Desperate for Love - Harry St...

By desperately

27.6K 258 49

The blonde beauty herself, Essie Lynn; a college student who's studying and perusing her dream of becoming an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17:

Desperate for Love(Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)

6.1K 25 6
By desperately

Well, I started this on Tumblr and decided to put it on Wattpad.

Check out You Found Me by Nandos4Nialler. She's an awesome writer!


It was around eleven pm, and I was hanging with a few girlfriends of mine from back home since I’m only visiting. I’m normally from Britain, but I study art in New York. I’ve been in Britain for the last four days, and I should be leaving in a month or so, I figured that I would like to come up every summer like what I’m doing now. I was staying in my friends apartment until later noticed, and it's right near London, so it's close to everything basically.

My gals and I were walking to a local club to go hang out, meet guys, well; all those good things. We all looked stunning. I was wearing a white flowy blouse and a pair of high-waisted black skinny jeans. I added a pair of black booties and red lipstick with a generous amount of eyeliner. My blonde hair was waved to perfection, meeting at the mid of my back. All the other girls were wearing short cocktail dresses. Personally, I hate going to clubs with a dress because the last time I went to a club, this guy I was dancing on was rubbing his hands near my no-no area.. So, after that, I wear tight jeans with a belt so it would be utterly difficult to squeeze their perverted hand down my pants.

Once we reached the club, we all walked in, with a throbbing stereo next to the entrance making my heart jump. We all walked to the bar and got ourselves some vodka on the rocks. It’s nice to know that I can drink legally again. In America, we have to be 21 in order to drink, and you know how it's a complete pain in the ass to do that. So, that's always the upside of Britain!

Just when I was about to want the bartender a five dollar bill, a young lad appeared with brown, curly locks. He was wearing a white button down, but it was more casual rather than a dressy type for a tuxedo. Below his waist, he had a pair of dark grey jeans with, it seems to me, a pair of TOMS, but I could be wrong.

“Keep the change,” the handsome lad said while sliding a ten dollar bill across the bar to the bartender.

I smiled wide, “Thanks!” I attempted to choke out. This man was extremely good looking. The curly haired boy smiled and sat in the bar stool next to me, and I'm already struggling because I'm such a horrid flirt.

“So, what’s your name, beautiful?” He asked me, seducing me with the look he’s giving me with his eyes. He had this emerald green eyes and since the strobe lights from the dance floor about 5 feet away from us would shine on his eyes, giving a more glistering effect.

“Essie Lynn,” I sipped on the straw, releasing the strong vodka into my warm mouth, giving me a tingly feeling.

“I’m Harry Styles, it’s a pleasure meeting you, Essie,” That’s where I know him from because my girlfriends always talk about a hunky Harry Styles. He’s from that boy band up here called One Direction. I probably would’ve recognized him on the spot if I actually had time to listen to music at all. I’ve been so busy with my job in the states, school, my family, and trying not to keep out of reach with my friends. It’s more difficult than it seems. I didn’t want to be like ‘Oooh from One Direction?’ I wanted to act more calm, and mellow around him. He probably needed a break from all the screaming girls and paparazzi that’s always following him. I know I would.

“Ahh, I see. What brings you up here?” I said, taking another slurp of my vodka. Knowing he lives here, I'm still such a fucking moron to ask that. It's like you're in school flirting in the cafeteria and saying 'so what brings you here?' See, told you I'm bad at this shit.

“I needed a break from all the stress,” I let out an ‘oh’ and took another sip out of my vodka, finishing it. “Jeeze, you’re going to be knackered by the end of the night there Essie!” Harry added, giggling a little, covering his whole mouth with his giant hand that was probably the size of my face.

“Well, then let’s be knackered together, eh?” I giggled, nudging his shoulder with my elbow lightly. We both laughed and Harry got us both beers from the bartender, throwing money at him like it's toilet roll.

I never actually drank beer before.. I normally drink a liquor, so this would be fun to find out how drunk I’ll get. My friends left a long time ago to go dancing on the club. They basically just walked up to the bar, got their beer and went out. Simple. Harry and I made our way to the dance floor with beers in our hands, dancing to some techno song. It was actually really catchy, and apparently well known since people were singing along to the 10 worded lyrics it had.

Harry took my unoccupied hand and started to spin me in circles, making me a bit dizzy. I started to laugh of terror and then he stopped about twenty seconds after. Harry was a horrid dancer, holy shit. The only dance I can do is called the 'whore' dance, according to my grandmum. A more slower song began to play, so Harry wrapped his arms around my tiny waist, engulfing me to his hard, toned chest. We started to sway together, laughing about how fun it was. We would chat a little here and there about how ridiculous the people were here, but mostly laughing and fooling around was taking place.

“Essie,” Harry stopped dancing, still having his arms wrapped tightly around me, “Essie, I want to get to know you,” I smiled.

I texted one of my girlfriends.

Hey, I’m hanging with a guy. Be at your apartment around 3am k?

Harry and I walked out into the dark. When we left it was around 1am. It was breezy and quite cold with just my blouse on. The stars were incredibly bright this evening. I stared up in the sky and admired them when Harry and I walked to the nearest fast food joint. Just a few moments later, this cold front directly hit my face, giving me this chill that went all the way through my spine, showing that I was shivering.

Harry looked over at me, “Are you cold love?” He asked with his extremely heavy British accent. He started to take off his blazer, handing it to me.

Since my accent wasn't to heavy because I was in New York for a year, I have a faint accent, but it's barely visible compared to Harry's.

“You are literally the sweetest guy ever,” I said, giggling, and sliding on his blazer. It was a navy blue. Once we both reached the fast-food joint, Harry pulled the door open, letting me through first like the gentleman he is. Harry gave me the 'one moment' sign with his pointer finger, running to the cashier to order something. The place was dead, and I wasn't surprised since it's almost two in the morning. Just a few moments later, Harry came over with a huge vanilla shake with two straws peaking out of the top.

“Here ya’ go,” He said, placing the liter of shake on the table. I wasn’t thirsty, so I started to ramble.

“Tell me about yourself, Harry,” I said, getting myself comfortable for story time.

“Well, you already know my name. I play in a band called One Direction.” He stopped, and expected me to fan girl. I probably would fan girl, even though I don't listen, but Harry is more down to earth than I expected, so I'm going to make his life feel normal, and not full of fame for once.

“I heard of them before,” I looked around feeling rude, “I never have time to do anything except in the summer!” I said joyfully, hopefully covering the rudeness.

Harry giggled “So tell me about you,” I stuttered.

I didn’t know what to say, “Well, I’m Essie Lynn, I’m from here but I study art out in the states,” Harry giggled out loud, but quickly covered his mouth. “What’s so funny?” I asked him with a curious, yet serious look on my face.

“I knew you like art by the way you dress,” I tilted my head in confusion. “People who normally dress with a good like, uhm, fashion, can draw!” I don’t know who did the statistics on that, but I’m pretty sure this is completely false statement. I just smirked with the side of my lips, letting out a small chuckle.

“Oh,” I giggled, “That’s quite interesting,” Harry looked at me and laughed, and sipped on the shake he purchased a while ago. It was delicious! I didn't even expect something so good, so I was starting to sip on it more.

I looked at him from across the table, his curls are amazing, I don’t even know how to explain it. They were a rich brown, and landed right below his ear. It looked like he was wearing a hair helmet as funny as that sounds. It's the truth though. I was admiring his beauty. He's just, gorgeous for a male.

“Like what you see, Essie?” Harry jokingly said, giggling.

“Yeah, I do,” I flirted back.


We chatted a little bit longer, until Harry said it’s best if he walk me home because it was getting late. My friends apartment was a good mile walk, so I took off my heels and began to walk the way.

“Do you need my shoes?” Harry asked, pointing at his TOMS. I nodded my head no since I already had his blazer, and I would feel rude.

It was a silent walk home basically, and kind of awkward. But we did throw in some remarkable comments here and there. Something about the sky, the weather, his music.

Once we reached the huge apartment building, Harry opened the door, escorting me in.

“Give me your cellphone number Essie,” Harry said, whipping out his iPhone. I told him my number and he saved it under ‘Essie :).’

“Will I see you again, love?” He looked at me from under his curls before he flicked them to the side.

“Obviously,” I smiled and winked, handing him back his blazer.

"You can keep that," Harry added, referring to his blazer, and handing it back to me. I quickly thanked him.

I gave him a quick wave when I reached the elevator, and he came back with a wink.

 I know this is extremely long for a prologue, but I didn't realize how long it was until after haha.

Hope you enjoyed it xoxox.

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