My Womanizer Model (Sinbad x...

By PikaBlueQueen

73.8K 2.1K 773

He was made to PLEASURE women, Sinbad could make any girl he could had just meet 3 minutes ago fall for him... More

Prologue: Otaku meets Playboy
Chapter 1: Sinbad is his name
Chapter 2: Wait...she's A VIRGIN?!
Chapter 3: Trainee to 'The Womanizing Sinbad' the model
Chapter 4: Another Otaku lover
Chapter 5: Welcome to New York
Chapter 6: Run away Cinderella
Chapter 7: Laura's bad blood with Sinbad: Part one
Chapter 8: Laura's bad blood with Sinbad: Part 2
Extra Scenario: When he sees your baby pictures
Chapter 9: Introducing Judal
Chapter 10: Kougyoku Ren asks Sinbad...on A DATE?!
Chapter 11: Its called 'Faking it'
Extra Scenario: When he takes a picture of you asleep
Chapter 13: Enter a Rival: The 'Other' Trainee Sabrina
Extra Scenario Part 1: When he hears you singing in the shower
Extra Scenario Part Two: When he and his friends meets your Family
Chapter 14: The Shape of you
Chapter 15: Flames
Author's note

Chapter 12: His name is Aladdin

2.2K 89 36
By PikaBlueQueen

(Oh come on I gotta add HIM in this, it wouldn't be funny then now will it? XP) 

After the little adventure in California, it was back to being the Trainee of Sinbad, it seems things were steading down now. Not to mention Christmas was coming up, (sorry I'm not much of a Thanksgiving person. I'm a picky eater. I just go for the rolls.) and [Y/n] always looked forward to it, she wasn't really going for the presents but just for the snow, the carols, the cookies, and making the house warm, safe, and filled with hope and cheer. Heck, she could use some of that not right now but it would be nice if she didn't have to go on these trips into some state.

Sinbad was getting ready for the Christmas show that was coming up and he was listening in to Jafar nagging, while Yamraiha was looking over the schedule and making dates. While [Y/n] was making Christmas cards for her friends and family. It made her smile every time she thought about their faces when she gives it to them. It made her want to give it her all when Sinbad noticed how happy she was doodling in her book. He came over and hovered over her arms folded just staring down at her. 'Hm, she has a lot of nerve to smile when it's not ABOUT ME...' He coughs once trying to get her attention, but she didn't even hear him so trying again. Still nothing, Yamraiha sighed and asked with a smile on her face "You seem happy [Y/n]...I don't think I've ever seen you THIS happy while working."

[Y/n] looked up finally and nod "Well yeah. I just can't wait for Christmas. It's...almost as if the world is FINALLY at peace for a moment. Oh, which reminds me, Yamraiha and Jafar here." She gave them both Christmas cookies and sweets "Oh [Y/n]! Oh, thoughtful of you!" Jafar smiled "[Y/n]...I didn't get you anything though." Waving her hands smiling "Oh you don't have to worry. I just wanted to do something nice for you since times cause trouble." Thinking the same thing both Yamraiha and Jafar spoke at the same "It's not you, it's mostly HIM."

Sinbad's head flew forward coming back at them "Oh come on! By the I get one?" [Y/n] looked up smiling but it was more nervous than it should be. "Yes you do it's running a little late. I'm sorry about that..." He grins coming too close for comfort to [Y/n] " you do THINK about me?" Rolling her eyes and looking up 'Oh boy...' It wasn't until Yamraiha got a call coming in she answered it "Hello? Oh hello, what can I~ Huh oh well I heard he wasn't coming until the first beginning of December. Huh, what~!? Oh but I understand, yes thank you. Goodbye." When her phone call ended she just stood up panicking?? Messing up her hair and for some reason covered her chest??

"Yamraiha? Is something wrong? Who was that?" Jafar's question made her turn around slowly "Jafar...HE is coming. The 'Little' version on Sin..." Jafar flinched and looked towards Sin who was laughing at who this 'little' version of him is. "Um...should I know who? Ah~" Yamraiha came right in front of her face getting really close making [Y/n] a little worried. "...[Y/n]...maybe it's best THAT you don't come in tomorrow. It's for your own SAFELY." Sweat was running down looking at Jafar who was making a face that 'she is just EXAGGERATING' but her face didn't tell her that. Sinbad on the other hand grin like a child who knew a dirty little secret came in "Now, Now, let's not overreact Yamraiha...she hasn't EVEN met him yet."

Jafar then broke it up "Sin...I think it's for the best. She can meet him another time but not right now and don't forget we are booked and don't have time to play around..." Glaring at him Sinbad nod a little intimating by his threatening voice. Now normally she would jump on this but she can't help but be a LITTLE worried about them. "Um, he's...not...THAT he??" Before Sinbad could smirk Jafar knocked him behind his head 'Don't ANSWER that.' 

-The next day 

[Y/n] was stretching her arms out when she had just been let out of her classes, *SIGH* 'Mm~ It's nice to know went you get out of class I don't have to go to work. Finally, I can do all the things I wanna do.' She had just stopped right in front of the bus stop and looked at her cell phone watch seeing how she had 10 minutes until the bus made its route here. Putting it away she smiled without a care in the world when her eyes spot someone just at the corner. Someone with blue hair, ponytail reaching down towards his back at least what she thought. He wore winter's wear clothing with a cap over his head. And snuggling with a cute little puppy a Pomeranian who was sleeping soundly in their arms.    

(This is such a cute picture of him! If this is the wrong dog breed sorry but it looks like a Pomeranian to me)

They kept looking left and right almost like this person was lost, [Y/n] came over asking from behind the person. "Excuse me are you lost? Do you want something to drink?" The person turned around and [Y/n] saw a cute little boy and the Pomeranian woke up and it seems it was happy to see someone new. He smiled with his eyes closed "Well I am a little hungry miss, but I'm looking for someone's workplace. But this is my first time in the city...And Ugo is hungry. Right boy?"

The puppy name Ugo bark and wagged his tail 'Aw how cute!' [Y/n] smiled and pet his head kneel looking them both straight in his eyes. "Do you want some hot chocolate? And some warm milk for you Ugo?" It must have been her imagination because it seems BOTH Aladdin and Ugo were blushing pink in the cheeks staring at her smile. He nods yes and hops up taking his hand she took him on the bus and took them both back to her house. Lola and Toby were very friendly with Ugo, Lola played with him or just gave him kisses on his head while Toby shared his bed with him. Aladdin was sipping on warm hot chocolate well munching on some cookies [Y/n] was cleaning and washing off the dishes.

Watching him eating happily and drinking his coco "Oh that reminds me. I never got your name?" He took a bite of another cookie and looked over at her "Oh I'm sorry My name is Aladdin! Nice to meet you!" [Y/n] grin at how enteric he was he would fit the younger Disney version of Aladdin 'He's so innocently cute!' It wasn't until Aladdin's pocket coat jacket started ringing taking it out he took out his cell phone "Hello? Oh~! Alibaba hi what's up?" Then on the only side of the line started screaming at him. Aladdin moved it away a bit at how loud this 'Alibaba' was on the other line [Y/n] blinked wondering if everything was okay.

"Sorry, Sorry I got separated from you and Morgiana~ Oh, he's already there? Okay, I'll be right there!" Hanging up Aladdin drank the rest of his cup and gave her his dishes "Aladdin do you want me to come with you? Where is it at?" 

"Oh no [Y/n] don't you have work or something to do~?" Shaking her head no "It's fine really. Plus it would be nice to get out of the house once and a while. Come on get Ugo and let's go." He smiled and put on his jacket and Ugo ran over towards him with Lola following after him. Aladdin kneels petting Lola as she looked sad that Ugo was leaving.

"It's okay Lola, I'll be back to visit. Me and Ugo. Be a good girl then." She barks and went over to the footstool and laid down. Aladdin and [Y/n] stood side by side on the bus and telling her the address of the place he was going to [Y/n] knew the address. "Huh, that's funny Aladdin I work there well part-time."

"Really that's so great, what do you do there [Y/n]?" Getting out the small sketchbook she showed Aladdin some of her small drawings. His eyes sparkled as he stared at the whole book like he was reading a novel.

"Woah~! [Y/n] your wonderful at the artwork! It's like magic!" When they finally arrived at the workplace Aladdin and [Y/n] came inside going to the room where Aladdin's friends were waiting for him. 'Huh? Hang on...How come...this is Sinbad's dressing room??' Aladdin went inside smiling with no worry in world when they both came in they saw how two people were either standing with his arms folded and the other was sitting down. The one stand had golden blonde hair and ember-like eyes and he wore a white polo shirt with a green tie. With stripe green pants to go with it and one pieced ear on one side. (Picture below ignore the other guy)

And the other one was a girl who had her hair in a ponytail on one side and she wore a tux wearing a blank look on her face. (Picture below)

"Alibaba Morgiana! Hi!" Aladdin came over and Ugo jump out down of Aladdin's arms and ran over to the girl called Morgiana who gave a small smile picking him up while Alibaba punched Aladdin in the head. "Don't give me that! Do you have any idea HOW worried we were over you?! We spent 3 hours trying to find you!" [Y/n] made a crooked smile kind of laughing at how cute this is when a knock came on the door and in came Yamraiha who wore an annoyed face on her. But before [Y/n] could ask her what's wrong Aladdin jump in, "Yamraiha-san! I missed you~!"

'Ack~! W-What the hell is he~!!!' 

(Sorry The image that was on here was inappropriate Sorry readers, followers, Wattpad.~ Use your imagination or just look up the episode. Again very sorry.)

Aladdin was groping and snuggling up in her breasts a huge tick mark came on her head and she flips him over knocking him out making [Y/n] stun silent. 'This was who she was talking about...Never would have guessed Aladdin WAS Sinbad's twin...Great...'  

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