unofficial | park chanyeol

By Millymellymully

3.2K 178 44

Composing is all about the emotion that one experienced. Kim Dahee was send to a composing competition but sh... More



218 17 1
By Millymellymully

Dahee's POV

Yesterday , my brother came to school to fetch me home and it's honestly the sweetest act ever. He texted me and that's why I rushed out of the school.

My brother , Kim Joonmyeon is the weirdest but yet the most lovable dude ever.

Today means a fresh new day , except that it isn't fresh because i'm living in the city and Geography taught me that cities are usually polluted by harmful gases from transports.

i'm a good student.

" Noona , I'm going to show you magic ! " I looked over at my little brother who is literally shoving bread into his mouth. That's what he does everyday , shoving food into his mouth.

" Tadda ! The bread is gone ! " He said and I clapped enthusiastically while he bowed proudly.

" Wow ! I'm so amazed ! " I said , trying to sound really enthusiastic when we all know where the bread went to.

I walked out of the house and walked to the bus stop where I saw Chanyeol standing there. I looked over at him and our eyes met.

" Why are you h- "

He grabbed my hand and smiled , " Let's go on a date since school got cancelled due to some stuff that is happening in school. "

I didn't released his hand as we walked to a park and we sat down at a bench.

" I can't believe i'm in a park with Park Chanyeol. " I said and he looked at me weirdly before bursting into laughter.

" So what are we going to do today ? " I asked and he thought for awhile , still holding my hand still.

" Let's go to the cafe near by ? " I nodded and we walked to the cafe.

When we entered the cafe , we heard a little ring. We are welcomed by the sweet fragrance of the waffles along with the soft and fluffy pancakes.

" Welcome to Kyungsoo's Kitchen , what do you want to order ? " A male with really huge eyes asked with a straight face.

" We'll have a pancake set and a waffle set. " He nodded before taking the money from Chanyeol and returning the change.

We got to our seat and he suddenly held my hand.

" When do you have to submit the song ? " I thought for a moment and calculate the dateline in my mind and it it's me.

In five days time.

" Five days. " I said and he nodded.

" Five more dates to go then , I guess. " He said as he shot me a smile but it isn't the happy smile that I've always see.

It's the smile that says , ' I'm lying about being happy , can you make me happy ? '

" Waffle and pancake. Enjoy your foo- " The same dude said as he looked over at me for a second and he looked over at Chanyeol.

" Aren't you Park Chanyeol ? " He asked and Chanyeol nodded in confusion.

" I'm Do Kyungsoo. The kid that you made fun of when I was younger. " He said with a straight face and I looked over at Chanyeol.

" What do you mean ? " He asked.

" Don't you remember ? you and your little group made fun of me and pushed me down the stairs. Because of you guys , " He said and he suddenly stopped.

" I lost the opportunity to go for soccer trainings abroad. " He turned away and walked away.

" Did you really bully him ? " I asked.

" Dahee I- " I pulled my hand harshly away from him and repeated my question again.

" I did but it was just joking around, he fell by himself , it's not my fault. " He said as if it's something that is okay and it shouldn't be a big deal.

" So you're telling me that just because you're jong around , it's okay to push someone down the stairs and it's not your fault ? " I asked , feeling amazed at how rude he is.

" Dahee , look , forget the past and live the present. " He said and I stood up before storming out of the cafe.

I never should have accepted his help.

Chanyeol's POV

I ruffled my hair in frustration as I glared at Kyungsoo. I walked over to him and grabbed his collar harshly.

" Look what you caused ! " I screamed at his face but he remained emotionless , unlike how he is a few years ago.

" What have I caused ? Have you asked yourself what have you and your friends caused ? " He asked.

" Because of you guys , I lost the opportunity to go abroad to train and because of you guys , I lost the chance to fulfill my dream. " He said.

" Because of you guys , I lost my only source of happiness. " He said.

" I hated school because of you guys , all your constant discriminations and acting as if i'm not part of your friend group ! It made me felt so suffocated to go to school ! Just being in the building made me felt like I want to give up. " He raised his voice but softened it.

" How is it our fault ? " I asked , I have to admit that we did discriminate him but it was all out of trying to be friendly so we joked around.

" How is it you guys's fault ? Let me tell you what exactly happened. " He said.

" Insulting me in front of everyone in the school , humiliating me in front of everyone in the school and even spilling my secrets out like it means nothing in front of everyone in the school. " Hs said with tears flowing down his cheeks.

" Do you know how many times you made me question my existence in school ? " He asked while sobbing.

" I didn't know you felt that way. " I said , feeling really apologetic after knowing how he have felt all these years.

" I'm sorry. " I said , he looked up at me.

" Do you think a word sorry would make it seemed as if nothing happened in the past ? It was hell for me to stay in that school and I questioned myself how long do I have left with you guys. " He said.

" When it's the last day of school , everyone cried tears of sadness but I cried tears of joy. " He said and I slowly released his collar.

" Because that's when I know , I can finally breathe normally. "

10th Nov 2017

Chanyeol's past is revealed , what will happen ?

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