Hamilton x Reader Back to the...

By Amberiso

611K 20.8K 48.4K

When Y/N suddenly lands in the 1770s, after being pulled into the ocean, she meets Hercules. He and his frien... More

Before you read this
-Chapter 0: Set up-
-Chapter 1: Help-
-Chapter 2: Shot-
-Chapter 3: Nervous-
-Chapter 4: That morning-
-Chapter 5: Heed not the rabble-
-Chapter 6: Heading out-
-Chapter 7: Whoops-
-Chapter 8: Welcome-
-Chapter 9: What?-
-Chapter 10: The mail woman-
-Chapter 11: Replacement-
-Chapter 12: Britain-
-Chapter 13: the servant-
-Chapter 14: I see...-
-Chapter 15: Shhht...-
-Chapter 16: Ahahaha...no-
-Chapter 17: Walking in to...-
-Chapter 18: Not with you-
-Chapter 19: The winter's ball-
-Chapter 20: AH HAHAHAHA...No.-
-Chapter 21: Pray amen-
-Chapter 23: "I'm fine-."-
-Chapter 24: "-No you're not."-
-Chapter 25: Move. On.-
-Chapter 26: Okay then-
-Chapter 27: I admit-
-Chapter 28: You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up!-
-Chapter 29: Quality (Y/N's P.O.V)-
-Chapter 30: Quality (Alexander's P.O.V)-
-Chapter 31: it ends, now.-
-Chapter 32: Last unspoken words-
-Chapter 33: We're both crying, but you don't know that-
-Chapter 34: Witchery -
-Chapter 35: Well hello-
-Chapter 36: Was it a date?-
-Chapter 37: A mont-whatnow?-
-Chapter 38: I don't like him-
-Chapter 39: Valentine (Part 1)-
-Chapter 40: Valentine (Part 2)-
-Chapter 41: Non-stop-
-Chapter 42: "Work." "Break."
-Chapter 43: Hold up...We're in the past?-
-Chapter 44: Rumors-
You choose.
-Chapter 45: Only us-
50K special writing tips!
-Chapter 46: Back to the future-
-Chapter 47: And all that jazz-
-Chapter 48: There comes the bride! And-Oh no...OH NO!-
Your Books
-Chapter 49: I do-
-Chapter 50: The diversion-
-Chapter 51: about rings and shots-
-Chapter 52: Go, go, go-
-Chapter 53: When things finally go your way-
-Chapter 54: Denied-
What I do with my last days
-Chapter 55: Torture (Part 1)-
-Chapter 56: La la la la love-
-Chapter 57: Home, bitter home-
-Chapter 58: Help me from myself-
-Chapter 59: Ready as I'll ever be-
-Chapter 60: Never gonna be president now-
-Chapter 61: Dear Mary-
New club!
Birthday post
-Chapter 62: Final (Part 1)-
-Chapter 63: Final (Part 2)-
Q & A announcement
New book
What happened to Yafa?
Guess what? SEQUEL!!
!!!Read if you liked the book!!!
AU book of this book is out!
Visual Novel News

-Chapter 22: Wrath-

8.8K 334 411
By Amberiso

Y/N's P.O.V

"Stupid Hamilton." I mumbled as I grabbed my bow and arrow and shot an arrow aiming to the head of the practice dummy I made to exercise my skills on. But missed. I gritted my teeth. "Stupid f*cking blue b*tch." I said and shot another arrow and missed yet again. "Stupid light b*tch who zapped me here." I grumbled as I shot another arrow, still missing the god damn head.

Me angry about Alexander finding someone he wants to marry in a few weeks? Nah.


I grabbed my gun and shot the mother f*cking dummy aiming for the head but missing until all the bullets were gone. 

"Wow, that's some temper." I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Hercules with folded arms leaning against a tree. "Why are you so mad?" He asked as I kept quiet. "Is it about Hamilton marrying Elizabeth Schuyler in a week?" He asked as I groaned. "No. And I alreadu told you, Lafayette and John that I'm so happy for him and his who-Almost wife." I said as Hercules looked at me unconvinced.

"You look like you need some help with that gun shooting." He said as I looked at my gun and sighed. "...Yes, yes I do." I admitted as he smiled. "Why are you practicing anyway? Aren't you staying in the mail business?" He asked. "I know, but I kind of like the idea of helping the army when I can. So I asked Washington if I could be on stand by and he accepted." I explained him as he nodded. 

"Okay, so stand in a shooting position." He asked me as I turned around and put my arm in front of me with the not so loaded gun. "I see the problem." He said as I turned my head to me. "Hold the gun somewhat higher, you always have to aim higher than you want. The bullet will go down eventually if it needs to travel a long distance. Like, this." He said and tilted my arm up a bit. "Just like that. Now load the gun and try again." He suggested as I loaded the gun with the bullets and gunpowder I had on me. I stood in the position he advised me to stand in and shot. The bullet shot right through the head.

"See." He told me as I smiled at what I had done. "Than you Herc." I said with a smile. He scratched the back of his neck. "Its nothing really." He told me. As he was I felt eyes gaze on us. It gave me an...Unsettling feeling.  "Let's go back to the camp, I feel a bit...More open." I said as he nodded.

As we were about to leave I took the gun out and shot right in a bush. A male grunt could be heard along with someone falling down on the muddy grass. I ran to the bush I shot in and looked in. It was a red coat.

"Hercules, help me get him to Washington!" I yelled as Hercules rushed to me. I slung the arm of the injured red coat over my shoulder as did Hercules. "Get o-off me r-rebels." He grunted as I ignored every piece of sh*t this man threw at us, until we reached the tent of Washington. 

I didn't even bother to announce that we arrived. We just walked in. "Y/N how many times do I have to say that you can't just enter a tent like that-." Washington groaned as he wrote some things down and then looked up to then see the man. Me and Hercules sat him down on the only other chair in tent.

"What is the meaning of this? Why is he shot? Why is he here?" Washington attacked me with all these questions. "He was hiding in the bushes, I shot him, and lastly, I HAVE NO IDEA!" I yelled and answered all the questions. 

"What were you doing in the bushes?" Washington asked looking at the man. "I-I'll never tell y-you." He answered. "Okay, between the two of us. You'll either tell me and I'll send you a nurse, or I'll leave you here alone with the two of them-" Washington tried to reason with the man. "Never." He told him. "Okay, I warned you. Y/N, Hercules. Don't kill him." Washington said and left the tent.

"Good cop, bad cop?" Hercules asked as I nodded. "Who's the good one?" I asked as he thought for a second. "You, I'll talk to him first okay?" He asked as I nodded. He turned to the man and looked him straight in the eyes. "Okay Henry-" "My name's not Henry." The man interrupted. "NOW LISTEN HERE YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" I yelled as I grabbed his collar.

"Y/N...Isn't that a little bit too-"


"Y/N, I think that's enough-"

"You got that Britney Shakira Beyoncé?" I asked with a killer's grin while nodding my head. He nodded as I let go off his collar making him fall back on his chair. "Now do your business Herc." I smiled as Hercules looked at me with wide eyes. "...What? He was asking for it." I said as Hercules coughed and told me to exit the tent and wait outside because I was 'scaring' the man.

So after awhile Hercules came out and told me the basic things.

"So Henry's real name is Johnson Willerman. He was assigned to spy on the camp but...Failed as you could see...He's a private soldier and he has agreed to stay in the prison as far away from you as possible." Hercules laughed as I chuckled along. 

"I already called in a nurse, they're on their way." I told Hercules. And as if on cue some nurses came and got in the tent to get Johnson. He was silent. Nice. I just broke a Brit because I was angry with Alexander-Wait what?


Anyhow, we retreated back to the tent. But we heard a yell:


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