A new chapter, thaanks

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   AN: I'm want to say thank you to Iceist, they gave a creative idea that's definitely going to get used. Enjoy the chapter.

   The kids were confused as to how and why David snapped. Usually he was happy, childish, and really to be honest naive.  He began to speak, and in a demanding tone only Gwen used. It was surreal to them all. Neil and Nikki stood shocked until an order was said sternly but in a way you knew they cared.
     "Kids we are going back to camp. And I want al of you to be on high alert. Those men are dangerous and could very well hurt you or I. So don't hesitate to tell me if there's something going on. Let's go," he began to walk but only two things followed, he turned to the stunned campers, "Campers we have to leave now."
    Max swore he heard David growl and he almost laughed at even Nurf quaking in their boots. Everyone didn't hesitate to follow after that.
    They were stopped again, but this time by David yelling.
    "Oh god no." His eyes were trained on a cliff that looked almost like a 100 foot drop. It had a large bra uh poking out of the Sid elf the rock. David's eyes watered, as his voice wavered.
    "Kids we have to got the opposite way." The kids turned but they heard it. They heard what David heard. They heard a small but loud voice, that reminded Nikki and Neil and Max of some one they had met.
   "Davey~" a childish voice rang out. It kept repeating. Over and Over and over again.
    "Davey~" the voice grew louder as if the spectral voice was gaining on them.
    "Daaaaveeyyyy~" it was slow and deliberate. Trying to gain attention to whom they referred to as Davey.
     "DAVEY~" it got so loud that the kids covered their ears to escape the taunting voice of the nineties slang get singing. Like a broken tape recorder.
    That was when they saw him. A young boy in a yellow shirt with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, orange pants, and what looked to be old light up shoes. The boy was there but not there. Not transparent, or translucent, but a watery opaque figure. The boy was sitting on an old stump. He was humming, and he smiled as he met eyes With the horrified werewolf counselor.  A small chuckle let the boys lips.
   "Jasper..." David mumbled in awe but also in a small bit of resentment.
    "Jasper, I am leaving with my kids, go back to where you belong," his voice wavered as tears sprung to his eyes, "You can't be here." He walked with the eh kids in tow behind him, the voice taunting him with the words...
    As soon as they were back to the camp, the children had quiet conversations and max sat in the back with his book.
   "The night was pleasant August night, with little fog and a beautiful moonlit sky. Where a little baby girl was wrapped into a blanket. And she had no idea how hard life would be. The headmistress of Salem smiled over the little one."

   Max was so occupied he didn't notice hours went by and he was muttering to he words of the book to hims self. He liked the main character Evelynn (the main character of the book I'm writing and my favorite name.) she was kind but sarcastic and mean.
     He liked when the girl had mundane talents, and still remained a cynical asshole.
   Just like him.

   That night he decided to go on a walk in the forest, in a small hope of seeing his dad, David. He shrugged to himself and walked deeper into the woods. That's when he saw the man. The man was fanciful and dressed like he was going to a fancy restaurant in the 1890s or something. His eyes unnerved max, then he smacked himself. There's a guy in the  woods. Thats unnerving in itself.
    The man walked up the ten year old and crouched to his level. Which was pretty damn small. She smiled, and max saw his teeth were glass sharp.
   "Hello max, I want to make a deal with you kid." Max looked up in pure disbelief.
    "Yeah no, your a creep in the woods."  He turned to walk away
    "I can make sure David adopts you." Max turned back.
   "Wh-what?" He stammered quietly. That tempted him to take the deal asap.
    "What will I have to do for you then huh?" He crossed his little arms.
   "You have to have a small thing changed about you, then I am free, and you get to be loved by your 'dad'." Max automatically shook his hand.
   He woke up in his tent, it was warmer than he originally remembered, but he liked it. He was snuggled against  Mr. HoneyNuts. When he looked down he. Knew something was off. He looked behind him  and he had a bear tail.
    "WHAT THE FUCK!?!" He went to grab his hair but he felt two bear ears rest on his head. His teeth were sharper. And his sense of hearing and smell were off the charts.
   The kids really need to shower once in a while. He grimaced, but quickly ran to the counselor cabin. Surprisingly it was only around four in the  morning and David opened the door.
  "Max? HOLY CRAP." He pulled the kid In to the room with him. He examined the boys head.
   "Max. What did you do?"
    "What I'd dint do anything, I woke up and there I had bear ears and a tail." David sighed. Picking max up, he made his way to his room where he held his secret stack of magic.
   "Max I'm going to do something that will make it so when you a re around people who don't know about he supernatural or intend any harm on you. Can't see you are clearly a bear."
   After that max knew he was safe. He smiled as he unconsciously rubbed his arm. Where a scar laid.
  He slept well for the next couple of hours

AN: HOLY GOSH DARN HECC I WROTE 1015 WORDS. WOOP WOOP. Lol hope you enjoyed.

~Stay Super

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