Par ReniRefita

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(COMPLETED) True love will find the way... The day he saw her for the first time, that girl immediately caugh... Plus

Chapter 1: The First Met
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 : You Belong To Me
The Novel in Bahasa Indonesia

Chapter 13

459 16 0
Par ReniRefita

Sungjae's POV :

        I slammed the car's door and put on the seat belt. I try to ignore my heart beat as i pushed the engine starter button. But i can't help my brain to keep thinking about what i just saw. Who is he? Seriously, who is he? I'm sure she said that she is the only child, so he can't be her brother, right? Maybe her cousin? No, she clearly said that she doesn't have another family except her late mother. Maybe her friend? Maybe. But why he had to picked her up if he is just a friend?

        As far as i know she never picked up by anyone before. So why now? Or maybe he really is her.....? No i don't think so. She didn't mention anything about having a boyfriend when we talked about that 'girlfriend thing' in Tongyeong and at the car back to Seoul. But then again, it's more than one week ago. Many things can happen during that time, i'm afraid. What? I'm afraid? No, why should i?? It's not my concern. None of my business. I have things more important to care about. Like my upcoming meeting, for example. Yes, that's it. That's my concern.

        And in the end, i spent 2 hours meeting trying so hard to focusing on the meeting subject. Damn!


I know. Sorry.


Sohyun's POV :

        Yeayy..! Finally it's settled. Everything was smooth and worked on my way. I'm officialy having my own house now. It's a rent house though, but still, it's my own house at least for one year ahead. I'm so happy and i can't wait to start moving in. I will talk to Mrs. Lee and the girls tonight. I'll make sure that i will still be able if they need my help. I already talked to Father Lee before via my cellphone. I was asking for his permission, and he's okay with that. Even though he was hesitated first, but finally he's agree with me. And make sure that i will tell him any problem which i will probably have ahead. Father Lee is nice as always.

        I just lay down on my bed when i received the text from Yoojung.

KYJ : Sohyun-ah hows the deal?

me : Great, i got it! I can't wait to move in.

KYJ : Nice. i'm happy for you. When will you move in?

me : Tomorrow, it's my off day.

KYJ : Too bad, it's not my off day, i can't help you. Sorry Sohyun-ah..

me : That's ok Yoojung-ah, i don't have much belongings anyway.

KYJ : But i will come tomorrow afternoon after my shift.

me : Okay, lets have dinner at that night then.

KYJ : Great.

I'm grinning, imagining having ladies night with Yoojung on my own house. It must be fun. Few minutes after that, i've got another message from Yoojung. But.....

KYJ : So how is it oppa? can you make it on saturday?

What the....? I'm still frowning when another message come in.

KYJ : Oh my god, i'm sorry Sohyun-ah, i just sent message to the wrong person.

me : Yah... Yoojung-ah, what's that? Who's this oppa?

KYJ : Well, hehe, actually i want to tell you about this tomorrow. It's Bogum Oppa.

me : (eyes widened) woah.... you guys are already dating?

KYJ : No!  haha... i wish! He just offered to accompany me to go to my cousin's wedding party on saturday.

me : Really? wow.. way to go Yoojung-ah

KYJ : Hehe... actually not before i gave him a hint that i don't have anyone to go with and it must be uncomfortable to go alone. So he offered himself. He's so sweet.

me : Woah that still great YJ-ah. It's really sweet. You make a progress!

KYJ : Yeah... i think i'm getting closer to our 'Double Date' plan, remember?

Great! You broke my already broken heart Kim Yoojung ssi!

me : Yah! I pretend to never read that!

KYJ : Haha.. just kidding. I'm not getting closer to anything either. lol.

me : Tomorrow you have to tell me everything about you and Bogum oppa.

KYJ : Ok ma'am. See you tomorrow.

        I'm grinning as i'm out of the chat room apps. That's very good news that Yoojung seems getting more closer to her love interest now. I hope they will eventually be there. They deserve each other.

         I put my phone on the desk and throw my body to the bed. Try to not thinking about that stupid 'Double Date' plan


Sohyun's POV :

        Me and Yoojung sitting on the floor at my new house. It's literally a small house. It just have 1 toilet and 1 room where i can put my single bed, small kitchen, small cabinet and a small rounded dining table. I managed to bought all that stuff today. Han Jisoo helped me. And by the afternoon Yoojung came in to my house and helping me. It still mess everywhere, but at least we were succeded on put on my bed. So i will not sleeping in the cold floor tonight. I'm so happy that Yoojung have decided to sleepover tonight. She even brought her blanket and a single mattress. 

        I put the pizza and cold drinks on the dining table. To celebrate this day with Yoojung, i decided to order some pizza. So we're just sitting there, eating, dinking -soft drink of course-, chitchatting and laughing together. Thats when i know that Bogum agreed to go with Yoojung to her cousin's wedding reception. 

        "Really? woah.. i'm so glad to hear that Yoojungie,"

        "Yeah, i'm so happy. It's still tomorrow night but i'm already feeling nervous now," she said putting her palms on both her cheeks. And then she's grinning foolishly as she trying to cover her 'red like tomato' face with her hands. I laugh at her funny expression. It just a wedding reception, but it seems so big that Yoojung can't barely stop he grin. Well.. i guess we can be stupid and irrational when that thing called 'hormones' working on.

        I'm still giggling when she suddenly got a stupid idea.

        "So how about you and our dearly Vice President?"

I choked and instantly stop laughing. I'm not able to produce any words yet when she's attacking me again.

        "Hey, what if i tell Bogum oppa about your feelings for his cousin? I'm sure he will help you," she said shocking me. My eyes spontaneously performing a big perfect circle. Gosh... those words really scared me to death.

        "What?! Oh no,, no, no! Don't be stupid Yoojung ah. I swear i'll kill you if you tell him even one word. I can't imagine if he find out about that and then he tell him. God... i better resign, cause i'm sure i will not be able to face him again after that...."

        "Hey...hey.. okay.. okay, relax! I won't tell him. Geez... why are you being so nervous? I just want to help you," she cut me. Help me? Help me? woahh... bravo Yoojung with her genius way to help me!

        "No! why don't you help your self? Tell Bogum oppa that you like him."

        "What? No!"


        "Ha ha ha..."

We're both burst in to laugh. Despite of the fact that our love story is still far far away from the cloud nine, we're happy. We can laugh over that misery. Two stupid girls having fun on their first ever pajamas party.


Sohyun's POV :
        I'm walking slowly on the hallway heading to accounting staff office. I just finished my shift and decided to go there before leaving. It just one week after i'm officially living in my new house. I know that the house owner didn't say anything about that 50% left yet. But i can't help it. I can't live with this insecure feeling for long time. I need to find a way to make money so i can pay the owner as soon as possible.

        I'm still not sure if the management will give me the loan money due to my employee status. But i think i can try. It's nothing to lose though. If the regulation really forbid that, then i will try again next month or two months ahead. Depend on what the regulation said.

        "I'm sorry Kim Sohyun ssi, but a new employee can not have the loan money yet. You need to work at least for 3 months before getting the loan money." said the accounting staff lady softly. That's it. All clear now. All i can do was just smile and say,

        "That's okay Mrs.Geum, i understand. So i can back 2 months ahead, right?" i said half joking.

        "Definitely!" she said smiling back at me. I excuse my self and bowed at her. I already expect it, but i still feel disappointed. I walk slowly heading to the elevator with my eyes staring at the ground. So i need to wait for 2 months. I'm not sure if the owner is fine with that. I guess she is. But what if she is not? I feel bad for her and Mrs.Han.

Sungjae's POV :

        I'm on my way to the manager office when someone familiar came into my vision. She was just stepped out of the accounting office. I'm about to call her but then i'm frowning upon seeing her gesture. I can't see her face because she had her back on me, but i'm sure that she looks weak. Walking lifelessly the hallway and looking down. What happened? I didn't see her for few days and now she's appear in front of me looking like that? I don't like it. Without thinking i rushed to the accounting office and asking one staff lady.

        "Kim Sohyun ssi asking for the loan money sir, but due to our regulation we can not approve that." she explain. My eyes widened a little bit . I know that regulation. But why is she need a loan money? I blinked twice processing the idea that she must be so sad right now. I storm out of that office room after saying thank you to that staff lady.

        I'm a little bit upset now. She have a financial problem and she didn't tell me? I know that she doesn't want to bother me or be a burden on me. But she already help me once and she still does, so at least i can do something for her. It's fair enough, isn't it? Aisshh... that girl!

        I'm running through the hallway trying to catch her, hoping that she is still here. And i sighed in relief when i see her stepping in the elevator. I'm running faster to catch the elevator before it's closed. And i made it. Right before the door entirely closed, i'm able to put my hand on it so it's open wide again.

        She looks startled, obviously. And in that split seconds when i'm looking into her widened eyes, suddenly i realized something. I never did this before. I was never - literally and unliterally - run after a girl before, as i never had any reason to do that before. But now i just did it. This is odd. And why is she keep throwing many odd things into my system? I will definitely find out why.

        She was still fixed her gaze on me when i'm walking into the elevator and standing by her side. I'm still a little bit panting due to running - or maybe due to my heart beat, i'm not sure which one -, when she was blinking at me before finally greets me.

        "Oh... good afternoon sir," she said and take a bow at me. I just nodded and still not saying anything until she reach her hand to push the elevator button in front of her. I immediately stop her.

        "Wait, i want to talk to you first!" i said. She's frowning. Hand dropped back to her side. We're just one floor above the ground, it will definitely not enough time for me to talk if she push the button now.

        "Is there a problem sir?" she asked. I sighed annoyingly hearing that 'sir' word.

        "We're alone here, you can call me by my name. And yes, there is a problem. I just found out that you need some loan money from the company. Is that true? What happened, do you have a financial problem?" i said to the point. Causing an instant redden on her face. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly.

        "I saw you walked out of the accounting staff room, so i asked that lady staff. Now will you tell me what is the problem?" I said again impatiently, worried that someone might push the elevator button anytime, before i finish talking to her. She is blinking couple of times, obviously hesitated to tell me the story. I took a deep breath before talking again.

        "Come on tell me, maybe i can help you. You helped me once, remember? Now let me help you," i said again convincing her. She looked up on me now. Still looks hesitated for seconds before finally answer.

        "Um... i... i need money to pay the 50% left of my rent house cost, Sungjae" she said almost inaudible. Her eyes barely meet mine. I'm frowning.

        "You mean, you just rent a house? So you are not living with your stepfather's family anymore?"

        "Yes, i thought that i need to get out of their house as soon as possible. I have no rights what soever anyway. So i rent a small house and live there now," she explain. I nodded, understand of her uncomfortable situation to live with such family. 

        "So why don't you ask me? I can help you. Now just text me the amount you need and i will transfer it to you right after that." I said reassure her, because i can see that she still look hesitated, looking at the ground before back to my eyes.

        "Um... actually you don't....."

        "And i don't accept a rejection! Now take it or granny will confuse if she finds out!" I cut her as i'm holding up my hand. Bringing granny's name, i'm sure she will give it up now. Even though i don't see how granny will find out about this. But she doesn't have to know that.

        And it's worked. She finally nodded and saying "Thank you very much Sungjae." And that's when i remember about something.

        "But i have one condition!" i said and her shyly smile now completely faded away.

        "Wh... what is that?"

        "It's.... you have to tell me first, who was that guy picked you up with a motorcycle about one week ago?" i said, looking straight to the metal door in front of us. For some reason i can't handle looking at her eyes at that time. That question is irrelevant, i know, but i couldn't help it. That was bothering me this past week and i want to settle it down now. From the corner of my eyes i can see her being confused for a while, but then she seems remember of something.

        "Oh... you mean Han Jisoo? He is my friend,"


        "Yes, his mother is the one offering me that rent house, so he was picked me up because i don't know the place yet at that time,"


        "Yes, really."

I took a deep breath, and suddenly the feelings of relief filled my whole lungs. I just slightly nodded and then step forward to push the 'ground' button. The elevator start moving down.

        "Okay then. Now text me your account numbers and amount of money you need, understand?" I said and she nodded while saying 'thank you' again. And when the elevator finally stop, i keep standing there casually putting my hands on my pockets. She then step forward and walk out of the elevator, leave that sweet vanilla scent of her behind. 

        But then she turn around and frowning at me when she realize that i'm not moving out. Instead i pushed the '1' button again. I just raised my eyebrows to her and fighting a smile seeing her confused face. And right after the elevator fully closed, i finally lost that fight. I let my face crept into a big grin until the elevator door open again at my destination floor.


*to be continued*

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