My legacy of lies | twilight...

lordsasskins által

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[EdwardxBella] Something is haunting Bella... She had seen the Dwyer House only in her dreams. Now Bella was... Több

Ch. 1 | Not quite a vacation.
Ch. 2 | Mr. Brightside
Ch. 3 | Subconcious
Ch. 4 | Lying Eyes
Ch. 5 | Party Time
Ch. 7 | Big wheels
Ch. 8 | Madame Claire
Ch. 9 | The Mill
Ch. 10 | Impossibility.
Ch. 11 | Double Date
Ch. 12 | Too Late
Ch. 13 | Suspicion
Ch. 14 | Confusion
Ch. 15 | Truth
My Legacy of Lies | Epilogue

Ch. 6 | Dangerous Waters

153 15 1
lordsasskins által

"So, why did you come all the way to Forks for the summer?" Alec questioned as we made our way through the growing party.

"My grandmother requested that I came to visit." I shrugged.

" Yeah, I guess it's just that.." he paused for a moment, and I arched my brow at him. "Edward hasn't ever mentioned you."

"We actually just met for the first time not long ago, just a few days now." I answered, blushing softly.

"Oh," he murmured softly, looking out at the waters. At the mention of Edward I began to scan the crowd, I didn't expect to find him; but it didn't take long and I was staring at him. He was glaring, as usual, but this time he wasn't glaring at me, but the one standing beside me. Alec.

"So, are you and Edward close?" I asked, frowning slightly as I felt the answer was a definite no.

"Well, we party together, but that's mostly because we have mutual friends, like Emmett, Jessica, and, well, pretty much my entire social circle. But Edward and I, close? No. Not particularly." He answered, leading me down to the long pier and walking ahead of me once we got there.

"So you talk to him all the time, hang with him every weekend but you're not friends?"

"Precisely." He shrugged.

"Can I ask why not?" I tipped my head to the side as he turned back around to face me.

He seemed to be thinking over his words, contemplating what would sound right.

"I have certain beliefs, Edward doesnt agree with them. We clash because of that."

"So its like, a religion thing?" I countered, trying to understand.

"More like.." he paused, sighing once, "a moral thing."

I cocked my eyebrow, not understanding.

"That is honestly all I can tell you."

"Right." I replied, feigning annoyance.

"Edward hasn't been able to pry his eyes from us all night." Alec murmured, his gaze fixating on something behind me. I turned around and followed his gaze, surprisingly this time I wasnt met with an angry glare. There was something in his stare that I just didnt recognize.

"Yeah," I sighed. 

"I'm going to get us some more drinks, I'll be back in a flash." Alec murmured, taking my empty bottle from my hand as he walked away.

I turned back facing the water and walked to the end, crossing my arms over my chest I stared out at the calm water, I could feel someones pointed stare  burning into my back. Frowning, I contemplated Edward's look from earlier, wondering what emotion was hidden in his eyes. Pity was the first emotion I could think of, and I wondered what could have caused that look, I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear someone coming up behind me before it was to late.

"Dirty slut!" I heard someone yell from behind me, I didnt have a chance to turn around or react in anyway before someones hands met with my back and gave me a hard push, then I was falling into the water, flailing for something to grab onto was my greatest mistake as my head came in contact with something hard.

There was throbbing, pain, I was submerged in water and couldn't move to swim to the top, I was in shock, staring up at the light above me, the last thing I remember is feeling someone jump in the water close to me, before I drifted.


I felt warmth on the right side of my body, almost an uncomfortable warmth. There was something thick wrapped around me, but while fuzzy and big it was not doing its job of warming me up. My eyes opened slowly.. which was definitely a task that hurt, I felt pain at the top of my head, my hand flew up to the bandage that covered the pain. Suddenly, I remembered what happened to me. I fell in the water, why did I fall in the water?

"Quite a scare you gave me," I heard a velvety soft voice speak to me, my heart pounded as I realized who it belonged to, and I looked up to see him sitting on the chair across from me. We were in grandmothers library, sitting next to the large fireplace. He had a large blanket wrapped around him as well.

"Why?" My voice cracked, and I cleared my throat, which was extreamly sore, I assumed it was from gulping the water when I fell.. "what happened?"

"You know how to get people hating you," he laughed, "is it some kind of superpower?"

I blushed, looking away. "Because I made you hate me?"

"Bella, I don't hate you.. I  just.." he trailed off, and i looked back at him.

"What? You just dont like me?" I shot back, my eyebrow raising at him as I frowned.

"Thats not it either, I just dont understand why you came here." He paused, shaking his head.

"What happened?" I asked again, ignoring the hurt that came with his words. He didn't want me here. I already knew that.

"Alecs ex girlfriend had been eyeing you all night, they've only been broken up for a few days, she got wasted and she was jealous, which I'm assuming was Alecs plan because when I hauled you out of that water they were all over each other." His voice turned sour at the end, and I guessed I knew the source of their strife and why they weren't friends.

I felt used and embarrassed, I understood suddenly the look of pity he gave me at the party.. he knew what was happening.. but, when he mentioned him pulling me out my eyes flashed back up to him.

"You saved me?" I questioned.

"Of course, a beautiful girl dying is certainly a tragedy." He replied quietly, not meeting my gaze. I couldn't have heard him right, I glanced down at his hand, which was tightly gripping the arm of his chair.

"I should go to bed," I whispered, unsure of what else to do, he nodded once and gestured me out. I walked calmly out of the room, but darted up over the stairs at full speed once I was sure Edward couldnt see or hear me.

I'm such a flipping fool.


The next morning I got showered before I headed downstairs. Usually there was someone around in the kitchen but there wasn't this morning.  It was eerily quiet as I poured up my cereal and sat down at the island, beginning to eat.

Thankfully, I wasnt alone long before Edward came in the door, wearing jogging pants and a sweater, there was sweat beading off his forehead, his headphones still in his ears, showing me he was just getting back from a run.

He offered me a polite but distant smile before sitting a couple seats down from me, taking his headphones out and shoving them into his pockets. He made quick work of pouring up a bowl of cereal and digging in, and we ate in silence for a while before we were joined.

"Hello, Grandmother." Edward said as she came into the kitchen.

"Edward." She murmered walking over to the counter. She froze suddenly, her eyes glued to the empty countertop.

"Where is it?" She finally asked, getting Edwards attention, he turned back to her. "Did you take it, Edward?"

He looked at the countertop and frowned once he realised what was missing, "no, I didn't take it Grandmother."

"Take what?" I asked, my eyes flicking back and forth between the two of them in confusion.

"Like you don't already know!" Grandmother spat at me, Edward tensed next to me.

"Grandmother," he spoke lowly, his voice took on a warning tone.

"I really don't know," I defended myself, "tell me and I may be able to help you find it."

"My bible." She spat, "what have you done with it?"

"I didnt take it!" I was quick to deny. I could see there was no reasoning with this woman, but I'll be damned if I take the fall for something I didn't do.

"Stealing is a sin. So is lying." She said lowly, almost threatening as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Grandmother, she said she didn't take it," Edward defended me to my utter surprise, "maybe you have just forgotten where you laid it down last night when you finished it."

"Now you're siding with her?" She hissed at him, causing him to freeze, they stared at each other for a few minutes before I broke the silence.

"Why don't we just all look for it?" I asked.

"Or you can save us all time and go retrieve it from where you've hidden it." She shot back.

"She said she didn't take it," Edward was visually growing frustrated now, "what are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to get my bible back!" Grandmother shot back like it was obvious.

"Okay, then lets find it," I offered, ignoring her pointed glares.

Edward nodded and turned to leave the kitchen, I was right behind him and grandmother followed me. We split up when we got out of the kitchen.

I tackled the library first, searching every shelf high and low, I even got down searching under the desk before I decided that it wasn't  there.

I moved on to the living room before backtracking to the kitchen. I searched in there again, I met Edward outside of the kitchen.

"No luck?" He asked.


"I don't understand this where could it -" he was cut off once we heard grandmother yell.

"Oh my God!"

Panicked, we ran after her voice, following it straight to the library, once we got there I froze at the door, grandmother stood in the middle of the room with the bible in her hands, she looked up at me like she had seen a ghost.

Confusion overtook me immediately, I had searched this room already! How could I have missed it?

"What's the matter grandmother?" Edward asked her.

"What is wrong with you?" She spat at me, her eyes welling up with tears, "do you find this funny?"

"What?" Edward asked, "what happened?"

Grandmother pointed to a shelf, her hand shaky, as Edward followed her gaze, a look of comprehension fell on his face, and he glanced back at me, patting grandmothers shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, he quickly told her he would be right back and came to stand in front of me.

I knew I looked horrified, and he offered me a weak smile, reaching out, he took my arm in his hand and gently turned me and guided me out of the room, I didn't fail to notice that he waited to be out of the room and out of grandmothers sight to wrap his arm around my waist.

He gripped my hip tightly in his hand as if he was afraid I was going to try and run, I walked next to him, not opening my mouth as he lead me upstairs to my bedroom, once we got there, he slowly let me go and turned me to face him.

"Wait here, okay?" He pleaded in a whisper, gesturing to my room. "If you're still willing to see me, I'll come by later, to check on you."

I nodded, biting my lip. My already frantic heart had picked up when he placed his hand on my hip and then doubled at his promise to come back. He went to walk away, and I grabbed his arm, causing him to turn back to face me, I didn't fail to notice that he avoided my eyes, and he audibly gulped.

"Edward?" I whispered, still very confused as to what was happening.

"Mm?" He answered, slowly raising his eyes to mine.

"I didn't do it." I promised, still confused as to what it was. It was a book in the wrong place. No need to panic.

"I..." he paused, looking down at mg hand still on his arm, he took his other hand and removed my death grip but gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before dropping it. "I believe you, Bella."

I stepped back, and smiled softly as he nodded at me in solidarity before dissapearing down the stairs once again.

A/N ; So Edward is being semi friendly to Bella, but fret not, pets, the drama is far from over yet. Does anyone have any guesses for whats to come? Each chapter I write I'm like, "well, this is going to give it all away."

Anyways, vote and comment! I love to hear the love. Helps motivate me! Love you all.

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