Pokemon High School

By momentai24

60.1K 953 536

#1 in Pearlshipping - November 2020 Ah, High School...where memories are made, hearts are broken, and dreams... More

Chapter 1: Back In Session
Chapter 2: Cannot Be Helped
Chapter 3: Confrontation
Chapter 4 Calm And Rage Of The Storm
Chapter 5: Ask And You Shall Recieve
Chapter 6: Ill-Will
Chapter 7: Making It Count
Chapter 8: Personal
Chapter 9: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 10: No Stop, Only Shop
Chapter 11: Merry Christmas!
Chapter 12: Countdown
Chapter 13: Girl Talk
Chapter 14: Closing In
Chapter 15: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 16: Cold As Ice
Chapter 17: Confessions
Chapter 18: Leaving a Mark
Post-Story Author's Note
PEC Sneak Peek

Post-Author's Note Author's Note

1.1K 19 7
By momentai24

To be honest, I never expected to update this book again. This is why we didn't publish this, I guess.

Oh, yeah. I'm not dead. That's kinda important.

So, I have given it some thought. About two days of thought. And I have decided to make a sequel to PHS. This was requested so heavily last year, but I put off on it for multiple reasons.

One of those reasons was how I felt about the story. I was pleased yet dissapointed. I was pleased because it was just some silly little story that I made without expecting it to really take off. Yet as of the time that this is being written, we're over 14K reads. That is insane, you guys! I cannot thank you enough for the overwhelming support and love for this story that I made as a dumb freshman in high school. Even now I still get pleased when I see votes on the story, and I'm just a dumb junior.

But the story disgusts me still. Why? Because it is poorly made in my eyes. The story has about as many holes as a wheel of swiss cheese. The "High School" aspect was practically untouched. Many characters had very restricted cameos and/or development, which does not work well in the story. I just didn't know how to implement those things at that time (don't worry, I do now).

Now some of you might be saying "Eevee, you could literally just rewrite the chapters and fix them." And you're right. I could. But the story is like life; no going back. Why would I recreate all of the work I put into the story when I was younger and take away all of my hard work and all of the things you guys loved about it? I don't want to alter my story when I could just move forward.

Which brings me to my next point: Pokemon Elora College (PEC for short) is next up.

The new story plans on fixing all of the issues that I see with this story. This is basically Crash Bandicoot for a fanfic (Worst analogy I've ever made).

The main thing that will benefit the story is the new generation of Pokemon. Sun and Moon dropped last year, and USUM release in just over a week from the time this is being written. This changes a whole lot in the story.

The introduction of Gen 7 paves way for new characters, locations, etc. for me to use. I mean, Alola is a series of islands off the coast of Kanto. Just like Elora. Coincidence? Absolutely. But they definitely stole that from me; I made up the region back in elementary school.

But with new Pokemon, characters, and locations, I have many more resources to work with.

Anyway, you are all probably wondering when it will be released. And honestly... I don't know. I plan on putting out a teaser chapter, which will be either a portion or the entirety of Chapter 1. The date for this is also unscheduled, though. I will aim for the start of 2018, but it is entirely possible that it will be pushed back (I'd rather not).

I will try to have chapters prewritten so I can publish them whenever, but keep in mind I said I'd try.

But I think that is about all that I have to say. For now, just have fun, keep calm, and stay patient. Again, a teaser will be put out, along with the release date. So stay tuned!

                                              ~Until then,

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