Sacrifice (#1 Twin's Service...

By Chelsie92

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WARNING: Not suitable content for younger readers. *Violence, Sexual Content and Language* In the following... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Discussion Board
Behind the Scenes
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Preview of Chapter 25
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
*Sneak Peak* Chapter 27
Quick Shout Out
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
I messed up
It's up to the Readers
*Sneak Peek* Chapter 29
Information on the Characters
Chapter 29
*Sneak Peek* Chapter 30
Kiddy Corner
Chapter 31
*Sneak Peek* Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
*Sneak Peek* Chapter 34
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Final Author's Note

Chapter 30

27 2 1
By Chelsie92

(Sloane's POV)

We'd found out that the blonde was named Leo and his opposite twin was called Night.. I felt that these weren't their real names. Since they didn't want to tell us, I wouldn't demand it.

After making sure that Jared had had his fill, I begun to escort my 'posse' out of the club. Today would be a really busy day. Especially because as of today, the veil between Realms had begun to weaken. Halloween/Samhain was approaching which meant the Shadow Realm would fall into ours; merging together for a while. This normally wasn't that bad.. if there was a certain God controlling his masses.

Fuck. There was too much shit happening at once. With Isbal stuck inside of that shell would he be able to unleash his power on his 'masses'? I didn't have the answer to it and I don't think he would either considering I think it was the first time he'd been placed inside of little satan.

Jared had told me through our link about what Aunt B had said regarding the bridge.. another 'fucking hell' moment. What did it mean for someone to build a bridge into the God Realm aside from the obvious mass of dead bodies? It meant having to break through the ShadowRealm which is a very VERY difficult thing to accomplish.. usually. You know, when there's the actual Shadow God running his shit properly.

Argh! Fuck my life. Really. We needed to figure out how to send Isbal back. By the sounds of shattering glass and cursing coming from Cane's backyard I was going on a limb and thinking 'the sooner the better'.

"Mother fucking flea bag dog shit! Don't try to touch this body of mine! You're childish appearance does nothing for me! Child go back to your mommy!"

My head hurt. The growl and power flooding the yard was enough hint on who Isbal was cursing at.

"I'll rip your head off," it sounded more growly but he'd still managed to articulate a coherent sentence.

Something else shattered and I ran around the corner to get to the two before anything damaging could take place. Not that nothing of the sort hadn't happened prior to our arrival.

It was actually a sight to behold if I'd not been concerned about a lot of things at the moment. Cane had gone into a half-shifted state and begun to lope after a tiny red satan. Before when there had been glass shattering, it had been some of the glass tables that had been flung in the pursuit. I coughed to keep from bursting in laughter at the nearly 8 foot tall wolfman chasing a little pint size goat footed red monkey.

When Isbal ran it reminded me of:

It was baffling that he could outrun a very pissed off Alpha Werewolf. Before I could realize what was going on, the little fucker ran in my direction and jumped into my boobs.

"Titty Mcgee! Save me from the flea bath commercial advertisement!"

I knew this little shit wasn't actually scared of Cane and had merely wanted me to take the brunt of the attack that was heading our way. Cane's claws swung out towards Isbal and it just so happened that if he followed through, it would probably mean a sliced jugular on my end. I'd gone on the defensive and was about to use my magic but my brother had stepped in front of me and gripped Cane's hand.

They both fought for dominance and Jared begun to slide across the grass. It wasn't surprising though; one was trying to attack and the other was merely defending. Once Jared had blocked Cane's view of the little fucker groping my boobs as if he didn't realize what he was doing, the Alpha Werewolf had seemed to calm down a bit.

His energy stopped trying to crush us. Me specifically though since my magic was stretched a bit thin trying to shield Cece who was standing behind me. 

I threw Isbal across the yard in the opposite direction of Cane, hoping Cane wouldn't follow like a dog with a ball. Fingers crossed. When I peaked over Jared's shoulder, I saw that his wolf eyes had turned back as he stared at Jay. 

His fur began to slide back into place and suddenly a naked Cane stood in its place. He reached my brother's chin and I almost laughed at the fact that he'd previously towered over my twin.

Sadly, the day was just getting worse. At the moment a very flurried Enforcer by the name of David ran into the yard, side stepping shattered glass and knelt in front of Cane. 

Cane's Alpha pressure fell down on the wolf before he snarled and left without a glance back.

From what we gathered.. Cane's wolves had also been ransacked but that wasn't all; rogues had been smelt on their territory except not found.

He'd followed the link down to where his wolves were but as soon as he located them the link was cut. Not at all what I was worried about though. I was panicking behind the group of people arguing and calling people with our SPARC contacts. Why? Because there was a group of huge ass wolves surrounding me. Don't get me wrong, I knew they were very much dead and I was also very glad they weren't in their human form without their clothing but having huge ass wolves grinning at you... Not cool.

"ISBAL! Control this shit! Fuck!"

Everyone turned around towards my outburst. Through the link I heard from Jared that they'd found a direction to search for this murderer but I wasn't happy. Currently I was running around the yard like a chicken with it's head chopped off because dead wolves were diving at me. I'd tried using magic on them but it weakened me too quickly. 

After this I'd have to stop by Dimitri's club Cat and Mouse afterwards which I wasn't happy about. 


Cane growled at him but realized Isbal was running the same way I was and looked at us curiously. I grabbed the little satan by his neck and held him as I ran. 

"Damn it Isbal! Seal them in the ShadowRealm! They're more outrageous than the fucking Shredders!"

It wasn't that these spirits were always like this but the collection of all their anger and hate at their sudden deaths had caused them to basically go into Werewolf Rampage mode. Which meant they were going to try and tear apart anything they could sink their fangs into. 

It took a good ten minutes of me running around and jumping over shit before the little fucker began chanting something. Something, a Shadow Portal, opened in the ground and the wolves yelped as they fell into it.

"Put me down now, Fuckwit. The excellent me has finished saving your life."

I was beginning to wonder if this shit was happening because Isbal was on this side and not in his rightful place. No no, but then why were the Coven Members in my house? Ugh, too much thinking.

"Sloane, we've got a direction. Come on let's go."

Jared called from the other side of the yard. I was about to head towards him until I realized half my clothes were shredded. Damned Wolves! 

"Give me the directions and I'll follow behind. I need to change out of these clothes."

He agreed and merely opened the link between us, allowing the information to sink into my own head. Before he left, he'd thrust his feedings power down the link; trying to help with the weakening from trying to fend off the wolves earlier. My body relaxed from the tension it previously still held. 

Looked like their was something out in the middle of no where, near the Vampire District, that our killer liked since that was where Cane had last felt the Wolves. There was no way I'd point out that the place he wanted to go was across the Vampire's land. Nope. No way. 

A/N: Ugh, I've been writing so many different stories that my hands and wrists are killing me. My bacon is done now and so I shall end it at this point. :P Nom nom Bacon.

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