More Than Just A Friend // Ma...


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*COMPLETED* The way he walked, the way he talked. The way he acted around her. Best friends since they were... More

More Than Just A Friend ( Matthew Espinosa Fan Fiction )
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

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More Than Just A Friend (Matthew Espinosa Fan Fiction)

Chapter 18

Melanie’s P.O.V

“Wake up.” Taylor shook my shoulder over and over again until I opened my eyes. “We’re here.”

I looked around, we’re in a white hotel room and I could hear the screams of young girls coming from outside. “You carried me in?” I yawned and he nodded. “Is Jacob and-”

“Smack Cam!” Nash yelled and slapped his palm against my face.

I stood up and faced him. “You little whore.” I laughed and wiped the whipped cream off my face and wiped it on Nash’s shirt.

“Hey.” Jacob smiled and hugged me.

I smiled into his chest. I haven’t had a hug like this since Matt last hugged me.

“What time is it?” I looked over at Nash and Taylor.

“11 am.” Nash looked up from his phone and chuckled. “You slept for a while.”

“Let’s go to the beach?” I said, turning it into a question while digging through my suitcase until I found my blue polka dot bikini.

“Sure.” Taylor pulled off his shirt, showing off his six pack.

I bit my lip and went into the bathroom to change. I looked at the scars on my body and try to shrug it off.

“Mel, hurry up.” Taylor banged on the door and I walked out. Taylor looked up and down.

“Are we ready?” I grabbed one of Nash’s oversized shirts and pulled it over my body.

They boys nodded and we headed out of our hotel room.

“Stay close to me.” Taylor grabbed me. “So the fans won’t hurt you.”

I nodded and wrapped my arm around his waist as his hand wrapped around my shoulders.

“Mellor is real!!” Tons of fans were yelling once we reached the outside of the hotel.

We looked at each other and shook our heads. “Mellor isn’t real.”

But, maybe, I wanted it to be real. Taylor was the only thing making me feel safe. The way his arm wrapped around me tightly, made me feel like he cared about me, and he loved me. But, those were only feelings. Plus, I still loved Matt.

“Are you okay?” Taylor looked at me. My facial expression must have been blank. I nodded and we continued to walk in the sand. “Can you guys not bother us? Please.” Taylor yelled over the fans and they all went over to Nash and Jacob.

I smiled a bit, knowing that it was only me and Taylor now. He moved his arm off my shoulder and I moved my arm away from his waist. He sighed and smiled as his hand reached for mine.

I smiled a bit as he intertwined our fingers.

“So, why’d you want to come down here?” He said as we started to walk along the wet sand.

I shrugged and pulled my sunglasses from the top of my head to my eyes. “Just to get away.”

“Get away from what?”

“Matt.” I simply stated, trying my hardest not to let my voice break.

He just nodded and we continued our walk along the wet sand. It was like one of those romantic walks you see in the movies where the two people fall in love.

“I’m glad you called me.” He broke the silence.

I chuckled a bit. “Why?”

“Because. I needed someone to hang out with…” He trailed off.

I nodded. “Oh.”

“Mel, can I ask you a question?” He looked down at me.

I cringed at the way he said Mel. It sounded like the way Matt said it. “Sure.”

“Okay so, I like this girl, but she dated my best bro for a while.” He paused. “She’s really sweet and pretty. And I don’t know what to do.” He stopped talking again. “And, I really like her but I don’t know if she likes me back.”

I stopped walking and looked up at him. “Well, you go up to her and ask her if she likes you.” The sun glared in my sunglasses.

He smiled and we continued to walk. He didn’t say anything. “Stay right here? I need to go talk to Nash and Jacob.”

I nodded and watched him run up to them. I played with my feet in the wet sand and waited until he came back. He had a huge smile on his face.

“Me, Jacob, you and Nash are going for dinner tonight.” He grabbed my hand again and we started to walk again. “Wanna get into the water?” He looked at me and I nodded.

I pulled off Nash’s shirt and looked around until I saw Nash and Jacob not that far behind us. I gave Nash back his shirt and followed Taylor into the water.

“What the hell is on my foot?!” I screeched and lifted up my foot, showing the seaweed that gotten tangled onto my foot.

Taylor laughed and started to go deeper into the water. I screeched when the water came up to my rib cage. It was cold and so many things were floating in the water.

“Don’t be a baby! Come in deeper!” Taylor yelled for me.

I shook my head. “I can’t swim!” I yelled back and he came towards me.

“You’re 17, and you can’t swim.” He shook his head and grabbed me.

I laughed and nodded. “I never wanted to learn.”

He laughed and pulled me into a hug. We looked over at the fans taking pictures.

“They think Mellor is real.” I whispered and chuckled.

“Can we have some pictures with you guys?!” Two teenage girls came towards us and we shrugged. We headed out the water with them and took a couple of pictures.

“Is Mellor real?” A little girl around the age of 9 came towards us.

“No.” I smiled and shook my head.

She smiled, hugged Taylor and ran away.

“I’ll see you back at the hotel.” I said and grabbed the shirt from Nash as I headed back up towards the hotel.

I wonder who Taylor was talking about. Who does he like? There are a few girls he can like. The girls from tour. They were pretty. So many thoughts ran around in my mind until I got up to our hotel room. The pictures of Taylor and I were all over Twitter and Instagram. I groaned.

They got Mellor trending worldwide on Twitter. Oh my gosh. I sighed and grabbed a pair of high waist black shorts and a white, long sleeved crop top. I turned on the shower and got in.

Taylor’s P.O.V

“Melanie?” I called her name when me and the boys came back from the beach.

“I’ll be out soon.” She called from the bathroom.

I nodded and looked at Nash, who was making fun of me.

“It’s not funny.” I slapped him in the back of his head and he started to laugh and so did Jacob.

I played around with my fingers until Melanie came out the bathroom.

“What time is it?” She asked and dried her hair.

I looked down at my phone. “Two.”

“I was in the shower for two hours. I look like a prune!” She laughed and I looked at her outfit. “Toss me my phone Nash.”

I laughed and then started to go through twitter.

“@TheMattEspinosa: I see how it is. Thought we were bros, whatever man!” Matt must’ve seen the pictures. He’s pissed at me.

I groaned and tapped my foot. How do I fix this? What do I do? Should I tell him that the pictures mean nothing? Well, they mean nothing to Mel, but they mean something to me.

“When are we going out for dinner?” Melanie plopped down on the empty bed and looked at us.

I shrugged. “Um, 6...?”

She sighed and nodded and looked down at her phone.

Melanie’s P.O.V

I looked through my timeline on Twitter. Most of it was Mellor. I groaned and then my phone started to ring. “Dammit.” I sighed.

“What do you want?” I answered the phone.

“Where are you? Are you with Taylor? Why didn’t you tell me?” He threw so many questions at me.

“None your business, yes and because you aren’t my boyfriend.”

“Are you dating Taylor?”

“No. Stop worrying about me.” I grunted and looked over at Nash, Jacob and Taylor.

“Can’t. Love you too much.”

I felt my heart break. He sounded hurt, but it just wasn’t for us anymore. “Goodbye Matt.” I hung up my phone and groaned. “I’m going out. See you guys later.” I sighed, got out the bed and grabbed my money.

“Where are you going?” Taylor sounded worried

“I’m hungry. Taco Bell is right down there and I won’t be long.” I smiled at him and shut the door behind me. God, I love when Taylor sounds concerns about something. I skipped down the steps and headed out the building.

On the way back to the hotel; after eating

I smiled at all the fans screaming my name; even though I do absolutely nothing to make people laugh. “Hi!!” I yelled and ran back into the hotel and took the elevator up to the room I was in.

“Sorry it took a while, it was a huge-“ I paused once I looked up. “What is he doing here?” He called me an hour ago. It takes a few hours to get from VA to Fl. What the hell?

“He was traveling earlier, and he ended up here.” Nash pulled me into the room and shut the door behind me.

I shook my head. “I’m not talking to him. I have nothing to say.” I plop down onto the bed and looked at Taylor. “It’s 5:45. I’m going to go get ready for tonight.” I grabbed some clothes and go into the bathroom.

Why is he here? Why would he show up, knowing that I can’t take it? Ugh!

I groaned when I looked into the mirror. (Outfit on the side) I looked in my make-up bag and grabbed the bright red lipstick that Mahogany uses.

“Mel, hurry up, it’s five minutes ‘till 6.” Taylor said through the door.

I looked at myself once more before walking out the door.

“Zamn!” Taylor joked and put his hand on Matt’s right shoulder. “I see why you chose her.”

“Where’s Nash and Jacob?” I looked around and grabbed my black high heels.

“They’re going to meet up with us. They’re getting stuff from the store right now.” Taylor grabbed his car keys and looked in the mirror.

“Is he coming with us?” I whispered to Taylor and he shook his head.

I smiled slightly. “Ready?” I fix my hair and looked at Taylor.

He nodded and opened the door.

“I love you Mel.” Matt whispered before I walked out the door with Taylor on my arm.

I cringed and followed Taylor out to his car. Tons of girls blocking the pathway.

We pushed past them and got into his car.

At Dinner

 I tapped my fingers on the table and watched Taylor as he looked around. “Where are they?” We sat there for a few moments of complete silence until Taylor looked up from his phone. “They can’t come. Nash just texted me and said they’re gonna stay with Matt.”

Taylor’s P.O.V

This was all part of my plan. They agreed to it.

Melanie smiled a small bit and then let out a sigh. “Well then, can we order?”

I nodded and called over a waiter. I had gotten us a table at a really fancy restaurant. “Can we have adult menus?”

The waiter nodded and went to go get us some menus. He came back and placed them in front of us.

“Whoa! $75 for a salad?!” Mel whispered yelled. Her eyes got wide and I laughed. “I’m not eating.” She chuckled.

I laughed and nodded. “Yes, you are.”

“Not if its 75 dollars for a ceaser salad.” She protested.                    

I sighed and grabbed her hand. “Look, I have the money to pay for it. Now, relax and just order something.”

She groaned. “And if I don’t..?”

“I’ll order something for you and force feed you.”

She giggled and her face got a bright shade of red. She is so cute when she giggles. Damn. “Fine, I’ll get the salad. It’s the cheapest.”

I smiled and looked at her as she looked down at the menu and started to do math until the waiter came back and asked us for our order.

“Oh, can we have one salad and the steak?” I look at the waiter; he was just staring at Melanie. This pissed me off because she’s not single. Wait… Yes she is. But not for long. “Can you go get our food?” I looked at him and he nodded.

Melanie groans and looks down at her phone.

“Everything okay?” I watch her facial expression go to a smile.

“After this, will you take me to a tattoo parlor?” Her smile was bright and her eyes got wider.

I shrugged. “Sure.” What am I doing? She wants a tattoo and I just agreed to take her. Oh dear god. This isn’t going to go well. I watched as the waiter came back with our food and slipped a piece of paper on Mel’s plate; which made me pissed. Again.

She looked up at him and crumbled it up. Thank god she doesn’t like him back.

“So, Melanie, what kind of tattoo are you gonna get?” I started to cut my steak. This isn’t normal for me. Why am I doing this? Oh, that’s right. Because I like her.

“I want a rose on my ankle and I got a message from this one fan, who sent me her tattoo and it’s really cute.” She showed me the picture. It’s cute, but does she really want this on her body? Forever?

“Melanie, so, you remember today on the Beach when I told you about that girl?” I put down my fork and knife and she nodded whilst chewing on her salad. “Yeah, she’s you.” I looked down and Melanie almost chocked on her food. “Are you okay?” I looked at her and she nodded.

“Yes. Um… You…Like…Me?” She put down her fork and the whole restaurant got quiet.

I nodded and bit my lip.

“Oh my gosh. Taylor Caniff likes me.” She sounded like a fangirl… Wait, she was a fangirl before she met us. Ha.

“Yeah, and he’s wondering if you’ll be his girlfriend?” I know I was doing Matt dirty, but it shouldn’t matter to him. I really liked Mel and Matt is not going to mess this up!

“Yes!” She screeched and then looked around at all the people staring at her. I smiled, stood up and pulled her into a hug. A few people awed.

“We can’t tell Matt.” We say at the same time and then chuckle.

We finish our food and walked out the restaurant. On our way to the tattoo parlor.

(* Hey! Hope y’all liked this chapter! :), No, it didn’t make you guys cry yet, next chapter. Watch out ;) Well, I’m watching frankieweenie lol. Anyways, Thanks for reading and I promise to make you guys cry in the next few chapters. *)

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