The Phantom

By OneAnxiousWreck

66.1K 1.7K 409

[DISCLAIMER: i do NOT own KnB or any photos used in this book] Kuroko is a very special boy, hes a legend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

2.1K 74 38
By OneAnxiousWreck

Kuroko P.O.V

"Come ON and play Tetsuya" I hear him taunt as I pull my mask on,

'Time to play' I say to my friend

'Hell yeah' He says, The echo in his voice telling me its in my head and nowhere else. I step forward

"Screw. You" I say as I lift my arm sending a line of shadow straight into his chest,  He flies back, 

"Very nice" He growls, I don't know what magic he uses, He can use anything from the people he killed or..enslaved? Even having Ogiwaras' ability would be bad, I feel the staff materialise in my right hand, He stands, Straightening his suit, He smiles. He brings his hand up and bringing a stream of fire towards me, I stay stood as it comes towards me, The shadows materialise in front of me protecting me.

"The shadows are my friend" I whisper, They disappear and I see his angry face, 

"You are REALLY getting on my nerves Kid" He says, I take my mask off.

"I" I step forward, Placing  my left foot in front of the other "AM NOT" I bring the staff back, Shadows surrounded the skull on the end, "A KID" I bring it forward giving of a stream of black energy forward, Hitting him once again in the chest. He screams in pain. All the other little demons stop destroying the school and starts coming for me, There are a lot, I bring the hand that isn't holding the staff forward the shadows impale the ones at the front

"WE'LL DEAL WITH THEM" Ogiwara says

"Yeah" Kagami yells, I nod focusing on Akumu who looks like he's... bleeding? Impossible, You can't make a demon bleed. I swallow hard looking at the thick black liquid that's oozing out.

"Mother of- Ahh" It snarls, He brings his hand up, marking symbols in the air, Ogiwara's ability, I brace myself as he marks 氷 into the air, The symbol bolts towards me and strikes me in the chest, Its cold, 'Ice', I fall to the floor, I sigh and lift myself up, Looking at him. "Come on Tetsuya, Scream for me" He says with a smile, He then marks, '点灯' The clouds above me get dark, 

"Shit" I whisper as a bolt of Lightning strikes down, I close my eyes and brace for impact, Nothing happens,I open my eyes and see that I'm encased in shadow, 

'The shadows are your friends' Mirai says, I smile and stand, I see him stood there,

"DAMN IT" He yells "Just DIE already" He snarls "You're RUINING my fun" He adds, I chuckle

"Aww, Is the baby throwing a tantrum?" I smirk, He growls.

"I am SO going to torture you"

"More than you have?" I say, He raises an eyebrow

"Haunted" He whispers, I swallow hard again, "Slaughtered" He whispers again, Everyone stops, 

"What the HELL are you rambling about?" Kagami asks, Akumu Smiles, They all start crowding now that the demons thinned out 

"Ohh," He says "You've been hiding so much" He says, Stepping forward, I feel threatened, Nervous. "How about this then?" He starts making symbols in the air again, '過去' It fades and voices fill my head,

"Help me!"



"what the fuck?" I say, Stepping back 

"You will always be haunted.." He says, I scowl and shake my head,

'I'll deal with them' Mirai says

'I may need you to switch or..THAT' I say 'Be aware'

'Roger' He says back,

I bring my hand forward,

"What are you doing now?" He asks, If I can just, Focus. I can make something. I can see the shadows forming behind him

"I will never become a slave to my past, I will NEVER be brought down by my memories. My mistakes....  Helped me learn" I say, Clicking my fingers, The shadows behind him encase his form, I can hear his screams, I can feel it, Them sucking the life out of him, Or power. They fade and he falls to his knees. "Bring me all the pain in the world, I'll never scream out, Not like before.Pain tells me I'm alive. Fuck. You. YOU will never control me." I say, He smiles

"Little pests should be exterminated," He says, "First, lets put your theory to the test" He starts making more markings, these ones spelled out '思い出'.. Memories, A figure appears before me, A bloodied version of Ogiwara, The young one. 

"H-help me" He says, reaching out a hand, My staff dissipates back into shadow.

"Please Help me" He says again, "Don't let me die Tetsuya, Don't let me fade away" He says, I close my eyes and shake my head

"You're not real" I whisper, 

"PLEASE" He yells "PLEASE, DON'T LET HIM KILL ME" I snap my eyes open, I step forward, 

"It's too late" I say "The past is the past" The figure fades, And the demon snarls

"no no no!" He yells, "NO FAIR" He stamps his feet

"You really ARE a little kid," I scoff, He smiles, 

"You really are going to force my hand?" He asks, He brings his hands together, Forming a black ball, I gasp, This is dark magic. Its known to kill people, Like, Destroy them. Replaying their most painful moments over and over until they are so close to death that they die, Alone. He brings it forward, I can't move in time even I know that. I feel nothing, No fear, No sadness just, Nothing. I close my eyes but feel no impact, I hear a gasp, I open my eyes, I see brown hair in front of me, I gasp as the figure screams and falls..

"Ogiwara?" I say kneeling, The demon laughing, His parents gasp too

"D-don't give up yet" He says, then screams. 

"WHAT A SACRIFICE" Akumu yells, "WHAT AN IDIOT, HE SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAVE LEFT HIS LITTLE CAGE, HE SHOULD HAVE WATCHED YOU DIE LIKE YOU DID" He adds, People stare, A new feeling comes over me, A sort of rage I never felt before,

"Let me use it" I say, 

'T?' Mirai says 'Are you sure?'

"Of course" I stand up, as a new form of weapon appears in my hand, A cross between the staff and Mirai's sword, I'm pissed off.

"MOTHER FUCKER" I yell, The shadows encase my form, and I vanish, 

"Huh?" Akumu says "Did he run away to cry, what a ba-" I cut him off when I appear behind him and strike him through the chest, He coughs as I kick him, I put so much force behind it that he flies into the wall. "Y-You" He starts before coughing, Turning around with a smirk that fades when he see's my face, 

"So THIS is the true Phantom? THIS is when you're serious?" He chuckles drily while more black liquid Oozes out of his mouth. My grip tightens, I can feel something bubbling up inside me, I feel stronger than ever, I'm changing. I step forward,

"No matter how much you take" I say, voice dark "I will never give up" I blast more dark energy towards him, The shadows conveying my anger perfectly, He screams again, I appear in front of him, I stab him in the chest, where his heart would be, I toss him to the ground, He stands up and tries to form another symbol, I blast him again I can see sparks of blue mixing with the shadows, I hear a gasp 

'Your borrowed power and mine are bonding' Mirai says, 'Guess its not borrowed anymore'

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THAT ABILITY YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I yell, venom clear in my voice, I see the demon cough up more black stuff. I hear another gasp, This time from my parents, I kick him in the knee, making him fall, and scream, I hover over him, Impaling him, over, and over and over. More black liquid pouring out, Covering me in it. In his blood. I keep doing it, I lose myself. I only see red. I can hear his gasps, His screams I can hear the sound of the weapon striking him, I can feel him slipping away, dying forever.

Akashi P.O.V 

We watch as The boys parents crowd round him as his screaming stops, His dying form saying words weakly, That's when I hear a slam, I turn and see the demon slam against the wall, All of us watch as Kuroko... As the phantom, Slaughters the demon in front of him, Showing no mercy. His eyes, They show nothing but pure rage, Anger and hatred. The demon coughs up black stuff and Tetsuya's parents gasp

"What?" Kagami asks

"D-demons aren't supposed to bleed, Well, When they bleed" His dad stops

"What?" Midorima asks

"They are Fully destroyed, No human has ever been able to, Whats happening to my son?" She asks

"He's getting stronger" His brother says

"J-Just..Like he was supposed to" The brown haired boy says

"Why did you step in?" I ask,

"B-because I couldn't watch someone who has so much to live for, Die before he fulfils his destiny" He says, I hear another gasp and a scream. I turn and see as Tetsuya stabs the demon, over and over. His eyes are blank, blanker than normal. Blood coating his body, I realise now, I finally understand him. He's not strong because he wants to be, He HAS to be, He's possibly stronger than me.

Kuroko P.O.V 

I continue to stab him, I feel his body burning, I watch as the weapon sinks into him, Over and over, His blood leaking out of him, Like a broken tap, I'm lost.

'TETSU!' Mirai yells, I blink and stand up, staring at his body, 

"W-What?" I say, staring at the mangled corpse 

'He's gone, Theres nothing. You fully killed him' Mirai says

"H-how?" I say, 

'Power, You gained so much' He says 'You are amazing, Another thing' He says 

"Yeah?" I say, The thing he says next makes me chuckle weakly, I am getting stronger. The staff/sword combo vanishes and I walk over to my brother and everyone,

"Um.." I say, "C-can you do ANYTHING" I ask my brother

"Not against dark magic" He says, I sigh.

"Kuroko?" Kagami asks, 

"Don't, I went crazy." I say, He nods. I stare at Ogiwara, His parents crying. He coughs up blood, I walk over,

I kneel beside his beaten body, His parents crying. He coughs up blood, the school crowds round, Kagami and the others and Akashi and his group the closest.

"T-tetsu?" He asks, I gasp as he looks at me

"W-why?" I ask him "After" I can feel my eyes filling with water

"It" He coughs "It wasn't your fault" He brings his hand to my face, "D-do you remember that time when we snuck into that garden in Amsterdam?" I laugh and nod, I lose all control and I can feel the tears leaving my eyes, The crowd gasps I don't care.

"And we almost got killed by the caretaker?" I say He laughs weakly,

"Yeah" He coughs "W-we were constantly trouble makers" He laughs weakly before swallowing "I-I wish I listened to you and we never went THERE, then I could hear your laugh more, I could see the smile I took away" He says, I shake my head

"You didn't" He cough up more blood, I start shaking.

"Remember this one thing Tetsuya" He starts wiping away my tears, his blood coating my face and hands as I cradle his Dying form mixing with the demons, "Just because you cry, Because you feel pain and fear, It doesn't make you weak, It makes you stronger. You're the strongest person I know, don't be afraid to open up to others" He starts coughing, "I- I already said Goodbye to my parents, I-I'm glad I got to say goodbye to my best friend" His hand rests in the side of my face,

"Aren't you scared" Akashi asks, I can hear actual sorrow in his tone, Ogiwara Smiles and turns back to me

"Death smiles at everyone, Only the brave smile back" He echoes my words "And I know someone who's pretty brave" He starts breathing less, He gets colder and his hand start to fall, I panic

"No No no, You stay with me, Don't sleep yet," I say, tears falling down my face, my voice shaking

"You lived without me before, y-you can do it again" His eyes start to fill with water, "I'll always be" He places a hand on my heart "Here" He closes his eyes, and His hand falls, I lose all control and break down, I don't care who can see, 

"W-wake up" I say quietly "Please" I cradle his now limp body, His blood soaking into my clothes, I don't care, His parents cry harder. The crowd stares. Anger fills me once again, I look at the dead body of the demon who tore everything from me, I'm the one who growls this time, I stand up and wipe my eyes. Staring at everyone. My hands shaking in anger.


Thinking of ending this soon, But, I am making a sequel, if you guys want it that is haha.

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