Haunted By You

By sam07maurer

18.1K 781 90

When Lexa is hit with a stray bullet meant for Clarke, can she save her? If she can't, how long will she be a... More

Chapter 1: You Did It, Clarke
Chapter 2: Six Days
Chapter 3 Ai Hod Yu In
Chapter 4 Dark to Light and Light to Dark
Chapter 5 You're Sorry?
Chapter 6 Nowhere Visible
Chapter 7 You Are Not Atlas
Chapter 8 Do You Ever Miss It?
Chapter 9 Nowe
Chapter 10 Nightbloods
Chapter 11 Prisoner 319
Chapter 12 Breakfast
Chapter 13 Soul Bonds
Chapter 14 How Was She?
Chapter 15 No Matter Where You Come From
Chapter 16 Do Not Apologize
Chapter 17 Home
Chapter 18 The Meeting
Chapter 19 I Win
Chapter 20 You Cannot Take the Coalition
Chapter 21 What the Hell Were You Thinking
Chapter 22 Nerves
Chapter 23 Build a Brace
Chapter 24 Killer
Chapter 25 Prisoner
Chapter 26 Pain
Chapter 27 Healing and Ink
Chapter 28 Bound

Chapter 29 Osir Keryon Ste Teina

629 29 5
By sam07maurer

It was the next spring, after the winter ice had melted and the new flowers had bloomed, in a small clearing just outside of Polis, that Heda and Wanheda were wed. The clearing was blossoming and the trees and flowers surrounded them in their welcoming aura as the final preparations were made.

Flower arches created a small aisle, and beautifully carved benches held everyone deemed important to the two leaders. Their closest friends and those they called family smiled as Lexa walked down to take her place beside Lincoln, who had graciously accepted to perform the ceremony.

Lexa's celebratory armor was new and custom made for her bonding day, and her red stash was flowing deeply over her shoulder. There was a matching red flower in her hair, tucked into one of the many braids.

Lexa gasped as she finally saw her wife to be, Clarke blushed lightly as saw how she'd quickly captured everyone's attention. Lexa had asked her personal tailor to create Clarke's gown, and the blonde had loved working with the gentle old woman who asked her input for every piece of the dress.

It was a light grey, the perfect complement to Lexa's dark armor and though it flowed around her in some places, it was tight to her curves and had pieces of armor incorporated to show her status. Her gown had no back, only a trail of red flowers cascading over both of her shoulders and down her spine. They were identical to the buds woven into her braids, forming a crown around her head.

Finally, she stood across from Lexa and held her lover's hands in her own, the smile on her face radiating the pure joy she was experiencing. Lexa's stared back at her with loving eyes and a brilliant smile of her own. Their audience was seated and the ceremony began. Lincoln's words all seemed to rush past the two women in a blur until it was time to deliver their vows to each other.

Bringing Lexa's hands up to place a soft kiss on her knuckles, Clarke began.

"You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give you my body, that we two may become one. I give you my spirit until this life is done and the next has begun. You are Blood of my Blood and Bone of my Bone.

You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give. You cannot command me, for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand.

I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night and the eyes into which I smile in the morning. I pledge to you the first bite of my meat and the first drink from my cup. I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine. I shall honor you above all others.

This is my wedding vow to you, Leksa kom Trikru. This is the marriage of equals."

Lexa was smiling so brightly that it lit up her entire face, and Clarke saw tears growing in her favorite pair of green eyes. Their warpaint, usually used to intimidate the enemy and show their malice for whoever dared stare them down, was filled only with the deepest of love on that day.

Lexa began to repeat the traditional vows as well, speaking loud and clear that the incredible woman standing in front of her was hers for the rest of time, in this life and the next.

"You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give you my body, that we two may become one. I give you my spirit until this life is done and the next has begun. You are Blood of my Blood and Bone of my Bone.

You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give. You cannot command me, for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand.

I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night and the eyes into which I smile in the morning. I pledge to you the first bite of my meat and the first drink from my cup. I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine. I shall honor you above all others.

This is my wedding vow to you, Klark kom Skaikru. This is the marriage of equals."

Clarke smiled through the few tears leaking down her cheeks and Lexa thought she had never seen such a beautiful sight.

Lincoln turned to the small crowd gathered to witness the ceremony, "If no one present has any reason why Leksa and Klark should not be bound together for this life and every life forward, then we shall conclude the ceremony with the tying of their souls."

Lexa and Clarke turned to face their friends and family as Indra stepped forward, in her hands she was carrying the four cords that Lexa and Clarke had braided together in private a few days prior. She smiled at both women that she saw as daughters and asked them to hold out their hands, tangling their fingers and neither hand on top of the other.

Then, she began the final portion of the bounding ceremony."I bid you know to look into each other's eyes."

They turned slightly to face each other again, their hands between them.

"Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor?"

Both women nodded, "Sha. Ai swega klin."

Indra draped the first cord over the couple's hands, "And so the first binding is made."

"Will you share each other's pain, and seek to erase it?"

"Sha. Ai swega klin." The second cord was placed over their hands, "And so the binding is made."

"Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?"

"Sha. Ai swega klin." The third cord was added, "And so the binding is made."

"Will you share in each other's laughter, and look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?"

"Sha. Ai swega klin."

Indra smiled and slid the last cord into place over their intertwined hands, "And so the binding is made."

The usually hard warrior looked lovingly at the couple as she tightly tied all of the cords together around their hands, symbolizing to all that Clarke and Lexa's souls were now bound as one.

She raised their bond in her own hands and all three woman faced the people gathered, "This binding is complete. Heda and Wanheda are one."

Everyone jumped to their feet and cheered, Indra and Lincoln moving into the crowd as well to congratulate the ecstatic couple.Clarke and Lexa turned to each other, their smiles beaming and their emotions that of only the purest joy.

"Ai hod yu in, ai houmon."

"En ai hod yu in seintaim, ai houmon."

And with that, the blonde and the brunette pulled each other close and collided their lips together, sealing their vows and their promises to both themselves and each other.

AN* That's it! That's the end of my story! Hope you guys liked it and it gave them the ending they deserved. Let me know what you think!*

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