Part 5

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Next day waking up by the sound of chirping song birds Noriko got up from her sleeping bag and had a huge bed head of messy wild hair she grabbed a brush she packed in her bag and tamed her tangled locks, ate couple of snacks, dressed, and packed everything up. “Okay all set again and ready to head off into the spirit world.” she said smiling looking at the tunnel entrance to her destination to take on her travel through the realm of spirits before walking in heading straight towards where the vast abandoned field and village is located. Noriko looked around the walls of the tunnel seeing the it’s little dark but she kept going straight ahead towards the exit of the entry way leading to the inside of a building and to the abandoned fairgrounds. “Oh this is amazing I’m really here the place my grandmother went when she was young like me!” she said in pure excitement jumping little then puts her stuff down and runs around in the field having fun before heading off again exploring the area and head to the bathhouse to ask some questions about KoHaku. “Okay let's go look around here than to the bathhouse we go to start investigating.” speaking to herself picking up her supplies walking to the village area across the small stream ahead of her. Looking around Noriko saw lots of amazing things but remembered something from her grandma’s story. “I need to eat spirit food well not allot or else I’d turn into a pig like great grandma and pa have.” she spoke to herself searching her surroundings for a small disent size piece of food from the spirit world so she wouldn’t fade away or turn into a pig, still keeping aware of the area around herself Noriko was still looking till she came across a small peach dumpling shop. “Wow peach dumplings awesome. But I should wait till it’s dark to buy one good thing I have lots of money from my savings to get what I need and stuff.” saying to herself in thought out loud. “I guess I’ll explore little more and maybe find the bathhouse so I could try to get a job and get info on KoHaku there.” Noriko thought to herself heading off again to see all the sights and to look for the bathhouse before planning to head back at sundown.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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