Camp camp One shots

Galing kay LoveIsAnOption

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Camp camp Oneshots!!! If you haven't watched the show!! I recommend it! Show is on YouTube, produced/created... Higit pa

Tabii x Reader (Male)

Danielx Reader x David

433 9 13
Galing kay LoveIsAnOption

(female reader)

A love triangle~

(Y/N)'s POV (

There was a knock on the Counselor's cabin. Gwen was just explaining what was happening. A new councilor. I've only been here, since the beginning of this year's camp.
"No hard feelings (Y/N)!!! You're new, and he's new, and David has patience!! I'm sure you three will get along fine!!!" She said as she walked towards the door to open it. Her smile faded as the person on the other side looked like an exact replica of David. But all in white and a bit more fancier. "You'll get along just fine."

The stranger spoke up," Hello! I'm here for the job listing?"

"Oh dear god-" I caught Gwen mumble.

David and I went on either side of Been to look at the person. "Hello!" We said, in sync.

"Why hello there friends!!!"

"You must be the guy Gwen was talking about!! It's a pleasure to meet you- uh...."

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Daniel. I hope I'm not too late to submit my resume!"

"Too late?! You're the only one!!"

"Are ya pulling my leg?"

"No leg pulling here, but we are Keen on handshakes!"

"Well who isn't?"

"The names David! A pleasure to meet you!"

"And (y/n)!!!" I said raising my arms in happiness.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine!"

"I think I'll hurry up and go on Vacation."

"Awww! Are you sure Gwen?" All three of us questioned.

She didn't say a word. She threw her suitcase in her car and drove off as fast as possible. "Well, more fun for us!!" I cheered.

~In the Mess hall time skip~

"An that concludes our presentation on what is and isn't a baseball!!!" David said, concluding himself.

"Any questions?" I asked, and all the kids raised their hands. I chose Max. " Yes, Max?"

"Who the fuck is that?" He said motioning to Daniel.

"Oh!!!! This is our new co- Counselor!!!"

"New co- Counselor?!!! Not to be rude or anything- but aren't you enough (y/n)?"

"Haha! Nope! Now let him introduce himself." I said motioning towards Daniel.

"Thanks co Counselor! Howdy kiddos!! I'm Daniel!"

I looked at the children expecting a reply. I was happy at least one camper replied.

"Howdy do, Daniel!!!"

"Well, I'm going to fill in your paperwork!! So don't have that much fun with out me!!"
He left, then came back in. "Just kidding! Have all the fun you want!!" Then he actually left.

"Wow kids! You usually aren't this quiet!! What has gotten into you?!" All the kids besides Space kid, ran behind me, and pulling me away from Daniel.
Max decided to talk. " He's a fucking Cultist (y/n)!!!! It's so obvious!!! He's going to kill us all!!!"

"Max!!! That wasn't so kind of you!!! Apologize right this instant!!"

"More like what has gotten into you!! We're supposed to trust each other!! And you're not trusting me right now!!! He's a fucking Cultist!!"

I got out of the kids grasp and bent down to Max's level, and place a hand on his shoulder. "Look Max. I trust you, and any other camper. But sometimes, you just have to give people a chance! Appearance shouldn't matter when you meet new people!! So, I'm giving him a chance." I stand up and walk next to Daniel, placing an arm around his shoulder. "Daniel, my apologies. I'm sorry they are acting negative towards you."

"Oh don't worry!! They're just ragging on the new guy!! That's why as my first day as counselor, I've made a few activities that will cleanse us from our negative emotions!!!"

"That's great Dan!!! C'mon kids!! Let's get involved in some activities today!!"

He blushed, probably because of the short nick name I gave him. "Fuck that shit!!! If you won't listen to us, we'll just tell David!!" Max and his partners ran off to go find David. I sighed and held Daniel's hand, with both of my hands.  I looked into his eyes," I'm deeply sorry about their behavior!! They are never like this!! How about we continue? Hopefully the rest will behave!!" I said glancing at the rest of the kids. They all nodded.
"It's a- okay (y/n)!!! I'm sure the rest will behave!! First things first, we'll build a sauna!! That will help us relax!! I hear that they are soothing, and it will clear our minds a bit!!"
I smiled at the thought. " Sounds like a great idea Danny!!! I- I can call you that right?"
"Oh it's alright! You can call me anything!! And I love your enthusiasm!!"
I smile at him, then at the kids," C'mon!! We have a sauna to build!!"

/////////////////////~Time skip~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

"Great work everybody!! We did great!! What's the next step Danny?"

"Oh! I just need to plug in a few things, and code it, and it'll be ready!!"

"Alright!!," I faced in the direction of the kids," you all did wonderful!! I think after we get in the sauna, you all deserve a treat!!" They all cheered.

"Ooh!! Extra dessert?!!!" Said space kid.

"Edible food?!!" Said Erid.

"Going into town?!!"

"Actually, all those ideas sound nice!! I'll consider them!!" Just as I finished speaking, Daniel walked up to us.

"It's ready!! Now who wants to go first?"

I raised my hand along with Space k. "Aww how sweet of you two!! In ya go!!"
He took space kid's helmet off. Then he somewhat pushed us in. I think the door locked behind us. We heard yelling from the outside and banging on the door.
"Get out quick (y/n)!!! It's a trap!!"
Smoke filled in our lungs. And words that we heard clearly.
"You love Daniel. You are safe. You love Daniel. You are safe." It was like that for a few more seconds. Then- I love Daniel. He opened the door for us.
"We love Daniel!!"

"Oh fuck that shit!!!!" The kids screamed, but I caught them all before they left anywhere. "Aww kids!! What's the rush? Don't you want to feel safe too?" I shoved what I had in the sauna, as did Daniel and Space kid. Later they came out looking like us. And feeling, safe. "We love Daniel!"

"Oh perfect!! Now come along everyone!! Let's get set up for a celebration, to prepare for ascension!!"

~Daniel's Pov~

"Oh perfect!! Now come along everyone!! Let's get set up for a celebration, to prepare for ascension!!" I snaked an arm around (y/n)'s waist, and walked to the mess hall. She is just so perfect!! I can't wait to have her fully under my control!! I'll leave everyone dead, besides that space kid and her. We'd be so lovely in crime!! We entered the Mess Hall, and started to decorate. As we finished I started to talk to (y/n), and I could listen to her all day. The mischievous trio and David burst in. "Howdy David!!"
"What's all this?"

"This is a special thanks to you all!! The campers have been awfully cooperative today!!"

"Hey! Where are the other campers?" Said the teal haired girl.

"Oh, some are still hanging around in the sauna!! Others are helping out for the special occasion!"

"Wow!! You built a sauna?!!!!"

"That's not the word to focus on David!! He's a Cultist and you need to stop him!!"

"Oh.... I see... There's still some negativity left! Why don't you all relax in the sauna? Nerf, Dolph, help our fellow campers purify their way out of negativity!!"
They did as they were told. Man I love doing what I do best. I turned my Gaze towards (y/n). She's so beautiful. I snaked my arm around her neck. Then she kissed me. It was..... A feeling... I've never felt before.... It's.... Amazing.... I kissed back of course, not wanting to miss this chance. A few seconds later she looked directly at my eyes. "I love you Daniel." OOH! I absolutely melted.

~Time skip~

3rd POV.

Daniel grabbed Neil and Nikki, and threw them in the sauna, ignoring the cries for help. They exited the sauna purified.
"You're insane!!! Let them go!!"
Daniel stood in front of Max, with Nerf and Dolph on either side. "C'mon Max! Don't you want to feel safe too?" David interrupted them, " There you are! I've been looking around for you!"
"David!!! Help!! He's an insane cultist that wants to kill us all!!"
"Again? Max, I've had it up to here with your bad behavior. Now apologize."

"Ugh... Fine, if I he won't believe me, I'll just do it the hard way..." He mumbled," I'm sorry David... It's just that I don't know how to make new friends.. and I was scared."

"Oh! It's okay Max!! Making friends can sometimes be hard!! Don't be scared!"

"I was scared about you David!!"


"Just face it. Daniel is a better camp counselor than you. Once Cameron finds out that one counselor can control the whole camp with the help of (y/n), he's definitely gonna let you two go."

"Let me and Gwen go?..... But Campbell is what I live for..... I can't imagine a life without camp...."

"And your crush on (y/n) is so obvious!! And it looks like Daniel is taking her away from you!! Everyone loves Daniel. "

"Pshhhh... No way Max!!" He pauses," Not everyone loves Daniel, right Max?" He looked down to notice that Max wasn't there, but he was just exiting the sauna. "I love Daniel!"

"Wait- but Max doesn't like anything!.... Maybe he is right!!" David walked up to Daniel, with pride.

"Excuse me Daniel?"
Daniel turned his head towards David.

"Yes David? Up for a drink?"

"Actually... I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go. I just don't think you're a good fit for camp Campbell."

"Oh I see," Daniel cracked his neck," well it is unfortunate you feel that way, David."

"Yeah.. I'm just afraid that-"

Daniel cut David off," However, as far as I'm aware, I've successfully met every requirement listed in my job description!!
So you don't actually have the legal right to terminate my employment. Unless of course,you think  there's an aspect of this job I've yet to uphold.

"As a matter of fact there is. You may be a great camp counselor, but what's a counselor, without camp songs?" He pulled out his guitar

"Oh David! I thought you'd never ask!" He pulled out his violin.

David strummed,"
I hope this won't sound impolite, or come across as two forthright! And even though you seem alright I---
Think I'm better than you!!
But please do keep this though in mind, that's just my personal conviction. You're smart and fun, you're sweet and kind! I'd call our friendship and addiction! Your shoes are shinned, your breath ducle, but still I find I have to say I, think I'm might be better than you!"

"You've seem impressed with what you've shown but I don't find it that compelling. You've sung my praise and not your own, and well I think that's pretty telling. But while we're on the subject of how I'm suburb and leauges above, you ought to know I'm number one. I know that might be hard to swallow. This hurts you just as much as me! But when this song is sung, then you and I'll know, that you're just a nobody!! "

"Well friend I don't know what to say-"

"Try starting with your resignation"

"Let's end this in the fin-a-le"

David (and DANIEL) start to sing over eachother
"You’re really great, but let me state"
"(You've been outdone)"
"You denigrate and seem to hate"
"(Now I've really won)"
"The fact I’ll break you, abdicate"
"(But it was fun)"
"Before I can asphyxiate, I... (Your end's begun, and...)"

"Think I might be better than you! (Now I know I'm better than you!)
Don’t hate me because it’s true! (And I'll prove it to you, too!)"

Just know, I'm better than.....
(So watch as I identify
The skill to show I qualify
Like keeping up this camp charade
And tricking kids to drink kool-aide
To sacrifice them--"

"And not to mention that I have control over your girlfriend here!~"

(Y/n) walked over to Daniel and put an arm around his neck. "Come join us David!! You'll be safe too!! Daniel will take great care of us!!"

Daniel wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her close. "You heard the girl David!! I promise I won't hurt anyone!~ They'll be safe!!"

David was now fumed. "Get away from her!" David was about to get ready to throw some punches. (Y/n) and the children noticed this, and surrounded Daniel in a protective manner. "David, just give up already!! You can't possibly hurt my purified killing machines!!!"

"I'm not aiming for the kids. I'm aiming for you." David pushed past the kids, and jumped on Daniel. David was sitting on Daniel's stomach, with a successful punch to Daniel's face. (Y/n) got herself involved and pushed Davey off of him. Now (y/n) was on David's stomach. "That wasn't really nice of you Davey. It wasn't safe, and it was a negative act. I think it's time to be safe with us!!"

"(Y/n)!! Snap out of it!! C'mon!! He's the bad guy!!"

"Oh David, David, David. She's not (y/n) anymore. Why don't you understand that?!!" Daniel reached (y/n)'s level, bending down on a knee. He placed a hand on (y/n)'s chin, and made her face him. He gave her a 5 second peck on the lips. David was already heartbroken.

David's POV

That hurt. And it hurt a lot. I was even worse than heartbroken. He- he knew I liked her. And he swept her off her feet, and onto his arms. But it's not (y/n), I need to keep that in mind. I can't keep that in mind. I give up. Daniel noticed my heart break.
"Oh I'm sorry, did you two have a relationship?"

".... As a matter of fact we did!!" I tried to move from purified (y/n), but she wouldn't budge.

"Why are you so eager David? Join us!!! You'll feel safe too!"

All the kids surrounded us in a circle. They were all chanting the same thing.
"You'll feel safe."
"You'll feel safe."
"You'll feel safe."

"Well I don't feel very safe right now!!"

"Oh!! Don't ya worry Davey!! While we purify you, (Y/n) and I will take great care of you and the kiddos!!"

I managed to push (y/n) off of me, and it looks like it hurt her... I'm sorry (y/n), but I promise I'll make it up to you!! I stood up, and Walked straight up to Daniel. The kids looked over to (y/n), then she shook off what just happened and stood. She started to walk towards us, and I started to hurry up and say what I was going to say. "I'm not going to let you do anything to the campers, (y/n) or I. I already know that I'm better than you. You are just an insane cultist. I am going to-" I raised up a fist, but he just snapped.
"Oh (y/n) darling!!" He called her over, and I was about to punch him, but (y/n) just hugged me from behind. She started to grip me tightly. Before I know it, I am flipped over, while in (y/n)'s arms- she so flexible.. ouch.. that actually hurt. She let go of me and walked over to Daniel's side.
"Ya know Davey, I like messing with you!!"

"Daniel... This isn't fun... C-can you stop please?..."

"Hmm... No can do pal!! I can make this more fun, if you insist!!"

"No!! I didn't mean it like that!!-"

"Prepare David!! Watch as I sacrifice this lovely lady's soul!!!"

"You wouldn't dare!!!"

"Oops!! Too late!! I'm already drawing the pentagram!!! And soon, she'll be just like me!" He started to finish up the pentagram, and I felt frozen. Then, he started to sprout Latin words- and it looks like (y/n) was affected. How can I stop this?!!! Think David, Think!!! I couldn't think of anything. I feel disappointed in myself. There's nothing I can do!!! I stay still.

Daniel won........

(2720 words)
Part 2?

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