His Gryffindor Princess

By tereminmin

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The stories trailer


2.2K 42 4
By tereminmin

[ troll in the dungeon ]

At breakfast

When we got to breakfast Draco looked shocked that Ron and Harry were still here, looking tired but cheerful . While we ate, Harry and Ron kept talking about what would the three-headed dog was guarding. They both turn to look at me. "What?" I ask looking at both of them. "What do you think, that dog is guarding?" Ron asks. "I don't know, maybe something that's valuable and requires a three-headed dog to guard it." I say making them stare at me. "Blimey Bri, I didn't think of it that way." Ron states.

Suddenly, the owls flew into the Great Hall. My owl Aya and Harry's owl Hedwig flew down and dropped two big packages. We both looked at the note attached to it.

DO NOT OPEN THE PARCEL AT THE TABLE. It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, But I don't want anybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll want one. Oliver Wood will meet you and your sister tonight on the Quidditch field at Seven O'clock for your first training session.

Professor M. Mcgonagall

Me and Harry couldn't contain our glee as Harry handed Ron the note. "A Nimbus Two Thousand!" Ron said. "I've never touched one."

Quidditch Practice

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand, even if it's not too easy to play. There are seven players on each side. Three of them are called chasers." Oliver says as he leans down and opened what seemed to be a suitcase but with different balls. "This one is called the quaffle, and try to put it through one of the three hoops. So basically what you have to do Brietta." he says pointing to the hoops, "The keeper, that's me, defends the hoops." He stops as he looks up me and Harry. "What are those?" Harrys asks pointing to the balls rattling behind the chains. I looked down at the chains.

"You two better take these." Oliver says as he hands us two long pieces of wood. He then proceeds to let one out, it went flying up into to the air and then was coming back down towards us. My eyes widen as the ball comes towards me and I hit it with the big piece of wood. "Not bad Brietta! You'd make a fair beater." Oliver complements me as he catches the ball and puts it back into its place. "What were those?" Harry asks.

"Bludgers. Nasty little buggers." Oliver responds back. After a while that Oliver was showing us what we do, we back to the castle.

Next day in Flitwicks class

"One of the wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects float." Flitwick began saying as he stood on the podium. "Ah, do you have your feather?" he asked. "The "Swish and Flick"." he exclaimed. "Now repeat after me, Wingardium leviosa." he says clapping his hands together. "Off you go then!"

I looked around to see the students trying to do the spell. "No! Stop, stop, stop!" Mione demanded, grabbing Ron's hand and lowering it, "You're going to take someone elses eyes out! And besides, you'rte saying it wont. It's 'levi-o-sa', not 'levio-sar'." she says. "Well, you do it then, since you're so clever." Ron says crossing his arms. I shook my head at his ignorance. Mione cleared her throat and raised her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa." she said, swishing her wand. Suddenly, the feather began to float in the air, following the movements from Mione's wand. The feather raising higher and higher. "Oh! Well done! See here, everyone! Miss Granger's done it! Splendid!" Professor Flitwick, says praising Mione for how good she did the spell.

After I did the spell, he also congratulated me. Finally we were able to leave. Both me and Mione were walking side to side when we heard Ron said mocking Mione, "Its levi-o-sa, not levio-sar." I looked over at Mione to see her face dropped considerably. "She's a nightmare, honestly! It's no wonder she hasn't got no friends!" Ron says making me go mad with anger as Mione pushed through Harry and Ron wiping her tears from her face. I walked to Ron and grabbed him from his shirt. "Ron you stupid git. How could you say that to Mione. And by the way I'm her friend." I said angrily while I glared at Ron. After what I said as I quickly ran to go find Mione.

"Mione, wait." I called out as I ran into the girls restroom. I was able to hear the sounds of Mione's crying. "Mione?" I asked, tapping on the stall door. "No, Bri leave me alone. You heard Ron. I have no friends." she says sniffling. "Mione, don't listen to Ron. He doesn't know what hes talking about. I'm your friend. Your bestfriend." I say hoping that Mi one opens the door. Finally after a few minutes she opened the door letting me in. "Mi one, your brilliant. Better than him. Don't let his words get to you." I say comforting her.

A few hours later

"Come on, Mione. We should get going. I think we missed dinner." I say to my bestfriend. As we both exited the stall, we saw an ugly creature holding a club. "Mione... What is that?" I say slowly not seeing that the creature was a troll. Suddenly the troll moved his club making a loud bang. Making me and Mione scream. We quickly ran to hide as Harry and Ron ran in. "Bri move." my brother yelled as the troll knocked his club against the sink. Mione was running ahead of me so she was completely fine. The troll suddenly moved his club and it hit me not to hard but it did hurt. Harry quickly ran over to me and helped me up while Ron performed the levitation spell causing the troll to get knocked out.

The teachers then came in to see a mess in the girls bathroom. "What happened here?" Professor Mcgonagall said sternly. "Its my fault professor. I heard about the troll and I wanted to defeat it. If it weren't for them I would probably be dead" Mione lied." Mcgonagall looked at Mione in shock. "Ms. Granger, you could have gotten killed. For that you loose 5 points. As for you three 5 points for Gryffindor." Professor said as she escorted me to the Hospital wing. After getting checked up, I went back to my dorm only to see Mione waiting for me. "Are you okay Bri?" Mione asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Lets get some sleep." I say laying down.


A/N: Hey guys sorry to make you guys wait so long for this chapter. I had lots of homework but please enjoy this chapter :)

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