That Summer...

By redtulips1201

3.3K 73 37

When Lily's family starts to move to Ponte Verde, She gets to spend the summer there a year before they move... More

That Summer... intro

That Summer... chapp 1

1K 41 27
By redtulips1201

Hey guys! first chapter here!!

let me know what you guys think about this and if i should continue writing!!

ohh and i live for nice lonng and jucy comments!!!



Lily's POV

I let my fingers trail the walls of my family's new house, carefully to avoid the boxes of our stuff. Sighing I turned and walked down the hall to my new room across from Ethan's. Father said that this was our last move, and we should make the best of our experience here.

Basically find something amusing here to do because Mom and I are going to work 24/7 and you won't see us a lot.

I love my parents, I really do, but sometimes they need to take their mind off of work and onto their kids. They think that if they get us a fancy home and pretty toys (i.e. cars and laptops) we'll be content. I would give everything up just to be a normal family.

In my parents line of work the rich are stuck-up jerks that you need to be hard and cold to survive. Back when my family barely got by we were an open and loving family.

Ever since my dad teamed up with Huntington Realtors (for the stuck-up rich snobs) where the Huntington's themselves are a cold-hearted family bent on uprooting families and turning the parents against their kids. Ohh and sucking the money out of unsuspecting people for their favorite hobby.

Honestly I'm normally not this judgmental of people but this one family gets under my skin even though I've never met them, researching them is about as far as I want to go thank you very much.

I went inside and sat on my air mattress-my make shift bed till next month- and pulled out my phone. Eleven text messages already! I've been gone one day!! Wow, 8 from my bestie Zoey, and 3 from my best guy friend Stephen.

Zoey's texts

Ugh I just hugged u bye and I miss u!

WELL?? I no ur on da plane but do u miss me?

Immm boardd...

Come on girl I no u landed already txt me back

Any QT??

R u avoidin me??


What r u doin that's so important? Cauz I no ur not avoidin me on purpose. OMG who died?

Haha I love Zoey to death but she has an imagination that will run wild if you don't tell her the facts. I texted her back 'everything's ok, just moved in, I'm tired and goin to bed call u tomoro' before moving on to Stephen's texts

Hey I know Zo's going to txt u like crazy. I miss u.

Hey, how r u? Is everything all right?

I know ur tired so I'll call you tomorrow :) sleep well.

Aww Stephen was so sweet, everyone around me says he likes me but that's just how Stephen is to people he cares about. It was getting to be dark outside so I lay down and managed to fall asleep.

The next day I slept in so late I couldn't even believe it. It was nearly 1:00 so I took a shower and got changed into some jean shorts and a tee, and went down the street to explore.

Our property is right on the beach so I just walked down the coastline and let the mid-morning sun warm my skin. Soon though I was burning up so I headed over to the local ice cream shop; MOO-Cream. When I stepped in I heard a manly voice that was said, "MOOO! Welcome to MOO-Cream, What can I get for you?" Oh my, his voice was delicious!! I wanted his voice on a waffle cone. When my eyes met his, I scolded myself for thinking that his voice was his best feature.

This guy puts Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattenson to shame. His skin glowed in the dim lighting of the shop, and his brown hair was tossed-like he didn't care about it. His eyes were sky blue, with a dark ring of midnight blue around them, the over all effect had me standing there speechless staring at him like I was an idiot.

When he looked up from whatever he was doing on the counter and our eyes locked a fait blush crept up and settled on his cheeks. It made his appearance even more smoking hot.

"I cannot believe I just moo'ed at you, I normally get kids around here and they like the mooing." He said in a rush. Wait, was he embarrassed? Aww that's so cute, I've never had a guy feel uncomfortable around me; normally I was the embarrassed person.

So I laughed the mooing off and replied with a smile," It's okay, it kind of completes the whole experience of getting ice cream."

He smiled back, appreciative that I didn't tease him about it. Oh man a girl could get drunk off that smile it was so addicting.

"So what can I get for you?" He said scooper in hand.

"Mint chocolate chip with rainbow sprinkles on a waffle cone please."

"Ohh manners, I like that" he said putting my yummy order together and handing me the cone. When he was done ringing me up he did something I didn't expect; he jumped over the counter and walked to the door holding it open.

When he looked over expectably at me I realized what he was doing, I still needed it to be confirmed.

"Umm what are you doing? You can't just leave your job alone." I said to him waiting for him to realize his mistake.

"Why cause there are so many customers I need to take care of?" He replied gesturing to the empty ice cream shop.

"Well-umm-" I tried to quickly come up with another excuse. I've never spent time alone with a guy I didn't know and I didn't really know how to act.

"Good then lets go"

I had no choice but to walk out into the Ponte Verde heat carrying my ice cream and talking to a new friend.

"My name is Lily by the way," I said to my first friend in Ponte Verde holding my hand out.

"Nathen" He replied taking my hand with his.

'He is going to make this an interesting summer' I thought as we headed down to the beach.


yeah! so first chapp what do you think? Let me know





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