Akame ga Creed! ✅

By thethirdnarrator

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{COMPLETED} [Warning: Intense Violence and coarse language. I recommend watching Akame ga Kill if you haven't... More

Akame ga Creed! OP 1
Chapter 1 - Kill The Hooded Assassin
Chapter 2 - Kill The Promise
Chapter 3 - Kill the Conversation
Chapter 4 - Kill the Merchant
Chapter 5 - Kill the Ripper
Chapter 6 - Kill the Brother
Chapter 7: Kill Your Fantasy
Chapter 8: Kill the Time Together
Chapter 9: Kill Absolute Justice
Chapter 10: Kill The Generals
Chapter 11: Secure and Protect
Chapter 12: Kill the Responsibility
Chapter 13: Kill the Bounty Hunter
Chapter 14: Kill the Hardships
Chapter 15: Kill the Offer
Chapter 16: Kill Your Fears
Chapter 17 Kill Your Crisis
Amphiaraus Contingency #1
Chapter 19: Kill the Painting
Chapter 19.5: Kill On Sight
Chapter 20: Kill the Disguise
Chapter 21: Kill the Story
Chapter 22: Kill the Puppets
Chapter 23: Kill the Tragedy
Chapter 24: Kill the Destiny (Part I)
Chapter 25: Kill the Destiny (Part II)
Teaser for Vol. 2
Akame ga Creed! Season 2
Akame ga Creed! Zero???

Chapter 18: Kill the Intruders

1K 15 2
By thethirdnarrator

A/N: Remember to share the story with friends!

Ezio's POV

"Shit!" I gotta warn the others. I ran down the hall, but I saw two masked men crash through the window. I unsheathed my shingu and shot at the intruders, after gunning them down they fell on the floor with bullet holes in them. I continued running and saw Lubbock take down one guy.

"Lubbock, there are more coming!" I shouted. Lubbock turned around and saw a large group of enemies.

"Let's make a run for it," Lubbock said as we ran the opposite direction of where the group was chasing us. We stopped running when Akame exited her room and immediately killed the group of deranged men. I sigh in relief. "Nice one, Red-Eyes." I praised. Akame turned around and smiled at me.

We saw three more guys, but they looked tougher than the ones before, especially the one in the middle of the two big guys. The man in the middle leaped at Akame, trying to air kick her with a blade at the bottom of his shoe. Thankfully Akame immediately dodged it.

"My name is Toby, and I challenge you to a one-on-one match!" The guy now known as Toby shouted. I looked at Akame with concern.

"I trust you can handle him, right?" I asked her. She nodded as she charged at Toby.

I looked at Lubbock who seemed to be doing well on his own. I ran towards the window and jumped out of it, landing on top of another intruder. I looked in front of me and saw five guys charging towards me.

I unsheathed my sword. "Let's go you freaks!" I ran towards the closest enemy and dropped kicked him to the ground before stabbing my blade through his head. I then proceeded shooting the next enemy in the head multiple times. I then charged at the next three who were side-by-side together and decapitated all three of them with one slice. I sheathed my sword and used my eagle vision to find the mastermind of this invasion. I found my target still in the same spot he was on when I first saw him. I started running as fast as I can towards them.

After half an hour, I hid in a bush behind them. The man in the lab coat was guarded by three people, one guy with unnaturally large eyes, another man with a long nose, and a girl with the biggest ears I've ever seen. I assumed that they were enhancements and are used to track people from far distances. Thanks to my special training from the assassins creed, I was invisible. I slowly left the bush I was hiding in and unsheathed my gun and pointed at the big eyes guy and shot near them as a warning shot. The other three turned around and saw me as I aimed my weapon at them.

"Don't move you son of a bitch." I threatened. The man in the lab coat looked creepily happy.

"How magnificent! It's the legendary Ezio Auditore!" He shouted. I kept the gun pointed at them.

"My name is Dr. Stylish, and it is an honour to meet you." Dr. Stylish introduced.

"I don't care," Ezio replied. Dr. Stylish's smile turned into a displeased frown.

"That's s little rude." He scoffs.

Before Ezio could reply, a giant stingray flew over them, and who was riding it was none other than Najenda. Dr. Stylish looks at it with a large smile on his face.

"Now that is stylish!" He cheered.

Ezio kept his gun aimed at the doctor.

"A new guy is sweeping through all the infantry!" The big-eyed minion shouted. Ezio smirks at them. "The battle is already won." The four looked at me, but Dr. Stylish grinned slyly.

"Oh really." He took out something which looked like a detonator and pressed the button. A large explosion was seen in the distance where the hideout is. Ezio's eyes widen in disbelief. "Human bombs for special situations. It seems that I have claimed victory." He said proudly. Ezio started gritting his teeth, thinking about killing him off already.

"That ally is a human teigu!" The big-eyed minion reported.

Ezio sighs in relief, but also hoped that the others are still alive. The stingray that Najenda was riding on came back to their location, causing Dr. Stylish and his pawns to flee. With quick reaction responses, Ezio tackled the big-eared girl to the ground and aimed the gun at her forehead.

"You better tell me what I want to hear right now!" I demanded. The girl looked terrified but also angry. "You're already dead! Dr. Stylish will use his trump card!" She shouted. Ezio looked at her with doubt, until he turned around and saw the doctor turning into a giant, monstrous danger beast. The doctor already ate his two minions which caused Ezio to pick up the girl and make a run for it.

Once he was out of the giant's sight, he continued interrogating the girl. "What the hell is that?!" Ezio questioned, causing the girl to croak.

"I-It's the doctor's trump card." She quivered. Ezio didn't have time to deal with her, he needs to help his team. He applied pressure to her temple, causing her to be knocked out. Ezio picked the girl up and ran towards the conflict.

When he made it back to where the fight was going on, he hid the unconscious girl out of their sights and charged into battle. When Ezio entered the fight he saw a tall man who looks to be in his late-20's with distinctive, bull-like horns coming out of the sides of his head who was attacking Dr. Stylish's monstrous form. Ezio saw the doctor's hand reach towards Tatsumi who was carrying Akame on his back. But before the hand could reach them, a laser blast hit the doctor in the face. Ezio looked at the horned warrior who landed beside me.

"You." He turned to face the hooded assassin. "I need you to throw me towards him." Ezio pointed at the giant's arm.

The tall man nodded and grabbed Ezio's arm, throwing me towards the arm of the giant. He unsheathed my hidden blades and stabbed them into the giant's arm and started climbing towards the head. As the assassin was climbing, he saw Akame flying towards the doctor, but not close enough. Ezio climbed quickly towards Akame, grabbing her arm and then swinging her towards the doctor. After Akame killed Dr. Stylish, the giant danger beast starts collapsing. Ezio jumped towards Akame who was falling and immediately caught her. Tatsumi came in using Incursio and brought the two assassins safely to the ground. Ezio got off of Tatsumi and helped Akame get on her feet.

Ezio looked around, seeing all the damage the doctor caused. The hooded assassin turned to Najenda who was with Mine and some other mystery girl wearing a robe.

"Good thing you came just in time." Ezio chuckled. Najenda grins at him.

"Looked like you already met the first recruit." She said, referring to when the human teigu threw him up to Dr. Stylish. Ezio nodded and looked at the hooded person besides Najenda.

"And who's this?" Ezio asked. Najenda patted the robed person's shoulder, causing her to remove the hood. The person was a girl with pale skin, pink eyes and auburn hair. She wore a butterfly headphone accessory on her head. The girl looked familiar, and she looked like she recognized me too.

"Ezio?!" The girl asked in surprised, causing everyone's attention to come to them. Ezio tried refreshing his memory and started to remember. His eyes widen in surprise, looking at the girl again.

"Chelsea? What are you-" before he could finish his sentence, the girl now known as Chelsea leaped towards Ezio, grabbing him into a hug. Najenda chuckles at the sight of them.

"You two know each other?" Najenda asked. Ezio starts nodding embarrassingly as Chelsea starts rambling about past stuff.

After gathering everything they needed from the hideout, the assassins all went on the giant stingray. Mine and Lubbock looked unsure about this. When they started flying in the air, Tatsumi and Chelsea looked to be enjoying themselves while Mine and Lubbock looked sick. Despite Ezio having to jump off buildings and making leaps of faith, he was a little unsure about flying on the creature. Najenda looked at Ezio with the girl tied on my back. "Interrogation?" Najenda asked.

"I'll let the men at the revolutionary army take care of her," Ezio answered.

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