The Lake Lilac Monster (Camp...

By TotallyNotMundane

17.7K 636 302

There's said to be a monster by the old fraud summer camp by the lake. Everyone is terrified. And honestly pe... More

Max Pov
The Gutwrenching Dread
Aint no rest for the wicked (the book will now be in Third person pov)
Max's concerned
Oh wow new chapter
7) Monster Hunter
Ok no hiatus, new chapter, and shout-outs
A new chapter, thaanks
Im sick but feeling generous so another chapter is in order: Parents Day
Ew an authors note
Finally some Gay TM
Chapter twelve. More gay
Last chapter (you can get a sequal by asking nicely tho)
Oh you thot that was the last you'd see of me

Chapter six

1.1K 43 13
By TotallyNotMundane

An I'm so tired and I don't want to sleep so I'm working on a new chapter. Also I've been scrolling through camp camp tags. And there is fucking max and David being a little more intimate than needed. And I'm calling 911, WTF. Sorry I just have rant. Because what. The. Hell. Max and David are father and son, David is not a pedophile. I understand people draw to cope, but like... Please don't post it. I have people I know who are csa and would have a heart attack from reading maxvid or even seeing it portrayed even slightly romantic. So if you like maxvid sorry but it's just wrong.
     Honestly I know DanVid is another unrealistic ship and Daniel would never change cause he's terrible like that. But danvid is two consenting adults in most cases (other cases are toxic and unreadable by me eyes). I feel like the innocent crush a kid has on an adult is cute, but don't portray it as a relationship. Ok I'm done enjoy the book
Authors note ends here

Max remembered that there was something off about last night. He remember seeing something fly by before he fell asleep. And that was the day he would be getting a book on werewolves from David. He cared about David, even though it doesn't seem like it. His parents never really cared about him any ways, and David acted like the parents he never had.
He woke up early and walked to the counselor cabin. Letting himself in he saw David sleeping with his head on the desk. Max walked over and shook the man awake.
"Max," yawn, "what are you doing up so early?"
"You said I could read at one book." He looked away and tried to sound angry. David smiled and handed him the book. He got up, stretched, and began to walk towards the door.
Max followed and watched David go and wake up poor unsuspecting campers. It was too early. He began to flip through the pages of the book and sat under a tree to enjoy it. He read for what seemed to be an hour, until someone touched his shoulder. He yelped and kicked at what touched him.
It was only Neil.
"Hey max you've been acting really weird lately. And you've been sneaking out more often at night. We are still trying to find what's up with him, you might know something. You can help us, right?"
"Yeah maybe he's a vampire, or serial killer!" Suddenly Nikki popped in out of nowhere, "or maybe he has a secret boyfriend."
Max shook his head, "I don't want any part in this."
Neil and Nikki looked at him strangely, "Max you always want to be apart of our adventures. Are you not feeling alright."
Max glowered, "no I'm feeling just fine actually."
Neil must have seen something wrong, or what he thought was wrong, "Max is he hurting you?"
Max almost screamed, "No Neil why would you even think that. He's just an annoyingly happy camp counselor who never shuts up! Now leave me the hell alone!"
Nikki looked hurt, "Max is there something going on?"
"Good Morning campers!"
"Look there he is." Max whispered and walked away.
Max walked towards David! Nikki and Neil stared in shock as the boy sat down next to the happy camp man. He began to read, and David smiled down and him and continued to tell kids where to go. Max got to the middle of a book before another person touched his shoulder. But he could tell it was David.
"Hey Max, tomorrow is parents day and I want to ask you if you don't want your parents coming?" He knew max didn't like his parents and he did everything he could for the boy he saw as a son. Max just looked shocked, David really did care about him.
"I-I don't know." David just pat his head and told max he had to go deal with some camp problems. Max just continued to read, until the book was snatched out of his hands.
"What the fuck "
Nikki grabbed the book, and looked at it up and down, "Why are you reading this? It's about werewolves and didn't you say those weren't real?"
Neil then took it from Nikki, "max are you reading? I'd never take you as the type to like fiction?"
Max tried to take it back, "give me my book! Jesus Neil give it here!" He tried to grab it but Neil was taller than him and had the advantage. Max almost started to cry, "give it back dammit!"
He helplessly clawed at the air to try and reach it, and Nikki started holding him down.
"NIKKI WHAT THE HELL " he screamed. He didn't want David to be found out and if it meant being made fun of so be it. He lunged again. Until he heard a saving grace.
"Neil, Nikki give max his book back." David said, more stern than he ever has. Neil, reluctantly, gave the book back. Max looked gratefully at David, but only for a second, in the hopes no one would see.
He was wrong, because Neil, Nikki, Nerris, Harrison, and space kid saw. He held the book close to his chest. He walked away and sat under a tree to return to his book that had been so rudely interrupted.
Werewolves have certain people who they attach themselves to because they see these people as a pack. These people could range from a child they believe is their cub, to a perms they see as a parent, to someone who they love romantically. If a werewolf in human form is kind to you, you are a slight bit lucky. Because even in human format hey have unbelievable strength. If you find yourself liked by the wolf you should be incredibly grateful and feel blessed because wolves are very choosy of who they decide is apart of their family. If you are abused and the wolf smells it on you you will become one of their pack, only if they see you as fit. If you want to be apart of said pack all you have to do is be with them on a full moon, and howl with them. A mixture of Lycan and wolf Breed is incredibly rare. They can change whenever they like, but are forced to on the full moon. If they like you while they are voluntarily the wolf you are worth more to them than you think.
Max smiled, so David did think he was family. He walked away only to see he was being followed, by you can only guess.
Nikki and Neil were never very slick. Max decided. He walked again and then turned.
"Neil when is the next full moon?" Neil yelped.
"Tonight!" He quietly whimpered. Max shook his head and walked off. Tonight he would go up there and hang out with an even more crazy David.
With David
David was struggling, but he had found a way he could make sure his son would never be hurt by those who should never be called parents. He cared about max and he wanted to give him a loving home life, and a semi stable family at the least. He had the papers and all he had to do was sign them when Max's parents did something bad. He let out a small growl.
He remembered that he only has told max about his werewolf condition, not even Gwen. Sure he loved her, but she was really excitable when it came to supernatural. He also remembered that how excited he was to see Daniel. Sure Daniel was a better camp counselor, but he still missed the guy. Even under his creepy facade he knew that under that cultist exterior. Daniel was a good person. He could smell it, he could tell when a person was bad or good, and he knew that Daniel was scared.
He was going to do his darnedest to make sure Daniel, Max, and himself were just fine.

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