Watching the walking dead

By twd_fan1999

24.4K 291 266

The characters of he walking dead are transported by a mysterious figure to watch their lives on the big scre... More

Watching the walking dead
Days gone by
Tell it to the frogs
Brief Break


5.1K 66 86
By twd_fan1999

An older man stands on the roof of his R.V. He's wearing a hat against the heat and a rifle slung over his shoulder; a pair of binoculars is in his left hand. He stands guard surrounded by wilderness but just over on the horizon the tops of Atlanta's skyscrapers can be seen. The roof has been set up with a couple of camp chairs, an umbrella and a cooler. Just past the R.V. on the other side of the hill is an abandoned rock quarry.

(Birds chirping)

Child:  Mom! Right here.

"Fetus" Sophia whispered in my ear and I shoved her playfully

"Wait till we see you!" I laughed

(Pots rattling)

The camp is busy with people. One man carries a water jug, another plays a solitary card game. Amy walks through the camp carrying a red bucket past Jim and a woman whose hanging laundry. She brings it to a campfire where Lori is busy cooking.

Lori:  Any luck?

Amy:  How do we tell if they're poison?

She pours some mushrooms into a pan Lori has held out. Looking at them closely she hands a spoon to Amy.

Lori:  Uh, there's only one sure way I know of.

"How did you survive"

"Made ed eat them"

Amy:  Ask Shane when he gets back?

Amy stirs the food cooking over the fire.

Lori:  Yeah, you've got it. Thank you.

Lori picks up the now empty bucket. She calls up to the man on the R.V. roof.

Lori:  Dale, I'm heading out. [To Carl] Sweetheart I want you to stay where Dale can see you, okay?

"He's YOUR kid shouldn't you watch him?" Negan thought aloud

Carl:  Yes, Mom.

Carl plays with cars in the dirt by the Peletier's Cherokee.

Dale:  You too. Don't wander too far. Stay within shouting distance. And if you see anything, holler. I'll come running.

Lori (softly):  Yes, Mom.

"I would be so offended if I was this lady's mother" Dwight said

Lori walks out of the camp and into the woods. She looks around for mushrooms or anything edible.

(Leaves rustle)

She looks around at the sound but she doesn't see anything.

(Twig snaps)

(Bird wings flap)

"ITS THE SPOOKS" Lizzie yelled and some people laughed at her child ness

She's nervous. She stops at every sound but she keeps her composure. She walks through the trees.

(Branch snaps)

Lori (Gasps)

(Wings flap)

(Branches snapping)

Lori (Gasps)

Something is startling the birds. She turns and looks all around before concentrating on the direction she thinks the sounds are coming from. She doesn't see any movement. Just as she's about to turn around and begin her mushroom hunt again a hand grabs Lori around the mouth and pulls her to the ground.

"Ahh" Amy gasped in shock and this scene caused several people to jump in surprise.

Shane:  Shh shh shh shh shh shh shh.

Shane takes his hand off her mouth. He's got her lying on the ground pinned under him.

"No I'm not watching this. No thank you" Sophia whispered and hid her face in her hands. Me following soon after.

Lori:  You scared the hell out of me.

She laughs and slaps Shane on his arm.

Shane:  I bet. That's what you get for keeping me waiting. I was trying to be quiet. Where you been?

"You cheating whore. Think your husbands dead and you move onto his best friend. That's so low" Pete spat, surprising my dad, and me.

Mainly because he and my dad hate each other, and my dad killed him.

Lori:  Amy the mushroom queen – I had to wait for her to get back.

"Should I take offense to that?"

They kiss passionately.

"I CAN HEAR IT AND I DON'T WANT TO!!" Sophia yelled, with her head in her hands.

Shane:  How much time do we have?

Lori:  Enough.

Lori unbuckles Shane's belt while he takes off his shirt. He unzips her jeans then pulls her shirt up. He runs his tongue over her skin and kisses it.

"The vocals are worse than seeing it" I heard Sophia mutter beside me and I choked back a laugh.

Lori (Moans)

"Why. Carl why is your family disgusting" Sophia groaned and I shrugged, knowing she couldn't see me.

Lori pulls her blouse off. Shane looks up and sees the locket Lori wears on a chain around her neck. Strung beside it is Rick's wedding ring. They both stop. Soberly she pulls the chain up from around her neck and places it on the ground nearby. She pulls Shane to her kissing him passionately.

My dad probably looked so awkward right now.

(Both moaning)

Yes he probably did.

Shane looks over toward the jewelry.

Shane:  Come here.

Lori:  Okay.

Shane guides Lori onto her knees.

(Both grunting)

"What is wrong with you people" Negan shivered, I saw him shiver after I finally looked up and smiled at Sophia.

(Theme music playing)

I have to say, the theme song is pretty cool.

Enid was glaring daggers at Sophia and I saw this and glared right back at Enid. Causing her to back off, and when I put my arm on Sophia's shoulders caused her to back off completely.

The streets and intersection where the tank is parked are still crowded with walkers. More of them swarm the horse's corpse. Many are leaving the tank to eat the horse's remains. A few still beat on the top hatch.

(Walkers growling and moaning)

(Radio beeping, hissing)

Rick, still stranded inside, hears the radio broadcasting again.

(Walkers banging)

Man on radio:  Hey, are you alive in there?

"GLENN" a lot of people yelled when they recognized the voice on the radio.

At the sound of the voice Rick starts. In the small space he bangs his head against the tank.

(Thuds, grunts)

Rick:  Hello? Hello?

Man:  There you are. You had me wondering.

"Wondering if you were going mad or if I had died?" Dad asked Glenn

"The first one, I thought that I had hallucinated you going into the tank so I was kinda worried for my sanity" Glenn laughed.

Rick:  Where are you? Outside? Can you see me right now?

"Where else would he be Dad?" I asked sarcastically and my dad rolled his eyes.

Man:  Yeah, I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news.

"There's good news?" Mika asked when Glenn- Well tv Glenn- said this line.

Rick:  There's good news?

Man:  No.


Rick:  Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here.

"I would've only been surprised if you weren't" Glenn told my dad, who chuckled in response.

Man:  Oh man. You should see it from over here. You'd be having a major freak-out.

Rick:  Got any advice for me?

Man:  Yeah, I'd say make a run for it.

Rick:  That's it? Make a run for it?

Man:  My way's not as dumb as it sounds. You've got eyes on the outside here. There's one geek still up on the tank but the others have climbed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down.  You with me so far?


Rick:  So far.

Man:  Okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded.  If you move now while they're distracted, you stand a chance.  Got ammo?

Rick:  In that duffel bag I dropped out there, and guns. Can I get to it?

Man:  Forget the bag, okay? It's not an option. What do you have on you?

Rick:  Hang on.

Rick hurriedly checks his hand gun and the one he took from the soldier's corpse.

(Gun clicks, clatters)

Rick counts his bullets and goes back to the dead soldier to check his pockets. Rick sees the hand grenade on the shelf and he takes it.

Rick:  Yeah. Yeah. [Into the mike] I've got a berretta with one clip, 15 rounds.

"Well at least you have something"

Man:  Make 'em count. Jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction.  There's an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards.  Be there.

Rick:  Hey, what's your name?

"Not the time to ask that question rick" Shane said, but my dad ignored him and glared at the ground.

Man:  Have you been listening? You're running out of time.

Rick:  Right.

Rick grabs a metal bar off the wall of the tank.

(Breathing heavily)

He opens the top hatch, one walker sees him immediately.

"That's horrible luck. Which is really the only kinda luck I got in the world" I heard Sophia mutter beside me, the last part more to herself than to anyone else.

I looked over to her and she looked at me, startled that I had heard her, I gave her a look.

"Sophia, you didn't ask for your dad to be like he was, and you didn't ask to be run off the highway or bitten, you've had good luck, I mean hey you met me and that's as good as luck gets" I whispered, jokingly toward the end.

She smiled at me and turned back to the screen.


Rick hits him across the face with the bar.


Rick jumps down off the tank, lands hard on his ankle.


"Yes 'ow' I almost broke my ankle which would have been very very bad"

Rick:  Ah!

(Walkers moaning)

Rick runs up the street toward the alley,

"You seem to be running fine, for 'almost breaking your ankle'" Mom sneered at Dad.

"Shut up mom" I snapped and she gasped at me.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way Carl Grimes! I'm your mother!"

"Were. You were my mother, you're dead remember? And you were nothing but a cheat and irresponsible, you constantly left me for other people to watch me, when it was your job. Instead your sneaking into the woods to have sex with Shane. So no I won't listen to you so go and fuck yourself" I ranted to her and felt all eyes on me, and heard the show pause.

Sophia put her hand on my arm, and I felt my muscle relax a little bit and I then turned away, as did everyone else, and the show started back up again.

"Are you okay?" I heard Sophia whisper to me and I nodded quickly, not wanting to speak for a while.

shooting the walkers who are closest to him.  He runs up onto the alley, shooting as he goes. Veers left into the face of the man on the radio, his gun still up and pointing.

Man:  Whoa! Not dead! Come on! Come on!

"You almost shot me and that would've been bad" Glenn said awkwardly, since my rant was still hanging in the air.

They move back into the alley pulling a tall chain link gate closed behind them.

Man:  Back here!

The gate, unlatched, opens enough for walkers to follow through. Rick continues to shoot the nearest one while he and the man run further down the alley.

Man:  Come on! Come on!

"Let him catch up will ya" Daryl's rough voice said from next to Carol.


"That was stupid"

The man starts climbing a fire escape ladder that leads almost straight up to the top of the building. Rick, out of ammo, looks around at the walkers closing in on him.

Man:  What are you doing? Come on!

"Yes what are you doing? Go on!" Michonne Yelled to my dad.

Walkers (Growling)

Man:  Come on, get up.

They stop to catch their breath at a utility platform.

(Both panting)

Man:  Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood. You the new Sheriff come riding in to clean up the town?

Rick:  It wasn't my intention.

Man:  Yeah. Whatever. Yeehaw. You're still a dumbass.

"Pleasant. What a greeting" Negan said sarcastically.

Rick:  Rick. Thanks

Man:  Glenn. You're welcome.

Rick puts the Beretta into Glenn's backpack while Glenn is looking down.

Glenn:  Oh no.


Walkers have mobbed the bottom of the ladder and threaten to overwhelm it. Glenn and Rick look up the rest of the way. The ladder extends straight up several stories without any breaks.

Glenn:  The bright side:  It'll be the fall that kills us. I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy.

"I can see that"

They've scaled the ladder and walk across a bridge between buildings.

Rick:  Are you the one that barricaded the alley?

Glenn:  Somebody did – I guess when the city got overrun.  Whoever did it was thinking not many geeks would get through.

Glenn opens a hatch that leads down into the building they are on top of.

Rick:  Back at the tank.  Why'd you stick your neck out for me?

"Because I'm not a heartless bitch?" Glenn offered causing some people to laugh.

Glenn:  Call it foolish, naïve hope that if I'm ever that far up shit creek, somebody might do the same for me. Guess I'm an even bigger dumbass than you.

Rick follows Glenn down into the building, closing the door behind him. They look all around them to make sure it's clear before they hurry through the building and out into another alley.

Glenn [into the walkie]:  I'm back. Got a guest plus four geeks in the alley.

(Walkers growling)

Two men in riot gear come out of the other building with baseball bats. They run up and beat down the walkers before anyone can be bitten.

"Fancy" Sophia deadpanned, trying to get me to laugh, but ultimately failing.

Glenn:  Let's go!

Man: Morales, let's go!

Some people were saddened at the reminder of morales, and how he left but then remembered that he was sitting in the corner with his wife and children.

The two in riot gear run in, close the door behind them. A woman angrily pushes Rick back into a stack of boxes and shoves a gun in his face. A second woman is in the room, too.

Woman:  You son of a bitch. We ought to kill you.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine sweetheart?" The governor said from his beanbag, with his daughter by his side.

His alive daughter.

"Fuck off jackass" Andrea spat

Morales:  Just chill out, Andrea. Back off.

Jacqui: Come on, ease up.

Andrea:  Ease up? You're kidding me, right? We're dead because of this stupid asshole.

"Not my fault Glenn saved me"

Morales:  Andrea, I said back the hell off.

"Please listen to him, cause your kinda scaring me" Mika said

Andrea doesn't. Rick leans as far back as he can but doesn't give her any more reason to shoot him.

Morales:  Well, pull the trigger.

"NO don't pull the trigger" Mika said and Andrea smiled at her.

She finally pulls away from Rick.

Andrea [crying]:  We're dead –all of us –because of you.

Rick:  I don't understand.

Morales grabs Rick by the arm and leads him along.

Morales:  Look, we came into the city to scavenge supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving!  You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like it's the O.K. Corral.

"You have a point"

T-Dog:  Every geek for miles around heard you popping off rounds.

Andrea:  You just rang the dinner bell.

Morales:  Get the picture now?

While talking they've led Rick through to the front of the building, a department store. Outside the plate glass windows were geeks banging and pushing into them, more geeks behind them pushing, too. Rick is stunned.

Walkers (Growling)

"Whoop de dang doo you just killed your friends rick congrats!" Joe sneered at my dad.

Andrea:  Oh God.

A few of the walkers have rocks.

"Why the hell do they have rocks?" Sophia muttered and I cracked a smile, which she saw and her head snapped to me.

"You smiled! Yes! You're not in a mood anymore are you?" She whispered excitedly to me and I chuckled and shook my head and she gave a silent cheer and gave me a one armed hug.

Cracks begin to appear on the outside doors. The survivors back away and get more out of sight.

"You guys really do have bad luck" Sophia whispered from next to me.

Andrea:  What the Hell were you doing out there anyway?

Rick:  Trying to flag the helicopter.

T-Dog:  Helicopter? Man, that's crap. Ain't no damn helicopter

Jacqui:  You were chasing a hallucination. Imagining things. It happens.

Rick [insistently]:  I saw it.

Morales:  Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B. Can you contact the others?

"You're apart of that group on the Hill!"

"Thank you captain obvious" I stated

Rick:  Others? The refugee center?

Jacqui:  Yeah, the refugee center. They've got biscuits waiting at the oven for us.

T-Dog:  Got no signal. Maybe the roof.

(Gun firing)

Andrea:  Oh no. Is that Dixon?

Everyone looked at Daryl who put his hands up.

"Not me"

Jacqui:  What is that maniac doing?

Glenn:  Come on, let's go.

Up on the rooftop a man has a scoped rifle pointing down. He aims and fires.

(Gun shots)

Everyone runs up the stairs as fast as they can. Dixon continues to shoot. Morales is the first to come out of the stairwell.

Morales:  Hey, Dixon, are you crazy?


(Dixon laughing)

"Now you just sound insane"

(Gun fires)

Andrea:  Oh Jeez.

Dixon:  Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh? Ah!

He jumps down off the low wall that runs around the roof.

Dixon:  Only common sense.

T-Dog:  Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got, man!

"That's true Y'know"

Dixon (Laughs)

T-Dog:  And you're bringing even more of them down on our ass! Man, just chill.

Dixon:  Hey, bad enough I've got this taco bender on my ass all day. Now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so, bro. That'll be the day.

T-Dog:  "That'll be the day"? You got something you want to tell me?

Morales:  Hey, T-Dog man, just leave it.

T-Dog:  No.

Morales:  All right? It ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax, okay? We've got enough trouble.

"I don't think that'll work"

"It didn't"

Rick looks questioningly at Glenn. Glenn shakes his head and motions for Rick to leave it alone.

"Because he's going to leave it alone" Shane said sarcastically

Dixon:  You want to know the day?

T-Dog:  Yeah.

Dixon:  I'll tell you the day, Mr. "YO." It's the day I take orders from a nigger.

"RACIST!" Sophia, Mika and Amy yelled, glaring at Merle.

T-Dog:  Mother –

T-Dog throws a punch, Merle blocks it and they start fighting.

Morales:  Hey, come on Merle, that's enough.

Andrea:  Come on.

(All shouting)

Andrea: Dixon!

Rick jumps over a pipe to help T-Dog and Merle clocks him with a hard left. Rick flies back and down to the ground back over the pipe. Dixon plants a heavy shove into T-Dog's chest then picks him up and punches him. T-Dog's head bangs into the pipe.

Jacqui:  Stop it!

"You guys are idiots, wasn't hurting him" Merle defended himself, poorly at that.

"Yea, you totally didn't hurt him at all" Jacqui snorted

Andrea:  Dixon, get off him!

T-Dog lands on a metal pipe before he falls to the rooftop. Dixon starts kicking him then punching him.

The governor was looking at the screen with a smirk.

Daryl sighed.

Andrea: Dixon you're gonna hurt him.

"Correction: You ARE Hurting him" Andrea corrected her past self

Morales: Merle cut it out!

Rick, still dazed, collects himself. T-Dog is on the ground. Merle sits on top of him and beats him with his fists. Morales tries to break it up but Dixon knocks him away. Merle pulls out a revolver cocks it and points it at T-Dog's face.

"Oh shit things just got interesting" Joe laughed while we all glared.

Andrea:  No no no. Please please.

(Thunder rumbling)

(T-Dog whimpering)

Merle spits on T-Dog's chest and rubs it in.

"Gross" Enid cringed I rolled my eyes, we live in a world where we get blood and guts on us on a daily basis.

Dixon (yells)

T-Dog (grunts)

Merle stands up with his gun still aimed at T-Dog.

Merle Dixon:  Yeah! All right! We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh? Talk about who's in charge. I vote me. Anybody else? Huh? Democracy time, y'all. Show of hands, huh? All in favor? Huh? Come on. Let's see 'em.

Jacqui and Glenn have helped T-Dog recover. Andrea and Morales are grouped with them. Morales lifts his hand.

Andrea [to Morales]:  Oh, come on.

Merle:  All in favor? Yeah, that's good.

Glenn and Jacqui raise a hand. Jacqui's middle finger is pointed. Andrea raises her hand last.

Merle:  Yeah. Now that means I'm the boss, right? Yeah. Anybody else? Hmm? Anybody?

"When you become in charge I'll kill myself" I don't know who it came from but Merle looked affronted.

Rick:  Yeah.

Merle looks around and Rick hits him in the jaw with the butt of Merle's rifle. He drops to the ground, stunned but not out. Rick uses his handcuffs to attach Merle to the pipe on the roof.

"Nice hit" I said to my dad who laughed.

Merle (grunting)

Rick pulls Dixon up by his shirt and gets in his face.

Merle:  Who the hell are you man?

Rick:  Officer Friendly.

"Hahaha, officer friendly" Lizzie laughed

Rick reaches around takes Merle's gun and removing the clip he turns back to Dixon.

Rick:  Look here, Merle. Things are different now. There are no Niggers anymore. No dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart.

Merle:  Screw you, man.

"Right back at you dipshit"

Rick:  I can see you make a habit of missing the point.

Merle:  Yeah? Well screw you twice.

(Gun cocks)

Rick points Merle's gun at Merle's temple.

Rick:  Ought to be polite to a man with a gun. Only common sense.

Dixon:  You wouldn't. You're a cop.

Rick lowers the gun.

Rick:  All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose. I'll give you a moment to think about that.

Rick sees something on Dixon's face. He pats Merle down.

Rick (Pats)

Rick finds a white powder in Merle's pocket. He looks closely at Merle's face.

Rick:  Got some on your nose there.

He flicks Merle's nose for emphasis.

Dixon:  What are you gonna do? Arrest me?

"Don't think he woulda arrested you, he probably would've killed you if you guys were alone"

"Actually, I didn't want to kill people back when this first started" dad explained to the person.

Merle (Laughs)

Rick walks to the side of the building. He tosses the packet into the air off the side.

Dixon:  Hey! What are you doing? Man that was my stuff! Hey!

Merle (Grunts)

Dixon:  If I get loose, you'd better pray –yeah, you hear me, you pig?! You hear me?

Rick:  Yeah, your voice carries.

Merle:  Do you hear me, you filthy pig?!

Rick walks to the wall and flexes his hand in pain. He stops when Morales joins him.

Morales:  You're not Atlanta P.D. Where you from?

Rick:  Up the road a ways.

Morales:  Well, Officer Friendly, from up the road a ways, welcome to the big city.

"Thanks man"

(Thunder rumbling)

(Walkers moaning)

Morales and Rick look out at the streets full of walkers. Andrea and Jacqui are looking over the side, too.

Andrea:  God, it's like Times Square down there.

Morales:  How's that signal?

T-Dog:  Like Dixon's brain –weak.


"Shut the fuck up, I happen to have a brain and it's not small" Merle defiantly said.

Though no one listened

Dixon gives T-Dog the finger.

Morales:  Keep trying.

Andrea:  Why? There's nothing they can do. Not a damn thing.

Looking at Rick Andrea walks angrily away.

Morales:  Got some people outside the city is all. There's no refugee center. That's a pipe dream.

"That sucks" Negan said

Rick:  Then she's right. We're on our own. It's up to us to find a way out.

Dixon:  Good luck with that. These streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear.  [To Andrea] Ain't that right, sugar tits? Hey, Honeybunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs; we go off somewhere and bump some uglies? Gonna die anyway.

"I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from talking to my sister that way" Amy said to Merle Cooley

"I'd rather die if Merle talked to me that way" Sophia muttered and I laughed, a little loudly because some of the people from my school looked at me.

Andrea:  I'd rather.

Dixon:  Rug muncher. I figured as much.

"Rug muncher? What the fuck?" I laughed and I didn't miss the glare that my mom sent my way, but I ignored her and it all together.

"What the fuck is a rug muncher Merle?" Daryl laughed but received no answer.

Morales:  "The streets ain't safe." Now there's an understatement.

Rick:  What about under the streets? The sewers?

Morales:  Oh man. Hey, Glenn, check the alley. You see any manhole covers?

Glenn scans the alley where a few random walkers wait.

Walkers (Growling)

Glenn:  No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are.

Jacqui:  Maybe not. Old building like this built in the twenties. Big structures often had drainage tunneled into the sewers in case of flooding down in the subbasements.

"Uhm, how do you know that?" Katie, a girl from my school asked and I'm pretty sure I used to have a crush on her.

And I'm pretty sure she knew and still had a crush on me, just a guess by the looks she's sending me.

Glenn:  How do you know that?

Jacqui:  It's my job – was. I worked in the city zoning office.


Down inside the building Jacqui, Andrea, Morales, Glenn and Rick peer down the steep stairwell.

Morales:  This is it? Are you sure?

Glenn:  I really scoped this place out the other times I was here. It's the only thing in the building that goes down. But I've never gone down it. Who'd want to, right?

"Looks like it's from an action movie"

They all look at Glenn.

"Why do you always go down small hole that could lead to death?" Maggie groaned, referring to the time Glenn went down in the well at Herschel's farm.

Glenn:  Oh. Great.

Andrea:  We'll be right behind you.

Glenn:  No, you won't. Not you.

Andrea:  Why not me? Think I can't?

Glenn:  I wasn't –

Rick:  Speak your mind.

"Now I'm telling people to do that. Take that Lori" dad muttered under his breath, causing Daryl And Michonne to snort.

Glenn:  Look, until now I always came here by myself– In and out, grab a few things –no problem. The first time I bring a group – Everything goes to Hell. No offense. If you want me to go down this gnarly hole, fine– But only if we do it my way. It's tight down there. If I run into something and have to get out quick, I don't want you all jammed up behind me getting me killed. I'll take one person [to Rick] –not you either. You've got Merle's gun and I've seen you shoot. I'd feel better if you were out in that store watching those doors, covering our ass. [To Andrea] And you've got the only other gun, so you should go with him. [To Morales] You be my wingman. Jacqui stays here. Something happens, yell down to us, get us back up here in a hurry.

"You went without someone to watch your back? ARE YOU STUPID!" Maggie exclaimed and I laughed at Glenn's mortified face.

He looked to Herschel for help but he just shook his head, same with Beth, and they left him to Maggie's fury.

"Maggie, I went down with morales, you just didn't hear the part when I told him he was going down with me" Glenn said in a very high pitched voice

Jacqui:  Okay.

Rick:  Okay, everybody knows their jobs.

Rick reassures Glenn with a pat on the shoulder. Glenn, with a flashlight in his mouth, goes down first, Morales follows after him.

"At least SOMEONE went with him" Maggie grumbled, obviously wishing my dad had gone down with Glenn. 

(Water splashes)

They turn their flashlights down the tunnel.

(Rats squeaking)

Glenn and Morales follow the tunnel looking for the sewer connection.

(Rat squeaks)

Glenn:  Dah!

"It's a rat Glenn"

"Shut up Daryl"

Rick and Andrea enter the sales room floor where the walkers are at the plate glass doors.

(Walkers banging, growling)

Andrea:  Sorry for the gun in your face.

"It was lovely really" dad said sarcastically and Andrea stuck her tongue out at him.

Rick:  People do things when they're afraid.

"Tell me about it, if I hadn't freaking left that alcove" I heard Sophia whisper to herself, and my grip on her hand tightened at the mention of her death.

Andrea:  Not that it was entirely unjustified. You did get us into this.

"That made the apology less meaningful Andrea" my dad laughed, as did Andrea.

Rick:  If I get us out, would that make up for it?

Andrea:  No, but it'd be a start.

"Wait! What would?" Negan Yelled

Rick:  Next time though, take the safety off. It won't shoot otherwise.

Andrea:  Oh.

"You didn't know that? How did you survive as long as you did?!" The governor exclaimed and some of the woodburians still loyal to him, for an unknown reason, laughed.

Rick:  Is that your gun?

Andrea:  It was a gift, why?

Rick puts his hand out, Andrea gives it to him. He pushes up on the side.

Rick:  Little red dot means it's ready to fire. You may have occasion to use it.

Andrea:  Good to know.

"Yea It really is a good thing to know" Andrea and Amy said at the same time, it was kinda creepy.

Only T-Dog and Merle are up on the roof. T-Dog leans against the low wall to take advantage of the little shade it provides. Dixon is leaning against the pipe he's handcuffed to. It runs the length of the roof with about eighteen inches clearance. It's held in place with a construction of I beams and brackets. It's one of those brackets that Merle is actually handcuffed to.

T-Dog:  Anybody out there? Hello? Anybody read? I'm hoping to hear somebody's voice 'cause I'm getting sick and tired of hearing mine.

"That makes two of us ya idiot" said a kid from my school, who if I can remember correctly, was a jerk.

"Leave him alone" I growled and the kid and some of my class looked at me, they had glares on their faces. T-dog, however, smiled at me.

Dixon:  Yeah, well, that makes two of us. Why don't you knock that crap off? You're giving me a headache, boy.  (Spits)

Kid from before mumbled something, but shut up when I shot them a look.

T-Dog:  Why don't you pull your head out your ass? Maybe your headache will go away.

"I wish"

Merle (chuckles)

T-Dog:  Try some positivity for a change, damn.

Merle:  I'll tell you what. You get me out of these cuffs and I'll be all "Sammy Sunshine" positive for you. Hey, see that hacksaw over there in that tool bag? Get it for me, hmm? Make it worth your while. What do you say, man? Come on. Get me out of these things.

"Yeah, he'll definitely let you out of the cuffs after you BEAT him" Beth snarked to Merle

T-Dog:  So you can beat my ass again? Or call me a nigger some more?

Merle:  Come on now. It wasn't personal.

"'Wasn't personal' that's a good one!" Sasha laughed and Merle looked like he was getting tired of everyone glaring at him and apparently mocking him.

I hoped people would continue.

It's just that your kind and my kind ain't meant to mix.

"Racist" Enid whispered under her breath and rolled her eyes, did she think I would laugh since I did when Sophia said it?

She turned her head and looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to laugh.

"Ha" I deadpanned and turned away from her to the screen

That's all. It don't mean we can't... work together, parley, as long as there's some kind of mutual gain involved.  So... about that hacksaw –

T-Dog:  I guess you want me to get that rifle over there, too so you can shoot that cop when he comes back up, huh?

Merle:  Huh

"That wasn't an answer" dad said and glared at Merle "officer friendly doesn't like that"

I snorted, along with several others

Down in the subbasement with Glenn and Morales are still exploring.

(Door clangs)

Glenn comes into the tunnel with Morales behind him. Their flashlights startle more rats.

(Rats squeaking)

The tunnel ends with a heavily barred gate between them and the rest of the tunnel.

Morales:  Yeah, we've got ourselves a sewer tunnel. Jacqui was right.

Glenn pulls on it but there is no give.

Glenn:  Can we cut through it?

"That'll take to long kid" Negan sighed and some of us looked at him shocked.

Did he just say something that wasn't rude, obnoxious or sarcastic?

The world is ending

Morales:  If we had a blowtorch and half a day, sure. Dale's hacksaw sure as Hell won't do it.

"Probably break" dale shrugged from next to Amy.

(Rats squeaking)


Their flashlights show a walker that's been eating a rat.


The walker lunges toward Glenn and Morales but he's stopped by the gate. They back away in horror.

"Oh my god! There's a gate there genius's" Dwight laughed, getting sheepish looks from the two 'Geniuses'

On the sales floor Andrea looks at a necklace with a mermaid shaped pendant.

"My necklace!" Amy squealed excitedly because she loved that necklace.

(Walkers banging and growling)

Andrea:  Oh.

Rick looks at the walker's progress on the doors. He sees they haven't broken the windows enough to be dangerous yet. He walks over to the counter to see what Andrea's looking at.

Rick:  See something you like?

Andrea:  Not me, but I know someone who would, my sister. She's still such a kid in some ways. Unicorns, dragons – She's into all that stuff. But mermaids – they rule. She loves mermaids.

"I don't know if that's a subtle throw of shade but I'm going to pretend it's not"

Rick:  Why not take it?

Andrea:  There's a cop staring at me.

"Harhar you're under arrest Andrea"

"Shut up officer friendly"

Rick (chuckles)

Andrea:  Would it be considered looting?

Rick:  I don't think those rules apply anymore. Do you?


"Definitely not"

"I hope not"

"I would so be in jail if they did"

Smiling, Andrea puts the necklace in her pocket.

(Glass shatters)

"Well shit" Jimmy said

The walkers have broken enough glass to reach the inner doors. Rick and Andrea take up positions, their guns aimed and ready. Morales, Jacqui and Glenn run up behind them.

Rick:  What did you find down there?

Morales:  Not a way out.

Andrea:  We need to find a way...and soon.

"No shit Sherlock thank you for pointing out the obvious"

(Thunder rumbling)

Rick:  That construction site, those trucks –they always keep keys on hand.

Morales takes the binoculars, looks and then looks down at the street below.

Morales:  You'll never make it past the walkers.

Rick [to Glenn]:  You got me out of that tank.

Glenn:  Yeah, but they were feeding. They were distracted.

Rick:  Can we distract them again?

"I don't like where this is heading" Michonne mumbled to my dad, who just smiled and took her hand.

Dixon:  Right. Listen to him. He's onto something. A diversion, like on "Hogan's Heroes."

Jacqui:  God. Give it a rest.

Rick:  They're drawn by sound, right?

Glenn:  Right, like dogs. They hear a sound, they come.

Rick:  What else?

Morales:  Aside from they hear you? They see you, smell you and if they catch you, they eat you.

Rick:  They can tell us by smell?

Glenn:  Can't you?

Andrea:  They smell dead, we don't. It's pretty distinct.

"Smells disgusting"

Back in the department store Rick grabs several pairs of rubber gloves.

Glenn:  If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold.

"Yes it would it was DISGUSTING" Glenn Yelled

Rubber gloves are passed out.

Morales:  He's right. Just stop, okay? Take some time to think this through.

Rick:  How much time? They already got through one set of doors, that glass won't hold forever.

Rick tosses a raincoat to Glenn.

"Wait are they....?" My old principal, Mr.Jones, trailed off and gagged.

Rick and Morales burst through the door into the alley. Glen holds a bat and stands guard. They grab a walker body from the ground and rush back inside.

Rick has added a clear plastic face shield to his raincoat and rubber gloves. It's pushed up on his head. He looks around at the others.

Rick (Sighs)

He lowers the shield and with a crowbar turns to the fire axe on the wall.

(Glass breaks)

Everyone is wearing rubber gloves and raincoats. They are grouped around the corpse. Rick gets a running start with the axe and swings it but pulls back at the last second. He drops the axe, takes off the head shield and his gloves. He checks the corpse's pockets and pulls out his wallet.

Rick:  Wayne Dunlap, Georgia license. Born in 1979.

"Why is this important?" Mike asked as he rolled his eyes. I remember mike, he was an asshole.

Rick hands the license to Glenn.

Rick:  He had twenty-eight dollars in his pocket when he died and a picture of a pretty girl. "With love, from Rachel." He used to be like us –worrying about bills or the rent or the Super Bowl. If I ever find my family, I'm gonna tell them about Wayne.

"Good ol Wayne" Sophia said in a posh country accent and I snorted.

He replaces the wallet, puts his gear back on.

Glenn:  One more thing – he was an organ donor.

"Good to know. But hurry up with ya plan ya idiots" Daryl laughed

Rick heaves the axe at the corpse of Wayne Dunlap.

Rick (grunts)

Andrea:  Oh!

Morales:  Madre de Dios!


Glenn:  Oh! God! Gack!

"We were such wimps" Glenn cringed and Andrea agreed.

Rick continues chopping off legs, arms and through the torso.

T-Dog:  Oh God

Andrea:  Oh!

(All groan)

Morales:  Dios!

Glenn:  Oh God.

Rick looks ill but he shakes it off and hits again.

(All groaning)

And he hits the corpse again.

Rick (groans)

Rick takes off his shield and holds his nose with the elbow of his coat for a moment. He hands it and the axe to Morales.

Rick:  Keep chopping.

Glenn (groaning): I am so gonna hurl.

"Same here" came several replies from my school, Causing me to roll my eyes, but then realize they never lasted long in the apocalypse, and weren't used to this.

Rick:  Later.

Morales chops away.

Rick:  Everybody got gloves? Don't get any on your skin or in your eyes.

"Because I'm going to deliberately put guts in my eyes rick" morales laughed

They all stoop down and pick up guts and decayed flesh and organs.

(All groaning)

Rick starts smearing his raincoat, Jacqui helps Glenn do the same, and everyone takes turns covering Glenn and Rick with the walker guts. Andrea drapes intestines over Glenn's shoulders.

Glenn:  Oh, God! Oh jeez. Oh, this is bad. This is really bad.

Rick:  Think about something else – puppies and kittens.

T-Dog:  Dead puppies and kittens.

"Not helpful t" Glenn whined

Glenn (vomiting)

"I can see that" t dog laughed

Andrea:  That is just evil. What is wrong with you?

"A lot probably"

Jacqui [to Rick]:  Next time let the cracker beat his ass.

T-Dog:  I'm sorry, yo.

Glenn:  You suck.

Rick:  Do we smell like them?

Andrea:  Oh yeah. [To Glenn] Glenn. Just in case.

Andrea gingerly puts her gun into Glenn's front pocket.

Rick:  If we make it back, be ready.

T-Dog:  What about Merle Dixon?

Rick pulls the handcuff keys out of his pocket and tosses it to T-Dog.

"Why did you throw the keys to him?!" Merle yelled exasperatedly

My dad laughed under his breath

Rick:  Give me the axe. We need – we need more guts.

Andrea:  Oh God!

"My reaction exactly"

(Door creaks)

Glenn and Rick, with bits of corpse body hanging from their necks slowly walk into the alley. Rick is still holding the fire axe and Glenn carries the crowbar. They shuffle down toward the street mimicking the way a walker walks. The few walkers in the alley don't smell their living flesh.

"Whoo it's working!!" Mika exclaimed happily

The rest of the group runs up the stairs to the rooftop.

Rick and Glenn come to the street. They crawl under the metro bus slowly. Out on the street none of the walkers notice anything unusual.

The group is now up on the rooftop.

Merle:  Hey, what's happening, man?

Morales:  Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B.

Merle:  Hey, come on. Talk to me y'all.

"Nah I'm good"

T-Dog:  Base Camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?

Morales follows Rick and Glenn's progress through the binoculars.

T-Dog:  Can anybody out there hear me?

Morales [points]:  There.

(Thunder rumbling)

"That's not good" Sophia trailed off

Merle:  That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys?

"I should've been" dad muttered

[Thunder rumbles]

T-Dog shows Merle that he has it.

At the camp on the hilltop Dale and Jim are working on the RV.

Dale:  Boy, that hose isn't long for this world, is it?

Jim:  No sir.

Dale:  Where the hell are we gonna find a replacement?

"Call Glenn, he seems to be the one who gets everything for you lazy asses" Maggie grumped, causing me to laugh

[Thunder rumbles]

Amy paces back and forth.

Amy:  It's late. They should've been back by now.

"Aww you were worried about me" Andrea laughed and Amy laughed also.

"You were late, course I was"

Dale:  Worrying won't make it better.

Jim hands Dale a tool.

Lori hangs laundry as she watches Shane teach Carl how to tie knots.

Sophia laughed at the sight of me and I couldn't wait till we saw her.

My school was looking at the young me like they wish I was still that same little boy.

Shane:  Attaboy.

Carl:  Yeah.

Shane:  And three, two, one—Pull it.

Carl:  Ah! Aw.

"You failed" Enid laughed and I mentally rolled my eyes

(Both laugh)

Shane:  Start it over. Make your "P" the other way, around your finger.

Carl:  Oops.

" 'oops' hahaha" Sophia laughed

Shane:  Good, just tie it like around your finger. Attaboy.

(Radio squawks)

They hear T-Dog talk between bursts of static.

T-Dog:  Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me?


Shane gets up and goes over to the located up on the RV. Lori and Carl hurry over too.

T-Dog:  Base camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?

Dale:  Hello? Hello? Reception's bad on this end.

"No shit I hadn't realized that"

They've moved the C.B. up onto the roof of the R.V.

"Did that help?"

T-Dog hears a voice over the radio.

Dale [Over the radio]:  Repeat. Repeat.

T-Dog:  Shane, is that you?

Lori:  Is that them?


T-Dog:  We're in deep shit. We're trapped in the department store.

Shane:  He say they're trapped?

T-Dog:  There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of 'em. We're surrounded.

"You scared the hell out of us"


Dale:  T-Dog, repeat that last. Repeat.


(Radio stops)

Lori:  He said the department store.

"No he said the toy store" Sophia snarked sarcastically

[Thunder rumbles]

Dale:  I heard it too.

Lori:  Shane?

Shane:  No way.  We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that.

"Well aren't you an asshole?" Negan laughed "even I wouldn't leave my friends in danger"

Amy:  So we're just gonna leave her there?

Shane:  Look, Amy, I know that this is not easy-

Amy:  She volunteered to go to help the rest of us.

Shane:  I know, and she knew the risks, right? See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do.

"This is why rick was a better leader. He took risks for people. When Sophia went missing you immediately gave up, but he and Daryl insisted on going to look for her, hell, not many people even associated Daryl as a part of the group then but he still went to find her, and nearly died! While you were only caring for Lori and Carl!" Andrea ranted

Amy:  She's my sister, you son of a bitch.

"She still is my sister bitch" Amy growled at Shane.

Amy runs off. Lori looks to Shane. She nods a slight agreement but it doesn't look easy for her. He doesn't say anything. She goes off after Amy.

"YOU AGREED?!" Amy screeched and mom had to cover her ears she screamed so loud.

(Thunder rumbling)

Lori:  Amy...

Shane [To Carl]:  Come on. It's all right, buddy.

Rick and Glenn continue down the street toward the construction site at an agonizingly slow pace. Covered in walker guts, they pass by the walkers unnoticed.

[Thunder rumbles]

"That's definitely not good" Michonne groaned

Walkers (Growling)

Glenn (Whispers):  It's gonna work. I can't believe it.

"You just jinxed it you idiot" I exclaimed and Glenn stuck his tongue out at me.

"Maggie he stuck his tongue out at me"

"Nuh uh no I didn't" Glenn protested weakly

"Boys behave or I will ground you both" Maggie said without looking away from the screen.

Rick (Whispers):  Don't draw attention.

"I meant 'Don't jinx it you little shit" dad corrected himself

Walker (Growling)

A walker looks at Glenn.

"That's SO fucking creepy!" Sophia laughed out and several people laughed with her

Glenn (growling)

The theatre burst out laughing at this.

Glenn turned bright red and hung his head in embarrassment.

The walker moves on.

Up on the roof Morales looks for Rick and Glenn through the binoculars.

(Rain pattering)

"SHIT it's gunna wash the guts off of you!" Lizzie exclaimed

Morales:  Oh Man.

He picks up the binoculars and checks on them again.

Glenn and Rick slowly shuffle along. They are still half a block away from the construction site's security fence.

(Thunder crashes)

On the roof Andrea watches them through the rain, crying.

Morales:  It's just a cloudburst. We get 'em all the time. It'll pass real quick.

"It better..." Michonne trailed off worriedly.

"Uhm Michonne, this was nearly 6 years ago..." dad explained and she snapped.

"Doesn't mean I'm not worried!"

Down on the street Rick and Glenn continue on in the rain.


Glenn:  The smell's washing off, isn't it? Is it washing off?

Rick:  No, it's not.

"Yes it is!"

Walkers start to stop their shuffling and begin looking around.

Rick:  Well, maybe.

"You seem oddly calm right now..." Simon trailed off

Walker (roars)

A walker attacks Rick; he splits its head open with his axe.

Rick:  RUN!

"Never mind. You're definitely not calm" Simon corrected himself.

(Walkers roaring)

Rick and Glenn hack their way through the walkers in their way as they run to the chain link fence between them and the construction site.

Up on the roof Morales, Andrea and Jacqui stand in the rain watching them run.

Morales:  Come on. Come on. Come on.

Rick throws his axe over the fence. He and Glenn leap up and over. Behind them the walkers rush forward and pile up on the fence. Rick and Glenn tear off their raincoats. Glenn runs for the key board while Rick turns and starts picking off the most aggressive walkers with his pistol.


Glenn breaks open the key box with his crowbar and grabs the one for the Ferenc cube van.

Glenn:  Rick!

Glenn tosses the key to Rick; they both run for the truck. One walker climbs over the fence and runs after them.

(Engine starts)

The walker pounds on Glenn's window.

Glenn:  Go go go go!

Everyone was tense, to tense to speak, but everyone watched with interest.

(Tires screech)

Rick backs the truck out, tires squealing. The walker is thrown off but continues to pursue. The crowd of walkers' weight pushes against the gate until it collapses. They push through and chase after them.

Up on the roof Jacqui, Andrea and Morales watch them drive away.

Andrea:  They're leaving us.

"WHAT" Amy screeched in anger

Dixon:  What? What?

Morales:  No no no no no. Where they going? Where they going?

"YOU LEFT OUR DAD!!" Morales' kids yelled, I forget their names though.

Andrea:  No no, come back.

The cube van breaks through the construction site fence on the far side. Rick drives it through and around the corner.

Glenn:  Oh my God. Oh my God. They're all over that place.

Rick:  You need to draw them away. Those roll-up doors at the front of the store –That area? That's what I need cleared. Raise your friends. Tell them to get down there and be ready.

Glenn:  And I'm drawing the geeks away how? I—I missed that part.

Rick:  Noise.

"Glenn why are you always the distraction?" Maggie whimpered, burying her face in Glenn's chest.

Moments later on a deserted street Rick puts the crowbar through the driver's side window of a red sports car. The alarm blares. Glenn covers his ears and fidgets while Rick works quickly.

(Car alarm blaring)

Rick uses a screwdriver to hot wire the car.

(Engine revving)

Moments later Glenn barrels down the road in the red sports car.

"NICE RIDE!" A lot of the men in the room Yelled, excluding me because I didn't really care.

(Tires screech)

Glenn passes Rick in the cube van on their way back to the department store.

Glenn [on the radio]:  Those roll-up doors at the front of the store facing the street – Meet us there and be ready.

(Alarm continues)

Morales:  Come on! Let's go, let's go!

Dixon:  Hey, you can't leave me here!

Andrea, Jacqui, Morales and T-Dog pick up all their bags and run for the stairs.

Dixon:  I'm not fooling, man! Morales! Hey, man! Don't do this!  Come on. Hey, that's my gun. You can't leave me. Don't leave me here, you guys.

Andrea:  Morales come on.

T-Dog stops at the door while the rest of them run down the stairs. Morales goes back to the door.

Morales:  I'm coming! [To T-Dog] We've gotta go!

"I tried to get him I really did Daryl" t-dog explained and Daryl waved his hand in a 'I don't care motion'

Dixon:  Morales! You can't leave me like this, man! Hey, T-Dog. No, man. You can't leave me, man. You can't leave me here – Not like this. You can't man. It's not human. Come on, don't do this.

T-Dog (groans)

Dixon:  Come on, T. Come on!

T-Dog runs back, knocking over Dale's abandoned tool bag.

"Eh they didn't have much time left anyways" dale shrugged when he saw they were leaving his tool bag.

Merle:  Come on, yeah! Yeah! Come on! Co—that's it! Yes! Come on, baby! Come on.

T-Dog stumbles and the key flies out of his hand across the roof right towards a drain pipe.

Merle:  Come on.

(Key clinking)

Merle and T-Dog both reach for the key as it bounces around and down the pipe.


"Well shit" The governor laughed

Morales Andrea and Jacqui run through the sales floor past the walkers still growling at the doors.

(Walkers banging)

Morales:  Go.

Merle:  Son of a bitch! You did that on purpose!

"Oh I would've" Sophia muttered darkly and I looked at her, this was definitely not the girl I knew, but at the same time it was.

T-Dog:  I didn't mean to!

Dixon:  You lie! You did it on purpose!

T-Dog runs for the door.

T-Dog:  It was an accident!

Merle:  Don't leave me, man! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!

(Cuffs rattling)

Merle (yells):  You liar!

T-Dog:  I'm sorry. Man, I'm sorry.

Dixon:  Don't leave me!

T-Dog:  I'm sorry.

Dixon:  Damn you all!

T-Dog goes through the door

Merle [muffled]:  Don't leave me, man!

T-Dog starts down the stairs and stops.

Merle [still muffled]:  Don't leave – Don't leave me!

T-Dog:  Ah!

T-Dog goes back to the door and bangs it shut. He padlocks the chain hanging from the door jam.

"At least he stopped walkers from getting to ya"  Daryl said to Merle, who grunted in response.

Merle [faintly]:  Hey! What are you doing, man? You're gonna rot in Hell! You're gonna rot in Hell! Come back, man!

T-Dog:  Wait a minute!

T-Dog runs down the stairs screaming.

T-Dog:  Here I come! Don't leave me! Don't leave!

"I was legit scared you were gunna leave without me!" T dog exclaimed and Merle looked at him in disgust.

Andrea Jacqui and Morales run through to the roll up doors. Jacqui and Andrea grab the pull down chain making ready to raise them. Morales joins them and they wait for the signal.

Andrea:  Okay. Okay. I got it.

Morales:  Shh.

(Car alarm blaring)

Andrea:  What is that?

(Car engine revving)

Outside on the street Glenn drives past the doors then backs up. He waits for the walkers to take the bait.  Immediately they turn and start toward him.

(Tires screech)

Glenn:  Come on. Come on.

Walkers crowd around the car.

(Walkers growling)

Glenn:  Get closer. Get closer. Come on. Come on.

(Tires screeching)

Glenn backs up in fits and starts leading the walkers away from the doors. When they are following enough he speeds up, flips the car around and drives forward.

T-Dog runs through the sales floor.

(Glass shatters)

With nothing left to keep them out, the walkers at the doors swarm through following T-Dog.

"RUN" nearly everyone in the room yelled at t dog who was smiling like an idiot at the fact so many people cared about him, even though he fucked up with Merle. 

Almost completely unnoticed Rick pulls up behind the walkers that are following Glenn. He backs up into position at the pull up doors where Jacqui Andrea and Morales are waiting.

T-Dog:  Hey, wait for me!

T-Dog dashes through the store with walkers chasing close behind him.

Rick runs to the back of the truck and lifts the door.

T-Dog gets to the room where the others wait.

T-Dog:  They're here! Let's go! They're in here!

Rick (Bangs) on the store door.

Andrea:  Let's go!

Morales:  Open the door!

T-Dog:  We've gotta go!

Morales:  Go!

They heave their bags up to Rick. He tosses them into the back and gets back into the driver's seat.

Walkers (growling)

T-Dog throws himself up into the truck. A crowd of walkers comes out through the hallway and to the truck.

Morales:  I'm in!

Rick hits the gas while Morales lets down the back door.

"YES!!!" People yelled as they realized that everyone, minus Merle, was in the truck and safe.

(Engine revving)

Still handcuffed and screaming Merle is alone on the roof.

Merle (yells):   Don't leave me!

He's using his weight to pull against the pipe then bangs against it with his feet.

Dixon:  You'll die! Go to Hell! Damn you!

Merle (yells)

Dixon:  You're gonna rot in Hell!

Merle (yelling)

"I almost feel pity" Ed sneered and the people who knew him glared at him.

Rick drives the truck down the highway back toward the camp. Morales comes up and sits in the passenger seat. Rick looks back at the others, puzzled. Morales looks at T-Dog who is grimacing in pain. Andrea and Jacqui exchange a look.

T-Dog:  I dropped the damn key.

"Eh whatever"

Andrea:  Where's Glenn?

The red sports car races south down I85

(Car alarm blaring) (Rock music playing) [Black Strobe – I'm a Man]

Glenn:  Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah-hoo-hoo!

"What an episode!" Negan exclaimed

"Huh, soph we get to see fetus you next episode! Haha at least I hope we do" I laughed along with Sophia.

"Now onto episode 3. Tell it to the frogs"

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