Hetalia Oneshots [REQUESTS CL...

By beingawesome

17.1K 447 186

What the title says. Requests will be taken! (Please note that there may not always be happy endings) [REQU... More

An Eventful Date ~Romano
You Belong to Me ~Spain
Theme Park Thrills ~America
~Bad Touch Trio
Detention-Saver ~ England
~Norway I

~Prussia I

896 18 2
By beingawesome

Name: Valeria Kirkland

Hetalia Country: Prussia

Basic Appearance: Long brown hair with red highlights, Greenish blue eyes ; height: 160cm.

Personality: Tsundere, sometimes Yandere

Flaws: Scared of being hurt easily

Preferred Situation: A party where Prussia tries to be a hero.

WARNING: Character Death

(I'm sorry, but...this was what came to mind)


Valeria Kirkland winced as the noise split her ears. It was way too LOUD, and she was, frankly, upset. Well, that would be a bit of an understatement.

"BASTARD!" She yelled angrily at some guy who had the misfortune of chancing upon her. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was Eduard, a rather shy boy who had recently moved in from Estonia.

'Ivan must have forced him to come.' She thought wryly. It was no secret that the tall Russian often bullied people to gain friends. It was a rather strange tactic, but Valeria couldn't really blame him; he was rather lonely.

"Sorry, Eduard." She apologized stiffly, since she wasn't the best with people. She had no reason to be, either. There was no point in winning them over; not when they would leave her anyway. Only one person held a special place in her heart: Gilbert Beilschmidt.

Eduard nodded meekly, before rushing off someplace, probably to meet his friend, Raivis Galante. Valeria sighed, wondering to herself if, maybe, she really did need more friends.

'Tch, no.' She shoved the thought away in disgust. 'Don't need any more bastards coming in my way.'

 It was then, that another person crashed into her; 'most likely drunk' she thought bitterly, shoving him off of her. It sucked being short, needless to say, but on the bright side, her strength made up for it. Of course, it wasn't so much as Alfred's; Valeria shivered, remembering the time the cheerful American picked up a pick-up truck to freak out Arthur Kirkland, her brother. It was sort of funny at the time, though.

"Yo, Valeria!" She grinned in surprise before turning to face the person who had called her. "What's wrong, meine liebe?"

"You know what's wrong, Gil!" Valeria pouted childishly, a complete switch from her previous disagreeable mood. "The party's so boring!"

"Kesesesese~!" He laughed at her expression, before Antonio, his friend, pulled at his arm. "Don't worry Vögelchen, I'm sure you'll find someone to hang out with!" He was pulled away.

Valeria felt the tiniest hint of jealousy stirring in her stomach. Everyone was paying attention to Gilbert; too much attention.

"Hey, Valeria!" She turned back around wearing her pissy face, only to drop it when she saw who had called her: Feliciano.

Feliciano Vargas was a stereotypical Italian kid. All happy and cheerful, he managed to find a way to make everyone like him, including Ludwig Beilschmidt. He was Gilbert's brother, and once had a reputation of being the coldest jerk to grace the earth. After Feliciano happened, it was decided that he probably wasn't so bad, after all. The Italian had always made Valeria a little wary; he was a bit too cheerful. His brother Lovino, however, wasn't so bad.

"Feli!" She greeted cheerfully. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm good, Val!" He smiled widely. "Are you having fun?"

"No." She pouted, before repeating as she had with Gil. "It's boring. Why aren't you with Luddy?"

He frowned. "Ludwig's with Kiku right now...and that's too bad." He smirked almost scarily, a complete personality switch occurring. "Follow me!"

"Follow you? Why would-" Valeria was cut off when he grabbed her hand in a horribly tight grip and pulled her away. "Feli!"

"Just shut up, and follow me." He spoke silently, almost frighteningly. "Or else."

As the duo made their way out of the room, Valeria couldn't help the teeniest bit of fear that began building up in her chest.

'This is Feli,' She reminded herself. 'This is only Feli...'

Feliciano came to an abrupt stop in front of her. The both of them were alone, save for the few critters and bugs lurking around. Valeria's unique blue-green eyes were wide in fear, despite her not-so-motivating thoughts running around her head.

"Feli, what's going on?" She questioned angrily, trying to calm her nerves. "You seemed alright when we started talking; what's gotten you so riled up?"

"I've observed you for quite a while, now." He spoke, not answering her. "I couldn't be too sure, but now..."

He looked at her in the eye. "You like him, don't you?"

"Who?" Valeria asked, confused. "Gilbert?"

"Ludwig." Feliciano was uncharacteristically serious. "You're just dating Gilbert to get close to Luddy, aren't you?"

"What?" This was turning out to be a huge misunderstanding. "No, Feli! Calm down, I'm not looking-"

"Yeah you are!" The Italian accused pointedly. "You're just going to hurt Luddy...and I can't allow that."

"What are you talking about?" She asked in disbelief. "I'm not- OOF!"

Feliciano had pounced on her, eyes dark with anger and... regret? "Sorry, but...Ludwig's my friend...and no one is allowed to hurt him." He raised his arm, enabling her to see something long, curved and threatening. Her eyes widened: it was a knife.

This shocked her back to her senses, and she screamed as loud as she could, "HELP!" 

"Valeria?" It was faint, but she could have sworn it was Gilbert's voice that cried back at her. "Where are you?!"

"Here!" She yelled, before looking up defiantly at Feliciano.

"I've never even looked at Ludwig that way." She snarled. "When Gil comes, you'll regret doing this. Ludwig won't be your friend anymore."

"Shut up!" He hissed, just as a pale figure appeared behind him.


The enraged person who still sat atop of Valeria, glanced at Gilbert darkly...and that was when she realized what he was about to do. She was unable to react, however; it was as though something was preventing her from doing so.

"Gil!" She managed to scream out, before Feliciano struck. Fast as lightning, he rolled off of her, and jumped to his feet, tackling Gilbert...and earning a strangled gasp for his deeds. He stood up, looking coldly at the unmoving figure before running away, saying, "No one's going to believe you over me!"

It was as though a spell had worn off. Valeria rushed to Gilbert's side, nearly breaking down at the sight of his glossy crimson eyes with their familiar spark missing...but no. She had to save him first.

"Gilbert." She gasped, as she racked through her brain for some useful information she could use to stem the blood flowing from the abdominal wound he was sporting. The blood at the site, was steadily flowing out, staining his blue jacket an ugly mud-red shade. "Don't...just stay with me." She pressed her hand forcefully against the ugly-looking wound, trying to apply pressure.

"Can't." She was surprised when a pale hand grasped her wrist weakly. "Can't...Be...awe...some...for me?"

He slackened.

Valeria tried not to scream...but she did.

As people came rushing in, alerted to the incident by the blood-curling scream, a sense of anger began building up in her. No one was allowed to touch Gil...Gilbert was hers, not anyone else's. No one deserved to get away with what had just happened...no one. Anyone who tried to hurt her loved ones would have to pay- dearly. Yes, he wouldn't get away with this. Feliciano wouldn't live to see another day.

She snarled inaudibly, as she was pried away from Gilbert's immobile body.

She would kill him. 

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