Living With The Originals

Dark-Violet द्वारा

758K 12.6K 5.2K

Sequel to Living With Damon and Stefan. Marni's back, and ready to kick butt! After discovering that she's re... अधिक

You Want The Sammich? No.
Why You No Like My Pick Up Lines?
The Bro-Code
The Salt In Your Eye Is Beautiful
Hello Mr Pumpkin Goat
Sir Geraldalot, The Carrot.
The Glass Sparkle Named Windex
The Dinosaur That Leaped Into The Shoe
Bow Ties Are Cool.
The World's Ending? Fantastic.
Microwave All Of The Kittens!
Oh My God Stefan, You Can't Just Ask Someone Why They're Purple.
Oh, I Didn't Tell You? I Know What Colour Underwear You're Wearing.
Hey, Assbutt!
Four For You Glenn Cocoa
The End.

Oh Hey, Is That A Cloud?

52.1K 835 450
Dark-Violet द्वारा

"Sire bond?" Damon questioned as I told him about hybrids.

"Yep," I replied as I applied mascara, leaning in close to my mirror. A week had passed since Klaus' hybrids had come into town, and I still wasn't fond of them. They were irritating. "That's what Tyler said anyway. They feel loyal to Klaus because he freed them from their curse or whatever."

"I thought being sired was really rare," Damon frowned.

I glanced at him through the mirror. He was dressed in his usual dark attire, complete with his leather jacket. He was studying the back of a book that I'd left ont top of my chest of drawers.

"Apparently not with hybrids," I shrugged, returning my focus to my eyes. Last time I'd lost concentration whilst putting mascara on, I'd almost stabbed my eye out. "It's weird. It's like they feel compelled to do whatever Klaus tells them. Well, that's how Tyler put it. I wonder why they call it siring..."

"Well, sire basically means being one's 'creator'," Damon explained. "Guess they couldn't think of anything better."

"Who are 'they' anyway?" I asked. "Did a group of people band together and were all like, 'Okay, so here's the deal. We're going to be the ones that name everything, and we shall be called, they. Oh, and who wants coffee? Unfortunately, we've ran out of the things we now call donuts. And yes Jerry, one day someone will invent ice cream.'"

"You do know that whoever 'they' are, probably exsisted when donuts weren't invented, right?" Damon asked with a smirk.

"Maybe they had a time machine," I defended.

Damon looked at me doubtfully and I sighed in defeat.

"These hybrids are becoming a nuisance," Damon commented. "And with them all more than willing to do Klaus' every order, I'm not too keen to have them around."

"Klaus won't do anything," I replied. "I've asked him to tell them to stay out of our way."

"And you're going to take his word for it?"

"Yes. I trust him."

"Why? Was it not just last year that he tried to kill you?" Damon asked.

"Things are different now," I replied. "You know Klaus values family more than anything. And I am family. He even called me his little sister the other day."

"How cute," Damon said sarcastically. "Klaus has a soft side. I don't know if you'd noticed, but he doesn't particularly like me. Who's to say he won't order one of his hybrids to kill me?"

"He won't," I answered. "Klaus knows you're important to me. And he knows I have the power to kill him, if I had to. He wouldn't risk it. And besides, that would probably make me snap and I'd turn evil. That is what you're all afraid of after all."

"Hmm... I think it's kind of hot," Damon smirked. "The thought of you taking over the world."

"Until I kill you," I muttered. "Someone how I don't think it'll be hot then."

"Are you sure you'd be able to?" Damon asked. "You do love me after all. I know how hard it can be to kill someone you love. Well, in my case loved, but the point remains. I mean, I failed in killing Katherine."

"Well, make me snap and we'll find out," I stated with a humorless smile. "I like to believe that I wouldn't, but if what my mother says is true, I'll have no emotion left. Therefore, I'd probably kill you without a seconds thought."

"What makes you think you can kill me?" Damon asked with a playful smile.

"Hmm... let's see," I smirked.

Without warning, I blurred forwards, lunging towards Damon. I thrust my hand out, but he grabbed it, spinning me around until he had my hand pinned to my chest with his, my back pressed against his torso.

"Not as easy as you thought," he murmured in my ear.

"You underestimate me," I smirked.

I gripped one of his hands and pulled, flipping him over my shoulder and slamming him on the ground. I grabbed my hairbrush off the dresser and straddled Damon, holding the hairbrush above his heart.

"Ha," I grinned smugly. "I win."

"Ah, Marni," Damon smiled. "You forget the most important rule when taking on an enemy."

"Oh? And what's that?" I asked.

I was suddenly flipped over and pinned to the ground. Damon smirked.

"Never let your guard down."

"I'm not taking on an enemy though," I stated. "So it doesn't count."

"Oh it always counts."

I was about to argue, but I was cut off by Damon's kiss. All competetiveness washed away and all I could think of was his lips against mine.

"Mmm... I'm going to be late," I murmured after a moment.

"Who cares?"

I was about to answer, but a voice interrupted me.

"Marni! Hurry up!"

"Mia does," I stated flatly.

"She is such a buzz kill," Damon muttered.

"Am not!"

"Ugh, can't she go live with Klaus or something?"

I laughed at Damon's annoyance. He was on his feet in the blink of an eye and he held his hand out to me. I took it and I was hauled up.

"Well, considering Klaus and I don't exactly get along..."

I turned to see Mia leaning against the doorway.

"I thought you two were besties," Damon frowned.

"Nope, that's Marni," Mia corrected. "Klaus and I don't see eye to eye. Well, that and I threatened to kill him."

"That was an entertaining conversation," I nodded.

"Aren't you related though?" Damon asked.

"No. Just because I used to be part of Marni, doesn't make me her. I'm my own person, I just happen to look like Marni. In Klaus' eyes, I'm like you. Someone else he doesn't like. So I think I'll stay here."

"Well at least we won't have to worry about you joining him in his mission to make our lives hell," Damon smirked.

"Am I the only one around here that likes Klaus?" I asked.

"Yes," Stefan answered, appearing beside Mia.

"Ah... Well," I murmured, walking over to my bed and grabbing my bag.

"What are we going to do about him, anyway?" Stefan asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"We can't just let him and his hybrids do what they please," Damon stated. "Something needs to be done."

"We need to get rid of his hybrids," Stefan declared.

"Well feel free to go ahead and kill Elena," Mia said sarcastically.

Stefan shrugged.

"Oh, right, crazy Stefan," Damon muttered.

"I vote we just kill Klaus," Mia stated nonchalently.

"If only it were that easy," Damon sighed.

I turned and looked at them all.

"You do realise I'm right here, don't you?" I asked.

"You've got to admit, he's not exactly making our lives easy," Damon pointed out.

"When have our lives ever been easy?" I asked.

"We've already had this discussion before," Stefan sighed boredly. "We can't kill Klaus, because A, we have no way of killing him, and B, Rebekah. I don't know about any of you, but to me she doesn't seem like the type to just sit back and watch."

"Well, I for one don't like these hybrids. They're killing recklessly, and eventually it'll all fall back on us," Damon predicted.

"Then we get rid of them," Mia suggested.

"I'm sure Klaus would love that." Damon rolled his eyes.

"Well, I don't really care what Klaus thinks," Stefan announced.

"That's great, but unless you want to be killed, I suggest you don't piss off Klaus," I said.

"Fine," Stefan agreed reluctantly.

"Well, we're going to be late for school," Mia declared. "I'm driving."

"No you're not, I am," I argued.

"Actually, I am," Stefan announced with a smirk.

I raised my eyebrows. "You're coming?"

"I figure it's time to catch up," he shrugged. "I bet Elena missed me."

"This shall be interesting," Mia grinned.

"I still find it amazing how you've managed to avoid her all of this time," I said. "Do you know how many times she's come here this week?"

"It's annoying," Damon muttered. He looked at Stefan. "Oh, and try not to kill anyone today."


Heads turned as Stefan and I walked up through the hallway together. Mia had gone off to meet Emma somewhere, and I began to suspect that they were planning on painting my room pink. In Mystic Falls, all anyone did was gossip with each other. I heard whispers, curious about why Stefan had disappeared suddenly and why he was back.

"Now you know how it feels," I murmured to him. "When I came back some people even thought I left because I was pregnant. Though, I don't think that rumor would work for you. Hmm... Let's just say you were out of town visiting family friends."

"Sounds good," Stefan agreed. "Except we don't have any family friends."

"Lexi counts, doesn't she?" I asked.

"I suppose."

"Uh oh, Doppleganger at two o'clock," I muttered.

"Marni, she's in the direction of twelve o'clock," Stefan corrected me.

"Same thing," I said with an eye roll. "The clock could be facing a different way."

"But straight ahead is always twelve."

"Well today it's two," I snapped. "Can I help if I want to be different?"

Elena's eyes widened when she saw us, surprise filling her expression.

"Stefan," Elena breathed when we reached her.

"Hello Elena," Stefan greeted pleasantly.

"I- I heard you were back," she stammered. "But I haven't seen you."

"Yeah, about that..." Stefan sighed. "I was avoiding you."

I face-palmed myself. Wow. Ripper Stefan had horrible social skills. As it turned out, face-palming yourself actually hurts.

"Why?" Elena asked.

"Well, I'd like to say that I needed time before I faced you, because I can't live with all of the terror I've put people through lately... Actually, no. That's what you would like me to say. To tell you the truth, I didn't really want to see you. Because I know that all you'd say to me would be 'Don't worry Stefan, I believe you still have humanity and blah, blah, blah.' And I really don't have any humanity left, so I figure, why put up with having to listen to you?"

Elena seemed some what taken aback, but she regained control of her emotions.

"I know you're just saying that because you don't want to care," Elena said defiantly. "Because our love doesn't just go away. Something like that just doesn't go away."

"Wow, this is a really interesting locker," I murmured, staring at the locker next to me.

"Sorry to disappoint you Elena, but it does," Stefan smirked. "Thanks to Klaus, I've turned my emotions off, so I don't feel anything. And that includes you."

"Oh, hey, is that the time already?" I muttered. "I need to go."

I snuck away and headed down the hallway.

I felt horrible for Elena. I couldn't imagine how heart-broken she was, but Stefan was right. He'd shut his emotions off. Elena was stubborn though, as were all of the Gilbert's, and I knew she wasn't going to give up on him. And as much as I admire that, I couldn't help but feel it was pointless.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise until it was too late that there was someone in front of me.


I knocked into the person and fell back. I'd begun to suspect that this was becoming a habbit.

A hand shot out and caught me, pulling me back up. I looked up to see Jeremy grinning at me.

"Still falling over, eh?"

"Shut up. I can't help that you appear out of the middle of no where and make me run into you," I scolded.

"I've been standing here for five minutes," Jeremy pointed out.


"Maybe if you had've watched where you were going, you wouldn't have ran into me," Jeremy concluded.

"Well, maybe if your arm hair wasn't so sparkly, I wouldn't have run into you," I argued defiantly.

Jeremy frowned. "My arm hair isn't sparkly."

"That's what they told me. Don't listen to them Jeremy, they lie!" I cried.

"What was in your food this morning?" he questioned suspiciously.

"I drank coffee."

"Ah. That why crazy Marni's coming out."

"Please," Mia snorted, joining us. "You should've seen her last night. She tried convincing Damon and I to play hide and seek in the woods."

"What's so bad about that?" Jeremy asked.

"It was a full moon last night. And I don't know if you'd realised, but werewolves aren't exactly the nicest people," Mia clarified.

"Hey!" Emma complained, appearing beside me. "We happen to be lovely people!"

"Not when you're all furry," Mia argued.

"Come on, I didn't even eat anyone last night!"

"Because you were locked up."

"Well, I thought hide and seek was a great idea," I commented.

"You also said that throwing socks at random people was a great idea," Jeremy pointed out.

"Wow, she actually did that?" Emma asked.

"Several times," Jeremy said flatly.

"It was fun," I smiled, reminiscing.

"So I see Stefan's back," Jeremy commented, looking behind me.

"Yes, and before you go all protective brother on him, I should warn you that Stefan isn't exactly... civilised right now," I frowned.

"What she's trying to say, is if you threaten Stefan, he'll eat you," Mia summarised.

"Pretty much," I nodded.

Jeremy sighed.

It was at that moment that the bell rang.


That night I was lounging in an arm chair in the living room, reading the new Mortal Instruments book. I still firmly believed that Alex Pettyfer was the perfect choice for Jace, but no. The world hates us all.

Damon was out bonding with Alaric or something, and Mia was at the Grill, socialising with people. She'd invited me, but this was my anti-social day, where I liked to ignore people. I have a lot of those days.

"I'm going out," Stefan announced, walking into the room. "I need a drink. Wanna come?"

"I'd love to, but I don't feel like talking to people," I replied, not looking up.

"Ah, it's your anti-social day," Stefan guessed.

"Presisely. Oh, and could you do me a huge favor and pick up some cookies and cream ice cream? Someone ate it all."


"Thanks. Have fun."

Stefan nodded and left, leaving me by myself in the huge house. I smiled happily. Peace and quiet at last.

I was halfway through the book when my stomach growled.

"Hush," I told it. It growled again. "Oh fine."

I put the book down and got up, walking out into the hallway. After a moment I slowed a little.

"You know, it would be great once in a while if someone bothered to knock," I sighed, feeling a presence behind me.

I reacted in the blink of an eye, spinning and snapping my palm out. A man with brown hair shot back, smacking into the staircase. I took a split second to observe the man. He was no one I knew, and judging by the way he was hissing at me, I was assuming he was a vampire.

He was up in an instant, rushing at me. He got me by the shoulders and threw me into the wall. I somersaulted backwards and came up on my feet, my stance alert. I lashed out and sent a good  punch to his face. His head snapped to the side and I hit him again, before flicking my leg up and clipping his chin with my foot. He tumbled backwards into the living room and I ran forwards, leaping up and grabbing the top of the door frame. I swung forwards and kicked him in the chest, sending him crashing into the coffee table.

He rolled and came to a stop, before appearing suddenly infront of me. His hand shot out and he struck me across the face. A sharp stinging sensation filled my cheek. He hit me again, this time with more force. I toppled backwards, tripping over the steps leading up the bookcase. I landed hard and I hissed in pain.

I jumped up and lept at him, but he dodged and grabbed my arms from behind. He forced me forwards into the wall,  but I kicked up off the wall and back flipped over him. I landed in a crouch and swung my leg around, tripping him. Before he had a chance to recover, I grabbed both sides of his head and twisted, snapping his neck.

I knew it wouldn't kill him, but it would keep him out long enough for me to do what I had to.

"Damn vampires," I muttered.


At first, I'd considered killing the vampire, but I was curious as to why he attacked me. It couldn't have been random, because he'd taken the time to break into the house. Granted, he probably walked in the front door, because no one ever bothers too lock it.

So I took a page from Damon's book. I chained him to a chair.

He was still unconcious, so I took the time to examine myself in the mirror. I had a nasty gash across my cheek, but appart from that and a few bruises, I was fine. But I was still hungry, so I made myself a sammich.

I walked back into the living room to find the vampire struggling against the chains.

"Hi there," I greeted, taking a seat on on the edge of the amrchair I'd previously been sitting in.

"Let me go!"

"Aw, why? I'd thought we'd get to know each other."

"What do you want?" he hissed.

"Oh no, I'm the one that gets to ask the questions, considering I'm not the one tied to the chair," I smiled. "So let's start with the obvious. What do you like better, potatoes, or pineapples?"

The man seemed confused.

"I- What?"

"I'll take that as potato. That's a shame. I thought we could be friends," I sighed. I took a bite of my sammich.

The man continued to struggle against the chains.

"That's pointless you know," I told him. "The only way you'll get out of those binds, is if I untie you. But go ahead. Your facial expressions are funny."

"What do you want?" he repeated angrily.

"No, the question is, what do you want?" I asked, standing up.

"I want you to let me go."

"Well, obviously, but you misunderstood my question," I informed him with an eyeroll. "What I meant was, why did you break into my house and attack me?"

As I expected, the vampire didn't reply. He just looked away.

"Ah. So this is how it's going to be." I walked over to a small table and picked up a little knife used to open letters. I didn't know why we had it, because we all usually ripped out letters open like normal people, but as of now, it would have a purpose. "Well, random guy who's ass I just kicked, we're going to play a little game. It's called, answer the questions, or I'll stab you."

I walked back over to where he was tied to the chair and leaned down so we were at eye level.

"So, let's try this again," I smiled, twirling the knife around in my fingers. "Who are you?"

"My name's Chris," he answered bitterly.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He set his jaw and didn't reply.

I sighed. "Your decision Chris."

He stayed quiet.

"Oh well." I held the knife up and ran in down the length of his jaw. He hissed in pain, blood trickling down his face.

"Why are you here?" I repeated.

"I was sent here."

"By who?"

"I can't say."

I rolled my eyes. Typical vampires.

"You're a vampire, yes?" I asked. He nodded. "Good, so this won't kill you."

I shot my hand forwards and shoved the knife into where his heart should be. He cried out and struggled against the chains again.

"Who sent you?" I asked, ripping the knife out. Blood soaked his dark blue shirt.

"Mikael," he bit out. "Mikael sent me."

"Who's Mikael?" I asked.

"He's dangerous, you don't want to mess with him."

"That's great, but I also happen to be dangerous, and you really don't want to mess with me. So, unless you like having a knife slicing open your face, I suggest you give me details."

"He's an Original," Chris told me.

"An Original?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Yes, they're the first ever vampires to-"

"I know what Originals are," I snapped.

I started pacing back and forth, thoughts racing around in my mind. This Mikael couldn't be an Original. Klaus had all of his siblings, excluding Rebekah, locked up in coffins. I knew that for a fact. The Original Witch, aka Grandma, bore seven, make that eight, children. Two before they came over to America, one of which she had out of wedlock, and another that died of the plague. Then there was Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn and Claudia, but Claudia was dead.

Then a thought struck me, Unless... Unless Mikael wasn't one of Klaus' siblings, and it was his father. No... It couldn't be... But it could. Klaus had never mentioned anything about his father before. Well, technically it wouldn't be his father, considering Klaus' father was a werewolf. In fact, the only thing I'd heard about his 'father' was what Elijah had told me. And that wasn't much to go by.

I snapped my head to Chris.

"How do you know he's an Original?" I asked feircely.

"I've seen him compel other vampires," Chris answered.

It must be their father then.

"Why did he send you here?" I asked.

"He's looking for Klaus."

"Then why are you here?" I asked, gesturning around the room.

"I over heard you talking about Klaus yesterday at the Mystic Grill," he replied.

"Oh. Now everything makes complete sense," I laughed. "Because when you over hear someone talking about the person you're looking for, it automatically makes it okay to break into the person's house and attack them."

Chris didn't respond.

"What is it with you vampires?" I asked. "Has the thought ever crossed your mind that you could've just asked? But no. It'd be a lot easier to try and kill them first."

"To be fair, you hit me first," Chris pointed out.

"Well duh! You came into my house, uninvited, and snuck up behind me. And you clearly had the intention of attacking me, because you were trying to be silent. You obviously weren't anticipating that I have vampire senses, or that I'm a witch. You just figured I was another helpless human, there for the pickings," I ranted. "Well you know what? I am sick of always being the one targetted! Whenever someone's trying to get to someone else, they use me. Why can't they just go after the person they want? God I hate people!"

I sat back down on the arm of the chair in an angry manner.


I looked at Chris, and was about to say something, but my phone started ringing. I sighed and answered.

"Hey Damon."

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I glanced over at Chris. "Not much."

"Come to the Grill. Ric and I are placing bets on who's better at darts."

"It's clearly me!" I heard Ric call in the background.

"Sorry, no can do," I replied. "I'm a little... tied up."

"Tied up with what?"

"Ah you know, the usual. I got a new book, and I want to finish it," I answered. "It's very interesting, and I'm keen to find out the answers to the questions I have."

"You're such a buzz kill."

"You love me. Anyway, gotta go. See you later."

"If you change your mind, you know where to find me."

I hung up and turned back to Chris.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, where were we?" I frowned. "Ah yes, you were looking for Klaus. Why?"

"Because Mikael told me to," Chris replied.

"Well, yeah, obviously. But why does Mikael want to find Klaus?" I asked.

"I don't know."

I stood up and walked over to him.

"Really? That's too bad," I smiled. I ran the knife across his cheek. He growled.

I heard foot steps and I turned to see Mia walk in. She paused when she saw me, raising an eyebrow.

"I see you're having fun," she commented.


"Well, I just came to grab my phone. I left it somewhere... Ah. There it is." She picked up the phone off the small table next to the doorway. "Carry on."

She nodded and left again.

"You'll have to forgive my sister. She isn't one for sympathy, so if you had any hope of her rescuing you, you're foolish," I stated. "As I was saying, why is Mikael looking for Klaus?"

"I told you! I don't know!"

"I'm sure you don't. But I know for a fact that you know something. Even if it's just one tiny little detail."

Chris sighed. "All I know, is that Mikael has been hunting Klaus for centuries, and he wants him dead."

I frowned. "Dead? Why would he want him dead?"

"You tell me. You're the one close to Klaus and all."

"Well, I am his little sister."

Chris' eyebrows shot up.

"You're an Original?" he asked.

"Well, no, but I'm descended from the Original Witch. It's a long story, but we figured that the term 'little sister' was a lot easier than calling me his 'great, great, great, great, great, something or rather whatever I am'."

"So you know where Klaus is?" Chris asked.

I eyed him for a moment, quickly contemplating my answer.

"As it happens, I do," I answered.


"Chicago," I lied. "You know how he is, hating small towns and all. Actually, you wouldn't know, because you don't know him, but you get the idea. Unfortunately for you, Klaus left here about a month ago. Your too late."


"Don't look so down about it. If Klaus had've known you were looking for him, he probably would've killed you. I, however, am much nicer than him," I smiled. I reached forwards and gripped the chains, snapping them easily.

Chris looked at me warily.

"You're letting me go?"

"Yep." I stood back. "Tell Mikael that Klaus isn't here and that he's in Chicago. But by the time you tell him, Klaus will be long gone."

Chris nodded.

"Well, go on. I have things to do," I urged, gesturing to the door.

"You're not going to kill me?"

"God, you vampires are so untrusting. No, I'm not going to kill you, but if you don't leave my house within five seconds, I might," I threatened. "Five, four, three-"

He disappeared with a whoosh.

I sat down in the arm chair and frowned. I spent the next half an hour thinking about tonight's events. So Mikael, who was an Orginal vampire, also Rebekah and Elijah's father, wanted to kill Klaus. But why? Maybe he was angry that Klaus wasn't his son. No, that wasn't Klaus' fault. That was the mother's fault. A million possible reasons ran through my mind, but I couldn't be certain of any.

I decided not to tell anyone about what I'd discovered. If Damon or Stefan were to find out, they would jump at the chance to kill Klaus, assuming Mikael knew how to. I would put off telling Klaus or Rebekah until I knew the details. And if things went my way, hopefully Mikael will believe that Klaus is in Chicago.

But things rarely went my way.


The next day, which happened to be a Saturday, was sunny. As if my day weren't bad enough. I slipped my sunglasses off as I walked up the familiar steps to Alaric's loft. I knocked on the door and waited, coffee and donuts in hand.

The door opened, revealing a messy haired Alaric with dark circles under his eyes. He was clearly hungover, no thanks to Damon.

"I brought coffee," I greeted cheerfully.

"Oh thank God," he muttered, opening the door wider.

I slipped inside and put the coffee and donuts on the coffee table.

"What time is it?" Alaric groaned.

"Around nine," I answered. It was very unusual for me to be awake.

"Wonderful." He picked up his styrofoam cup of coffee and sat down across from me. "So Marni, what brings you here on a Saturday?"

"I need your help," I announced.

"Sure, what with?"

"How much do you know about the Original family?" I asked.

Alaric frowned. "Not much, just the basics. Why?"

"I need to find out what happened to make their father hate Klaus so much," I told him.

"Shouldn't you be asking Klaus about this?" Alaric questioned.

"I have to figure out what's going on first."

"Marni, what's going on?"

I sighed. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to breathe a word to anyone. Not even Damon."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Last night, a vampire showed up. I, reacting as one would if a vampire randomly popped up, tied him to a chair and tortured answers out of him."

"I see..." Alaric frowned. "What does this have to do with Klaus?"

"This guy was looking for Klaus. He told me Mikael sent him, and that Mikael had been hunting Klaus for centuries, and that he wanted to kill him."

"Marni, I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that want to kill Klaus," Alaric pointed out.

"Apparently, this Mikael guy, is an Original," I stated flatly.

Alaric rose his eyebrows. "An Original?"

"Yep. At first I thought he was lying, because I know for a fact that Klaus doesn't have any siblings called Mikael. But then I started thinking. Klaus has never mentioned his father. All I know is that he turned his children into vampires. And I'm assuming he became one as well."

"So what your saying, is that Klaus' father, who is also an Original, has been after Klaus for centuries?"


"Did you tell the vampire where Klaus was?"

"No, I told him he was in Chicago," I replied. "But this is all just a theory, so I don't want to say anything."

"So why exactly did you come to me?" Alaric asked.

"Because of Isobel."

"Isobel?" he questioned. "You mean my dead vampire wife that you, Damon and Stefan killed?"

"Uh... Yeah... Guess I never really apologised about that..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Don't worry about it. She was a bitch anyway," Ric shrugged. "After all, she did let me believe that she was dead, and didn't bother to contact me, or let me know she had a daughter, who happens to be Elena, and how could I forget. She almost killed you."

"Yeah... She really was a bitch," I nodded. "But anyway. From what I knew about her, Isobel was obsessed with the paranormal when she was human. She did have all of that stuff on Dopplegangers and what not. I was hoping that she'd have some info on the Originals, about why Mikael wants to kill Klaus."

"Well, Klaus is a dick," Ric said.

"Yeah, but surely he's got to have a better reason than that."

Alaric sighed. "I suppose you're right. I guess we could always go and check out Isobel's research. It should be in her office at Duke University."

"Sounds great," I grinned.

"Just so you know, this could be a complete waste of a Saturday," Ric warned.

"I got nothing better to do," I shrugged.

"Good, let's go."


"Ugh," I groaned as Alaric told me his favorite decade was the 50's. "Come on! The 20's were so much better!"

We were halfway there, and I was sitting with my legs crossed. Music played in the background, something by Foster The People, I think.

"Can't say I agree," he replied.

"Well, I for one lived through both of those decades, and the 20's ruled," I stated. "'Nuff said."

Alaric laughed. "I suppose you would know."

My phone started ringing, and I answered it.

"Good morning," I greeted Damon.

"Morning. Where are you?"

"Road tripping with Alaric," I replied, putting the phone on loud speaker. "We're having immense fun."

"Road tripping with Alaric? Why?"

"Because Alaric and I are awesome," I answered.

"Yes we are," Alaric agreed.

"And what exactly is the purpose of this road trip?"

I glanced at Alaric before answering.

"We're going to look through some of Isobel's research."

"Isobel? As in Alaric's dead vampire wife, Isobel?"



"I want to see if she has anything on the Original family. I'm curious about what happened when they first turned into vampires," I replied. At least this way I wasn't lying. I was just simply not telling the whole truth.

"Why not just ask them? You are related to them after all."

"Well Damon, unlike you, I tend not to pry into someone's personal life. It's rude," I stated.

"She has a point," Alaric added.

"I don't pry. I just like to know things."

"Uh huh."

"So why wasn't I invited on this road trip?" Damon asked.

"Because no one likes you," Alaric answered.

Go Alaric!

I grinned and we high-fived.

"And here I thought we were all friends."

"You thought wrong," I laughed. "Since it turns out Elijah is related to me, and it's illiegal to marry him, Alaric and I have decided to go to Vegas and get married."

Alaric laughed.

"I'm sure Jenna would love that."

"You jelly, Damon?" I smirked.

"Not at all. Oh, is that Andy I hear knocking on the door?"

"Uh oh," Alaric muttered.

"Sorry Damon, I have to go. I've got another call coming through. Oh, what's that? It's Shadow. I wonder what he's doing later tonight..."

I heard Damon scoff on the other end of the phone.

"Please. If he went anywhere near you, I'd rip his head off."

"Have fun with Andy, Damon," I smirked before hanging up. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. "You'd think he'd know by now that bringing up Andy isn't a way to get on my good side."

"I'm sure he feels the same about Shadow," Alaric commented.

"He started it!" I claimed childishly.

He laughed at me.

"You two are so alike."

"Please. I am so much cooler than Damon," I defended.

"Well, that I have to agree on."

I grinned.


When we got to Isobel's office, a woman greeted us, coming out of a room with a book in her hand.

"Back so soon?" she asked Alaric.

"Hi Vanessa," Alaric smiled. Vanessa's eyes flickered to me, and something flashed in them, but it was gone before I could see what it was. Alaric noticed her gaze. "This is Marni, my... uh," he looked at me. "What excatly are we?"

"We're bro's," I answered.

"She's my friend," Alaric clarified, turning back to Vanessa.

"Pleasure to meet you," I smiled, holding my hand out to her. She returned the smile and shook my hand. When her skin touched mine, I recognised a familiar feeling. I tilted my head to the side. "You're worried. Why?"

Vanessa's eyes widened slightly. "Oh uh... It's just, last time Alaric was here, something bad was happening. I just wonder what could be happening this time."

"Vanessa knows all about vampires and such," Alaric told me.

"Ah, yes. Vampires. Cocky little bastards," I muttered, thinking of Chris.

"Hey! We're not that bad."

Both Vanessa and Alaric jumped at Damon's sudden appearance, but I remained unaffected.

"Yes you are," I argued. "What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you meant to be with Andy?"

Damon snorted. "You know I wasn't being serious. And I was bored."

"More like you were stalking me to make sure I wasn't actually talking to Shadow," I scoffed.

"I was not," Damon defended. "I just don't find talking to Stefan fun."

"Sure, sure. I think Damon's a little jealous," I sung.

"I don't get jealous," he glared.

"Yes you do."

"Are they-" Vanessa began.

"Together?" Alaric guessed. "Yep."


"I do not," Damon argued.

"Do to! Remember when I was in the hospital and Jeremy showed up? You almost killed him."

"I was defending you!" he claimed. "He almost killed you."

"Even so, there have been countless times where I've been talking to Shadow and you've given him that look that says 'Even think about her and I'll rip your splien out.'" I turned to Alaric. "You've seen it, right?"

"Several times," Alaric answered.

"Ha! I'm right, you're wrong," I said smugly, looking at Damon.

"Believe what you want," Damon shrugged. "But even if I did get jealous, it's nothing compared to the jealously you felt about Andy. Didn't you slap her at one point?"

"Are they always like this?" Vanessa murmured to Alaric.

"Yep. This isn't even the worst of it. You should see them when they're arguing over who can play Xbox better."

"Which is me, by the way," I added.

"In your dreams," Damon smirked.

"Guys, we came here for a reason, remember?" Alaric reminded us.

"Oh. Right..."

"By the way, this is Damon," Alaric introduced. "Damon, this is Vanessa."

They both nodded to each other.

"You're Stefan's brother," Vanessa commented.

Damon gave her a suspicious look.

"Forgive me," she laughed. "Isobel was obsessed with vampires. She kept tabs on a lot of things, including what happened in 1864 with Katherine Pierce."

I laughed, thinking of how Damon and Katherine got along now.

"Shut up," Damon muttered, nudging my shoulder.

"Anyway, as to why we're here," I started, looking at Vanessa. "We were wondering if Isobel knew anything about the Original vampires."

"Original vampires... Hmm... I do believe she kept something about them," Vanessa murmured. "Come with me, I'll take you to her research."

Alaric followed first, Damon and I behind him. I slowed a little until I was walking beside Damon.

"Something's up with her," I murmured to him, nodding to Vanessa. "She's nervous about something."

"I know, I can hear her heart," he replied. "Keep on guard."

I nodded.

We emerged into a smaller room, bookcases covering the wallks, and a desk in the middle, covered in papers and books.

"It smells funny," I commented, wrinkling my nose.

Damon raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged.

Vanessa walked over to the book case behind the desk and scanned the spines of the books.

"There isn't much on the Originals," Vanessa started. "But there are a few books that mention them." She looked at us. "I'll be right back, I think I have some notes on them."

She smiled and left the room.

"Hey Ric, does Jenna own a flame thrower?" I asked, examining some of the books. I ran my finger along the back of them, leaving a line where the dust came off.

"Uh, not that I'm aware of," Alaric answered. "Why?"

"Because Vanessa's making eyes at you," I smirked. "And some how I don't think Jenna would like that."

"Jenna with a flame thrower..." he mused. "Now that is a scary thought."

I heard movement behind me and I turned just in time to see Vanessa standing at the door. With a cross-bow. Aimed straight at me.

She pulled the trigger and an arrow shot at me. I brought my hand up and hissed in pain as the arrow went through. Damon reacted in an instant, appearing across the other side of the room, tossing the cross-bow on the ground and pinning Vanessa to the wall.

"Ow!" I scowled, looking at the arrow sticking through my hand. I look at Vanessa. "Really? I've known you five minutes and you shoot me. What did I ever do to you?"

Damon looked back at me. "You alright?"

"Fine. I just don't like having things stabbed through my hand," I sighed.

To be honest, I was about two seconds away from screaming. My hand hurt like hell, but I kept myself contained. I couldn't afford to look week in front of Alaric. I had to show him how manly I was.

"Can I kill her?" Damon asked.

"No," Alaric answered.

"Fine then, you deal with her," Damon said. Alaric grabbed Vanessa and spun her around, pinning her arms behind her back. He pushed her down into a chair and picked up the cross-bow, aiming it at her so she didn't try and run.

As Alaric started to interigate her, Damon vamp sped to me. He grabbed my hand gently and held it up to examine the wound.

"It went straight through," he murmured.

"Uh huh," I muttered, wincing in pain. I grabbed the tip of the arrow. "This is going to hurt like a bitch."

I pulled, ripping the arrow out of my hand.

"Mother of God!" I exclaimed. "OW! Oh, holy crap that hurt! Someone please, kill me now!"

I noticed Alaric looking over at me and I regained my emotions.

"Oh, uh- I mean... Pfft, that? Didn't feel a thing," I laughed unconvincingly. Alaric looked back at Vanessa and I grabbed my hand, screaming silently.

"Don't be such a baby," Damon smirked.

"You try being manly when you have an arrow sticking out of your hand," I glared.

There was a small bathroom off to the side and I walked into it, Damon following.

Blood was dripping from my hand onto the floor, and I pulled my sleeve up, trying not to get blood on my jacket. Damon laughed under his breath before biting his wrist and holding it out for me.

"Nup!" I said stubbornly, turning my head away from him. "I'm going to be a man and sit through the pain."

Damon rolled his eyes before spinning me around and putting his wrist to my mouth. I glared at him while I reluctantly swallowed a mouthful of his blood. It tasted sweet and salty. He removed his wrist and my hand began to heal. I watched as the flesh laced back together until it was completely healed. I rinsed my hand, washing away the blood.

"What, no thank you?" Damon asked.

"No. I don't like you."

"Is this because I brought up Andy?"


"I think it is."

"You're wrong."

"I'm right."



"Stubborness will get you no where, Damon," I commented.

"Oh, so I'm the stubborn one?" he smirked.

"Uh huh."

He sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up Andy. You're just so cute when you're jealous."

"I'm a lot of things, but cute isn't one of them."

"Yes you are," he smirked.

"I'm really not. Have you seen me wake up in the morning? I look like a llama vomited on a pile of crap."

"To answer your question, yes, I have seen you in the morning. I saw you this morning, and the morning before that, and the morning before that. You're perfect," he mumured, wrapping his arms around me.

"Hmm... you sure about that?"

"Yes," he replied, giving me a quick kiss. "Now let's go find out why you were almost killed before."

I followed him back out to the room, tuning into Alaric and Vanessa's conversation.

"I panicked!" she insisted. "It can't be possible!"

"You already know vampires exsist," Alaric frowned.

"Not vampires," she shook her head. She looked at me. "Her."

"Who, me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What about her?" Damon asked warily.

"You're supposed to be dead," Vanessa stated. "You died in Mystic Falls."

"Yeah, you see. I don't exactly tend to stay dead," I commented. "Why are you so freaked about that anyway?"

"It's not that," she said. "You're her. The one who kills all of the vampires."

"Hey, hey," I defended. "I've killed some vampires in my time, but I'm not that bad."

"That's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?" Damon asked. "And don't miss any details."

"Some prophecies talk of a girl. A witch that doesn't age," she began.

"That's cool, we already know that," I said boredly. "Get to the good stuff."

"You're the key," Vanessa announced.

"The key to what?" Damon asked.

"To killing all vampires."

Everyone went quiet. The key to killing all vampires? What was this chick on?

"Uh... Come again?" I asked.

"You will be the one who triggers the event that will kill the entire vampire race."

All of us stared at her.

"So... what you're trying to say, is that I'm going to turn evil and kill... Vampires?" I asked after a moments silence.


"Now that's one I haven't heard before..." I frowned. "Turning evil, yes, but not killing vampires..." I looked up at her. "Saying that this is true, which I'm fairly sure it's not, why would you be worried? You're not a vampire."

"No, but death and destruction will follow in your path, meaning we could all be at risk," she replied.

"Oh... I see," I nodded. "I'm sorry, but this all sounds like a load of crap. First of all, why the hell would I help kill all of the vampires? I happen to be very good friends with a lot of them, not to mention I'm dating one, and second of all, what prophecy?"

She went to get up, but Alaric stopped her, gripping the cross-bow tighter.

"May I?" she asked. His eyes flickered to me and I nodded. She got up and walked over to a book case, pulling out a very old book. She must have had the page marked, because she flipped it open and walked over to me. She pointed to a small passage, written in an unfamiliar language. Alaric and Damon joined us, peering over our shoulders.

"Is that Latin?" Alaric asked.

"Not quite," Vanessa murmured. "I translated it into English." She handed me a peice of paper that had been resting in the crease on the page. "Go ahead, see for yourself."

I took the paper and began reading out loud.

"'The girl shall know power like no other. She will not age, only grow stronger over time, unleashing dark power, thus becoming the key to destroying the vampire kind, death and destruction following in her path.'"

I stared at the paper, not knowing what to think. This was just great. Not only am I going to turn evil, I now have prophecies about me, saying that I'm going to kill all of the vampires.

"This is just wonderful," I muttered, setting the paper down and stalking to the window, staring out of it. I turned to the others. "Excuse me for a moment while I contemplate whether or not I should kill myself."

I walked out the door, going out the way I came. A fresh breeze whipped my hair around and I stopped walking when I reached a huge Oak tree. I leant against the trunk and sighed, closing my eyes. Having the possibilty that I could turn evil was something I could deal with. Knowing that I might be responsible for the death of all vampires, not so much. It had to be serious, why else would some mystical voodoo people make prophecies about it?

I scowled. Why couldn't I just be a normal person, that wasn't endangering an entire species?

"You shouldn't worry about it."

I opened my eyes to find Damon standing infront of me.

"How can I not?"

"Simple. Ignore it."

"It's not that easy."

"Sure it is," he shrugged.

"Damon, I just found out I might be the one that wipes out the entire race," I stated.

"Just because some mumbo jumbo voodoo prophecy crap says so, doesn't make it true," he insisted.

"How do you know?" I asked. "I could be a danger to everyone. Including you. How am I supposed to live with myself if I'm the reason you die?"

"Hey," he said, grabbing my arms and pulling me close to him. "That won't happen. I won't let it. You're not going to turn evil. If there's anything I've learned over this past century and a half, it's that we make our own decisions. And you are one extremely stubborn person. And unless you want to kill the vampires, which I'm hoping you don't, it won't happen."

I sighed and leaned against him. He wrapped his arms around me and I instantly felt comforted.

"Prophecies are a bunch of crap anyway," Damon added. "No one can predict what will happen. It depends on what decision someone makes. Everything changes."

"I hope you're right."

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right."

I laughed at him, looking up. He gave a half smile and captured my lips with his. I savoured the moment before we headed back inside.

"Okay," I announced. "So, yes there's a chance I might kill everyone, but hey, we've been through worse. And technically, I'm the key to this, not the one planning. So all we need to do is find the person planning this and kick the crap out of them. Anyhoo, enough about me causing the apocolyps, I came here for a reason." I turned to Vanessa. "So, about those books on the Originals?"

She eyed me warily.

"Oh relax." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not evil yet."

"Well, as long as you don't kill me," she muttered.

"Before you mentioned something about my death," I frowned. "Why did that matter?"

"Because if you died, it meant you weren't a threat anymore," she explained.


She pulled a few books out and handed to me.

"These are all Isobel's got on the Originals," she stated. "Feel free to look in any of the other books."

"Thanks," I nodded.

"Oh, and uh, sorry about almost killing you," she murmured.

"Ah, think nothing of it," I shrugged. "I'm used to it."

She smiled before leaving the room.


We spent the next few hours browsing through the books, finding nothing interesting. All it explained was how the Originals were created and what their abilities were. I already knew these things.

I was standing by the window, flipping through the pages of the book I was holding, looking for something interesting. I felt arms wrap around me from behind and Damon rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Anything?" he asked.

"Nope," I sighed.

"I still say you ask them," he said.

"Klaus isn't one to open up about his past," I murmured. "And I assume Rebekah is the same. The only way I found out anything, was from Elijah, who's temporarily dead, so I can't exactly ask him. I need to find out what happened between Klaus and his father."

"His father, why?" Damon asked.

Good one Marni. Well done. We were trying to keep that a secret.

"Elijah mentioned something about Klaus and their father hating eachother. I want to know why," I replied.


Damon's phone started ringing and he pulled it out of his pocket.

"Ugh, it's Stefan," he scowled. "I'll be right back."

I continued to read through the book, boredly. Alaric was in Vanessa's office, talking about something, Isobel I think.

And that's when I found it. I actually found it. There was a small paragraph, written by hand. The first thing that stood out was the name Mikael. I started reading eagerly.

The wine they drank was laced with blood, and Mikael took their life away with his sword, turning them into monsters. They became relentless killers, though they had weaknesses. They could not go in sunlight. The flowers at the base of the tree that brought them eternal life burned them. They could not enter one's home without an invitation. And the tree that which gave them life, could also take it away. One of the son's, Niklaus, was a creature more terrifying than the rest. Half werewolf, half vampire. Fearful of what he would do, the Original Witch put a curse on him, binding his werewolf side. The Hybrid was outraged, and in a rage of fury, he killed her.

I froze.

Klaus killed the Original Witch? I frowned. No, that wasn't right. Rebekah told me their father had, because he found out Klaus wasn't his son. But Rebekah had said that Klaus found her body... Which meant Rebekah didn't know the real story. None of them did, except Klaus and Mikael.

And that was why Mikael hated Klaus.

"Holy crap," I muttered.

That must be the reason why the Original Witch tried to screw up Klaus' plan for making more hybrids. She wants revenge. I snapped the book shut and put it back on Isobel's desk.

"Did you find anything?" Damon asked.

"Nope," I lied. I wasn't going to tell anyone. It wasn't my place, but I was going to have a little chat to Klaus when I got home. "There's nothing. Let's go."

"What's the rush?" Damon asked, an eyebrow raised.

"No rush, I'm just bored. And Caroline texted me before, she wants to go shopping," I shrugged. It wasn't a complete lie. Caroline had texted me a few days ago asking me to go shopping, and I was getting bored.

"Okay then."

We said our goodbyes to Vanessa, and walked outside. I walked to the passenger side of Alaric's car, but Damon stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked.

"Um... getting in the car?"

"You're coming back with me."

"Uh, no, I'm going back with Alaric," I corrected. "It's mine and Alaric's road trip. You just happened to show up."

"I think she likes me better than you," Alaric laughed.

"Come on, my car is so much better than Ric's."

"Yeah, but Ric's cooler than you," I stated. "So I'm going with Ric." I got in the car. "See you at home."


As I suspected, Klaus was at the mansion he was getting his hybrids to renovate.

I let myself in, walking into the huge room. I was met by a hybrid, who moved forwards to stop me.

"Hey, I thought we already had this talk. Klaus' little sister, remember?"

Recognition flashed in his eyes and he nodded.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Upstairs," the hybrid replied before walking away.

"Well that's helpful," I muttered, walking up the giant set of stairs that spiralled slightly.

As it turned out, the upstairs was as big as the downstairs, and there were about a million rooms. I walked down a hallway and rounded a corner. Klaus and some other random emerged from a room, talking about something unimportant.

"Ah, Marni," Klaus smiled. "Lovely to see you."

"Yeah, I need to talk to you," I said.

"Sure, what about?"

I looked at the hyrbrid, then back to Klaus.

"Preferably alone," I added.

"Of course." He turned to the hybrid. "You can leave."

The hybrid nodded and went back the way I came.

"What is it?" Klaus asked.

"Does Rebekah know you killed the Original Witch?" I asked.

Klaus' smile dropped and he pulled me into a room, closing the door, obviously not wanting anyone else to hear us. He sighed and was quiest for a moment, before looking up at me.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"I did some research. Your reaction must mean it's true."

"How long have you known?"

"I found out today."

"I see..."

"Why haven't you told Rebekah?" I asked.

"Because she would never forgive me. Our mother's death is the one thing that truely upset her."

"Then why did you do it?"

"I acted on impulse. I was angry at my mother, and you know how bad my temper is," he smirked.

"And that makes it okay?"

"Marni, I've had over a thousand years to get over the fact that I killed my own mother. Do I regret it? Yes. But there's no point dwelling on it," he stated. "Besides, she's had her fair share of making my life  hell over the years."

"Rebekah deserves to know," I insisted.

"I'd rather you didn't tell her."

"I'm not going to. But you should," I urged. "It's your decision though."

"I'm sure that'd be a great conversation starter," he said sarcastically. "'Hi Rebekah, did I mention I killed our mother?'"

"Is that why Mikael hates you?" I asked.

Klaus froze.

"How do you know about Mikael?" he asked seriously.

"Last night, some vampire attacked me at home. I got the upper hand and tied him to a chair. Pretty much, he came here looking for you, because Mikael sent him. He came after me because he heard me talking about you."

"Mikael's here?" Klaus asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I told the vampire that you were in Chicago, and that by the time he told Mikael, you'd be gone. I don't know if he'll believe it, but I figured it was best not to tell him you were here. I was curious about why Mikael wanted to kill you, so I did some research, and here we are."

"This is bad," Klaus muttered.

"Why? What's so scary about this Mikael guy?" I asked.

"For over a thousand years he has hunted Rebekah and I," Klaus began. "He's wanted to kill me ever since we turned into vampires."

"What about Rebekah?"

"I'm not sure that he will kill Rebekah," Klaus stated. "But she has stuck by me for all this time."

"Again, not seeing how this guy's scary."

"Mikael's very... strong. He doesn't feed off humans."

"Then what does he feed off?" I asked.


I frowned. "Ew, canniblistic much?"

Klaus walked over to the large window in the room, deep in thought.

"Does this mean you're leaving?" I asked.

He glanced at me and raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, I assume you would, considering you have almost your entire life," I shrugged.

"Normally I would," Klaus murmured. "But not this time. Let him come. I'm sure my hybrids will take care of him."

"Are you sure you want to take that risk?" I asked with concern.

"Careful Marni," Klaus smirked. "I might start to think you care about me."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Klaus, I care about you. We are family, remember big brother?"

He grinned. "It's great to have that reassurance. Now that we're doing this brother-sister bonding, I'm not quite sure I'm all that fond of you and Damon being together. Maybe I should say something to him."

I glared at him. "Not happening Klaus."

He laughed.

"Don't tease, Nik," Rebekah smirked, walking into the room.

"Rebekah," Klaus smiled. "I was just telling Marni about Mikael."

"Oh?" Rebekah raised her eyebrows. "That's a name I haven't heard in a while."

"He sent someone to look for me last night," Klaus informed her casually.

Rebekah's eyes widened. "Mikael's here?"

Klaus explained what had happened.

"Mikael's not a fool," Rebekah stated. "He's going to figure out sooner or later that we're here. We should leave before it's too late."

"We're not running this time, Rebekah," Klaus declared. "It's time to stand up to Mikael."

"He'll kill us," Rebekah insisted.

"Not if we kill him first," Klaus replied. "And we can't just leave Marni, can we?"

"She can come with us!"

"Relax, Bekah. I'm a hybrid now. Mikael won't be expecting that. We have the upper hand, not to mention all of the hybrids downstairs who are willing to do anything I say," he smirked.

"Yes," Rebekah muttered bitterly. "You and your hybrids."

"We'll be fine," Klaus reassured her.

"If we die, I'll never forgive you," she glared.

I felt guilty for not telling her what really happened to her mother, but it wasn't my decision to make. I just hoped Klaus made the right decision when it came to it.

Rebekah turned to me. "Damon told me you might be here. We need to go shopping."

"We do?" I asked.

"For the Homecoming Dance this Friday?"

"Oh, right, I completely forgot about that," I sighed.

"Come on, we need to get dresses before all of the good ones are gone."


"So who are you bringing to the dance?"  Caroline asked me as we decorated the random hippie van that sat at the side of the gym.

Then the thought struck me. Why the hell did the school have a random hippie van? God this town was weird.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "I can't exactly take Damon, because everyone thinks he's my brother and all..."

"Go with Klaus," she suggested.

I laughed. "He actually is my brother. In some sense anyway. I was thinking I could go with Matthew. Seeing how neither of us have friends."

She nodded. "That would work."

"That's not awkward or anything, is it?" I asked.

"No! Not at all! You're just going as friends anyway," she laughed.

"Who are you going with?" I asked, painting the word homecoming in bright red.

"Tyler," she replied.

"Of course," I smirked. "So are you two officially dating yet?"

"I don't think so," she frowned. "I'm not sure actually."

"You're not sure?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, he hasn't said anything," she shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Typical Tyler."

As if on cue, I spotted the man himself walking across the front of the school.

"Hey Tyler!" I yelled. He turned and looked at me. "Be a man!"

"I am a man!" he shouted back.

"No you're not!"

I turned back to Caroline.

"He's not," I whispered.

Caroline laughed at me.


It was that Thursday night that I found myself walking down the stairs. I was headed to the Grill, to meet up with Jeremy.  I hummed softly to myself as I entered the living room.

I looked up and came to a halt. Some random guy was standing next to the couch.

"Who are you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My name is Mikael," he replied in an authorotive English accent.

"Ooooh," I murmured awkwardly. "Right... Well, it was great talking, but I'm going out, so you'll have to leave."

"I'm looking for Klaus," he stated, ignoring my previous comment.

"Like I told your little pet, Klaus isn't here. Last I heard, he was in Chicago," I informed him, narrowing my eyes.

"I know that he and my daughter are here. There's no point protecting them."

"Who says I'm protecting?" I asked.

"Why do it? Klaus has done nothing to deserve it."

"Well, as they say, family sticks together," I muttered.

"Family?" he questioned.

"Oh... Chris didn't tell you then," I smirked. "I'm a decendant of the Original Witch, which makes me related to all of your children, though not you."

"That's impossible."

"Is it? The Original Witch, or Esther I should say, had a child out of wedlock," I told him. "I guess she didn't tell you."

Mikael was silent for a moment, as if taking this information in.

"You must be a witch then," he commented.

"You could say that," I nodded.

"I'll ask again, where is Klaus?"

"Hmm... not quite sure about that," I mused. "You'll have to ask him that."

"Don't test me," he said. "I'm not someone you want to make angry."

"Right... Because you're the big bad and all," I smirked. "Let me tell you something. I happen to have the power of Necromancy. I am a very powerful witch, and I will kill you if I have to, so I suggest that you don't threaten me."

"What's going on?" Damon asked, walking into the room. He looked at Mikael. "Who's this?"

"Damon, meet Rebekah's father," I stated, not taking my eyes off Mikael.

Damon rose his eyebrows. "Her father? As in Klaus' father?"

"Niklaus is not my son," Mikael spat. "He is an abomination and needs to die."

"Touchy," I muttered. "This has been great and all, but I have to be somewhere." I looked at Mikael. "Just know, if you go after Klaus or Rebekah, I'll see to it myself that you're killed."

With a glare, I left the house.


*3rd Person POV*


Damon walked over to the table which held several bottles of alcohol. He poured himself one and looked up at Mikael.

"Care for a drink?" he asked.

The other vampire declined.

"You'll have to excuse Marni," Damon began. "She doesn't take well to threats. So you're an Orginal, eh?"


"What do you want with Klaus?" Damon asked.

"I wish to kill him," Mikael replied.

"Yeah, good luck with that," Damon snorted, taking a drink. "Klaus is pretty much indestructable. And unless you have some magical weapon that can kill him, you're wasting your time."

"As it happens, I do," Mikael said.

Damon paused and looked at him, a smirk forming.

"Do you now?"

"I have in my possesion, the only white oak stake left on this planet," Mikael announced. "And with it,  I shall kill Klaus once and for all."

Plans formed in Damon's head as he sensed an opportunity.

"Well, Mikael, I assume you're not just going walk up to him and stake him," Damon said.

"Actually yes."

"Well then your plan is going to fail," Damon declared. "Klaus is smart. He's always two steps ahead. If you even go near him, his little hybrids will attack you."

"Hybrids... He broke the curse."

"Yes, and you don't stand a chance if that's what you're going to do."

"And what do you suggest?"

Damon smirked. "I just happen to have the perfect plan to kill Klaus."

"I thought you were opposed to killing Klaus," Mikael stated.

Damon snorted. "Not at all. Klaus is making all of our lives hell. The sooner he dies, the better."


It was Friday, and I was at the Grill with Rebekah.

"This is actually my first high school dance," she admitted to me as we sat in a booth.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

She nodded. "I never had time. Nik always thought high school was petty, but I secretly wanted to go."

"Well, this one will be amazing. Homecoming always is. Who are you going with anyway?"

"No one," she sighed. "I was going to ask that boy Matt, but of course Elena already asked him."

"They're just going as friends," I replied. Matt had felt bad when he told me he was going with Elena, but I'd reassured him it was fine, but he had to save me a dance.

"Hmm, maybe Stefan will go with me," she smirked. "I'm sure Elena would love that."

I laughed. "I don't even know if Stefan's going. And if it makes you feel better, I'm a loner too."

"Well then, we shall be loners together," she declared. "Oh, and your dress is at the mansion. Nik moved all of our stuff there yesterday, saying something about how he was sick of that appartment. It's about time."

"The mansion's finished?" I asked.

"Not quite, but almost. His hybrids are quite fast, even if I don't particularly like them.

"Tell me about it," I muttered.

Her phone started buzzing, and sighed. "That's Nik. I'll be right back."

She got up and left the table and I started folding a napkin up. I'd told her that Mikeal was here, but she wasn't worried. It wasn't Mikael's style to kill someone quickly. He'd be planning something big. That's what Rebekah thought, anyway.

After ten minutes, I frowned, wondering why Rebekah wasn't back yet. I got up and followed to where I'd seen her gone. I was just passing the toilets when Bonnie and Elena rounded the corner, coming through the back way of the Grill.

"Marni, hey," Elena greeted. She seemed slightly nervous of something.

"Hi, you haven't seen Rebekah, have you?" I asked. "She was with me like ten minutes ago."

"Oh, yeah, she uh, told me to tell you she had to leave," Elena replied.

"Did she say why?"

"Klaus, or something."

"Hmm..." I looked up. "Oh well, see you later."

"Yeah, see you."


It was around five when I arrived at the mansion. I'd been out all day, only stopping by home once to grab some things to get ready with Rebekah. I didn't think anyone was home, but I might not have noticed because I was only there for five minutes.

"Hey," I greeted, walking into the now furnished study, where Klaus was sitting at the desk.

"Hello, love."

"Where's Rebekah?"

Klaus frowned. "I thought she was with you."

"I thought she was with you," I replied. "Didn't you call her?"

"Yes, just to tell her that her room is finished."

"Huh. She must've gone to ask Stefan to the Homecoming Dance..." I mused.

"How is Stefan?" Klaus asked. "I haven't heard from him lately, what with him being a ripper and all again."

"Stefan's fine. Doesn't care about much, but he's still same old Stefan. Well, to me anyway. To everyone else... Not so much. He particularly doesn't like you though," I informed him.

"He's being petty," Klaus smirked. "He'll thank me soon enough." He looked at me. "Don't you have a dance to get ready for?"

"Yes, actually. Rebekah and I were meant to get ready here together, but I suppose I'll get a head start."

I headed upstairs, where I eventually found Rebekah's room. Klaus had shown it to me the first time I'd been here. It looked nothing like it did now. Now, there was a giant bed pushed up against the far wall, and a large oak set of drawers. I was assuming the two doors off to the side was her bathroom and wardrobe.

"If I was my dress, where would I be?" I muttered.

I opened the first door, which turned out to be the bathroom, and then tried the second door. As it was, my dress was hanging up next to her. I took it off the coat-hanger and stripped down before slipping it on. The dress was strapless and purple, with a black lace overlay. It poofed out from the waist down and came to just above my knee, with a purple sash and black flower wrapped around the waist.

I hummed to myself as I walked into Rebekah's bathroom. I began to put eye-shadow on, followed by eye liner and mascara. My hair was already wavy today, so I just did a quick brush through before putting blood red lipstick on. I pulled on my black lace up peep toe ankle boots, and looking in the mirror, I decided I looked good enough.

Checking my phone, I realised I had a message from Rebekah.

Running late, see you there.

I replied, before strolling back downstairs. My heels clicked loudly on the marble floors, and Klaus emerged from a room, wearing a tux.

"You look stunning," he commented with a smile.

"Thanks," I murmured, giving a half smile. "You clean up nice, too."

"Well, I have always looked good in a tux," he smirked.

I laughed. "Rebekah sent me a message. She said she'll meet us there. Speaking of, I should probably get to the school. Caroline and I didn't do all of that decorating for nothing."

"Actually, the dance is being moved," Klaus informed me. I raised an eyebrow. "Some how the school gym mysteriously flooded. I suggested that Tyler move the party to his house."

I gave him a suspicious look. "What are you up to?"

"Well, now that Mikael is here, it's handy to have a few dozen hybrids at hand. This way, it won't be suspicious if they show up to a high school event for a high school they don't attend."

"Oh. Smart idea," I nodded. "But if I find any of your hybrids munching on people, I'm giving myself persmission to kill them."

"Don't worry, they have strict orders not to touch the humans," Klaus replied.


"So, who's your date for tonight?" Klaus asked.

"Don't have one. I have no friends," I sighed sadly.

"No surprise there," he muttered under his breath.

I laughed and lightly punched his should.

"No, I just can't exactly go with Damon, because the whole town thinks we're siblings, and my man friends were taken. Jeremy's going with Emma, Matthew's going with Elena, Tyler's going with Caroline, and Mia's going with Shadow. And Ash has disappeared off the face of the Earth again, so that leaves me with Ryan, who's working. I could tell he wanted to go with me though."

"Ryan... That boy you're stalking?" Klaus asked.

"I'm not stalking him... I'm just waiting for him to admit he loves me."

"And I'm sure that'll happen," he said doubtfully.

"He so wants me."

"Back to you not having a date," Klaus continued. He held out his arm. "Care to join me?"

"Won't that be awkward?" I asked. "Considering we actually are related?"

"Not at all. The only people that know that are us and your little friends," he pointed out. "And don't you want to show up with an extremely handsome guy anyway?"

I laughed. "You're so up yourself."

"Just telling the truth."

I sighed. "Sure. It's better than having no date."

"Great, we're taking my car."

"But my car is so much more awesome," I complained.

"I doubt that."

I grumbled under my breath.

"Fine then."

He smirked and I linked my arm through his.


"How the hell did you manage to get a band?" I asked incredulously as Klaus and I walked through to Tyler's backyard.

"That's the thing about compulsion. It's very handy," he smirked.

"Why don't I get to compel people," I pouted.

"I could always turn you into a vampire," he offered.

"I'm good."

"I don't see any of your friends," Klaus stated. "I thought they'd want to say hi to you. It's probably me scaring them off." He laughed under his breath.

"Actually, I haven't seen anyone all day," I frowned. "Apart from Bonnie and Elena, but that was for like five seconds. Wow, I am so not loved."

"I'll get you a drink."

I glanced around. I only knew half of the people here. A few I recognised as Klaus' hybrids. One hybrid, who I noticed didn't particularly like me, sent me a glare. She was tall, with blonde hair and hazel eyes. From what I gathered, she was obsessed with Klaus. More than the others, anyway. I was beginning to think she was jealous of me being around Klaus.

I sent her a bitchy smile, and her glare gre more severe.

"Play nice, Marni," Klaus smirked, handing me a glass of what smelled like Coke and bourbon.

"She's a bitch," I defended.

"Melissa is a lovely person."

I scoffed. "Yeah, and you're the Easter Bunny."

He laughed.

It was then that I caught sight of a familiar face.

"Mia!" I called.

She turned her head in my direction and walked over to us.

"Hey Marni," she greeted. She looked at Klaus coldly. "Klaus."

"Lovely to see you Mia," Klaus smirked.

"Can't say the same. How does it feel to have hybrids as your only friends?" she asked.

"Hey!" I defended. "I'm Klaus' friend!"

"Yeah, but you don't have any friends either," she pointed out.

I made a face at her.

Klaus laughed at Mia. "That depends, Mia. How does it feel to be an imprint of someone else's life?"

"Oh, snap!" I whispered.

"Hmm... That was a good one Klaus," Mia stated. "How does it feel to have your family hate you because you put them in coffins?"

Klaus smiled. "My family and I have our issues, but in the end we stick together."

"Oh, I'm sure. Your father doesn't feel that way."

"Ah, you met Mikael," Klaus assumed. "Well, it's a good thing he isn't actually my father then."

"God, you guys fight like a bunch of girls," I sighed. I turned to Mia. "Have you seen Damon?"

"Last I checked, he was with Elena," Mia replied. "I don't think they're here yet."

"They're coming together?" I asked.

"Yep. Matt's meeting Elena here," she stated. She looked over my shoulder. "Excuse me, I have to go."

I frowned. What was up with everyone today?

"Damon's coming with Elena... that sounds like a repeat of 1864," Klaus smirked.

I glared at him. "That's not funny."

"Relax love," he grinned. "This is a party after all. Enjoy it."


I'd been roaming around for about an hour, bored. Everytime I tried to talk to someone, they were suddenly in a big rush to do something else. I was getting suspicious. Something was going on here, and I had no idea what.

"Hey Marni," Matt greeted, coming over to where I was standing on the back steps.

"Hey Matthew," I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I have no friends. Everyone's suddenly too busy to talk to me. Do I smell bad? Is that it?"

He laughed. "You smell fine." He held his hand out. "I owe you a dance, remember?"

"Ah, yes," I grinned.

I took his hand and we walked down to the dance floor. The band was playing a fairly slow song, so people were slow dancing to it. I put my arms around Matt's neck and we began to sway to the beat.

"Weren't you coming with Elena?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's here with Damon somewhere," he shrugged. "Is there something going on between them two? I mean, I heard her and Stefan broke up, and she's with Damon more than usual."

"No," I shook my head. "There's nothing going on with them. Elena's still in love with Stefan, and Damon... well, he's interesting in someone else."

"Okay. Who did you come here with?"

"Klaus," I replied.

"Oh, you mean Rebekah's brother?"


"You know them well then?"

"You could say we're old friends," I clarified.

"Well, he certainly seems to be winning over the girls," Matt commented, looking to the side. I followed his gaze and saw Klaus surrounded by girls.

I laughed. "Poor guy."

"That doesn't bother you?" he asked.

"No, why would it?"

"Well, he's your date and all..."

"Oh, no, no, no," I laughed. "Klaus and I are just good friends. He's more like my brother than anything."


The music changed to fast and I grinned at Matt.

"Care to do our awesome air-guitaring?"

"Hell yeah," he grinned.

So Matthew and I showed off our awesome air-guitaring skills. We lasted a whole song, head banging and everything. Matt and I had been bored in History once, so we decided air-guitaring was our new thing.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I cried, taking a bow, even though no one cheered for us. "We'll be here next Tuesday."

Matt laughed at me.

"We should become professionals," I stated.

"We should. We'd be famous within seconds," he agreed.

"Damn straight."

Matt and I mingled for a bit, being the awesome people we are.

It was half an hour later that I was looking for Damon. I'd seen a glimpse of him before, but he'd disappeared on me. I walked upstairs, because downstairs had failed in providing me with Damon.

I heard voices, and I recognised them.

"Be ready, things will get messy fast, so get everyone out of here while you can," I heard Damon say.

"Okay," Came Bonnie's reply.

I opened the door, and both of them turned to me in surprise.

"Marni," Bonnie smiled.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing," Damon replied. "Except that this place is crawling with hybrids. We figure it'd be a good idea to get everyone out of here."


He was lying. I could tell.

Bonnie gave a small smile before leaving the room.

"Where's Elena?" I asked.

"Downstairs somewhere," Damon shrugged. "I thought you would've seen her."

"No I haven't. In fact, everyone seems to be avoiding me today. Care to tell me why?"

"I'm not quite sure I know what you're talking about," Damon replied.

"Hmm."I looked at him for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on. "Well, if that's the case, I suppose I should get back to the dance."

"Save me a dance."

I didn't reply as I left the room, heading back downstairs. I was furious. Something big was going down, and no one had bothered to tell me about it. Damon had even lied to my face about it. I was upset. Why would he lie?

I was walking through the crowd, irritated, when suddenly my arm was grabbed and I was pulled into a room.

"What the-"


It was Elena. She was wearing a silver dress, and her hair was curled.

"Elena, what the hell?" I hissed.

"I'm not Elena," she replied.

I frowned. "Katherine?"


"What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story, but I need your help," she said quickly. "Can you sound proof the room?"

"What's going on?" I asked after I did so.

"Damon and Mikael are planning to kill Klaus tonight," she announced.

"What?" I hissed.

"Everyone's in on it. They didn't think you could be trusted, so they didn't tell you. Elena also daggered Rebekah earlier today so she wouldn't get in the way."


"Marni, that's not the point! Mikael has a white oak stake, and Damon's going to use it on Klaus. But Klaus has ordered his hybrids to kill Damon if he tries anyway."

"No!" Worry coursed through me.

"You need to stop him, otherwise Damon will die." Katherine tilted her head to the side. "Mikael's here. Hurry!"

I nodded and tore out of the room, pushing through people until I found Klaus standing at the front door, in midst of an argument with Mikael, who stood on the porch, uninvited. All of the hybrids were herding the humans out the back, who of which were clueless about what was happening.

I stood in the shadows, watching how this would turn out, whilst keeping an eye out for Damon.

"Hello Niklaus," Mikael greeted.

"Hello Mikael," Klaus said coldly. "Won't you come in? Oh wait, you can't."

"Or you could come outside," Mikael countered.

"Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb," Klaus suggested.I watched as a dozen or so hybrids formed on the front yard."Granted, it won't kill you, but it'd be a hell of a party game. All I have to do, is click my fingers, and they'll pounce."

"Still hiding behind your play things, I see. You always were a coward."

I scoffed. Klaus was anything but a coward.

"Oh, and you forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. I can compel them," Mikael continued. As if on cue, Melissa, the bitchy one, stepped into view.

And that was when she pulled Mia out. My eyes widened. Mia's hands were pinned behind her back and she held a defiant look. What struck me as odd though, was that she was wearing my coat. It was buttoned all of the way up, as if she were trying to hide her dress...

"Come outside and face me, or I'll kill her," Mikael threatened.

And then it hit me. Mikael thought Mia was me.

"Go ahead," Klaus urged. Mia glared at him.

Mikael faultered slightly, not expecting this.

"Don't think I won't."

"Oh, I know you will," Klaus smirked. "So go ahead."

I laughed, stepping into view.

"Sorry to disappoint you," I began, looking at Mikael. "But you have the wrong twin."

Mikael growled and shoved Mia to the floor. Mia took her chance and disappeared.

"Come out here and face me, Niklaus. Or are you too much of a coward to do that?"

"No, I just rather it in here," Klaus shrugged.

And that was when I was grabbed from behind. Some stupid moron had snuck up behind me. Before Klaus or I could react, I was outside and shoved into the arms of Mikael.

"Hey, that's just not nice," I scowled.

"Now that I have the real Marni," Mikael began. "Why don't you step outside? If you don't, I'll kill her."

"Let her go," Klaus growled.

"Why show concern, Niklaus?" Mikael asked. "No one in this world cares for you."

"Excuse me, but I happen to care about Klaus," I pointed out. "And you're one to talk. Who on the world cares about you? Your family hates you. Who else do you have?"

Mikael growled. "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut."

"Just saying."

And that's when the shiz hit the fan. Although there wasn't actually a fan.

Suddenly, Damon appeared out of no where, tackling Klaus.

"NO!" I screamed.

I smacked my head back, hitting Mikael, and lashed a kick bakwards, breaking free. Just as Damon raised the white oak stake above Klaus' heart, I collided with him. Damon dropped the stake and we rolled.

Damon pinned me to the ground, is expression furious.

"What have you done?" he hissed.

I kicked him off me and got up, stumbling a bit. I glanced sideays just in time to see Klaus picked up the white oak stake and plunge it through Mikael's heart. His body errupted in flames, until his body was ashes.

When I looked back, Damon was gone.

Klaus stood up and looked back to me.

"Thank you," he said sincerely.

I nodded. Suddenly my world started spinning and Klaus caught me, sitting me down on a small lounge pushed against the wall.

"You hit your head," he observed.

I lifted my hand up to my head and it came away with blood.

"Uh oh," I murmured.

"Here," he muttered. He bit his wrist and held it to my mouth until I'd had enough.

I stood up, feeling fine.



There were no words to describe how angry and upset I was. I wanted to kill someone.

I got back to the boarding house and walked down the hallway. I slowed when I heard voices.

"We'll survive this," I heard Elena say. "Trust me. We always do."

"We're never getting Stefan back, you know that, right?" I heard Damon ask. I subconciously wondered what Stefan had done.

"Then we'll let him go. We'll let them both go, him and Marni," Elena said.

I stepped into the room, making myself known. Elena had her hands on Damon's cheeks, forcing him to look at her.

"Well isn't this cute?" They both jumped apart at the sound of my voice, glaring at me. "Are you two secretly together? Is that another thing you forgot to tell me?"

"Why don't you go back to Klaus?" Damon hissed.

"Right, because he actually cares if I die or not," I nodded. "Did you even notice that Mikael was about to kill me? Or were you too hell bent on killing Klaus that you didn't care?"

"We had one chance Marni, and you screwed it up," Damon growled.

"How could you betray us like that?" Elena asked.

"Me betray you?" I asked incredulously. "You all went behind my back with your stupid little plan! You're the ones who betrayed me!"

"It would've worked if you hadn't have interfered," Damon glared.

"Yes, and you would be dead," I hissed. "I had to find out from Katherine what was going on."

"We couldn't trust you," Elena said. "You would've told Klaus."

"No, I would've stopped it!" I shouted. I turned to Damon. "I'm not the one to be trusted? You lied straight to my face! You knew that I wanted to keep the peace with everyone."

"Klaus has to be dealt with," Damon said.

"He's my family," I growled. "We've had this conversation before!"

"Then why don't you go bother him?" Elena glared.

"Shut up, Elena!" I raged.

"Marni, I think you should just leave," Damon stated icily.

"Should I now?" I asked. "That's the thanks I get for saving your life?"

He scoffed. "You saved Klaus' life, not mine!"

"For your information, Klaus had ordered his hybrids to kill you if you attacked him!" I roared. "If I hadn't have stopped you, you would've died."

"You really expect me to believe that?" Damon asked.

"Stop making excuses," Elena growled.

I was shaking with rage.

"So that's how it is, is it?" I laughed bitterly. "Elena, you claim to be different. That you're nothing like Katherine, you're worse. You say you still love Stefan, but it seems like you're moving onto Damon too. Even Matt picked up on it."

"Get out!" Elena shouted. "You're not wanted here."

"I for one actually live here," I hissed. "So why don't you leave?"

"No Marni," Damon cut in. "You need to leave. I can barely look at you."

Something inside me snapped.

"You know Damon, with love, comes trust. You no longer have any of that from me," I said icily. "I am done with you people. I don't care anymore. This is a blessing in disguise, because I want nothing to do with any of you." I glared at them both. "I hope you're happy together."

I stalked to the glass double doors, slamming them behind me with such force that all of the glass shattered. A violent storm developed as I headed into the woods. Loud crashes of thunder rolled through the sky, and lightning flashed hectically.

I stopped in the middle of the woods, ready to explode with anger. I let out a scream of anger. All of the anger that was built up in me lashed out in a wave of energy, sending trees crashing to the ground.

I continued walking, not knowing where I was going until I reached the town square. I stared at a particular building, a small smile crept over my lips as it lit up in flames.

I would show them how much I don't care. They brought this on themselves.


Sorry I haven't uploaded. I haven't been home in like a year. Well, a week anyway.

Yes, I'm fine. There's no need to worry, I didn't die.

So, this was a big chapter eh?


What will happen now that Marni doesn't care? WIll she buy Stefan a pet rabbit?"

Well, let me know what you think.



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