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[ the beginning ]

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[ the beginning ]


It was Halloween, in the year of 1981. In a house in Godric Hollows, a little girl that looked to be 15 months old in the arms of a handsome man with jet black hair, hazel eyes and glasses. A beautiful woman with auburn hair and green eyes held a 15 months old boy. Both of their children were twins.

The baby girl in his arms began to wake up. "Look James, she's waking up." the woman said. The man who's name was James smiled as his daughter opened her green colored eyes. "Lily she looks exactly like you." James says to the smiling Lily.

Before they had grabbed their children, James had talked to his daughter's godfather. He had called the baby's godfather so he can come see her.

Suddenly James and Lily heard a bang come from the door. James turned to look at his wife. "Lily take then and go." he ordered strictly. His wife stared at him, since she didn't know what he was saying. "What?" she asked. James handed ger the little girl, and ushered her upstairs.

"He's here." James hissed. Lily's mouth hung open.

"But... he... Peter couldn't have-"

"It doesn't matter, go now!" Lily stared at her husband's eyes knowing she might now see them again.

"I love you, James." she said, before kissing him and running up the stairs. She ran into the twins room and set them down on there cribs and covered them in blankets.

The boy started to wake up as he heard James yell and fall to the ground.

"Not Brietta or Harry!" Their mother begged after the man blasted down the door. "Please not my children!"

"Stand aside, you silly girl." hissed the raspy voice of the man.

"Not Brietta or Harry!" Lily begged again. "Please no, take me! Kill me instead!"

The man was getting inpatient.

"Not my children!" Their mother begged, her voice choked with emotions. "Please not my daughter or son! Please- I'll do anything."

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" the voice yelled, as Lily Potter let out her last scream.

Both Brietta and Harry had woken up but weren't crying. The man walked towards the crib and raised his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!" he yelled but the spell reflected back to him ans he disappeared leaving both children with a scar. Harry haf a lightning bolt scared on his forehead while Brietta had a heart shaped scar on her left hand.

At that moment was when Brietta and Harry became the Twins who lived.

*2 hours later*

Both Rubeus Hagrid and Remus Lupin arrived to the Potter house. Remus let out a sob when he saw his bestfriend laying there dead. Hagrid let a few tears fall as they both walked to the siblings room.

Remus and Hagrid were horrified when they found Lily on the floor dead.

Hagrid turned to face Remus, "Dumbledore wanted me to tell you to take Brietta, that she will be safe with you, James and Lily would have wanted that." Hagrid said.

Remus nodded and grabbed Brietta and then left.

And that was the last time Brietta saw her twin.

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