Fire Beyond the Wall

By Emmylouwho-

322K 6.9K 326

Rhaenna is the twin sister to Jon Snow. She is small and fair, but fierce. She helps her brother through many... More

The Wall
Separation and Wildling Prisoner
Mance Rayder's Camp
Awkward Encounters with the Ginger Giant
Climbing the Wall
South of the Wall
Left with Wildlings
Wildlings and Thenns
Storming the wall
Lord Commander
Hardhome Part 1
Hardhome Part 2
Death of a Brother
Return of a Brother
Found Sister
Bastard Letters
Sister Talk
Wildlings Help
Bastard Talks
Bringing Winter
Lords of the North
The Announcement
The Night Vison

Night Visions

22.8K 340 23
By Emmylouwho-

The night air was cool, not cold, Robb Stark's camp wasn't far enough north for that. It was long past sundown and only guards roamed the camp. Beside the King of the north's tent lies his half sister's tent. Rhaenna, the twin to Jon snow. Rhaenna was curled under her blankets but her peaceful sleep grew less pleasant as she dreamt.


I don't know what my dream was before, but soon it faded black. It felt real when the images of trees and snow began to register in my vision. I stood in a snow clad wood, my breath frosting in front of my face. I dared not walk, I felt like I knew where I was but I didn't know what lied within the woods. Soon I heard hoofs, a horse. Then I saw the flame of torches in the distance. The horse and it's rider grew nearer and nearer, but I did not feel afraid. I watch as the person I knew as my twin rode past me.

"Jon" I breathed, word heavy with frost.

What is he riding from? I ask myself, then I heard the yelling of others. He is riding away from castle black.

Why would he do that, he will die. The only reason Jon would have left the wall is because he received word about Father's death and everything that has ensued in the south since his death.

I shot awake, just as the other riders were about to hit me. My breath shook my lungs, my panicked  state plain on my face as I got out of bed and walked to Robb's tent. My wolf Snow close behind me as I approached fast. I ignored the guard in front of Robb's tent and walked in. Snow growled at him when he tried to stop me, the guard went back to his post and let me pass with ease.

When I walked in Robb was awake, he hasn't slept much since Father was killed.

He stood when he saw me, breaking out of his tired state.

"It's Jon" I said

"What do you mean?" He asked guiding me to sit.

"I had one of my dreams" I started, all my siblings knew of my dreams that seemed to come true, they grew to trust and believe them, Old nan called it Greenseeing.

"Jon was riding away from the wall...He was deserting the Night's Watch" I said looking straight at Robb.

"Why would he do that, If they catch him they'll kill him and if he comes here then i'll have-" Robb stopped himself not wanting to even think of it.

"I know, I think it's after he reads the letter we sent to him about Father.." I trailed off.

Robb paused thinking of what to do, "What should we do Rhae?"

"Send me to the wall" I said plainly

"Rhae it's not safe, their are rapers and murders that haven't seen a women in ages, they will harm you" He said, he had already lost so many, he didn't want to lose me to, even if I was his bastard sister.

"I can fight, I can beat you and Jon, I can watch out for myself and Jon would never let anything happen to me, I have to go or I fear he will leave....Let me go and ease him, tell him that he needs to stay there, that we are fine" I plead.

Robb sighs heavily, it reminded me of Father and how he used to sigh at me when I asked to do things ladies often shouldn't do. Like when I asked to learn to fight, when I asked to go to the wall with Jon, He would have let me do both , but the wall doesn't allow women.

"Ok" Robb said looking at me again, "You can go, ease Jon, make sure he doesn't leave and just so the Lord Commander doesn't question why Jon would need his sister to control him, I will also send you with orders for him to send back any men that haven't said their vows yet".

"Why would you ask that?" I inquire.

"I need men who are expendable, I'm going to send some spies to Lannister camps, I need men who it dosen't matter if they die" He simply put. I nod vaguely.

There was a long pause, not in time but in emotion.

"Well, I won't have you leaving tonight, so get some sleep if you can, you will leave in the morning, we only sent that letter a day ago, if you move quickly hopefully you can get there before he does something stupid" Robb laughed at the end of his sentence.

I chuckled with him, he kissed my head and I left. I almost wished another dream would show me what would happen, but I had no other dreams, I only found dreamless much needed sleep.

I woke to Snow licking my face, she was well aware where we were going. She was just as excited to see her brother as I was mine.

"Alright girl, help me pack then" I pat her head and swung my legs out of bed.

With help of Snow I packed my things and exited my tent to find Robb and Lady Catelyn waiting with my horse ready, with two men saddled and ready to accompany me.

Lady Catelyn didn't say anything to me, as normal, she met my gaze as I walked to my horse. Robb helped me attach my bag in silence. We looked at each other then flung ourselves into a hug.

"Be safe sister" He said loudly then whispered "and have fun while you can I know you have always wanted to go to the wall".

I nodded and Robb helped me on my horse then with the two other riders I set off.

It didn't take long to reach the Wall, only a few days. Of course I did push the other two to ride faster and stop less.  I think Nigel and Edwin were sick of me, although they never said.

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