Leigh-Anne walked closer to the girl, stopping a few feet away from her. This girl was acting as if her dog had just died or something. "Are you okay?"

Jade just shook her head, looking everywhere but Leigh-Anne. Wiping her tears sway, she tried to stop crying. She cried harder, because she was embarrassed.

"Well," Leigh-Anne began to get impatiant. "Tell me what is wrong with you, right now." She didn't mean for her voice to get so loud, but Jade was being annoying.

Jade's eyes widened, and she nodded her head frantically. She pushed her hair out of her face before she started talking once more.

"Well," Jade began. "Maggie just told me you didn't like me. That's why you ignored me when I was speaking."

Leigh-Anne hadn't heard anyone come into their room while she was in the bathroon. She assumed it happened when she was in the shower. Still, she would have heard the door open or voices talking.

"I like you, Jade," Leigh-Anne smiled, so the girl would believe her. "It's just, I'm not a morning person. It's nothing against you."

This is the first time Leigh-Anne had been so nice to a person. She assumed it was because she was kind of living with Jade now, so they should get along. It still made no sense to her, but she decided to just go with it.

After this, Jade simply got up and walked back to her bed. She picked up a hairbrush and brushed her hair. The girl was truly odd, and Leigh-Anne could only shake her head.

"Knock knock," a voice said, and the door opened. A woman, who was dressed like a nurse, came into the room with sheets in her hands. She placed fresh sheets on both the girls beds. "Jadey," the nurse noticed the girl who's cheeks were pink.

When Jade didn't answer the nurse, Leigh-Anne spoke up. "She's kind of upset. Maggie, or whatever her name is, came in while I was in the shower, I guess, and said some mean things to her."

The nurse forces a smile at Leigh-Anne and knelt down to Jade. She whispered something in Jade's ear that Leigh-Anne wished she could hear.

"I'm Stella," the nurse said once she was done talking to Jade. The woman had dark hair, and she looked to be in her thirtys. Her eyes were blue and bright, and her lips had red lipstick on them. "I will be your main nurse."

"Leigh-Anne," the girl watched Jade. She couldn't care less about this nurse who had her hand on Jade's shoulder. Jade interested Leigh-Anne. "Do we get food or something?"

Jade looked up at the two older girls talking and jumped up. "I'm sorry, Leigh-Anne," she slipped on some shoes that were at the end of the bed. "It's breakfast time."

Before Leigh-Anne could say anything, Jade had her hand held and rushed out of the room. They soon stopped outside of what looked like a lunchroom. The walls and floors were white, and there were rows of tables. For the amount of people in the room, it wasn't that loud.

"Is this where we eat?" Leigh-Anne asked, looking to Jade. The two girls walked over to the line and each grabbed a tray. They both received an apple, bacon, eggs, and milk.

Jade looked around, deciding to sit alone at an empty table. Leigh-Anne sat beside her, wondering why she didn't sit with others but decided against questioning it. They sat in silence, and Leigh-Anne was close to done with her food when she noticed Jade just sitting and staring at her own food.

"Jade," Leigh-Anne said, getting Jade's attention. "Are you not going to eat?"

"Oh," Jade looked at her food before picking up her carton of milk. "I just need help opening in," the girls cheeks were pink as if she were embarassed.

Leigh-Anne laughed at the girl, taking her milk from her. She couldn't deny it, Jade was really cute. Not only did she have a cute personality, but she had a cute face.

"Thanks," Jade said once Leigh-Anne had opened her milk. She turned back to her food and began to eat. Leigh-Anne didn't know why Jade needed her milk open to eat, but she went along with it.

The two girls got along well during breakfast. And maybe there were a few flirty comments somewhere in the coversation, but it was all innocent. If anyone who didn't know the two were to see them right now, they wouldn't think they were in a hospital because of their mental state. No, they would think they were two innocent school girls who had crushes on each other.

Once they were done with breakfast, they went back into their room. During the breakfast, they told stories about themselves, and they continued once they were in their room. It was mainly Leigh-Anne who told stories though.

"I got suspended for three days," Leigh-Anne laughed along with Jade as Leigh-Anne told the story of how she pulled a crazy prank on her teacher when she was still in school.

"You're so mean," Jade laughed, pulling the blanket that the two girls were under closer to her. They decided on laying on Jade's bed since it had softer blankets.

"You're so cute," Leigh-Anne was confused as soon as the words came out. She wasn't sure why she said what she did, but there was no way to take it back now.

Jade's cheeks were almost as pink as the flowers on her bed. "Thanks," she mumbled, pulling at a string on the blanket. "You're cute too."

The two were good for each other. Leigh-Anne hadn't felt angry at all that day. Jade hasn't heard from Maggie, and things were doing okay. She felt really happy.

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