Broad Shoulders | Jeon Wonwoo

By womwoo

46.9K 2.6K 1.1K

Broad Shoulders: u see Broad Shoulders: im your cctv Me: what the actual fuck....... He called himself as 'Br... More



2.7K 169 68
By womwoo

"So, did you have any suspect?" Mingyu asked me. Geo lesson ended and then it's recess. We both are at the cafeteria, eating together.

"Well, my suspect is you but then, it's not you so." I shrugged.

"I also once thought that he's Jaewoo.. But it's impossible." I frowned.

"He's not Wonwoo, right?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he shook his head as he frowned.

"Wonwoo's phone number are different from this broad shoulders guy's." He stated.

"Let's suspect all the guys with the broad shoulders in our class!" Mingyu exclaimed and my face lightened up as I agreed. Why do I've never thought of this? I'm such a moron.

"But we have only Seokjin and Wonwoo." I muttered and he scratched his head.

"It can't be Seokjin, right?" He asked and I nodded as I agreed.

"Maybe he's from the other class." I shrugged.

"Let me try texting him." Mingyu said, he grabbed my phone and started to type.

Me: r u kim seokjin?

Broad Shoulders: no

"It's not him then." I said. Because I know that if he sends 'no' then it's not him.

Me: where r u now?

Broad Shoulders: class

Me: which class r u in?

Broad Shoulders: hey its a secret 🙄

Me: are u a sophomore?

Me: or junior?

Me: or senior?

Broad Shoulders: sophomore

"I'm so freaking clueless." Mingyu said dryly and I agreed.

After eating, we went out from the cafeteria and started to walk anywhere around the school while keep texting with the broad shoulders guy.

"Let's call him. At least we know his voice!" Mingyu exclaimed and dialed his number, after that he gave me my phone back, I used loud speaker.

We waited for a while.

"Hello?" I called and there's a long silence.

"Why did you called me when you can just text, seriously." He said grumpily and I frowned. He suddenly ended up the call.

"I've never heard of the voice!" I muttered and Mingyu scratched his head.

"Me too." He bluntly stated.

We both went to class and saw Wonwoo sitting alone while playing with his phone. Mingyu snatched his phone and of course, Wonwoo got mad.

"Give me my phone back." He said sternly.

"Hm, you're not the broad shoulders guy." Mingyu muttered and gave Wonwoo his phone back. I went to my seat and sighed.

Broad Shoulders: why are u so curious?

Broad Shoulders: cant u just wait?

Me: 'wait'?

Broad Shoulders: yeah

Broad Shoulders: dont u know that im planning to show myself to u?

Broad Shoulders: one day 🤤

Me: urgh

Me: how long do i have to wait? 😒

Broad Shoulders: just wait

Broad Shoulders: be patient

Broad Shoulders: patient is faith 😇

Me: tsk

Me: r u an atheist?

Broad Shoulders: no

Broad Shoulders: 😂😂😂

Me: are you really going to show me urself?

Me: like

Me: for real?????

Me: or

Me: r u going to wear a mask 👀

Broad Shoulders: hah u thought

Broad Shoulders: u no thug

Me: psh whatever im not minghao so im not as thug as he is

Broad Shoulders: who is minghao? ur other crush?

Me: pls

Me: when i like someone im very loyal okay?

Broad Shoulders: 😂😂😂

Broad Shoulders: i thought he's ur other crush so i was about to screenshot and send it to wonwoo

Broad Shoulders: but nvm

Me: r u and wonwoo really close?

Broad Shoulders: whatz u talking bout

Broad Shoulders: byez

Me: whats with the sudden z seriously


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