War Of Hearts

By KT-Jayne_1R

64.5K 1.4K 236

He was never meant to fall in love with her, it was forbidden from the beginning. He was a Gangster from Birm... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten/Forbidden
Author Note
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Two

5.2K 131 7
By KT-Jayne_1R

Polly and Tommy were woken by the sound of hammering on the door. It was still the small hours of the morning, as Tommy opened the bedroom window he was surprised to see Connor standing at the door.

"Connor?" Tommy called out and Connor looked up.

"Uncle Tommy, come quick it's Mum she needs you" Connor yelled and Tommy quickly rushed back inside to get dressed.

Polly was in the hallway when Tommy rushed out and ran down the stairs "Tommy what's going on?" She wondered as she watched Tommy rushing down the stairs.

"Its Lil, something's wrong with Lil" Tommy called back and Polly was quick to follow him.

As they both arrived they could hear Lily calling out in pain "Lily" Tommy inhaled as he rushed to her side, after jumping the stairs two at a time "What is it? Is it the baby?" Lily looked up at Tommy as he leant over her. She nodded and then grabbed his arms.

"Somethings not right Tom" Lily tried to catch her breath. But instead found herself tossing around in agony as the pain got worse.

"Connor take your brothers downstairs and get them some warm milk and sugar" Polly ordered as she too arrived. As soon as the boys left the room Polly stood at Lily's Headboard and touched her face.

"Under the quilt Pol" Lily whispered desperately "Look under..." As Polly lifted the bedding she inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Jesus Christ" She gasped and Tommy's raised his eyebrows. For there in front of them was a pool of blood, that was still growing.

"Fuck" Tommy cried as he rushed to try and lift Lily off the bed.

"What are you doing?" Polly wondered and Tommy's reply was simple.

"Taking her to hospital in the car, Moss said the ambulance force was striking tonight.


Polly stayed with the boys while Tommy took Lily to the hospital. He watched helplessly as she was rushed away "Mr Shelby" A doctor approached "Your wife is in very good hands"

Tommy didn't speak, or even try and correct the man he just nodded his head and found a chair to sit on. As he waited he couldn't help but think about John, his brother should have been here but instead he was in prison waiting for his release to be confirmed.

The hours passed slowly, it was light outside now "Mr Shelby" The same doctor returned and Tommy stood instantly.

"How is She?" Tommy was desperate for some good news, seeing Lily like this scared him.

"Alive" The doctor spoke dryly.

"What happened?" Tommy wondered.

"I'm afraid Mrs Shelby suffered what we call a Placenta Abruption, it has basically become detached from the uterus wall. This causes bleeding..." The doctors tone was regretful "Mr Shelby I'm very sorry, but in order to stop the bleeding we had to remove the baby. She was incredibly small and had already died..."

"And Lily?" Tommy hoped for some good news.

"Mrs Shelby is stable, and comfortable for now. She's still unconscious and will remain so for some time as we have sedated her heavily to give her body chance to repair itself properly" The doctor continued "I must warn you sir, there is still a chance this could end badly, your wife is still at risk from infection or another bleed"

"But she's alright now?" Tommy asked for reassurance, still not correcting the doctors mistake.


John walked cheerfully down the familiar street, he was happy to be free. He had kept the news to himself as he wanted to surprise Lily and his boys.

With flowers in his hand he walked towards his front door and opened it. It was strangely silent as the boys were playing in the yard "Lily" he called out but no-one answered.

As he came to the bottom of the stairs that's when he saw it, a trail of blood spots on the floor "LILY" this time he shouted her name before rushing up the stairs and into his bedroom, where he found Polly stripping the blood soaked bed sheets.

"John" Polly gasped.

"Where is she Polly? Where's Lil?" John demanded to know what was going on.

"She's in hospital" Polly answered honestly "Tommy's with her"

John didn't answer he just rushed back down the stairs and out onto the street.


Lily was so still and peaceful as she slept. Tommy was sat beside her waiting for more hopeful news, He had her tiny hand enveloped in his own "Come on Lil, you can't leave us not now" He whispered tenderly.

Suddenly he heard a noise outside and a familiar voice echoed in the corridor "She's my wife" The voice called and John burst into the room.

"John" Tommy stood quickly.

"They said she's in a bad way Tom" John sniffed with tears filling his eyes. He quickly threw off his cap and knelt on the ground beside his lifeless wife, cupping her hand inside his own "Please god don't take her from me" John was praying, much to Tommy's astonishment.

Tommy watched as John gently stroked Lily's head and ran his fingers through her hair "I'm here Lil, I've come home to you. Just like I promised I would" he spoke softly, his tears still pricking his eyes "Come back to me Lil"


"Mum will be alright won't she Auntie Polly?" Connor asked as he sat down to eat dinner.

"Yes of course she will" Polly smiled, hoping her uncertainty didn't show.

"Its just all that blood..." It was at this moment Polly realised Connor had seen more than she thought.

"Connor, your Mum is very strong and she loves you all very much. It will take more than a little bit of blood to take her away from you alright?" Polly tried to reassure them all.


"When I arrived they told me her husband was already here and that he had brought her in" John was standing in the corridor with Tommy while the nurses checked on Lily "Why would they think that Tommy?"

"She was in a bad way John, the doctor just assumed she was my wife when I told them her name. I didn't correct them because I was worried in case they didn't tell me anything" Tommy explained and John hesitated for a moment.

"And that's all it is?" John frowned, Tommy could see his anger was mounting "Because we've been here before Tom, she chose me...you said"

"I said I would let her go and I meant it" Tommy tried desperately to explain "John I care for Lily, of course I do she is a part of this family. But I care for her as I do Ada. As a sister...I would never cross that line brother"

"I know, I'm sorry Tommy it's just the shock of going home and seeing all the blood" John finally surrendered "I can't lose her Tom, I just can't" Tommy pulled John towards him and held him tightly. He didn't know what to say to comfort him. Because whether he liked to admit it or not...Lily's fate was beyond Thomas Shelby's control.

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