Be Careful What You Wish For

Bởi Amandabutts12

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Be Careful What You Wish For
Prologue: Its Not Easy Being Me
Chapter One: Meeting a Wizard
Chapter Two: Getting Aquainted
Chapter Three: The Adventure Begins
Chapter Four: Trolls and Elves
Chapter Five: Chased to Rivendell
Chapter Six: Dinner and Song
Chapter Seven: Left Behind
Chapter Eight: At Beorn's House
Chapter Nine: Mirkwood Forest
Chapter Eleven: The Barrel Escape
Chapter Twelve: Lake Town
Chapter Thirteen: Journey to the Lonely Mountain
Chapter Fourteen: I see Fire
Chapter Fifteen: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Sixteen: The Storm
Chapter Seventeen: Battle of Five Armies
Chapter Eighteen: Resurrected
Chapter Nineteen: A New Beginning
Chapter Twenty: A Stay in Lake Town
Chapter Twenty One: Becoming King
Chapter Twenty-Two: A New Foe
Chapter Twenty Three: The Royal Wedding
Chapter Twenty Four: The Royal Wedding Part 2

Chapter Ten: Elf King and the Dungeons

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Bởi Amandabutts12

The next morning, or what everyone thought it could be morning, woke up and continued their journey. Hardly anyone spoken, especially Olivia and Thorin, with Elsie who refused to allow Thorin go near her sister. Fili approached Elsie. "Elsie, Thorin wanted to apologize to her. Why don't you let him?" asked Fili. "Fili, you're uncle struck my sister. He hurt her. And you know I how feel about people hurting my sister!" snapped Elsie. "Elsie, he didn't mean to strike her!" protested Fili. "Fili what you would you do if Thorin struck Kili?" asked Elsie.  Quite not a very good example, but its to the point, Elsie thought. "I would.. Elsie, why do you have to make things so difficult? Thorin really loves Olivia. He wants to apologize to her, just let him apologize to her." said Fili. "What would you do if I don't?" snapped Elsie. "Then  I won't talk to you anymore." snarled Fili.  Ouch, that is some ultimatum. Elsie thought.  Elsie sighed. "Alright, I'll allow Thorin to apologize to her. But I better not catch him do that again." said Elsie.  "Someone needs to climb a tree and see how far this Forest goes." said Thorin. Which everyone knew what this 'somebody' meant. All eyes turned to Bilbo. "I'll climb up with him!" said Elsie. Bilbo smiled at Elsie.

And so the two of them climbed the tree. As they reached the top, Bilbo and Elsie smiled as they could breathe the fresh air. Elsie needed this. And Elsie and Bilbo could see many butterflies flying around them. Elsie had never seen such beautiful butterflies in her life, especially butterflies that HUGE. She seen many before in her time, but nothing like these butterflies.  "You like butterflies, Elsie?" asked Bilbo. "I love butterflies, Bilbo. In fact, look at my ankle." smiled Elsie. Bilbo looked at Elsie's ankle, and there he saw a tattoo of a monarch butterfly. "You have a tattoo? I didn't know that. Its very pretty!" smiled Bilbo. "Nobody in the company knows I have it.  I gotten it done when I turned 120." said Elsie. "How old are you now?" asked Bilbo. "Almost one hundred and forty." replied Elsie. "Look! There's the Lonely Mountain! We're getting closer! We should tell Thorin and the others!" exclaimed Bilbo, as he peered down below. "THORIN! We saw the Mountain! We're getting closer to the end of the Forest!" Bilbo called out to Thorin. But there was no reply. "Thorin? Are you down there?!" called out Bilbo again. "Bilbo I have a bad feeling something isn't right. He should've responded. Let's climb down." said Elsie. Bilbo nodded.

As they climbed down, Elsie panicked. She saw that Thorin and the others are not there. "Where did they go?!  Where did they all go?!" shrieked Elsie. "Don't panic, Elsie. They should be around here somewhere." said Bilbo gently.  Suddenly, they heard clicking noises from behind them. Elsie slowly turned, and saw several large spiders approaching them. Elsie screamed. Of all things, Elsie hated spiders now matter the size they are. "SPIDERS!! EWW!" shrieked Elsie. "Stay behind me, Elsie! I'll get em!" said Bilbo, firmly.  "You are a brave little soul, Bilbo." smiled Elsie. Bilbo smiled back at Elsie.  As Bilbo and Elsie fought off the spiders, she could hear yelling and cries. One of the cries sounded like Olivia.   "OLIVIA?!" cried out Elsie, and she bolted away from Bilbo. "Elsie, where are you going?!" called out Bilbo. "Olivia and the others are in trouble, Bilbo! We must go find them, quick!" Elsie replied. Bilbo nodded and he followed Olivia. 

They shortly found Thorin, Olivia and the others trapped in spider webs that had spun around them. "Get me out of here, this is gross!" cried out Olivia, who equaled with her sister of her hatred towards spiders.  Elsie took her sword, releasing her sister from the web. "Of all things we have to face--goblins and orcs, which I don't mind! What I do mine is these disgusting stupid ugly ass spiders!" snapped Olivia. "Calm down, Olivia. We got you out of this." said Elsie.  Bilbo released Thorin and the others from the webs. Thorin approached Elsie and Olivia. "Are you two okay?" asked Thorin. "We're fine, Thorin. Thank you." said Olivia. Thorin looked at Olivia. "Olivia.." began Thorin apologetically. "No time to chat now! There's more spiders!" exclaimed Dwalin, as several more spiders approach them, but then, the spiders fell, being struck by arrows. Everyone turned, and saw two elves approach them.  It was Legolas, son of Thranduil, and Captain of the Guard, Tauriel. 

Legolas aimed his bow at Thorin. "Don't make me have to kill you, dwarf!" snarled the Elf Prince. "Oh, brother." mumbled Elsie.  Legolas looked up and he saw two elvish/dwarvish looking women among the group "There are half breeds in the company I see." observed Legolas looking at Elsie and Olivia. "Yes, we're half breeds and we're proud of it!" snapped Olivia. Thorin and Gloin smiled.  "Lets search them!" said Legolas to Tauriel in elven language.  They first searched the dwarves. Legolas reached for Gloin's locket that Gloin had been wearing.  Legolas opened the locket which displayed portraits of his wife and son, Gimili. "HEY! That's private!" snapped Gloin. "Who is this? Your brother?" asked Legolas. "No, that is my wife!" snapped the dwarf.  "Who is this ugly orc mutant?" The Elf Prince asked again. "That is my wee lad, Gimli!" snarled Gloin.  Legolas then snatched Thorin's sword Orcrist, looking at it. "How come you by this?!" snapped Legolas. "Its none of your concern, elf!" snarled Thorin.  Tauriel then searched Olivia and Elsie. "You are of Silvan blood!" gasped Tauriel, and she smiled. "Yes, our mother is a Silvan elf." said Olivia. "And our father is a dwarf!" said Elsie. "How interesting." said Tauriel smiled.

Tauriel felt there is no need for this company to be delayed like this, if they have every intention to get where they are going.  But she kept her opinions to herself. "Lets take them to our father." said Legolas. Now the Company found themselves in custody of the elves.  They shortly arrived, now standing in front of Thranduil, who looked down at the company. But what caught his attention is Elsie and Olivia. "Half breeds? Is this true? You have Silvan blood in you?" asked Thranduil to Olivia. "If it is, its none of your business. We love our mother and father, and they love each other. It doesn't matter who you are." said Olivia.  "There is something more to you two than being half bred. Something dark.." snarled the Elf King.  Oh shit, he figured out that we're vampires too, Olivia thought. Suddenly, Elsie started having her blood thirst cravings again. "Olivia, we got a problem." said Elsie. And she whispered to Olivia. "Elsie, this is no time for this. Try to think of something else!" said Olivia. "But I can't think of something else! I have to have some blood, and now I want to target Thranduil." said Elsie. "To hell you're not!" Olivia shouted. "Will you two save your arguement for later?" snapped Thranduil, and he turns to Thorin. 

"Think of something else, like Fili singing you one of his favorite songs." said Olivia. "Oh and how am I supposed to do that? He's already locked up in the frikken dungeon." said Elsie.  Suddenly, as Thranduil now directly in the face of Thorin, Else jumped in between them, her eyes red as blood, looking into Thranduil's eyes. She grabbed the Elf King. "ELSIE NO!" shouted Thorin and Olivia together, pulling her back. "AWAY FROM ME!" screamed Elsie.  The Elf King quickly backed away. "VAMPIRES!" roared the Elf King in fright. "Now look what you've done?!" snapped Olivia. "Olivia, I'm so sorry, I am really am sorry!" Elsie quickly said. "You didn't bite him did you?" asked Thorin. "No I didn't. I'm  glad the two of you stopped me." said Elsie.  And so it took Thorin and Olivia to hold Elsie back. "I had suspecte there was more to you women than just half dwarf half elf. And I find one of you could be quite a good partner." smirked Thranduil. "Shit! He wants to be bitten!" shouted Olivia. "No, I want you to be my bride!" smiled Thranduil.  Olivia's eyes widened. Her nightmare came true. This isn't good, not good at all.

"You will not go near her!" boomed Thorin. "Stay with me, Olivia, or rot in the dungeons with your friends." said Thranduil. "I rather just rot with my friends." said Olivia. "Fine. Tauriel, take them to the dungeons. And see to that they will stay there, until Thorin decides he'll answer my questions." said Thranduil.  As Tauriel, and another elf named Galion, guided the to the dungeons, Tauriel looked at Elsie and Olivia. "You must forgive my King. He's mind isn't all right since spiders have taken over our forest. I don't agree with the opinons he has towards your companions." said Tauriel. "Wow." said Olivia, shocked of hearing these words from Tauriel. "You need to finish your quest, and I'm going to help you out of here." said Tauriel. "Thanks, Tauriel!" smiled Elsie. Tauriel noticed both women are wearing beads in their hair. "Are you two courting dwarves?" asked the Elf Captain. "Yes. I am courting Fili, Thorin's nephew. And my sister is courting Thorin. Quite a mix eh? A part silvan elf/ part dwarf courting a full blooded dwarf." grinned Elsie.  "Elsie." said Olivia. "I don't see no wrong in that." said Tauriel. Tauriel placed Elsie with Fili in his cell, while Tauriel took Olivia placing her in the same cell with Thorin.

Thorin sighed with relief as Olivia entered the cell. Good, this is an opportunity to make amends with Olivia, thought Thorin. Olivia sat down, avoiding eye contact towards Thorin. Olivia still felt angry at Thorin after he struck her in the forest. She still had not gotten over that incident, and never will again. She had never been struck before by anyone. "Olivia, you're still angry with me are you?" said Thorin. "You hit me! I have every right to still be angry with you." snarled Olivia. "Olivia--I really feel terrible after I done it. I really do.  I even shocked myself after I done it. I should've contained myself from striking you." said Thorin. "Why didn't you?" snapped Olivia. "I lost my temper, that's all. That is something I should've contolled." said Thorin. "Your temper is what gets you in trouble, Thorin. Even Gandalf said that!" said Olivia. "Olivia, I am really, truly sorry.  I wish there is a way of making it up to you. I love you, Olivia. And if I were to lose you now, life will never be the same for me." said Thorin.

Olivia sat in deep thought, and then she looked into Thorin's sad, apologetic eyes. "Thorin, really it isn't anyone's fault. It was that damn Forest that got to everyone. Especially Elsie. Elsie never had that much problems with her asthma in a long time, up until we entered the forest, her asthma came back." said Olivia. Thorin smiled. "Then, you forgive me?" said Thorin gently. "I forgive you, Thorin. Just promise me you never strike me again." said Olivia. "Olivia, I will never hurt you again,and that's a promise. And no one else will either." whispered Thorin, as he pulled Olivia close to his chest, as he held her in his arms. "I was worried that I was going to lose you to Thranduil." said Thorin. "Thorin, I would've beaten the tar out of that vain Elf if he even tried to take you from me." said Olivia. Thorin laughed. "I would've love to seen that." said Thorin, gently stroking Olivia's hair. "You are quite a woman, you know that Olivia? You make me smile, something I rarely do." said Thorin, brushing his thumb on Olivia's cheek.

"Thorin, do you think we'll ever get out of here?" asked Olivia. "I don't know, Olivia. But I do believe there is still hope that we will get out of this place." said Thorin.    

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