unofficial | park chanyeol

By Millymellymully

3.2K 178 44

Composing is all about the emotion that one experienced. Kim Dahee was send to a composing competition but sh... More



233 12 5
By Millymellymully

Dahee's POV

As soon as the bell rang , I walked out of the classroom to see Chanyeol with his bag , standing outside my classroom.

He smiled when he saw me.

" Time to compose a song ! " He said joyfully as he dragged me to the music room.

I placed my music book on the table and he sat beside me. He looked at me and smiled , I find it rather creepy but okay.

" So how do I get inspiration ? " He thought for a moment before asking me to play the melody of the song.

I walked to the piano and started playing the tune of the melody that I've composed. He bopped his head along with the melody of the song.

" It's good ! " He said as he held up a thumbs up.

" Really ? " I asked and he nodded. I smiled and turned my back against him again.

I walked to my seat again and he is writing some notes down and I looked over at the page that he wrote.

" This melody fits happy lyrics , maybe like about how you felt when you see the guy and how you felt when he smiled at you. " He said and I nodded.

" Don't you feel anything when a charming guy like me smiled at you ? " He asked and I stared at him in confusion.

" I get that you smiled at me but I don't see the charming in you. " I said causally and he rolled his eyes at me and I just burst into laughter.

" What's your experience with love though ? " I asked and he sighed. He suddenly thought about someone and started describing her to me.

" Whenever I see her , I just have the urge to protect her from the ugly world. I would smile whenever I see her and my heart would flutter when she smile. " He said and I wrote it all down.

" That's all ? " I asked and he nodded.

" Meh , you're practically reading it out from drama scenes. " He glared at me.

" At least I did experience some love things unlike someone. " He said , emphasizing on the word , someone.

I rolled my eyes and he sighed as he placed his head on the table. I continued with getting all the ideas and having a creative mind.

" Ya , Park Chan- " I looked over at him and realized that he fell asleep. His fringe was covering his face so I decide to shift it away.

I hate to admit it but he is indeed pretty good looking and charming but I can't say it in front of him , of course.

I yawned and placed my head on the table. Without me knowing , I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Chanyeol's POV

I opened my eyes gradually , I realized that I fell asleep without me knowing. I sat up , stretching my long arms up in the air.

I realized Dahee is sleeping too , I smiled as I placed my head on the table again.

" Ya Pabo , did you know that girl that I was talking about is actually you ? " I said softly and smiled as I looked at her face.

It's true though , she makes me smile whenever I look at her. Bringing her on dates to help her out with her song composing is actually a way for me to talk to her and hang out with her.

It's not on purpose , it's coincidental that I met her.

At the start I just find her mysterious , she doesn't go crazy over me and it's just weird. I mean who could resist a charming guy like me ?

I leaned my back against the chair and looked at what she have on her music book so far.

I sighed as I flipped through and all I saw are those cliché things you would see in dramas and are all really unrealistic.

I mean come on , does yogurt kiss happen everyday ?

I looked over at my watch and realized that it's close to 6pm and we are still here with zero ideas on what to do.

I tapped her on her arm and she flinched before opening her eyes gradually. She looks really lost and it's actually really cute.

" D-Did I fell asleep ? " I nodded and she rubbed her eyes and I flicked her forehead. She glared at me and I just smiled.

" What's the time ? " She asked and she looked over at the clock and her eyes widened.

" Ya ! Park Chanyeol ! " She raised her voice and I was shook. She literally slept and scolded me like woman.

" I got to go home ! " She said as she threw everything into her bag before running out of the room.

I sighed as I placed everything back to how it should've been and I turned off the lights before locking the door.

I walked out of the gates when I saw a guy talking to Dahee and they were really happy together. For once , she was smiling really brightly.

I sighed and realised that I don't think I stand a change with her anymore. I can't make her smile as bright as that guy does.

I walked to my car and my dad drove me home.

I threw my bag on the bed and I sat on the chair as I looked over at my phone screen.

I actually took a picture of Dahee just now when she was sleeping , I would use it to blackmail her but I can't let her know that I have it or else she is going to force to delete it.

I went down to the dining room to get some snacks since i'm starving. I saw a packet of instant jajangmyeon and it reminds me of our date just now.

Maybe to her , it means nothing but to me , it means so much more than just a meal together.

I got attracted without me knowing , I thought I would like someone else but I actually like someone that is really rough and far from my ideal type.

I took a packet of chocopie and went up to my bedroom. I opened it and started eating it , once i'm done , I threw it into the trash can.

I opened my drawer and I saw the ticket of the amusement park that we went together.

I didn't know you mean so much to me.

5th Nov 2017

I have no idea how I should write this chapter :/

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