Inlove With My Bestfriend [Co...

By 01girldreamer

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"Right! We are just friends. And I'm so stupid for the mistake of falling inlove with you!" Date started: 08... More

Chapter 1: The Weak Me
Chapter 2: Meeting Him
Chapter 3: The New Me
Chapter 4: Paper Hearts
Chapter 5: Meeting the Bitch
Chapter 6: She's my Step-sister
Chapter 7: Dont Go
Chapter 8: Iron Man?
Chapter 10: Accident
Chapter 11: The Kiss
Chapter 12: Kidnap Plan
Chapter 13: Almost Kidnapped
Chapter 14: Falling Deep
Chapter 15: Forever
Chapter 16: Confession
Chapter 17: First Day
Chapter 18: Acquaintance Party
Chapter 19: Jungkook's Side
Chapter 20: Happy Again
Chapter 21: Finals
Chapter 22: E X A M S
Chapter 23: Living with him
Last Chapter 25: Graduation Day

Chapter 24: Jealous?

498 12 1
By 01girldreamer

Yein's POV

"Yein, wake up"

I heard voices of a familiar boy. What time is it? I groaned. I don't wanna wake up. I'm too tired.

I shifted my position not caring about Jungkook. I need to be comfortble.

"Wake up or I'll kiss you?" He threatened which my eyes biggened and sat up immeditely.

He laughed at my face. I got pissed off and threw the pillow beside me to him.

"You are ruining my beauty sleep!" I yelled at him. How dare he?!

And then his smile widened. "You don't need beauty sleep, darling. You are already beautiful" He said then winked.

I felt my cheeks burning and he pinched it. Look guys, my boyfriend is abusing me by pinching my cheeks.

"Come on. Breakfast is ready" He held my hand and we went downstairs together. Hmmm... I smell bacon.

"Yummm!" I exclaimed as soon as I saw the plate of bacons. He hugged me in my back.

"Let's eat?" He asked and I nodded happily. We sat together and then started to eat.

"It's Graduation day tomorrow, what are your plans today?" He asked me and then my phone rang. I didn't get to answer his question.

I looked at the caller ID and it's Chanyeol oppa! I happily and excitedly answered the call. I putted it on loud speaker.

"Hello oppa!"

["Hi Yeinnie, are you free today? I came to Seoul because I missed you"] I noticed that Jungkook looked away. Is he jealous? Haha.

"Really, oppa? I'm so excited to see you"

["I'll come and pick you up. Text me your address"]

"Alright. Bye oppa" I said then ended the call. I texted Chanyeol oppa my address.

"Yah. Are you gonna leave me here?" Jungkook said and pouted. Hmm... A great idea came to my mind. *evil laugh*

"Yes" I said shortly and smirked. He seemed upset, I'm sorry Jungkook but you will like this at the end of the day.

I heard a beeping car outside the house. "Oh. I think oppa's here" I said then stood up.

I'm gonna leave the dishes to Jungkook. Mwahahaha! I bid goodbye to Jungkook then went out of the house.

Jungkook's POV
WHAT THE-?! How dare she leave me here? And she even called that Chanyeol oppa more often than me!

I went out then captured the car's plate number.

And she even left the dishes to me. What a nice girlfriend that I have. Tsk tsk..

I called Bangtan to come to this house. In just seconds, they came.

"What's the problem?" Jin hyung asked as he sat comfortably at our couch like the house was hims.

"Guys, wash the dishes. Taehyung-ah, come with me" I commanded. I didn't wait for their response. I grabbed my keys and then went out of the house with Taehyung.

I followed that Chanyeol's car and they stopped on a mall. I parked my car far from theirs so that they wouldn't notice.

We silently followed her. Somehow my blood boils because that boy's arms are around Yein. Arrgh!

I watched them closely as they walked together. Making sure that Yein won't cheat on me.

They ate, watched movies, played games and shopped. And me and Taehyung are always there to watch their moves. I am so thankful for Taehyung that he didn't complained and whined.

I am walking slowly and silently here at their backs with Taehyung. I still kept my eyes on them. Suddenly,

I tripped on my shoelaces. I was being too focused at them that I realized that my shoelaces are untied.

"AHAHAHA" Taehyung laughed out loud because of me. I looked to the direction of Yein and they are looking at us. At me.

"Jungkook? Why are you here?" She said and helped me to stand up.

Ugh! What am I going to say?!

"Uhh uhmm.. uhh" I lost for words.

"Were you following me?" She asked and I gulped. Should I tell the truth?

"Y-yes" I stuttered and looked away. She cupped my cheeks and made me face her. She is smiling at me.

"Are you worried that I might cheat on you?" She asked me again while cutely smiling. How can i lie with that face?

"Y-yeah" I stuttered again. Why is my whole face burning? Then I heard Taehyung laughing.

"Oh My Kookie! You're so cute" She said then pinched my cheeks and laughed. I became speechless so I chose to stay shut.

"Oppa! Come here!" She called for that Chanyeol. I scratched the back of my head shamefully.

"Kookie, meet Chanyeol oppa, my cousin. Oppa, meet Jungkook, my boyfriend" She said cutely and slowly like we are kids. All along that this boy is only her cousin? Was I too paranoid?

"I repeat, Kookie, meet Chanyeol oppa, my cousin" She repeated, emphasizing the word 'cousin'.

"H-hi" I forcedfully said then looked away. I am too paranoid to think that Yein is cheating on me. 

"Hello" Chanyeol replied. Yein grinned widely and clung to my arm.

I noticed that Taehyung is out of my sight now. He must have been got home.

"Are you finished washing the dishes?" She said sweetly to me.

"I asked Bangtan to do it for me to follow you" I answered honestly.

"Tsk tsk. Kookie will always be Kookie. And I love him" She whispered in my ear which made my day 100000% better.


Whooo!! One last Chapter remaining!! Vote and Comment please!~


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