Bite Me

By BurntMyToastAgain

1.2K 35 7

Teagan Sally never thought she'd be invited to a party. But when she is, Teagan is pulled aside by an attract... More

Chapter 1 + Teaser
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - With Compliments

Bite Me

868 13 1
By BurntMyToastAgain

This is dedicated to Leggohouses (I think thst's how you spell it) because she's a pretty cool wattpadian and I felt like dedicating my teaser to one an awesome wattpadian :P )

"It'll be fun," Carly tried again, scanning my lifeless wardrobe, "I swear, private school parties dominate."
I groan, laying down in my bed, "I don't want to go."
"Too. Bad. You're going," Carly throws a short, baby-blue dress next to me, "And you're wearing that."

I scan the dress helplessly, "I think Barbie puked on this."
"I'll puke on you if you don't get your ass in that dress."

Slipping on the dress, I glance at the mirror, quickly applying makeup. My curled, brown hair cascaded passed my shoulders and I sigh.
What have I gotten myself into?


I could feel the bass to the song in my chest, even though we hadn't walked in. Carly adjusted her skirt before she opened the door freely.
That was just before somebody fell out of the doorway, onto the cement outside.

"Just keep walking," Carly advised loudly, creeping passed the groaning boy on the floor. I quickly follow and I'm immediately taken in by the strong scent of alchohol and the swarming crowd.
I breath heavily when I squeeze through, feeling every movement.
I could barely hear myself.
I can barely think.
Is this what parties do?
This is exactly why I hate parties.

I strain to see Carly's long, blonde hair. Has she left me?
Oh, that girl.
She's not the brightest crayola in the pack. I mean, come on, who leaves their best friend at a random party with strangers?
Creepy strangers.
Horny strangers.

It was a favour itself for me to even think about coming and now she's left me in a swaying crowd, screaming to 'Sexy and I know It.'
I yelp at the sudden movement behind me.
"Carly," I turn, ready to face her fierce, blue eyes. But instead, I'm met with bright green.

"I haven't introduced myself," he yells over the music, his voice low and luring.
"Please don't," I reply loudly.
 I can't hear anything but by the visible shake in his chest, I know this boy is laughing.

But aside from this gorgeous guy in front of me, I'm faced with a bigger problem.
Where is Carly?

"Sorry," I yell, "Can't talk."
Green eyes raises his eyebrow, "No, you're yelling."
"You're obviously yelling!"
I give an apologetic look and squeeze passed. I finally find breathing space - the edge of the stairs with a table of red cups and a couple making out.
Perks of being singe - note the sarcasm.

A snatch a cup, half full with alcohol and gulp it down.

"Easy there."
Green eyes again.
His dark brown hair sweeps naturally and he's wearing a brown button-up with hugs his chest.

I glare at him.
"Leave me alone," I order, looking around for another drink.
"That would imply that I want to," he smirks, revealing smile lines.
I try to push passed him.
He doesn't budge.
"No," he laughs.
I shove passed, quickly escaping up the stairs.

But now I'm trapped. I have no way out.
I'm exstatic.
Green eyes walks up the stairs calmly. I try to play it cool - honestly. But unfortunately, the attempt to be subtle in my escape failed epically.
I ran for the nearest door.
He runs too.

My hand clasps the handle and he reaches foward, just touching my wrist.
A jolt of shock runs through me, like electricity.
He notices it too.

While he's distracted, I push the door open, sliding through the doorway.
I look for a way out, but when you're on a two-story building in a tiny dress, your options are limited.
I find myself in a corner and green eyes is gaining on me.
Before, his eyes were filled with nothing, but now I see something.


The scent of vanilla is close as he stands in front of me.
And the weirdest thing happens.

He bites me, in the sensitive crook, just between my neck and collarbone.

Then everything goes black.

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