unofficial | park chanyeol

By Millymellymully

3.2K 178 44

Composing is all about the emotion that one experienced. Kim Dahee was send to a composing competition but sh... More



233 16 2
By Millymellymully

Dain's POV

I got back home that night and I'm still stuck , I can't get any lyrics that's related to love out of my brain. Speaking about date , I don't even know what a date should be like.

All I know from today is the fact that date is all about kicking Park Chanyeol's shin.

Bless his shin.

I sat down in front of my desk , with my music book in front of me. I thought about everything that we did today and all I can ever think of is me screaming out loud and doing embarrassing things.

Don't even talk about it.

I laid in bed with my blanket tugged up to my chin because i'm an oldie that doesn't want to catch a cold.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day , I got up and went to school as usual. When I got to school , girls were judging me so badly because of Mr Kind who is so kind that he have to tell everyone about our fake relationship.

How kind.

" Yo girlfriend ! " Chanyeol called from a good distance , not. His literally at the end of the hallway and i'm at the start of the hallway.

Everyone looked at me with the judgemental stares when i'm not the one who said that.


I walked away in embarrassment but he caught up with me. He grabbed my hand and swung it back and forth , I felt like my bones are about to break soon.

" Why did you pretend you didn't see me ? " He asked while pouting. When I see that face of his , I just want to kick his shin because of what happened yesterday.

I ignored him and he smirked.

" Yesterday you weren't like that , you were screaming and grabbing my hand and everything. " I looked at him , okay more like I glared at him.

" Don't you dare ! " I said and he grinned.

" Oh , you don't know what i'm capable of woman. " He winked before he released my hand and running to his class like some kid.

I walked to my class and the group of girls were badmouthing about me. They walked towards me with their heels click clacking loudly. I just want to throw them away.

" Hey , listen while i'm being nice to you. " The main leader said. I think her name is Junghee or something like that.

" Hey , look at my face and ask yourself if I look like I care about whatever you're saying. " I said before looking back down at my phone.

She continues blabbering and I lost the game.

Yes you heard that right , I lost the game.

I glared at her and slammed my hand against the desk. I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

" Look Miss Click clack , you made me lost my game so tell me what you want to blabber about now. " She was stunned but meh , I don't care.

" L-Leave Chanyeol alone ! " She said , trying to act all tough when she's as scared as a mouse.

" And why should I ? He's my boyfriend. " I held in my cringe. It's so cringy , me , you and him knows that we aren't dating and it's weird.

" I- " She got cut off when someone placed his arm around my shoulder and he smiled.

" Yeah , why should she ? She's my girlfriend. " Everyone started teasing us and Junghee got really pissed off that she just stormed off.

" First time hearing you call me boyfriend. " Chanyeol said with a grin and I walked away. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the cafeteria.

" It's lunch now and I want to spend time with you. " I shot him a confused look.

" You do know that our relationship is fake right ? " He nodded and I waited for him to continue what he was about to say.

" But couples are able to date in school too so i'm giving you another idea. " I nodded so I walked with him to the cafeteria.

We ordered a bowl of Jajangmyeon and a plate of jokbal with rice because it's once in a blue moon they serve jokbal.

" So how's your song writing coming on so far ? " Chanyeol asked and I sighed. Nothing is coming into my brain and I can't process anything.

" Not good. I can't think of anything. " His eyes suddenly widened and he started slamming the table as he swallowed his food.

" Are you free today ? I'll help you compose your song. " I stared at him in confusion.

" I'm not trying to hit you up or anything but the submission date is really soon , I believe you don't want to complete it only on the submission date. " I nodded.

" What time ? " I asked and he grinned.

" Right after school , I'll wait for you outside of your class since i'm your boyfriend. " He smirked as he uses his hand to support his face and he stared at me.

" What's up ? " I asked and he smiled.

" You look beautiful. " He said and honestly I just have the urge to kick his shin.

I smiled , " Just a word of warning , i'm not those gentle kind of girl and I kick shin. " He slowly backs off a little.

" But you're still beautiful in my eyes. " I rolled my eyes but honestly , it makes my heart flutter. I can't believe i'm saying this but , I felt really feminine for once.

We returned the plates and got to the classroom.

" See you after school ! " Chanyeol said as he walked to his classroom and I walked to mine. When I entered my classroom , I saw Junghee rummaging through my things.

I stormed to her and grabbed her wrist.

She looked over at me , wide eyed. I glared at her and asked her what she was doing.

" I-I lost my things and I- "

I sneered , " Just because you lose your things doesn't give you the rights to look through others stuff like that ! " I raised my voice.

For once , I unleashed my inner anger in school.

" W-Who else would take it then ? " I smirked.

" How would I know ? Plus , what did you lose ? Your pride ? " She shook her head and said it was her phone.

" You do know that you're really bad at lying right ? " I points at her hand where she was holding onto her phone. She looked around trying to signal for her friend to help her but none did.

" Just leave me alone woman. "

4th Nov 2017

Whoop this chapter sucks honestly

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