Confilcting Pasts of Krinx

By BlarrDeHarr

9.9K 259 137

Many people wanted me to write this story, so here it is! Hopefully this is enough to satisfy people, this is... More

A Point In Madness
Deadly Thoughts
Steam Group
Such Horrible Things
Singing...... Vlog?
Feelings Part One
Feelings Part Two
Otaku Ranks
We Are One
Ch. 1 - 10 *Code At The End*

Safe, Hopefully

711 19 12
By BlarrDeHarr


I got here in time... I saved her! I saved this poor girl...

A bang sounded in my ears. Pain exploded in my arm.

My phone, I need my phone!

You lost your phone? How convenient, the cops won't find you...

I froze, not even my pain could move me.

Your back? I'm not even Mad!

Oh, my poor poor girl... Everyone has a Mad!Side, whether or not they chose to show it, is a different question... Do you remember the day it burned?

Images ravaged my mind, breaking through barriers that I hadn't gone near in years. Faces, names, phone numbers, fire. It all went through my mind, I couldn't get it out, I couldn't save it, I tried, I tried so hard to save them. I was blamed. Why was I blamed? I am always blamed. On the run, always running. New name, new life. Pieces repaired, I'm no longer broken. Move from Europe to America, new accent, new hair color. Years, always so long. Months, days, always so short.

My name is Kristen, and I am a wanted criminal for killing my family, then burning down the entire town.

But now, with my new life, My name is Krism, and I am a youtubers friend, the youtuber MangaMinx. My life is better than it has ever been, thanks to her. I could never-

Never what? Hurt her? Leave her to hurt herself?

But, everything is different now, I can't do anything to help her, she is in a different continent...

Look down.

I look down.

That's Minx.

I stare at the girl, she seemed so peaceful, so beautiful. Her dark brown hair framed her face, while her purple bangs highlighted the top of her face, everything about her was just so beautiful.

Okay Romeo, time to save her?

I felt the pain in my arm once again explode through all of my senses.

Also, you should get that looked at...

~~~~Time Skip (Three Hours)~~~~

Time: 8:30pm

“Is your arm feeling better?” Taz asked me over Skype.

“Yeah, it still hurts though, and right now I have a new roommate!” I exclaim.

“Oh really? What's his or her name?” Taz asks me.

“I don't really know, they were going to kill themselves, then I kind of jumped in front of them, luckily hitting their arm, then getting shot in my own... They were knocked out about three hours ago, I dragged them to my house, bandaged their head, then went to the doctor...” I described looking over into my room.

“That sounds dangerous! What were you thinking Krism?!” I saw her move.

“Keep it down, but not really, I had to save her from herself, there was no time to think!” I said before starting to get up. “Give me a minute I need to go get the ice pack, be right back!” I say as I walk into the kitchen and over to the freezer, I grab the ice pack, set it on my arm, and sit back down at my desk. “I'm back!” I say into the mic. I look back at my room and see her sitting up, her eyes wandering the place until they met mine, I quickly look away, not wanting her to see my red eye.

“Okay, I thought that you went back to the girl. Do you have a crush?” Taz asked kind of loudly.

“No, I don't...”

“Yes you do!”

“Taz, keep it down!”

“Is she awake?” Taz asked, tuning into the situation that I am in.

“Yeah, I got to get off of Skype, I'll call you later...” I say as I sign off. I look at over at her as she walks up to me.

“Hi, my name is Michelle, yours?” Shit, she knows my real name, oh well. She asks me, looking at my left eye. I turn away.

“My name is Kristen, nice to meet you...” I say, hiding my eye from her view. I've always been made fun of because my eyes are different colors, some call me a freak, others think I'm cool, yet others still call me a demon...

“Why are you hiding your face from me?” I see that she surprised herself in her tone of voice. “I mean, why are you looking away....” I turn towards her, removing my hair from in front of my eye.

“My eye is red due to a family gene, let me fully introduce myself, hi my name is Kristen, the girl with one red eye, or Krism. I know we have met before, Minx.” As I say my name, Minx's eyes widen, suddenly realizing who I was.

“Krism? That's really you?” She says, wonder in her voice.

“Yeah, it tis I, Sugerbum!” I say my name, starting to laugh, soon accompanied by Minx's laughter. I mummer to myself, “You are a lot cuter then what I thought...” Minx blushed a deep scarlet.

“Really?” She asks me, It was my turn to blush.

“Y-yeah.... I really do think so..” I say, stuttering.

“I'm glad somebody thinks that...” She says looking down, her eyes distant. “Nobody really cares about me...”

“What are you talking about? More than 100,000 people care!” I yell at her, suddenly outraged at her. “Somebody right in front of you cares!” I yell at her, suddenly she whimpers and hangs her head. “Woah, you okay?” I see that she is holding her wrist, and her wrist was, Red? No, it was bleeding! “Let me handle this...” I say as I run to the bathroom cabinet, grabbing several band-aids.

Everything is alright now that I have met Minx...

For Now...


Okay, Sorry for the late update, I have just been on a huge writer's block lately...

So, hopefully I can update tomorrow also... Fingers crossed!

~See you around!



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