Crown Me

By Jerrieloverforever

110K 2.9K 1.1K

(Book 3) *G!P Jade* Make sure you read the first two books Command me and Conquer Me so you understand the s... More

Little mix were amazing!
A/N (Finally)
Its over.
I'm Sorry


4.6K 178 69
By Jerrieloverforever

Okay hi everyone yes I know I said in my last A/N I was giving up writing but that's just stupid. I was just really hurt and very upset and I make stupid decisions sometimes. I'm going to finish this book I just need you guys to have patience with me I'm still healing and some days are okay others not so much, but after I'm finished I don't know if I'll continue writing I don't know yet but that's a decision to be made in the future. Enjoy the update.

*Perrie's Pov*

Words couldn't convey the scene in front of me when Jesy reached the bar. Leigh Anne on the other hand, seemed less surprised and certainly less concerned, Her arm still draped over him. That girl had a serious problem with trying to claim things that didn't belong to her.

Jesy glared at them, her hands clenching and unclenching at her side.

"Tell me this is your really poorly planned idea of a surprise threesome before I kill you with my bare hands."


Jesy cut him off with a flick of her wrist. "Don't Jessica me. Explain this."

"I thought she was slow but honestly, what do you even see in her?" Leigh Anne tapped her nails on his shoulder, a malicious smile creeping over her lips.

"How long?" Jesy demanded, ignoring Leigh Anne.

"It's not what—"

"Do not say 'it's not what it looks like!' For one thing, I have eyes and for another, it's cliche," she added. Her jaw tensed as her eyes flashed back and forth between them. "How long?"

"Your fiancé and I have known each other for years. We were childhood playmates and then we were...playmates." Leigh Anne ran her tongue over her teeth like she'd just devoured something delicious. She turned her attention to me and blinked.

"In fact, we reconnected at your housewarming party."

Up until this point I'd stayed back, torn between anger and shock but her words thawed my numbness, freeing me from my stupor. Apparently she hadn't taken my warning seriously. But if she thought that she could get to me through my friends she had another thing coming. I'd suffered Leigh Anne for long enough. Without thinking I lunged forward, my hand balling into a fist.

Unfortunately Luke was faster. He hooked an arm around me and hauled me a few steps back.

"This is not your fight," He said firmly.

"Like hell it isn't," I hissed.

"No," Jesy said, her voice eerily placid. "It's mine."

And then her fist smashed into Leigh anne's nose.

"And that's what they mean by the calm before the storm," Luke muttered. He shook his head and jumped between the two women, capturing Jesy around the waist and pulling her back.

"Fucking bitch!" Leigh Anne screamed as she held her nose.

"It takes one to know one," Jesy shot back, fighting Luke's hold on her waist.

"We fucked in his bed! In his car!" Leigh Anne's vitriol spewed as freely as the blood spewed from her nose. "We even fucked in your flat on the kitchen counter!"

Luke pushed Jesy toward me but she broke free and She twisted her engagement ring off and held it in front of her nose. "I'm keeping this for damages. I'm glad you two found each other. It's a real match made in hell."

I glanced around realising that a crowd was gathering. Hooking my arm through Jesy's I tugged her toward the door. When she resisted, Caitlin took her other side. With us surrounding her, Jesy straightened up coolly and walked away. We were almost out the door when the first security arrived. The trouble was that I didn't know whose security team it was.

Luke pointed toward the lift. "Get her to the suite and out of sight. I'll deal with this."

"How?" I asked.

"Lauren," he said quickly, holding his hands up, "and you know me."

"You can't get involved with this."

He pressed the up button and smirked. "It will only help my rep. Jade has been the royal bad girl for too long. Maybe it's my turn to be the royal bad boy."

I was sure Edward would have something to say about it but I followed Jesy into the lift as soon as the car arrived.

Jesy pressed the button for our floor and stepped back like nothing had happened. Caitlin peeked over her shoulder and shot me a confused look. Just when I was beginning to question how she could be so calm, I noticed her lip quiver. My arms were around her before the first tear fell.

"That bloody knobhead! Pillock! Wanker!" A steady stream of insults followed as I rubbed her back and continued until we arrived at our suite.

I swallowed a sigh when I saw the placard on the door. I'd forgotten that we were in the Honeymoon Suite. I was just about to suggest heading home when Jesy's hand lashed out and ripped the sign down.

That worked, too.

"That sodding arse! How could I be so bloody stupid?" she sobbed.

I hugged her close to me. "Hey, your true British is showing."

This earned me a small smile.

"And," I continued, "you have a serious right hook. Let me see that."

She grimaced as I gingerly took her hand. Her knuckles were raw.

"I hope this means you broke her teeth," I said, inspecting the damage.

"I broke her nose." That garnered a real smile from both of us.

"I'll go grab some ice from the front desk," Caitlin said.

I shot her a grateful look. As soon as she was out the door, what was left of Jesy's composure dissolved and she melted into me. A lump formed in my throat and sat there as she cried into my shoulder. I tried to blink back my own tears but there was no way. Not when my best friend was hurting this much. I cried for the future she'd lost and I cried because of the guilt I felt. But mostly I cried because I didn't want her to cry alone.

"Pez how am I going to do this?" she asked me, her chest heaving with the effort of holding back tears. "We're supposed to be getting married in six months. Everything is planned. What am I supposed to do?"

I recalled the night that I'd left Jade. Even now, the pain at that memory nearly knocked me off my feet but I locked my arms around her. "Tonight, you cry."

We'd figure out the rest in the morning when the sun shattered the darkness.

Katherine Paige Couture was on lockdown. The bridal shop had practically become my second home over the last few months. But today the curtains blocked curious eyes from seeing inside the shop. Kate met me at the back door, her eyes bright as she guided me inside. Most people had been surprised when I'd chosen her to design my dress. What they didn't know was that Luke had introduced us. Hardly older than me, Kate could have passed for a model instead of a lead designer. But her passion lay in the design business, which had earned her an exclusive, albeit small, clientele.

"We've spent all week kicking paparazzi out of here," she explained when I shot her a questioning look.

"I'm so sorry," I apologised. It seemed my marriage was actually becoming the spectacle of the century for all involved.

"Don't be! How often do I get to design a wedding dress for the woman who is going to marry the next ruler of England?" she gushed, pushing a loose curl behind her ear.

A dizzying rush clouded my head and I caught her arm to steady myself. "I can't get used to that. One of these days I'm going to get so nervous that I will faint."

"As long as you don't ruin your dress." She winked mischievously, reminding me exactly why I felt so at ease with her. "If you're light headed, I suppose that champagne is a bad idea."

I couldn't argue with that. "Maybe later."

The dressing room was nearly as beautiful as Kate's gowns, managing to be lavish and welcoming at the same time. But the calm atmosphere faded with the arrival of my bridal party. My mother and Caitlin fluttered into the room with Jesy at their heels.

"Two days!" My mother caught me in a hug, pecking me on both cheeks.

I did my best not to look like I was about to throw up.

"She has been counting down the minutes all week." Caitlin shot a save-me-now look over my mother's shoulder.

"It is not every day that a mother marries off her daughter." Mum plucked a champagne flute from a nearby tray and took a dainty sip.

"We're set for the final rehearsal in the morning," I told her, bypassing small talk in favor of direct action. I needed to focus if I was going to keep my sanity. I would give myself a list and not let my mind wander to the cameras and crowds already filling the streets that led from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace. It was the only way to prevent getting caught in a cycle of disturbingly vivid fantasies about all the ways I was going to make an ass out of myself.

"Here are the shoes."

My mother grimaced, not bothering to hide her disapproval of my choice. "Are those heels tall enough?"

"I'd rather hoped not to fall on my face," I told her.

"Your father is not going to let you fall." She tilted her head and called into the adjoining lounge. "Are you, Sweetheart?"

"Dad's here?" I asked, unable to hide my surprise.

"Of course, he wants to see his little girl in her wedding gown." My mother's voice caught but she looked away before I could see if she was crying.

I couldn't be certain if the show of emotions was maternal sentimentality or if she was strongly clinging to the last shreds of her marriage.

A hush fell over the group as two of the shop's employees cautiously carried my gown into the room.

"I hope it's not to hard for Jade to get it off," Jesy whispered.

"I have faith in her abilities," I said in a low voice, reminding myself now wasn't the time to fantasize about those skills.

My arms glided through the delicate dress, allowing the skirt to float down.

"Oh dear," Kate muttered, heaving a sigh.

I glanced over my shoulder. "Oh dear what?"

She yanked the back of my dress tighter, struggling to get the zipper up.

"Breathe in for me Perrie," she instructed, widening her stance for leverage.

I sucked in, contracting my belly against my ribs. Relief poured through me when I heard the zipper slide up, but it was short-lived as soon as I exhaled.

"Is it supposed to be this tight?" I asked, turning to get a side view.

The seamstress frowned, pins jutting from her teeth. She plucked them out and checked her notes. "It's been tailored to your most recent measurements." She sighed and circled me. "We'll have to let it out a little."

"Is that a problem?" my mother said,

"It shouldn't be." Kate patted my arm.

As soon as Kate excused herself, my mother rounded on me. "This gown cost £20,000. Every major media outlet has been speculating on it for months."

"Mum!" Caitlin interjected.

She ignored her, pacing in front of the three-way mirror. "They are predicting millions of television viewers. I'm merely surprised that this is the time Perrie chooses to let her weight go."

As soon as she said it, she clamped a hand over her mouth, a look of horror descending over her elegant features. "Perrie, I'm—"

I waved off her apology, locking my jaw to stop my trembling chin.

"Let's go see about some tea," Caitlin suggested, taking our mother by the shoulders and marching her into the lounge off the dressing room.

Jesy exhaled loudly when they were out of sight, relaxing against the mirror. "Sometimes I think she actually studies thoughtlessness."

"It comes naturally," I assured her. Gesturing to my gown, I bit my lip. "Does it look terrible?"

"Pez, you look beautiful." Jesy straightened to face the mirror. Her eyes sparkled in its reflection.

"Jade isn't going to know what hit her."

"She generally prefers me less clothed."

"Perrie's new clothes. Now that would surprise all the major media outlets," Jesy said, tipping her nose in an excellent impression of my mother.

I fiddled with my hair, pulling it up and letting it down again. "Honestly, I wish it was all over with. I want to be married to Jade. I could happily skip the wedding," I admitted.

"Every girl dreams about her wedding."

"I guess," I said absently. "Maybe that would be true if mine weren't a spectacle. If I had my way, we'd have gotten married with a couple of close friends standing by."

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Jesy's smile tighten.

"Will you please tell me when I'm being a total bitch?" I groaned. "This is probably the last place you feel like being."

"It's okay. I keep forgetting, too." Jesy sank to the ground and crossed her legs.

"I should warn you now. I'm not going to be able to get back up without your help, so I hope you're still my best friend."

"No," Jesy said sharply.

"Umm, okay. I'm not sure what to say."

"He doesn't get to ruin this," she said, completely oblivious to the near heart attack she'd just given me. "This is your wedding and I am happy for you. I swear I am. But I'm..."

"Hurting," I finished for her. "I want to castrate him for what he did to you. But honestly, I can't imagine getting through this without you, especially if it means dealing with my mother."

"Caitlin seems to have her pretty well in hand," Jesy noted, "which suits me because I want to focus on you."

"Are you sure?" I blinked against the tears swimming across my vision.

"Don't cry," she pleaded, her words hitching slightly. "If you cry, then I'll cry and oh, It's too late."

"Jade knows people who can kill him for you." The joke was out of my mouth before I remembered that it was actually true.

Jesy's lip curled but she shook her head. "I think getting stuck with Leigh Anne is punishment enough. She'll take all of his money and then he'll just be some asshole with a small dick."

"Small?" I repeated.

She wagged her pinky finger, adding, "Aunt Jane is already discussing who I should take as my rebound lover."

"Might I suggest someone with a substantial dick," I whispered.

She laughed at this, wiping away tears with a sigh. "Perrie Edwards, you are a fallen woman. To think, a year ago I was begging you to shag someone with wealth and power. Now you're total vixen."

"I took your suggestion very seriously," I assured her.

"I love you," Jesy said, her expression growing serious.

"I love you, too." I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, only to hear the sickening rip of lace.

"They can fix it," she murmured, not letting me go. When she finally did, she smiled impishly. "Come on, let's go toy with your mum's blood pressure."

I held out my hands, and she bounded to her feet gracefully. Struggling up I collapsed into her with a giggle.

"Hey, you're getting married," Jesy said.

"I'm getting married," I repeated, willing her words to sink in. In a few days I would no longer be Perrie Edwards. I would be entirely her's.

My father's head poked into the dressing room. "Can I have a moment?"

"Of course." She gave my hand a quick squeeze.

"You look stunning," he said softly.

A girlish contentment settled over me. No matter what mistakes he'd made, he was still my father and I wanted his approval. "Thank you, Dad."

"No, thank you," he said. "I know these last few months have been hard on the family and I know you've been less than thrilled with your mother and me."

"With Mum?" I asked.

"You've been hard on her." Dad wrung his hands together. "But your mother was doing the best she could. I know that's difficult to understand. I'm not an easy man to live with."

"Mum's not exactly low maintenance," I admitted, unsure whose side I was taking.

"That's the thing about marriage as well as relationships, Perrie. Sometimes you mess it up. What matters is how you handle," he added.

"I only want to know you two are going to be okay." I couldn't help but want my parents together. I was their daughter, after all. I couldn't imagine any other scenario for either of them.

"This is going to shock you, but your mother is a very tolerant woman," he told me.

"What about the other woman?"

"I ended that months ago. Your mother and I have been speaking to a counselor." He held open his arms. "I couldn't bear to cast a shadow over your day."

"You won't."

We stood for a moment and regarded each other.

Dad cleared his throat but his voice was thick with emotion as he spoke.

"I hope Jade knows how fortunate she is. I made certain that she knew I didn't care who her mother was. If she hurt my little girl—"

"Dad!" I laughed with shock.

"Let's just say she knows what will happen." He winked at me, drawing me close to him. My head dropped to his shoulder, and for the first time in a very long time, things were right between us.
Sorry that the update is short. I'm not having a really good night so I tried my best. I hope each and every one of you's are having a great day or night. Remember you's are all amazing and all so very special.

Sorry for any mistakes

See you next update.

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