Journey To Find The Dragon Ko...

By Starrytv

34 6 3

My first Story to publish and inspired by my all time favorite movie Spirited Away More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 2

2 1 0
By Starrytv

After breakfast Noriko washed the dishes and dried them off before finishing up for the morning and went outside to get fresh air and look upon the forest view below the hill of the house. Sighing she smiled before laying on a fresh green patch of soft grass looking up at the sky letting her mind wonder off till she started to daydream of her own mild adventure that she’ll like to take, exploring and seeing new things around the world, soon enough Noriko’s daydreaming turned into actual dreaming sleep as she slept on the grass below her.

As she slept Noriko started to have the dream again but this time it was different, the landscape all dark and sad full of dead grass and trees, the sky blood red full of black clouds and the river mostly dried up to nothing but a stream. “Wha-what happened here?” she asked looking around the area full of concern, fear, and sadness. While looking around she heard a roar of a creature, looking over she spot Kohaku looking very weak and in terrible shape filling her with fright and worry for the river spirit. Letting out a gasp she ran over to KoHaku’s collapsed body on the dead ground. “KoHaku!!” Noriko shouted getting over to him looking over his wounds very carefully. “Wh-who would’ve done this?” she questioned seeing how terrible he looked all bruised, scraped, and gashes all over his long dragon like body having his teal green mane all covered in some blood and dirt, his silver scales coated in dried and fresh blood. While studying his wounds Noriko didn’t notice that KoHaku was looking at her studying her as well at first he thought she was Chihiro at first but figured that the little girl wasn’t just looks like her except their eyes are different color, the girl’s eyes were a bright sky blue while he remembers Chihiro’s was a warm chocolate brown, both have the same color hair and facial feature too. Looking back at him Noriko saw that KoHaku was studying her when she was searching his injuries that was on his body. “You must think that I’m Chihiro huh?” she asked softly with a smile. “She’s my grandma, she has told me all about you KoHaku and everyone else in the spirit world too.” she told him feeling happy yet still sad that he was badly hurt and such, KoHaku however was shocked that allot of time has past for Chihiro to already have her own grandchild making him upset that he wasn’t there to see her grow up and have her own family thanks to the humans damaging his river by building an apartment next to/on it.

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