
Galing kay danilynn87

278K 10.4K 3.9K

Emma receives news that Henry is back in our world, but doesn't have his memories. Emma will travel to Hyperi... Higit pa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Twenty One

6.6K 269 67
Galing kay danilynn87

"Emma!" Belle exclaims as she rounds her giant desk to greet the sheriff.

Her tiny hands grip Emma's upper arms as she pulls her into an awkward hug. Emma, the one who really never feels comfortable with physical contact unless it's with her family, lightly pats Belle's back, but quickly pulls apart. She's just not a very affectionate person, before Regina became Roni, she thinks they only hugged one time.

"What are you doing back? Did you guys break the curse already? One month, that must be some record time," Belle giggles as she peers up at Emma, full of wonderment.

"No," the blonde shakes her head in defeat, "Regina has her memories back which is great, but the curse is still set into place. I actually had some things to take care of at home."

Belle pouts out her bottom lip and furrows her eyebrows in concern for her friend. "Is everything alright with Killian? I know Ella went with your mother to Seattle."

"Yes, Ella is in Hyperion Heights with Regina and Snow." Emma pauses, shifting anxiously between her feet. "Actually Killian and I, um...are separating..."

"Oh Emma, I'm so sorry-"

"It's alright, but that's not why I came here," she quickly cuts her friend off and changes the subject because her divorce is the last thing she wants to discuss right about now.

"Oh, um of course," Belle gestures with her hand for Emma to continue, waiting patiently.

"So, when I spoke to you on the phone not too long ago, you informed me that you have spoken to Rumple lately?" Emma fishes around the topic just to make sure that she has her information straight.

"Yes. He's been gone..." she pauses as she silently counts the time he's been away, "eight months now..." she confirms, even surprising herself. "He didn't contact me for awhile though. I believe it was after the curse was cast. He explained that he knew the curse was coming and made a potion to preserve his memories."

"I knew he was awake," Emma growls under her breath.

"He's been calling more frequently now to speak with Gideon. He assured us he should be home soon. I completely understand him wanting to bring Henry home."

Emma nods along, feeling grateful that she at least understands. "I just don't understand why he hasn't tried to work with me or tell me at least that he's awake. I feel like he's working against us."

"Maybe someone is threatening him or our family."

"I suppose," Emma trails off and decides she can dig into that at a later period. "Hey, did you find out anything about that information I sent you?"

"Yes, actually." Belle strolls behind her desk while Emma leans across the top, anxious about what information she may have. Belle pulls out a stack of old books, dropping them on top of the counter with a heavy thump. "Here are all the Cinderella stories. Now, I didn't find a Perla in any of the modern stories. Funny thing is..." Belle reaches under the counter and pulls out a DVD of the original Disney Cinderella movie. "...Perla is actually a name of a mouse in the cartoon." She chuckles to herself while shaking her head at the silly idea while Emma remains silent, listening to her explanation intently. "So, I did some more digging. Turns out the Cinderella from a Spanish decent had a Perla in her story." Belle pulls out an old, beat up book covered in dust. She flips through some pages as she continues on. "I haven't spoken or read anything in Spanish in awhile, but I was able to pick up on what I needed to know. Perla," she stops on a page and flips the book around so Emma can see the pages better. "...was a maid that worked for the family before they forced Cinderella to take over her duties. They kept Perla around for other jobs around the house. It was never confirmed, but the story made it seem as though one of the sisters and Perla had feelings for each other."

Emma hastily snatches up the book, pulling it closer to her face so she can study the illustrations better. She stares at the story with a heavy heart and she's not entirely sure why, but she does feel guilty for Drizella, even though she has nothing to do with her situation. Just the thought of the young girl not being able to love freely, breaks her heart.

"Is that helpful in anyway?" Belle insecurely questions, causing Emma to snap her attention away from the old book and into those ocean blue eyes.

"This is exactly what I needed Belle! You're a life saver." Belle smiles from ear to ear with pride and waits for Emma to elaborate on her story. "So, over in Hyperion Heights, Drizella visits a grave with the name, Perla, on it. Regina and I stumbled upon an older lady who confirmed Drizella cast the curse to please her mother and I could almost guarantee now, she crushed Perla's heart for her mother's praise."

The librarian gasps, her hand instantly falling to rest over her heart. She always was such a kind and gentle soul, who takes everything to heart.

Suddenly, a cold breeze sweeps across Emma's back as the front door bursts open, startling both women.

"I knew there couldn't be two of that hideous hunk of junk," Zelena teases as she struts through the library full of confidence and sass.

Belle laughs lightly at Zelena's bashing of Emma's car, while the sheriff spins around to greet the feisty redhead.

"Yes, because your obnoxious green car is any better," the savior retorts, staring blankly at the woman, unamused.

"Was your mother driving you mad?" A wicked smirk tugs at the corner of Zelena's big mouth.

"No, I came to talk to Belle and you...I figured you would want to know Regina has her memories back."

"She does?" Zelena squawks in surprise. "As much as she may be a giant pain in my ass, I've missed my sister!"

Emma examines with great interest as Zelena's face softens at the mention of her sibling. The redhead beams with pure excitement and Emma's fairy confident she has never seen this woman so happy before.

"So...I was thinking...road trip?"

"What?" The redhead's freckled nose scrunches up in scrutiny.

"Do you want come back with me to Hyperion Heights? I'm sure Regina would love to see you and we could use a little help over there breaking this curse."

"As much as I'd love to, I can't just leave Robin. She's seventeen now and I don't trust a bloody thing that wild child does," Zelena exasperates as her face expresses utter horror from having a teenage girl. Not to mention, Robin is the daughter of the Wicked Witch of the West and Robin Hood. Emma is positive that girl lives on sarcastic back talk, sneaking out and theft at its finest.

"I totally understand," Emma laughs while Belle snickers behind her. "I just thought I'd offer. I'll make sure to have Regina call you."

"Maybe I'll come out for a visit soon, I really do miss the bloody woman."

Emma nods along just as her phone vibrates. She quickly pulls the device out of her coat pocket to check the caller, her heart fluttering in hopes that it might just be Regina. Her face instantly morphs into disappointment when she sees her dad's name flashing across the screen instead of the former mayor's.

"Everything alright?" Belle cheerfully asks, prompting Emma to allow the phone to fall back into her pocket as she fakes a smile for her friends.

"Yup, just have to call David back. I'm going to take off so I can see what he wants. Thanks for all your help Belle, you're the best!" Emma places her hand upon Zelena's shoulder for her attention, "let me know if you want to come along."

"Thank you Savior," she taunts with her infamous wicked grin set into place before Emma lightly pats her shoulder and exits the library.

Emma doesn't even bother calling her dad back, instead she drives straight to his house knowing damn well that they need to speak in person. As her tires slowly roll up to the large farm home, she notices her dad's beat up truck parked outside. That truck alone floods her brain with so many wonderful memories of her parents, sending a warm rush to run through her body. She smiles to herself, feeling relaxed for the first time since being back in Storybrooke.

Once she exits her car, a loud cracking noise of wood splitting echoes all around her. She treks into the backyard, spinning her keychain around her finger to keep her hands busy from her nerves.

"Dad?" She yells, in hopes that she won't scare the man with an axe in his hands.

"Emma?" David gasps, struggling to catch his breath from chopping wood.

He's sporting some old jeans and simple plain tee that's clinging to his body from being drenched in sweat. He swings the axe over his shoulder as his whole face lights up from just the sight of his daughter alone. Emma still can't believe he's this in shape for how old he truly is. They are very fortunate to live in a land with magic.

"I'm all sweaty don't hug me," her father laughs wholeheartedly as Emma runs up to him with her arms wide like a small child greeting her father when he comes home from work.

David instantly drops the axe off his shoulder, ready to catch his daughter who will always be his baby girl in his eyes. David is the only person beside Emma's children that she can hug and actually enjoy.

"I don't care," Emma chuckles as she wraps her arms around his neck. He cradles her head just like he always does while his other arm grips tightly around her back. With one strong arm he lifts her off the ground and squeezes her tight.

"I missed you, Emma."

"I missed you too, dad," she confesses as he gently sets her back down on the ground. "Where's Neal?"

"He went to grab a pizza, don't tell your mother," he winks prompting a small laugh to escape her lips.

"How much fast food have you boys been consuming since mom's been away?"

"It's not healthy. I can tell you that much." He smirks, slinging his arm around her shoulders and guiding her toward the house.

"So, what brings you back here?"

"Uh, well..."

"Emma, what happened?"

Emma sighs and slips out of her father's arms feeling slightly ashamed to admit the truth. They walk into the kitchen and Emma immediately jumps onto the island, perching herself at the edge and swinging her legs. She slides her hands beneath her thighs just to keep her from nervously fidgeting with her fingers. Her dad stands in front of her with his arms crossed, patiently waiting for her explanation and she knows this is what it would've been like if she was in trouble as a small child.

"I left Killian," she blurts out and watches her dad's face soften, taking her by surprise.

"Emma, I'm so sorry. What happened?" He inquires, making sure to keep his distance knowing his daughter all too well.

"This is really hard to say..."

"Emma," he takes one assertive step closer and ducks down to meet Emma's gaze. His sparkling blue eyes are filled with worry and concern and she knows she has to tell him the truth just to keep him from worrying any further. "You know I'm your father. You can tell me anything."

"It's all my fault, I broke up our happy home," the sheriff's voice shakes with shame, forcing burning tears to build in her eyes.

Her father steals another step forward and pulls her face against his shoulder. His familiar scent of woods and axe body spray invade Emma's nostrils and it's so familiar and so comforting that she breaks down instantly. She cries uncontrollably on her father's shoulder as he soothingly rubs her back to calm her down. David doesn't say one word, he just lets her cry everything out, soaking his shirt even more with tears.

"I'm in love with someone else dad," she mumbles against his soft shirt, somewhat hoping he doesn't hear her.

"Would you like to tell me who?" He gently asks and Emma knows he sincerely doesn't want to push her any further if she's not ready to express her true feelings.

"Ugh," she groans and rests her forehead against his chest. She stares aimlessly at the wooden floor below like maybe all her answers to life will be written right there for her. "Regina," she finally mutters under her breath.

With her forehead against his chest, it would have been impossible not to hear his sharp inhale. She closes her eyes tight, trying to shut out the world around her, but then her dad's strong hands grip her shoulders and slightly push her back so he can look into her eyes. She keeps her eyes squeezed shut.

"Emma, I've never heard you ever admit you love someone. You always beat around the bush when the question presents itself, unless a life hangs in the balance. The only people you have ever said you loved were your children. If Regina makes you happy...then hell, I'm happy for you!"

She offers him a weak smile and collapses forward into his embrace once more. She's so unbelievably lucky to have such overly supportive parents and even though she's relieved that they both are accepting, she still feels guilty about how everything turned out.

"Hey! Who died? Emma's crying..." Neal teases, sauntering through the back door with a pizza in hand.

"Shut up kiddo!" Emma sniffles before jumping off the counter and shoving her little brother playfully. "Let's eat, I'm starving!"


Hyperion Heights

A loud pitch scream bursts through the tiny apartment forcing Regina to leap up from her bed and run hastily into the next room without a second thought. For some strange reason, Regina truly believes that she will find Henry crying uncontrollably from a nightmare until her mind finally wakes up and she realizes where she is.

What she actually finds is Ella soaked in sweat. Her drenched hair clinging to her face as tiny beads of water stream down her cheeks. Her thin tank top is sticking to her slick body while Snow is perched at the edge of Ella's bed, hopelessly trying to calm the young girl down.

"Re-Regina?" Ella's shy voice stutters out the former queen's name in fear.

Snow whips around to find Regina lingering in the doorway. She smiles sadly and Regina has an inkling that Snow is a little hurt that her granddaughter isn't calling out her name, but Regina knows it's only because she knows of Ella's magic.

"Snow?" Regina rushes toward the bed, "can you get Ella a glass of water?" Snow simply nods in defeat and steps out of the room without a word of argument. "What's wrong Ella?" Regina gently asks, leaning over the bed.

She still doesn't really know this young girl, but she's pretty sure Ella wouldn't want her sitting on the bed, that's still too close for comfort.

"I- magic..." she stutters between deep breaths, struggling to consume any oxygen to fill her deprived lungs.

Regina allows her motherly instincts to take over despite the younger girl's hesitation and she slowly sits down beside her. She runs her hand lovingly across Ella's forehead and grips her hand for comfort, attempting to ground her and make sure Ella knows that she's right there with her.

"Take a deep breath and tell me what happened before Snow returns," Regina carefully instructs and to her surprise the young girl obeys instantly.

"I sometimes see my dreams."

"Do they often come true?" She quickly questions with an eyebrow raised while Ella nods in response. "Okay, tell me what happened."

"An older lady, she's locked away. Her daughter...they have a plan..." she pants heavily, her chest rising and falling at an alarming rate.

"Calm down, sweetie. It's all going to be okay. Is there anything else you can tell me from the dream?"

"The young girl called the older woman, mother. The older woman said she was proud of her Ivy, up in her tower..."

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