Someday My Princess

By yellow_pooh

7.5K 110 11

Love and miracles can move mountains. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

326 7 0
By yellow_pooh

Nang nasa room na sila.

Agot: (inaayos bed nya)

Albert: (smile while looking around Agot's room) your room is so girly.

Agot: naturally. Ikaw talaga.

Albert: (take off his blazer then sit down sa bed and take off his shoes and socks)

Agot: wala akong damit magkasya sayo.

Albert: no problem.

Agot: (inayos ang pillow Albert) there you go.

Albert: (take off his pants so naka boxers nalang siya then lie down sa bed)

Agot: (look at Albert) are you okay?

Albert: of course. (Pat the space next to him and smile mischievously at Agot)

Agot: (sit down beside Albert) are you sure? Are you comforatable?

Albert: stop worrying. Let's sleep.

Agot: (put her hands on Albert's cheek) mauna ka na. Magbibihis lang ako.

Albert: I'll wait for you.

Agot: okay, I won't be long.

Nagmadaling magshower Agot then nagbihis na siya ng pajama niya. Saka bumalik sa room niya but nung papasok na siya naalala niya mga guards ni Albert na nasa labas nag aantay.

Agot: (open the door)

Tariq & companion: (stand straight)

Agot: (look at Tariq) hmmm, your boss is so tired to go back to the hotel and decided to sleep here.

Tariq: we will just stay here and wait for him.

Agot: no-no-no. Plenty of mosquito and you will not be comfortable. Come inside. (Open the door more)

Tariq: it is no problem miss. We will stay here.

Agot: aside from it's uncomfortable, you will draw attention to my neighbors. Come inside please. (Open the door more wider)

Tariq: (look at his companion then tumango na and then pasok na sila sa loob)

Agot: I don't have another spare room but you can stay in the sala. I will get some pillows for you.

Tariq: really miss, you don't need to bother. We will stay here.

Agot: no need for you to be awake till morning, nothing will happen. I promise you. I will not harm your prince. (Smile teasingly at them)

Tariq: we know that miss but it is our duty to watch and protect our ruler.

Agot: (sigh then just shrug) you can sleep alternately if you want. Feel at home. (Pumasok na sa room)

Albert: (nakahiga na sa bed almost asleep) what took you so long?

Agot: (sit down on the bed) pinapasok ko lang ang mga guards mo para hindi sila lamokin. I told them they can sleep but sabi kailangan ka nila bantayan. Aanhin ba kita? As if naman kikidnapin kita. (Lie down)

Albert: (laugh, put his arms across Agot's tummy) they are serious with their duty. Let them be.

Agot: (look at Albert) antok na antok ka na. Pahinga ka na.

Albert: (lean close to Agot then kiss her)

Agot: (kiss back)

Albert: (kiss Agot ardently)

Agot: (put her hands on Albert's shoulder)

Albert: (continue kissing her while starting to caress Agot in her bosom)

Agot: (end the kiss and medyo layo yung face niya kay Albert) Albert.

Albert: (lie down then pinaunan Agot sa arms niya) good night my beauty. (Kiss Agot sa temple)

Agot: (hug Albert) good night Albert.

Albert: (bring Agot close to him and try to sleep holding her in his arms)

Agot: (could feel that Albert want him) Albert?

Albert: sweetheart, (cupped Agot's face) naturally my body would react to you. I want you? Yes. Who wouldn't? but don't worry I will not do anything about it. As long as you are not ready for a physical intimacy you have nothing to worry. Hindi kita mamadaliin. I am content to just hold you in my arms, okay?

Agot: (nod) thank you. (Kiss Albert sa chin then cuddle close to him) good night.

After a while they both fell asleep in each others arms.

Early dawn later.

Albert: (wake up)

Agot: (asleep, on her back but nakaunan yung head nya on Albert's shoulder)

Albert: (a little bit disoriented kung nasaan siya then tiningnan kung sino nasa tabi niya then smile when he saw Agot sleeping in his arms. He just stare and observe her sleep for a while then he slowly shift his position so he could put his arms around Agot's waist and face her)

Agot: (still sleeping)

Albert: (kiss Agot on her shoulder then since it's still so early he went back to sleep)

They continue to sleep soundly and woke up in the same position they slept.

Agot: (open her eyes)

Albert: (looking at Agot) good morning beautiful.

Agot: (smile sleepily) good morning bút I am not beautiful. I look so messy in the morning.

Albert: wrong sweetheart. (Caress Agot's cheek) you make the morning beautiful.

Agot: ang aga pa para mambola. (Still sleepy, she close her eyes)

Albert: (parang squeeze Agot closer to him)

Agot: how was your sleep? Nakatulog ka ba ng maayos?

Albert: I slept like a baby. Best sleep I had in a long time.

Agot: (cuddle to Albert)

Albert: I can get used to this. (Apuhap back ni Agot)

Agot: (look up at Albert) for sure you are not out of supply of women in your bed.

Albert: (look at Agot) you are the first woman I've slept with throughout the night.

Agot: that is hard to believe.

Albert: (just shrug) I am a virile man but I don't feel comfortable spending the whole night with a partner so just spending it sleeping with you is a first and honestly I like it. I like having you in my arms.

Agot: does that mean that you will welcome others to spend the whole night with you?

Albert: no. I can't imagine holding someone else while I sleep but you.

Agot: even if you get frustrated because we just sleep and nothing else?

Albert: (smile at Agot) that's a first for me also but yes sweetheart, I was happy just to be able to sleep with you in my arms. I somehow get used to being in constant state of arousal when I am with you.

Agot: Albert!!!

Albert: (laugh)

Agot: you are making fun of me.

Albert: I like teasing you. You look so cute.

Agot: (pinch Albert's face) ang sama mo!

Albert: (embrace Agot tightly)

After a while bumangon na din Agot and insist that she cooked them breakfast. Pinakain na din niya ang mga guards ni Albert. After breakfast umalis na din si Albert pabalik ng hotel para maghanda sa pag alis niya pauwi sa bansa niya.

They still continue their relationship eventhough they are miles apart. Apart from phone calls and e-mails Albert came back to visit Agot a couple of times. The paparazzi and the press somehow get wind of the relationship. They started printing stories about the prince's lady love which garnered disapproval from Albert's advisors and counsels but he just don't mind them.

One day.

Agot: (galing sa bathroom then pagpasok nya sa room niya her phone is ringing kaya madali niya itong sinagot) Albert!

Albert: hello honey! Is it wrong timing to talk?

Agot: kanina ka pa ba tumatawag? Pasensya na, I was in the bathroom.

Albert: no, this is just my second call.

Agot: I wasn't expecting your call until a bit later because you said you have a meeting. Tapos na ba?

Albert: yes kakatapos lang but I will be able to talk long. I'm on my way to the airport. I'm going to see you tomorrow.

Agot: (happy and excited) seriously?

Albert: yes! Happy?

Agot: of course! I miss you Albert.

Albert: and I am missing my beauty.

Agot: I will be at the hotel with your favorite meal when you arrive.

Albert: I'll not be staying at the hotel. I booked us in a private resort in El Nido. I want to have a relaxing vacation.

Agot: we are going to the beach? It's not really a good time now to go to the beach. Wearher is so unpredictable, so rainy.

Albert: it's okay sweetheart. I just want to spend time with you.

Agot: okay! I'm so excited to see you.

Albert: same here honey. I'll be waiting for you at the resort. Somebody will bring you to the resort.

Agot: I can go by myself.

Albert: of course I will not let you do that, no more arguments.

Agot: oooookkkaaayyyy!

Albert: (natawa) be ready around three o'clock.

Agot: I will.

Albert: by early evening we will be together. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.

Agot: me too!

Albert: I have to go darling. I'll see you tomorrow.

Agot: see you! I love you, Albert.

Albert: (smile and happy everytime Agot said it to him) bye my sweet.

Excited na si Agot na magkikita na sila ulit ni Albert. After their phone conversation nag impake na ng mga gamit na dadalhin.


Albert: (relaxing sa villa na pagstayhan nila waiting for Agot to arrive)

Guard: (approach Albert) your higness, Mr. Malik is here to see you.

Malik: (lapit kay Albert) your highness (curtsy)

Albert: (inis makita si Malik) what are you doing here?

Malik: I am here in behalf of your other advisors your highness. As you know we oppose you continuing to see the woman.

Albert: (tiningnan lang ng masama si Malik)

Malik: she's a gold digger.

Albert: you know I don't believe you so stop it.

Malik: but your highness, we found out she's responsible why there are pictures circulating.

Albert: it's how the paparazzi works.

Malik: but your whereabouts are not announce everytime you visit her. Besides, those pictures are not the usual paparazzi quality. Those were personal shots. No other way for them to have those pictures if it was not supplied tomthem by your woman.

Albert: (silent only)

Malik: she's a gold digger, hoping for a lifetime meal ticket. Not for long she will claim you knocked her up.

Albert: stop it!

Malik: she's just trying to trap you. Using you for those lavish vacations, the lifestyle you can give her.

Albert: (bad mood but silent only)

Malik: this is not the first time that she's involve in a scandal.

Albert: what are you talking about?

Malik: we took the initiative to do background check on her. I discovered she was a sexy actress during her late teens. She was a bit in the wild side and she was involved with a wealthy man. She was the caused of the breakdown of marriage.

Albert: (galit but pilit pinapakalma self niya)

Malik: I have here the complete dossier. (Give to Albert the folder)

Albert: (tanggap yung folder but just stare at it)

Malik: (curtsy then leave Albert)

Albert: (stare at the folder. Undecided whether to read it or not after a while he browse through the pages until eventually he read it)

Few hours later.

Agot: (so excited to see Albert again) hi Tariq! Is your highness inside?

Tariq: (standing on guard at the door) he's been waiting for you miss.

Agot: (just smile, wait to be permitted entry)

Tariq: (open the door then gesture for Agot to enter)

Agot: thank you. (Enter the villa and look around the surrounding but decided to explore later and went up to the second floor to look for Albert)

Albert: (standing sa may window sa room looking outside)

Agot: (tentatively open the door to see if Albert is inside then when she saw him her smile widen) Albert?

Albert: (lingon kay Agot but just remain standing where he is and just look at Agot)

Agot: (so happy to see Albert didn't notice Albert's somber expression. Run towards Albert and hug him) I miss you!

Albert: (wrap his arms around Agot)

Agot: (look up at Albert and give him a sweet smile) how's your flight?

Albert: good.

Agot: (frown) anything wrong?

Albert: what could be wrong?

Agot: I don't know you just look— edgy?

Albert: (kiss Agot)

Agot: (kiss back at Albert. She had decided that when Albert would still want to have her she's ready to give herself to him.)

Albert: (fiercely kissing Agot)

Agot: (heartily kiss Albert)

Albert: (stop kissing Agot and look at her)

Agot: (put her palm on Albert's cheek) Albert?

Albert: (seduce Agot until she gave in and had intercourse with him)


Agot: (sprawled on the sofa, embrace Albert close to her)

Albert: (stand up jerkily)

Agot: (smile at Albert) where are you going?

Albert: (look at sternly at Agot) the next time you will make a fool of a man choose someone who you can control.

Agot: (her smile faded) what do you mean?

Albert: (put his pants on) I thought you are different from the others but you are more cunning than them.

Agot: (sit down then inabot damit niya to cover herself) Albert, what are you talking about?

Albert: really?!!!!!

Agot: (inabot ang shirt ni Albert then sinuot ito) Albert mag usap tayo ng maayos hindi kita naiintindihan. Bakit ka galit?

Albert: (get a box from his pocket then toss it towards Agot)

Agot: (look at the ring inside the box and then look up at Albert then smile at him sweetly) this is an engagement ring, are you saying you want us to be engage? Is that why you are acting like a brute because you don't know how to say it properly my prince?

Albert: I am not your anything. If I ask someone to marry me then I know how to ask properly. That is for the services rendered. I don't want to see you again.

Agot: (shock) Albert?

Albert: isn't that enough? How much more do you want? (Angry)

Agot: (stand up)I don't know why you are so angry. I don't want your money. Let's talk whatever is making you angry. You are being unfair sprouting accusations at me.

Albert: I don't want to talk to you.

Agot: (sa inis at frustration tumulo luha niya) Albert, hindi natin maaayos ito kung hindi ka makikipag usap sa akin.

Albert: (get some cash sa pocket niya then toss it to Agot) I am going for a walk, when I return I don't want to see you here. (Iniwan Agot)

Agot: (just look at Albert's retreating self. Naiyak nalang siya because she was feeling hurt and feeling used by the man she loves. Stare at the ring na hawak niya and cry hard. After a while of crying nagbihis na siyaand decided to wait for Albert to talk to him one last time to clear things with them. Stand up then went to the window and stare outside looking at the beach which was becoming so beautiful because of the sunset)

Guard: (pasok sa room)

Agot: (lingon sa pag aakala niya si Albert ang bumalik)

Guard: I am here to escort you.

Agot: that won't be necessary, I will wait for Albert we will talk.

Guard: I have instructions from your highness that I have to escort you out of the property.

Agot: (angry at the guard but more at Albert because he is making herself feel cheap)

Guard: you will have to go with me nicely or I will have to drag you which is not a good scene for others to witness.

Agot: (maiiyak na ulit but pilit niya self niya not to cry.)

Guard: (lapit kay Agot and hold her in the arms) come you have to leave now before your highness comes back.

Agot: (tinabing hands ng guard then go to the sofa to get her handbag then she saw the ring na nilagay niya sa table look at it and then get it and toss it inside her bag) tell your beloved highness that he's a jerk, a brute, a scum. May he rot in hell!!! (Wipe angrily yung tears na tumulo sa cheeks niya then head high walkout of the room)

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