His Kindness Daichi x Reader...

By Kickass_Birthcontrol

95.2K 2.7K 736

You were in Class 3-D, one of the lowest classes. You lived in the girls dorm, with no roommate. When you wer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chritmas Special!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Its out!

Chapter 16

2.3K 85 13
By Kickass_Birthcontrol

-(Y/N) POV-

After the last school bell rang, you decided to stay seated in class. As you looked out the window, you saw Daichi walking with Nao away from school grounds. You sighed and packed your things, getting ready to go to work.

The Soccor coaches thought it might be best for you not to coach anymore, especially since your still in recovery from the train accident. It would have been your last year coaching anyways. So you really didn't care. Even though you loved doing it, you have to sacrifice somethings in life. 


You entered the grocery store, heading to the staff change room. once you got dressed the manager soon came in. "(Y/N)-chan, I have to talk to you about something". She said. "Get dressed back into your school clothes, and meet me outside". And with that, she left you alone. You wondered what she wanted.

Soon you came out, fully dressed in your school clothes. "(Y/N)-chan, I'm sorry about this. But business isn't doing well, and I have to let you go. Meaning your kind of fired". Your eyes widen but went back to neutral and you nodded your head bowing. "Thank you for letting me work here for the past three years ma'am. I hope business goes well for you". You grabbed your bag and walked out of the store. You continued walking till you reached the train station. You soon realized it was the same station you had your accident at.

You decided to walk back to the dorms since you have a lot of spare time on your hands. After three years of this stuff, and now when it's my final year everything comes tumbling down. This was all your fault. Only if you didn't meet the nice boy named Daichi, if your sister never found you, if your best friend from years ago never killed herself. Maybe, just maybe you could be happy for once!

You soon walked past a park, noticing Daichi and Nao sitting on the swings talking. You knew it would be rude to eavesdrop, but it wouldn't hurt to listen to them for a little bit? 


You heard Daichi say Nao's name. Just hearing his voice made your heart jump. Your face flushed red at the thought of him. Did you like Diachi?

You sat there behind a cement wall, trying to stay quiet, not wanting to be caught. "Nao.... I-" You can tell Daichi was having trouble talking to Nao. Was he sick? or.... was he embarrassed, nerve's to tell her something?

"Daichi, was is it?" You heard Nao ask. 

"Nao, I'm going to be forward with you." You can hear the swings make noise. You peeked over the cement wall to see Daichi no longer sitting on the swing, but now standing in front of Nao. "Nao... I have known you for so many years... and I want you to know that I- I love you!".

You felt your heart pull at those three words. Tears stung your eyes, threating to come out. Daichi like Nao? And you like Daichi...

"Nao, you are the kindest, sweetest girl I have ever met! We have known each other for so long, and were almost together every day! I want you to be with me, I want you to come live with me after I graduate".

"Daichi, I-"     "You don't have to give me an answer straight away". Your heart sank. You didn't want to continue listening to them, but you shrugged it off wanting to hear her response.

"Daichi, you know I'm with Uehara-kun! I would never leave him! besides, we're a year apart! I have never felt this way for you. I only think of you as a brother!" You heard Nao shout out. Your heard rocks move. You froze. What if it's Daichi and he see's you?! You pressed your back against the wall as much as you can, wishing you could be one with the wall.

Soon you saw Nao run pass you crying, not even seeing you. You waited to see if Daichi was going to run after her, but he never came. You peeked to see him sitting on the swing, head in his hands.

So was everything that happened between you guys never meant anything? All those tears, wanting to protect him, thinking that maybe he can love a girl like you? You soon stood up from your spot and ran, not looking back to see if Daichi saw you. Hot tears poured down your face from anger and hurt.

For the rest of that night, you locked your self in your room. 

Glad that no one can come inside.

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