McHanzo - This Is Our Love St...

By TheOnlyAngelGirl

17.3K 338 130

This my first fanfiction with McHanzo... I hope you like it... WARNING: Mature content...Read on your own res... More

Part 1 - That day we meet...
Part 3 - Embarrassed...
Part 4 - A bad habit...
Part 5 - In the morning...
Part 6 - The first date in Hanamura...
Part 7 - Mother?
Part 8 - In Hanzo's room...
Part 9 - An unpleasant meeting...
Part 10 - The punishment...
Part 11 - Happy birthday Jesse...
Part 12 - The secret wedding...
Part 13 - Was it just..?
Part 14 - Too much whiskey...
Part 15 - Breakfast...

Part 2 - Shimada Manor...

1.6K 25 18
By TheOnlyAngelGirl

Hanzo POV

When my father introduces us to his friend's family, I couldn't believe that his son wanted to say hello that he falls right in front of me. I couldn't do anything but stared at him. His sister said something in Spanish to him, Jesse get up and ''I'm fine'' he answered.

''Jesse?'' I said.
''Yeah?'' He answered.
''Your bleeding.''
''Your nose, it's bleeding.''

He took his hand to his nose ''Oh'' he said and wipe off the blood in his shirt. It was gross. Jesse didn't seem to care too much about it.
''Jesse, no lo limpies en tu camisa.'' (Jesse, don't wipe it off in your shirt.) His mother said. ''Yeah, yeah mom.''

We went to the cars where we drove to the Shimada Manor. On our way to the manor, Jesse suddenly starts asking me a lot of questions, some of them were just too stupid.

''What yer shoe size?'' Jesse asked,
''I don't know. They are made for me.''
''Why?'' he looked at me.
''Automail legs.''
''Oh, sorry about that.''
''Don't be. I was born without legs so it doesn't hurt.''

When we back to our home, Genji run into the house with Sombra at his heels. It seems like they were having lots of fun.
''Hanzo? Would ya mind show me around and to my room?'' Jesse asked.
''I don't mind Jesse.''

Jesse POV

While Hanzo shows me around the house, it was hard for me to take my eyes off him.

''Tall me Jesse, why is your last name different from the others?'' I looked at him.
''You said that your name was Jesse McCree, but your mom and sister's last name is Reyes. Why is that?''

''Well, Sombra and I, we don't have the same mom. I have my mom last name and Sombra has Maria's last name. My dad's choice.''
''I see. Are your parents divorced too?'' He looked away.

''No, she passed away long before Sombra was born.''
''I shouldn't have asked.'' I could see that he was sorry on my behalf.
''Don't sweat it Darlin'. I didn't get to know her, just her name.''

''What was her name? If I may ask.''
''Elvira McCree.''

We stop in front of a door, ''This is your room for the time your here.'' We open the door to the room. I looked around in the room it's was big, a lot bigger than my own room. ''I had never imagined it was this big, it has its own bathroom,'' I said with my mouth open like an idiot. Hanzo was standing and just laugh at me. ''It's not that big,'' he said. ''Genji's room is a lot bigger than this,'' we laugh.

Hanzo has a strange humor and I kinda like it. ''There will be dinner soon, you can change clothes if you want to,'' he said ''I can wait for you outside.'' ''Sure.'' Hanzo went outside my room. I kinda want to get out off my sweatshirt and joggers for some time now, well it is comfortable, but I look stupid. I knew my hat and spurs was home because dad told me that, it didn't belong here.

I put my bag on the bed and starts looking for a pair of nice jeans and a nice shirt. I took the shirt on with my denim jeans, boots, and the belt that uncle Reyes got me for my birthday. I was about to walk out to Hanzo when I remembered that my red bandana, phone, and the camera still was in my backpack.

I walk over to get my phone so I could take some pictures with it. The camera on the phone wasn't that bad, but normally I would just take the camera when I'm going somewhere. In the middle of my thoughts, I heard a small knock on the door. ''Jesse? Are you coming?'' Hanzo asked outside the door, ''I'll be right there.'' I walked over to the door without taking my phone with me, I didn't care about it right now. My mind was only on Hanzo.

When I come out of my room, Hanzo took a quick glance at me ''You look good.'' Hanzo said. ''Well, thank ya kindly,'' I said and starts walking to the dining room with Hanzo by my side.

I looked at him ''What is it?''
''When is your birthday?''
''Next week, why?''
''Well than you're 6 months younger end me,'' he said while thinking.

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