The Come Up (Book II) : PRODI...

By Adrenalin5

144K 7.1K 2.5K

On a journey to find himself and forgive those that have done him wrong, Trevon takes on a life of fame along... More

The Come Up (Book II): PRODIGY
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Everyone loves Prodigy
Chapter 3 - IG LIVE
Chapter 4 - Call
Chapter 5 - The Right Poem
Chapter 6 - 808
Chapter 7 - Ice Pack
Chapter 8 - Together
Chapter 9 - Barricade
Chapter 10 - Song #1 (Slow Kill)
Chapter 11 - Song #2 (You fixed me)
Chapter 12 - Breach in Barricade
Chapter 13 - Not funny
Chapter 14 - We needed Time
Chapter 15 - Careful
Chapter 17 - Proud of you
Chapter 18 - Girl Talk
Chapter 19 - D'usse
Chapter 20 - This isn't Brownsville
Chapter 21 : Secrets
Chapter 22 - Beauticon
Chapter 23 - Keep it in the Car
Chapter 24 - 95 Pound Spawn of Satan
Chapter 25 - Who released my tape?
Chapter 26 - You Promise?
Chapter 27 - Coca-Yeena
Chapter 28 - Coca
Chapter 29 - My way or the ..
Chapter 30 - The Fight
Chapter 31 - Voicenote
Chapter 32 - I miss you, man
Chapter 33 - Nessa
Chapter 34: Flashbacks
Chapter 35 - Penthouse Malibu
Chapter 36 - Penthouse Malibu Part 2
Chapter 37 - What's the Motive?

Chapter 16 - Chinese Food

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By Adrenalin5

I scroll through my Instagram and my face is on every other meme, as well as the video of me defending Chanel. 

I read the comments. 

I want a prodigy. 

Omggg look how he defends her

Why can't I find love like this? 

I'm so happy they're back together. 

They're so cute. They make my heart throb.

"Wow you really got the girls talking. You thought they were crazy about you before." Emil states.

I glare at him for even speaking to me. This nigga must really think we friends.

" I ordered some food from the place you like, the Chinese spot down by East Havana." Emil speaks carefully.

I did love that spot and I definitely could go for their food right now. Especially after being busy for so many hours. I couldn't remember the last time I ate. My stomach growls at the thought of food and my mouth fills with water.

 I don't respond to Emill. 

We are the only ones in the hotel room and he knows the only reason he is in here is because he has his own key. I put my phone down after reading a few more comments and all I can think about is my baby. I told her I would come back right after my interview but I called her and she didn't pick up. I guess she was still at the benefit concert. She texted me- Good night,  and I called as soon as I got the message, wanting so badly to just hear her voice no matter how tired she was, but it seems she fell right asleep because it rang out until her voicemail made it's unpleasant robot entry. 

There is a small knock on the door. A distant voice with an accent says- "Delivery!"  

Emil gets up.

"Finally, I am fucking starving." He mumbles. 

Emil reaches into the pockets of his green jacket and pulls out some cash. I had bought him the jacket as a Thank You gift in the middle of the college tour cause I thought he was really holding me down. The new circumstances make me want to snatch the green jacket back along with the money he just took out of it. He opens the door and pays the figure in the hallway and as soon as he returns with the food dangling from his fingers, the beautiful aroma hits my nose. I groan without meaning to, he doesn't hear it. 

Emil looks at me, a big doofy grin on his face. He looks so pleased with himself, as if he has just found the perfect opportunity to indirectly beg for forgiveness. I get up and snatch the bag full of food from his hand. I watch as his face falls, his grin vanishing instantly. I take his car keys off the dresser and open the hotel door.

"Thank you, lil bitch." I mumble as I walk out and close the door behind me. 

I shake my head and laugh to myself. Was food supposed to be the way back into my good graces? My security guard meets me downstairs, I shake my head as he approaches me. Not really wanting him to come along. He takes the hint and nods his head, stopping in his tracks. 

"Call me if you need me." He says as I exit the Hotel Lobby. 

I climb into the 2009 black Toyota with tinted windows. Emil had more than enough money to afford a fancier car, but thank God he never got one. This is the only vehicle that doesn't get followed by paparazzi and other lurkers. They don't expect me to be riding in it.  I connect my phone to the cars Bluetooth and order it to call Chanel. 

It does. 

She picks up the phone on the first ring.

 "Baby!" She answers, excited. My entire heart is suddenly smiling. One person should not be allowed to inherently control someones mood and happiness. I remain as cool and collected as I can.

"Hi, baby girl." I say.

"I miss you. I finally got some time to myself." Her voice lowers and I can hear its honesty. 

" I miss you too." I say, smiling. 

"I've been trying to get to you for two days. " I say.

"I know. I didn't have my phone. I asked Casey to text you 'Goodnight and I love you'  if I fell asleep in the car on my way home." She said.

"Wow so that Goodnight wasn't even from you?"  I say suddenly sad. 

"I didn't text it, but I asked her to text it. It still came from me." She says quickly, noticing I was bothered.

" Baby, don't do that again". I say family.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't notice how weird it is but you're right. It's a little off." She laughs. 

I missed that laugh. It feels more music to my ears than music does in this moment.

"Are you hungry?" I question, staring at the food sitting passenger. 

"Starving." She replies. 

"Aight, I'm bout to bring you the best Chinese food in LA. It's the closest I've tasted to Brooklyn's." I say, hearing my stomach complain impatiently. 

"You're coming back?" She questions. I can hear her light up like a match. 

"I told you I would." I say. 

"Ahh! How close are you? Hurry!" She commands. 

I chuckle. 

"Gimme 15 minutes." I say, pressing harder on the gas. 


 Chanel greets me at the door looking like the princess of Havana. Her smooth skin radiant, her eyes bright, a little weight coming back to her cheeks, and that Hollywood weave back in. The long black straight hair, Falls to chest level. She looks beautiful and she smells like she just got out of the shower. I stare at her dumb founded and drooling. 

"You are so beautiful." I drool. 

She rolls her eyes and as my arms open, she wraps herself around me. She did just take a shower, I can smell the sweetness of the soap on her skin. I inhale deeply before kissing her neck then cheek. 

"Mmm, you don't know how much I missed you." I say. 

She pulls back and reaches her lips up to mine. I kiss lightly and she kisses back, her lips stretching with a smile. I kiss her once again and then hold up the food. 

"Let's eat." I say. 

I take a few plates out of the cabin and lay them out on the counter. I dish out her food first and then my own. The smell of pork fried rice and chicken wings fill the entire house. I open the fridge to newly bought groceries and look over at her impressed. 

"Look at my baby, back on her normal eating patterns." I comment, proud. 

She laughs. 

"Not that they matter but The Shade Room said I put the weight back on. They said I look better than ever now, with a new brightness to my face or something. It was a really weird caption under a picture of me at the Benefit concert yesterday." She says. 

"You're welcome." I grin proudly. 

She rolls her eyes. 

"Thank you." Chanel admits. 

She scoops some rice into her mouth, closes her eyes and groans. 

"Good, right?" I say, pouring us the organic grape juice in the refrigerator. 

"You're right, it almost tastes like Brooklyn." She admits, biting into the chicken wing. 

For a moment, her face falls and she stares into space, her chewing slowed. 


"I know. I miss it too." I comment, taking a bite of my own chicken wing. 

Her face looks to mine surprised. I can't understand why she is still surprised when I read her face, it gives everything away like an Oprah Christmas special. I've learn to read everything about her, body language, tone, facial expression, even her quietness. 

Especially her quietness. 

"We can visit, next week. I'll book our flights tonight." I say. 

She looks excited for a moment and then her face falls again.

She shakes her head. 

"I can't." She scoops another spoon of rice into her mouth. 

"Why?" I question walking over to her. I kiss her chewing cheek and then her forehead. 

"Because I have another show and a meeting with SONY. I already blew them off." She says. 

"Okay well let me figure out something." I say watching my baby eat her food. 

Even though it's only been a few days, it feels like I've left her and the house forever. I don't think I like her living here by herself, I know Trish visits sometimes and I know her Mom is in and out, hell Chanel might not even be here 90% of the time, but it has to get lonely. 

Knowing her she probably likes it. 

I'm going to get Trisha to move in. That will be my gift to her. 

"You cleaned?" I say looking around. 

"No, Mom came by yesterday." She laughs. 

"Ahhh, that explains a lot. "

"Yea but I didn't get to see her. She said she will come back tonight. I think I'll call her and tell her I'm good." She laughs. 

"Why what's happening tonight?" I tease. 

She struggles to keep from smiling. Her dirty mind not wanting to hint at anything inappropriate. Her innocence playing tug of war with the intentions of the woman she's becoming. 

"What's happening tonight that Ms. Sasha can't roll through?" I ask again. 

Now her laugh is small and embarrassed. 

"Nothing." She trails off shy. 

"Oh, you want some DICK?" I ask obnoxiously. 

She stares at me with a full mouth, her eyes weary and fed up with my antics though they've only just begun. 

I laugh and pull her off the chair, pulling her close to me, though she protests. 

"We can do that now and she can still come over later." I tease. 

She laughs and rolls her eyes. I take her arms and wrap them around my neck. 

"Noo, I don't want her to come tonight." She complains. 

"Ohh.. you want DICK ALL NIGHT?" I say my voice getting high. 

She laughs loudly and pushes me away. 


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