Come A Little Bit Closer ( Sp...

By maryjanewannabe

92.5K 1.8K 262

Starfleet Commander Lauryn has fallen in love with certain Vulcan. What does their future hold? All ideas are... More

Cadet to Commander
Vulcan in Distress
Off the charts
Come A Little Bit Closer
Dr. Leonard Mccoy
Just Relax
Are you ready?
He's Gone
Very Interesting
At Great Cost
If I must
The Tribble
Room 21A
Like an Angel
Baby Shower
Author's Note
Ambassador Spock
I Promised
Uncle Jim!
See I am a good pilot
More or less
Big sister Evie
Shore Leave Already?
Author's Note
Fairy Tales
Doctor, is there a problem?


3.6K 71 7
By maryjanewannabe

We were beamed aboard the Romulan ship in the midst of many Romulans. I though Scotty was suposed to beam us into the cargo bay! Great. They started firing at us and we ran to find a place to hide. I peaked around the corner of the cargo and took out every Romulan in sight. I could feel Spock and Kirk's eyes on me as I shot every last Romulan. One of the Romulan officers made it to a comm.

"Captain, we have Starfleet officers aboard the ship. One of them is Vul-" I stood up shooting in man in the leg.

" I'll cover you guys" Kirk said looking for any more Romulans.

" I believe Lauryn has already taken care of that. " Spock turned to me nodding in shock that I took out all of the enemies. Spock went over to an injured Romulan and tried to find where the device and Captain Pike were located. A Romulan jumped out of no where looking to attack Spock. I didn't even turn around and shot the man in his chest before he could pull his weapon out.

" How the hell can you do that?" Kirk asked surprised by my combat skills. " Well when you have being training for over 20 years, things like this become easy." I look over at Kirk with a smirk on my face, we both turned to Spock for answers.

"Do you know where it is? The black hole device?"

" And Captain Pike." We sprint towards a small ship. " I foresee a complication. The design of this ship is far more advanced than I've anticipated."

Well this is just great. The ship scanned us and a computer began to speak to us.

"Voice print and face recognition analysis enabled. Welcome back, Ambassador Spock."

Kirk and I look over at Spock with confusion. "Wow, that's weird." Kirk stated looking around the ship. " You'll be able to fly this thing, right?"

"Something tells me I already have," Spock said while Jim was about to leave and find Captain Pike. " Good luck" Jim started walking out of the ship when Spock stopped him.

" Jim, the statistical likelihood that our plan will succeed is less than four point three percent."

" Four point three is all we need. Any chance is a good one" I said looking over at Spock," Lauryn you must go with Jim he will need help securing Captain Pike's safety.

" I am no leaving you here when there is a four point three percent chance of this working." I said not wanting to leave Spock behind.

"And you said that four point three was all we need. Please go with Jim." Spock said sternly wanting to protect me. Without warning jumped into Spock's arms kissing him passionately. I know he isn't one for physical contact but I could not help but think this may our last time together is something goes wrong. To my surprise Spock kissed back with so much emotion. While Jim stood by with his wide open in shock.

"Promise me you will return" I said looking at him with my eyes starting to water. "As long as you promise me the same" Spock said looking at me one last time before going to the command chair. Kirk and I starting running to where Captain Pike was located.

Kirk and I found Nero and his right hand man Ayel. Kirk took action and tried to negotiate with Nero, " Nero order your men to disable the drill or I will--" Just then Ayel pushed Kirk done and Nero grabbed me.

Nero looked over a Kirk lying on the ground, "I know your face, from Earth's history, and you" Nero turned me around to face him. " You are the girl that everyone knows and the one the Vulcan cares for," Nero turned me to face their security footage of Spock and I kissing on their ship. A Romulan officer's voice came over the comm, " Captain Nero, the Vulcan ship has been taken, the drill has been destroyed." " Spooockk!" Nero yelled and let me go, but not before I started to fight him.

I elbowed Nero in his abdomen and he stumbled back. I threw a few punches and kicks before Ayel shocked me with a taser. I feel to the ground shaking for all of the electricity surging through my body. Nero picked me up by my throat and gripped tighter with every second that passed.

" It is so sweet that you care about the Vulcan, but now he is going to die," Nero threw me on the ground. I gasped trying to breathe normal again while Kirk fought off Ayel.

"Your species is even weaker than I expected." Ayel was now holding Kirk about to throw him off the bridge. I tried to get the strength up to stop Ayel, but my body was still in shock.

"I can't.." " You can't even speak. What?" Ayel making fun of Kirk when he didn't realize Kirk had his hand on Ayel's gun. " I got your gun." Shooting Ayel and letting him fall over the bridge.

" Lauryn are you okay?" Kirk ran over to me making sure I was still breathing. " Yeah, I'm okay just in pain" I said standing up stumbling over to Captain Pike.

"What are you guys doing here?" Pike looked at his astonished that we had come to save him."Just following orders. Enterprise go!" Just then we were all beamed aboard the Enterprise.

Spock rushed to my side, " You are okay." A sense of worry in his voice because he was unsure if I was unharmed. " I'm okay just a little out of it" Bones came over and took my vitals while nurses took Captain Pike to Medbay.

" Lauryn your heart rate is 120!" Bones said trying to get me into the Medbay with Spock trailing behind.

"Well that is what happens when he is around," I motion over to Spock and his ears turn green, " And maybe because I was shot with a taser"

"Goddammit Lauryn! That could have killed you!" Bones said while injecting me with a hypo.

" Yeah well I am here and living now aren't I" I said giving Bone's a half smirk and he just shakes his head at me. I got off the gurney and made my way to the Bridge with Spock and Kirk.

Kirk takes the controls, " Sulu, let's go home!" trying to get comfortable in his captains chair.

"Mr.Sulu why aren't we in warp?" Kirk said getting a little nervous..

Sulu look back to Kirk, "We are, sir"

" Kirk to engineering. Get us out of here, Scotty."

"You bet your arse, Captain. Captain the gravity well has got us!" Scotty yelled through the comm.

"Go to maximum warp. Push it!"

The ship began to crack and Spock and I look at each other unsure of what is going to happen. I am just glad he kept his promise.

" I'm giving her all that she's got, Captain?"

"All she's got isn't good enough. What else you got? "

I turned to Spock, "So what chance do we have of surviving this one?" Spock thought for a moment before responding, "Any chance is a good one."

" Okay. If we eject the core and detonate, the blast could be enough to push us away! I cannae promise anything, though!"

"Do it!" Kirk exclaimed.

All of a sudden a shockwave appeared and pushed us to safety. Once we landed back on Earth, Jim was to be awarded captain. I walked around Starfleet to find Spock, but he was nowhere to be found.


Thanks for reading! I hope everyone is having a lovely day! Sorry for the super long chapter.

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