
By blue-arrow

1.6K 101 24

Shit. I hopped on my bike and I started it and I drove off. As I was zooming down the street I saw a wolf in... More



74 5 0
By blue-arrow

"Ava, I am so sorry that, that happened to you!" She said pulling me into a hug. I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding. She pulled away and looked at me in the eyes

"We are family Ava, we will never ever do that to you!" She said, I smiled and nodded

"Where are the others?" Scott asked

"Home..." I whispered then what Clark has told me came rushing back. He was right I haven't been a good leader ever since I came to live with them. That has to change.

"Ava you okay?" Frederick asked.

"One of the gang leaders from another gang he is a good friend he told me, that I haven't been a good gang leader since I been sent to live here. But I wanna change that now" I said

"What are you thinking?" Frederick asked

"At some point our worlds will collide with them, even tho I know at this very moment we have to make our selves as normal as possible. I want you guys to meet them. This weekend is my birthday but it's also one of the members of my gangs birthday as well and we always celebrate together so I was thinking we throw a party here" I said.

"What about the pack the others?" Scott asked

"We will keep them under watch I'll have them under curfew, no shifting when the humans are here they stay at home in the pack house" Frederick said

"What if the gang wonders?" Caroline asked

"We tell them not to go into the woods, say it's dangerous" Sammy said

"Then it's settled" Frederick said

"Wouldn't the pack question why are you doing this especially for a kind they haven't even met." Leo asked

"When Ava is ready she will meet them, she has accepted to be my mate and Luna." Frederick said

"Sunday." I said looking at Frederick "this Sunday I'll meet them."

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes, I want to meet them." I said

"Okay Sunday it is" Frederick smiled.

"I'll tell the others" I smiled I pulled it my phone and called Alex to explain everything. Well only the stuff he needs to know.
The week goes on, and everything has been going great its finally Saturday and i am currently getting ready, all of the girls wanted to get ready together, Emily and Elena have kicked the guys out of the house and Sammy, jenny and Caroline are keeping me from seeing Frederick. Me and the girls are currently heading over to the gang house to get ready and set the place up knowing Elena it might be almost done or already done. i help load the girls stuff in the car they had brought me a dress but couldn't see it until we get there. Alex texted me saying to bring my bike so the girls are driving the car and i get on my bike

"ready?" i asked and they nodded they got into the car and started it off i went first cause i know where the house is so they are following me.

about a few minuets later we finally reach the house I parked my bike and turned it off. And the girls parked their car. They got out and I got off my bike next thing I knew the girls came running out of the house and tackled me.

"Hey!!" Elena smiled and they pulled away.

"Guys this is Caroline, Sammy, and Jenny" I introduced them I know Elena has met them only once but it was very briefly and they didn't talk.

"Nice to meet you" Sammy smiled

"All of you are so pretty?" Emily said

"Thanks" Jenny said.

"What time are the boys coming?" Elena asked

"They will be here at 12:30" I wake Emily check the time

"We better get a move on it's 11:30" she said we got everything out of the car and walked inside.

"Wow everything looks great" I told Elena

"Thanks" she smiled.

We head up to her room. Once in her room the girls set everything on her bed.

"Alright Ava, take this and these and go get dressed." Jenny smiled handing me the dress and the shoes. I walk into the bathroom and I hang the dress up on the hook that's on the door. I open up the bag that has the dress in it. The dress is blue and strapless. I quickly strip my clothes and pull on the dress. I put on my black cross strapped high heels. I quickly zip up my dress and I quickly put on some makeup since I didn't wear any when I came over. I opened the bathroom door and I step out.

"Oooo girl you looking spicy!" Jenny said

"Okay now let me do your hair" Emily said as she looked like she was already ready. I put on some music and we jammed out as she did my hair. By the time she was done with my hair everyone was done getting ready. Next thing we knew the door bell rang. Emily did a crown braid hairstyle

"They are here I'll get the door." Sammy said getting up and leaving the room.

"Btw Ava happy birthday" Elena said brining me into a tight hug

"Happy birthday Elena" I smiled.

"Me and Caroline are going to go help" Jenny said but right before she whispered something to Emily. She then smiled and nodded. Jenny then left closing the door behind us.

"So tell us about them" Emily asked sitting on Elena's bed.

I then smiled and sat in the bed and Elena did as well.

"Where do I start.." I said

"There's Frederick....he's amazing, and he's my boyfriend" I smiled brightly

"Boyfriend!!!" Elena said practically screaming

"Yea it was official yesterday I waited to tell you cause I wanted to tell you today, then here's Jacob and Leo, they are twins but they are really funny, then there's Scott he's funny, but also smart he's easy to get along with. they are all pretty fantastic if you ask me" I said

"Girls come down" Sammy said peeking through the door we all got up and walked down stairs. We all stood there I seen Frederick at the bottom of the stairs standing there as the other boys was well when I see he look on Scott and Leo's face I knew something was up I saw love in there eyes.

"You look beautiful" he whispered once I got at the bottom of the stairs

"And you look handsome" I smiled

"Awww so cute!" Elena said and I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Elena, Emily this is Frederick, Scott, Jacob, and Leo." I introduced them

"Elena what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Scott said looking Elena up and down then smiled.

"Flattering will get you no where Scott" she said as she winked walking right pass by home.

"Happy birthday btw." He smiled at me then went after Elena.

"Stop looking at you all lovey dove" Leo said

"Jealous?" Emily then said

"Not a chance" he smiled

"Lets go" Leo said and we went into the living room.

"So, when the guys back back we are going to head over to my place, set or stuff down then we have lunch place at a fancy restaurant in town hens why you guys are dressed early, then go back to my house change and relax for the rest of the night and make sure this place is locked up tight you guys won't be coming back here tonight" Frederick said and I looked at him.

"Let's just say we have the house to ourselves tonight" he smiled at me.

"They party is here!!" I heard Alex call. They walked into the living room.

"Woah so may girls in one place I only have known 3 for my whole life and who may you be" Alex smiled as he made his way to Sammie. I noticed Sammie couldn't take her eyes off of Alex.

"Samantha but call me sammie"she said

"Well sammie my name is Alex" he said

"Will you stop flirting" Frederick said as he rolled his eyes.

"Let's load the stuff in the car" Frederick said

"Ava can I talk to you?" Clark asked

"Alex you to." He added we both got up I then felt a hand grab mine

"I'll be back give us a minute." I told me and he nodded we walked down into the basement.

This is where we usually have our meetings. It's really badass down here. Think of it as the lair like arrows and mix it with star labs sorta like that but it has more of a gym look.

"Last night my men saw a few of scorpions men out side the border of the town. They stayed hidden didn't move or made them selves seen" he said

"Alright you guys go up stairs get in the car I'll be up there in a minute I'm going to pack some protection" I said and they nodded I quickly grabbed a bag, I put some guns in the bag but I made sure the safety lock was in first a few knives and trackers if we need them. I zipped up the bag and I walk up stairs.

"Let's go" I said I walked out to the car

"I'll meet you guys at the house." Alex said getting on my bike.

"Where are you going with my Bike?" I asked

"Don't worry just pick it up tomorrow I'll send you the address don't worry nothing bad will happen to your baby" Alex teased the road off with my bike. I got in the car and I set the bag on the floor by my feet.

"What's in the bag?" Jacob asked.

"Stuff" I said like it's no big deal.

"If a wolf, gets a human for a Mate would the human feel the same a wolf would feel?" I asked

"Yes and no" Frederick said "if a wolf had a human Mate, they would only feel the attraction but would think nothing of it, but if the wolf kissed another that's not it's Mate, he human would feel upset they wouldn't understand why they feel upset" he explained

"So like general feelings then" I said

"Yes just like that" he said

So Elena and Scott are mates, Emily and Leo are mates, sammie and Alex are mates, Caroline and Clark are mates, and Jenny and joe are mates I thought to myself

Wow. The only one unmated is Jacob and hays.

"So are you going to tell me what's in the bag?" Frederick asked once again, I sighed mentally rolling my eyes I unzip the bag a little I then grab a gun and pull it out.

"Whoah I'm sorry Ava if I did anything wrong I, I promise I'll stop checking you out when you aren't looking and I promise not to prank you!" Jacob quickly said

"What!" Me and Frederick both said at the same time.

"Oh, I was joking" he quickly said

"Seriously why do you have it?" Jacob asked having a more serious tone to his voice

"Clark told me that when his men were on patrol they saw a few of scorpions men, outside the town border they didn't engage." I told them

"Why are we still going out, they might have made their way into town and if they see us-if they see you, who knows what will happen!" Frederick said

"He's right we should cancel our plans and just stay home" Jacob said

"Agreed" Frederick said

"No, if we do that then they will know that we most likely know that they are here we keep our plans go on about our day and if something happens we will be ready" I said once we pulled up to the house Frederick stopped he car parking it and looked at me dead in the eye.

"What if you get hurt" He asked

"I won't" I said

"How did you know that?!" He explained.

"I been doing this since I could remember." i said then getting out of the car taking my bag with me and i walked inside.

"damn this is where you live?" Alex asked and we nodded. Once inside we showed the guys around and where they would sleep. Alex instead that sammie shared a room with him so did Clark with Caroline, and Jenny with joe, they girls were fine with it because of course the guys are their mates, and I'm guessing Scott wants Elena to sleep in his room but it may take a little longer because she is hard headed even tho it's just for sleep.

"We better get going" Frederick said and we agreed and left.

Hey guys so I decided to end the chapter here because I didn't want it to make it any longer then it already is cause I'm already over 2000 words and since I'm writing this it makes it longer but please read what's going to be posted after this. I hope you like the story so far, vote, comment, follow, and share.


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