By MixiahJeon

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This is just a Short Jungkook Ff♡ I made this just for fun♡ Hope you love it♡ Started: 27th October 2017, Fri... More

Long Time


223 13 3
By MixiahJeon

"11th June,2018. Monday"


Today is the day. The day my sister was born. And this is the day that im getting Married with my Enemy and my ultimate crush before. Im in the cementary, all by myself, to visit Mary's crave cause it's her birthday today.

"Hey sissy. It's your Unnie. Saeng Il chukayeo" I said and my tears beggan to flow down. She is now 16 years old.

"I know your here somewhere, but sadly I still cant see you." I said and a cold wind hit to my bare skin.

"You really are here though. Maybe I should closed my eyes. Maybe I can see you?" I asked.

I closed my eyes until I saw a little girl with white dress and a basket with full of flowers on it.

"Hi unnie!! I miss you!! I know your wedding is today. That's why I have basket with full of flowers. I dont want to missed your wedding. So you should hurry and go home already. Cause Mommy is waiting for you in the dressing room. Now open your eyes and go!!" She said. And I open my eyes and I hurriedly run to my dressing room.

"Y/N where have you been?" Mom asked.

'Mary's right, mom is waiting here' I chuckled.

"Mom, did you forget what day is it today?" I asked and sat on the chair.

"I know what day is it today. It's Mary's Birthday" She said and smiled.

"I still remember when I raised her with your father and she cried very loud, and after that when I first hold her, she smiled." My mom beggan to tear up.

"Mom, do you want to mess your fully face makeup?" I chuckled.

"Aisshhh, I really miss her so much" Mom sighed.

"Mom, where's dad?" I asked.

"His with your future Husband" She said.

"Oh, ok" I said and the makeup artist beggan to put some makeup in my face.


Im so nervous. Very nervous!! And im excited too!!

"Jungkook-ah, are you nervous?" Y/N's dad asked.

"Yes, Im very nervous" I said.

"That's my first expression, when Y/N's mom and I have married. Im so very nervous. And at the same time im also excited. Im excited to see my love one walking in the aisle, holding a bouquet of flower, and wearing the beautiful dress that she designed by herself." He said and smiled.

"How I wish my youngest daughter well be here too, it's her birthday today though" He said and beggan to tear up.

"Oh, it's ok dad. I know Mary is still here somewhere. I know she'll not miss the Wedding" I said and comfort him.

"Jungkook, promise me something" Her dad asked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Take care of Y/N, you should make her happy as long as she is safe always in your arms. Ok?" Her dad said.

"I promise" I smiled.

"Sir, we're already here" The driver said.

"Thank you ahjussi" I said and got out of the car.


"Are you done?" Mom asked in the door

"Yep, I need some help to zip this gown up" I said.

Actually im in the bathroom of this dressing room to wear the heavy gown.

"Open the door so that I zip that thing up" Mom said.

I open the door and I turn back and she zip it.

"My baby, is now a grown woman" Mom is tearing again.

"Mom, stop crying. We're almost late. Let's go!!" I said.

As we hurriedly went inside the car. We straightly went to the church and thank God, there's no traffic!

As we arrived in the church, im so nervous. Really nervous. But in the same time im very Excited.

"Are you nervous?" Mom asked.

"Yep" I said.

"Oh, that's my expression when your dad and me, got married" She said.

"Ok, I'll go inside first. Goodluck and have fun!" Mom said.


When the door opens, many people are looking towards me, and many cameras flashing. Many gasping people and many people smilling.

"She's so pretty"
"Omooo, she looks like her mother. when Her mom and dad got married."
"What a beautiful young lady"

I think they are my moms, friends before?

As I went todwards my dad, I put my left arms around his arms.

"My baby Y/N is now grown up." My dad smiled.

Jungkook's friend greeted me and some of them wants to make a high five.

"Woah! Y/N-ah, is that you?!" Taehyung Shockley said.

"Y/N congrats!! Hwaiting!!" Cherrylou said.

As I almost near at Jungkook, he smiled widely, it seems he isn't nervous though.

"Aren't you nervous Bae?" I asked.

"Why would I be nervous? If the woman of my life is infront of me?" He said.

"Your still cheesy though" I chuckled.

And the priest started the mass.

"Are you Jeon Jungkook, take Yoo Y/N to be your, Beloved wife and be your love forever?" The prist said.

"I do" He said.

"Are you Yoo Y/N, take Jeon Jungkook, to be your beloved husband and be your love forever?"

"I do" I smiled.

We exchange rings.

"You are now, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. You may now kiss the bride" The prist said.

Jungkook lift the stuff covered in my face and we connect our lips. Everyone was clapping except for Jungkook's hyungs. They are cheering and they are so wild.

"Woah!!! JEON JUNGKOOKIE IS NOW A MAN!!" Taehyung cheered.

"Jeon Jungkook, you have fun" Jhope said in english.

"Maknae!! Congrats!!!!" Jimin said.

"Dongsaeng congrats!!!" Yoongi cheered. And everyone beggan to be silent.

"Hyung did you just cheered?" Namjoon asked.

"Why? is it bad?" He asked.

"HE EVEN YELLED JHOPE'S NAME IN THE HALLWAYS" I shouted and everyone then imitate Yoongi.


Jhope just laughed.



We are now in the resort to have our honeymoon, with my beloved wife♡

"Bae, let me go to shower before we do it" She wink.

"Sure" I said and I grabbed my phone and chatted my hyungs.

Taehyung: Yow, Jungkookie have you already done it?
Jungkook: She's still showering
Jimin: Dont use some protection so that we could have atleast twin niece.
Namjoon: What the hell, are you talking about?
Jin: Aisshhh, you boys. Your so bad.
Suga: Make twins Maknae!
Jungkook: I'll try it Hyung ^_^

"Bae im done!" She yelled in the bathroom.

Jimin: Goodluck and have fun. Remember!!
Namjoon: Dont use protection!

As I looked at her, she is just wearing a towel, and I can clearly see her clevage! Holy shit!! Y/N is so hot as Fuck!

"Bae, lay down. I cant take it anymore! Let's just do it!!" I said and grab her and layed her down in the bed.

And there, we explore the things that we haven't done before.

(Im sorry😂 I dont want to write bad stuffs cause im still 17 below😂)




As I heard the voice of my beloved husband. My head started to ache.

"Bae~. Bae~.Good morning~ Wake up sleepy head." He smile and kiss my forehead.

"Good mor-" I run to the bathroom. I dont care if im still naked. As long as I can vomit.

"Y/N, you ok?" He asked.

I nooded. And I vomit again.

"Omyy, let's get you to the nearest clinic now" He said.

"Ok" I said and I washed up bedore I dressed up.

As we go out of the hotel. I saw many sour fruits in the corner of the road.

"Bae! Let's buy sour fruits!!" I said. and run to where the fruit stand is.

'Omooo, is she pregnant?!' Jungkook said to himself and beggan to smile.

"I want this, and this, and ohhh, Also this" I said. Im not a picky eater if it comes to sour fruits.

"Are you sure, you would finished all of that?" He asked.

"Yes of course. Im not a picky eater if it comes into sour fruits" I said and eat green mango.

"I thought that you hate sour fruits?" He asked.

"I dont know what's happening to me, after I vomit. My mind beggan to think about sour fruits" i said.


"Ohh, Mr. is your Wife pregnant?" The Ahjumma asked.

"I think so" I smiled.

"What pregnant?" She asked while busy eating the Green Mango that she bought.

"Hmm nothing. We have to go ahjumma" I said and we headed to the nearest clinic.

"I would like to list the name of my wife" I said. And the nurse handed us a notebook.

"Why are we in the Pregnancy Clinic?" She asked.

"Well bae, it's so obvious that your pregnant" I chuckled.

"How can you say that im pregnant?" She asked while eating the sour orange.

"Your buying many sour fruits. You vomit earlier" I explained.

"Oh, let's just see what well the doctor say" She said.

"Mrs. Jeon Y/N, your next" The nurse said.

We headed to the office of the doctor.

"Good Morning doc" I greeted.

"Good Morning sir, so why are you and your wife so early?" Ahe asked.

"Well actually, she vomited earlier 2 times and she bought tans of sour fruits. And what I think is, she's pregnant?" I asked.

"Well let's just see at the monitor" She said.

And we entered the room with a T.V and a computer.

"Mommy, please lay down and please pull up your t-shirt, so that I can pit this gel in your tummy. This might be cold" the doctor said.

"As you can see here daddy, theirs a little one in the tummy! Your guess is right she is pregnant!" The doctor cheered.

"I told you bae, your pregnant" I chuckled.

She beggan to tear up.

"Why are you crying?" I asked

"It's because, we receive a wonderful blessing that Jesus gave to us" She said while whipping her eyes.

"I love you~" I said and kisses her forehead.

"I love you too~" She said and smiled.



"JUNGKOOK!!!!!" I yelled through out my lungs. My tummy beggan to ache, and a blood flow down to my legs and there is a water popped out of my flower.

"Y/N? What happen?" He panickly asked.

"I think it's time!" I yelled.

"I should call Taehyung to pick us up ok?" He said and hurriedly dialed Taehyung.

I breath in and breath out.

"Is it done?" I asked.

"His here already" He said.

"Can we go now? I think it's gonna come out any minute now!" I said.

And he carried me through Taehyung car.

"Ewww, Y/N. Why did you pee?" Taehyung asked.

"Shut up Taehyung, I think it's already coming out!" I yelled.

As we arrived at the hospital Jungkook hurriedly took me out of the car and nurses run with the bed and they put me in the delivery room with Jungkook.

"Ok mommy, in the count of 3.....1....2...3... Push!!" The doctor said. And I do what she said.

"Again 3....2...1... Push!!" She said.

And the baby was out of my womb. And my eyes is still half open.

"Their so healthy like you" I smiled and my sight beggan to black.

'What did he mean Their?'

As I open my eyes, I saw clouds and a light.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I asked.

"Sissy!!" A girl run towards me and it's my sister Mary!

"Mary!!" I hugged her so tight.

"Sis, your should go back my niece well be forever unhappy without you" She said and her gesture beggan to blurred.

"Ms. Y/N? Ms. Y/N?" I heard a female voice beside me and it's the doctor.

"Ms. Y/N you've been past out in an hour. We're so glad that you woke up!" Thr doctor said.

"Where's my baby?" I asked.

"Daddy, come inside" She said and left me and Jungkook with my Baby Boy.

"Bae, gave me the baby please~" I said cutely.

He handed me the baby and he smile.

"Bae, look! His smilling!!" I said.

"Yeah!" He smiled.

And Jungkook and My friend entered the room.

"Oh! The boy looks like Jungkook" Cherrylou said.

"Wait, what do you mean 'THE' boy?" I asked. And I beggan yo confused.

Taehyung was facing the wall and their is something in his arms.

"Chadan!!" He said and it's a baby girl.

"My baby are....... twins?" I said shockley. I handed the baby boy on Jungkooks arms and I gently grab the Baby in Taehyungs arms.

"She's so pretty" I said and kisses her cheeks.

"Like you" Jungkook said.

"Awwee, look at them!!" Tyler said.

"Let's take them family picture!" Chelo said.

"Ok, 1.2.3.smile!!" Chelo said.

"So what do you want to name with your baby's?" Drea asked.

"The Girl, I want to call her Yena, The boy i want to call him JK. Do you like it?" I asked Jungkook.

"I love it!" He said.

"From now on. The two of you well be Jeon Yena, and Jeon Jk" I said.

"Wait Jk means?" Jersey asked.

"Jungkook, Jk is the person who makes my day sweeter when we're still in school. And Jk is the guy who friend request to me and has no profile picture. And lastly Jk is the man who I loved when he transferred in the school. Even though we're enemies in the past. But I still love him no matter what. Cause when he friend request to me. I call him MY MR. FRIEND REQUEST





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