Billdip - Save Me

Von arreoja764

249 5 0

...idk im makeing it up as i go along.... and im gonna try to update as frequent as possible thank you. Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

19 1 0
Von arreoja764


I sent the bitch to one of my most favorite demonds. He will make her life hell. I cant even stand looking at her pitiful face. Right when my pinetree comes back. She stole his first kiss. That kiss was mine!!! I hafto intaragate pinetree on what else she did. My friend will take extra special care if her. Im not allowed to kill or manipulate anyone without shooting stars consent or else ill be banned from gravity falls. And theres that That frost. I growl. I dont even really consider him a brother. I have three brothers Frost the calm one, will the weak one, and tad the strange one. I sigh. A old memory of pinetree when he was 4 crawling twords me for the first time. This was the first time he ever met me it was still in gravity falls yes but his parents were just visiting. I kept an eye over him for all thoes years all the way till he was 7 then that bastard sealed me away. I frown at the thought. Oh well pinetree will be min- wait no. I cant be to posesive ill just hurt him again. I teloport back to the shack in the living room to see frost hugging dipper. I mean i can be a little posesive. I grab dippers hand and teloport to his closest so frost wouldn't find us. "Wha-" "sssshhhhhhh!" He looks shocked. He stands up and exits the closet. "Pinetree come back!" I whine. He climbs out the window. Uughhhh.


This isnt weird at all this is perfectly normal...i almost got raped on my second day here...i dont feel safe. As im walking in the woods i hear some commotion. I walk twords it and see ive made it to the town. I walk through the town and bump into a woman with blond hair. "S-sorry." She turns and looks at me. Her eyes widen. "D-dipper is that really you?!" "I thought you were dead!? How do gou still look exactly the same!? I havent seen you since we were 13 but you came back and-and you died! I even went to your funeral!" "S-sorry im not the same dipoer everyones makeing that mistake im really sorry about your loss." "DONT LIE TO ME! IM SOPOSTO BE YOUR FRIEND I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN YEARS YOU EVEN HAVE THE SAME  MARK...IM SO SORRY!" She was crying. Why dose everyone think im this person!? "Look im not this person so leave me alone." She looks suprised. But i dont care im to tired. I got up and randomly walked into more woods. Then climed a hill. And somehow got the veiw of gravity falls before i knew it. Its been like 5 hours i should probably head back. As im walking i bump into someone. Not again. What is wrong with my eye sight!? Do i need glasses!? (A/N: *imagining dipper with glasses* yes you do 0w0) "Sorry i didnt mean to." I look up at him. He has glowing eyes....WHAT IS WITH THIS TOWN AND CRAZY PEOPLE!? "Are you. dipper pines?" Yes but since ima play it safe. "No sir." I try to loom down so he doesnt notice my obvious birth mark i need a hat. ".....ok." he looks at me suspiciously and walks to who knows where. I sigh a sigh i didnt know i was holding. "Wait it is you." I scream eternaly and start running in the direction of the shack. "HHHEEELLLPPPPPPPP MMMEEEE IM BEING CHASED BY A WEIRD PERSON!!!" (A/N: Me when im being chased.) I arive at the shack and jump through the window i mean it was open and no time for doors am i right. I fall but scramble to close the window lock it and shut the blinds. I scream a much needed scream and everyone runs down. I look as pale as a gost. "......" everyone stares at me i feel like im gonna faint. That was so much exercise. Im still breathing heavily. "T-there was a weird person....but hes gone now..." i say between breaths. Finally my hart has calmed down. "So you were dipper!!!" A cheerful voice said. That same creepy voice. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I run away and hide in ghe kitchen. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. "Heh your funny." A voice from behind me says. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Nearly haveing a painic attacki jump out the cubbords and try to crawl back but trip and hit my head. Im shure this is abuse somehow.a different person from behind me laughs an angelic laugh. I quickly look behind me to see a beautiful boy who looks innosent but honestly anyone scares me any and all humans or anything in that category are evil. I try to get up but that guys infront of me. I scream. Scared to death frost appears in front of me. HOW DID HE DO THAT. HE JUST APPEARED OUT OF NO WHERE. "its okay dip theyre just me and bills brothers they heared you were back so they came to see you i dont think youve ever met them before. Theyre kinda weird." I fastly crawl through theyre feet. "MOTHER!!!" I practicaly yell i run then u see her in the living room. "Dipper?" "WHAT IS WITH YOU WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME YOIR BROTHER  WHY DID I ALMOST GET RAPPED ON MY FIRST DAY WITH YOU WHY IS EVERYONE TREATING ME WEIRDLY AND WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE THESE WEIRD POWERS WHAT IS THIS YOU KNOW WHAT FORGET IT ILL BE BACK IN A HOUR!!!" I need time to cool off. Someone grabs my arm. "S-sorry but bill wont like you leaveing." ....this blueberry is actually scareing me. Hes actually the same hight as me if not taller..."tell bill that im just going out for a bit." "But you already left for like 5 hours where even where you we sent tad to look for you." So it was them. "Ill be fine thanks for the consern." He wouldn't let go damit. I sigh. "Please let go." He looks down. Still holding my arm might i add. Hhhhmmmmm. I raise my hand up right infrountvof his face vefore he can relize and with my free hand smak my other hand and thus scare the living shit out of him and run into the woods. And run as fast and as far away as i can dispite the yells for me to stop and comeback. I arive at a corner store and walk in i have a fake ID. I grab some beer and pay for it he asked for my ID so muahaha. I got out of the store opened one of my beers and started drinking while walking deeper into the woods. Oh shit its been 2 hours. My 3ed day and im already screwing up....oh well. I sip more of my beer. I run into a weird lake wait its the same lake i met that girl. Oh well im to drunk to care. I take off my shirt and pants leaving me in only in my boxers and dive into the lake. The water feels so...COLD WHAT THE FUCK WELL I MEAN IT IS NIGHT WHAT DID I EXPECT!!! I huff trying to get used to the cold. I shiver. And feel a scaley tale. A fish? I look down to see a human face. Oh shit. I cover my ears and try and get out of the lake. Fuugggeee myyy lliifee. She grabs my torso and trys to drag me down i punch her gills giveing me some time to get the fuck out of there. I climb onto the dock ears still covered and reach the shore my clothes were hanging from a tree. I look back to make shure theres no one there then try to dry off a bit after two minutes stareing at the lake i finnaly try and put my clothes on. How is that even possible?! Am i just imagining things...damn im so drunk. I decided to just head back and face the wrath of weird people i hafto deal with. As im heading back i notice a rabbit caught under some branches. I help it out. "There you go." I walk off but its following me. I turn around and look at it. I crouch down and extend my hand. It jumps on and i keep it with me maby mable will let me keep it. "Hhmmm what should i nams you?" I checkedand it was a boy. "Alright i think ill name you branches sence i found you under some branches. Branch for short." I smile. "Do you like it?" He looks happy and hes sniffing my hands. He  looks up at me then makes himself comfortable. As upon arriving at the shack i brace myself. "Here we go." Still kinda drunk i open the door to see my mum paceing back and forth looking pissed. Bill sitting on a table talking to stan and ford frost tad and will  talking looking bored. Waddles is a old piggy just chillen. But my mum is pppiiiissssseedd. Maby i should cone back later. "DIPPER!!!" oh shit. "Mum i found a bunny and it really likes me can i keep it?" Her mood immediately changes. "AAWWWW OMFF ITS SO FLUFFY BOY OR GIRL?!" well that went grate. "Its a boy and i wanna name him branches sence i found him under branches." She giggles. "Of corse you can keep him." YYYAASSS! "Dipper? Is that really you i didnt get to see you much." The old twins walked twords me. "You look the same like your still 15." The glasses guy states. "Did you come back from the dead!?" The other one loudly says. "No i dont know who this other dipper wa-" i was cut off by bill. "Actually pinetree i need to explain that to you." "Stop calling me pinetree and theres nothing to explain to me just tell themto stop confuseing me for their...i dont know-son?" "Well- wait." He walks up to me with a very serious look. "Have you been drinking?" Shit. "No" i lie. He looks betrayed for a second then angry. "Pinetree dont ever lie to me." "Im not lieing." Why is everyone else just watching!? "Its been a long night van i go to bed?" "You have been drinking" christ. "Okay i just drank one can i go." Im lucky i can take beer well or that little lie wouldn't work heh. I smile a bit at my thoughts and pet branches. "How many did you drink? Beer isnt good for humans pinetree." He looks kinda mad. I finnaly snap. "Look beer is tge least worst thing ive done ive smoked weed had multiple drugs ingected in my system. Beer is nothing compared to that i wont do it again so can i just go to bed?!" I didnt care at this point. Im so fucking tired and its only been my 3ed or 4th day here. I sigh. And then i yawn waiting for his answer. I look over at my mum to see her crying. Well dont i feek like a pice of shit. Oh well ill deal with it in the morning. If this family would have gotten someone normal they wouldn't be.....i shake my head. No gotta stay strong i open my eyes and stare at bill whos still looking at that i look everyones stareing at me. I continue to pet branches. I just want sleep. After 3 minutes of them stareing at me in complete silence i get it. I sigh still very tired. "Ok i know your looking at me like 'oh shit this kids fucked up' 'we dont wanna deal with him' so ill just leave i wont tell a sole you can adopt another child and act like this never happened. Its obvious im not wanted here." I start to walk out. So much for having a family...i guess it was nice while it lasted. "W-wait dipper." I take off running. Its okay i forgive you. I still have branches in my hand he fell asleep. I buy a beer and wait at the bus stop for the buss i fell like ive done this before. Im so stupid. Worthless. Just die. Faggot no one wants you. I take annother sip of beer getting done with the can. "Hey your not soposto drink bill will get mad and youll make mable cry. Everyones worried." "Go away." Sometimes its better to be the villin so no one you love gets hurt. My teacher said that once. But she got fired cause she slapped my mother for slapping me ot was my fault im sorry. I open another beer and to my suprise the guy takes it out of my hand still carefully hoding onto the sleeping rabit i try to take it back. "Tsk whatever." Im glad this guy doesn't get emotional fast. The bus arrives. I get up "BBBIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!" he yells while grabbing onto my arm. "LET GO OF ME!!!" As i try to pry him off of me bill appears out of no where looking livid. He grabs my arm. And i struggles to keep branches close to me  and still asleep. Once were there i gently place him on the couch. I feel a bit scared now that hes not with me. "HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT" "PINETREE!!!" "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" "PINETREE YOUR MINE DAMIT SO DONT EVER LEAVE AGAIN!!!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" "WHY SHOULD I?!?!?" "DONT BOTHER CAREING ABOUT ME IM NOT GOING TO BRING ANYTHING GOOD IN YOUR LIFE ILL MAKE YOU FEEL HORRIBLE AND IM PREETY MUCH WORTHLESS SO JUST FORGE-" i was cut off by bill forsefully kissing me. Stop please i cant breath. After struggling for 2 minutes i passed out.


Everyone in the room sighs as i hold my pinetree again. "Bill ill let you off once cause it was an argument but next time you kiss dipper ill make you wish you were never born." Frost said. "Oh shut it...hey will thank you for getting pinetree." "No problem bro. Hes a really great person i can tell just a bit damaged." I teloport pinetree to his room an tuck him in and kiss his head then i snap my fingers and his bunny pops up next to him its super cute. I go back downstairs and Fall sleep myself.


i wake up with branches next to me. "You know bill that wasnt just for you and the rest of the family it was for me as hurts ya know. Everyday it hurts...." i let a few tears escape my eyes. I stay in my room and look around. Its an attic. It has another bed on the other side of me and a desk a few boxes but besides that its kinda empty. Ill just stay in here. I look outside and hear the birds chirping. And the trees beauty...i dont feel like i belong. I go to the corner of the attic and its really dark im scared of the dark but i dont mind. Im fine here. Branches is still sleeping. I think mable left food for him. I hear somone knocking but i ignore it hopwing they think im sleeping. "I know your awake." I still stay in my corner. Im doing just fine here can i stay here forever. I spot a flower....growing inside??? Howd that happen? I walk over to it. " we're all waiting down stairs if you wanna talk." I froze. I look back at the flower. I remain calm and stare at it. Maby it can teach me how to open up. How to reassure people. How to be beautiful and needed. Then reality sets in... "Dipper someone from your old homes come to visit. The door opens teacher. The only person whos ever cared for me. I immediately cry and run up and hug her. She hugs back. Im so happy.


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