
By HolleySmith2

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***************COMPLETED!************* It's too late. It's too late to stop this, Sarina looked down at the g... More

Roll Call
Camael's Choice
The Apartment
The Serphaim
Out in the woods...
Making her forget
Getting on the Plane
Forgotten memories
Hellish Dreams
Reality would be nice..
New Day..
Inner Wolf
Late night conversations
First Impressions
Self defense
Descent in darkness
Changing preface?
Stumbling on the dead
Avengers versus zombies
Okay who invited the demon?
Ash or Cam?
Beneath the stars
Things Lost
Lost & Found
The grand plan
The giant and the elf...
This changes things...
You decide on this one...
All is not forgiven
Too far..
Everyone's agenda
The path to redemption--
Authors note..kinda
All in the family
The next chapter
Hell's Gates
The original version of how the curse started...
The start of the end..
The sound of heartbreak..
Talk to me..
Thank you!
Last chapters
Last chapters part 2
Last chapters part 3
Authors note, ideas
Scene from from next book, FEAR
The sequel!!!
Alternate Ending


1.1K 30 0
By HolleySmith2

Here is a part I have written for the next book in the series called Bound. I thought it would be fun to kind of see some of where the story is going. Keep in mind this on going story has many twists and turns... so read with care. Oh I am evil...... happy reading!

Chapter # 

Book # 2 

Camael's POV 

Cam watched as her body arched off the bed as the ties binding her arms pulled tight. Her scamp clothes she had worn to bed were clinging to her body temperature continued to rise to an unbelievable high. 

He did'nt understand how her human body was capable of distress, she should be going into convulsions by now. Then again with the amount of throaty moans she was making there wouldn't be much more she was going to be able to endure. 

He could hear her predator's call, the call for her new mate... Ash. Unholy jealousy slowly built in his system as he watched the woman he loved call for someone else. Undeniable hurt clenched his heart when he realized what was happening. Somehow, in merging the past and the present he had marked her, she had become to rely on him, at least to bring her predator to surface. And now she was in heat. 

Her scent was so strong it has token him, and his brothers to fight enough to keep every were within a fifty mile radius out. Hell, it was so strong that it even had them somewhat affected. But with her soul being angelic, it wasn't put of the realm of impossible. It was damn frustrating as I caught the arousal's from some of my brothers. 

I knew they were resisting the pull she was giving off, I could hear their thoughts. But hearing her moans as she tried to pull what little clothes she had on , off. Damn... he had a hard time keeping himself off of her. That's why he tied her up. If she continued stripping he would have her right there in front of his men.  

"Ash..." she growled gutterly, her voice reflecting the amount of pain she was in. Grinding his teeth together he tried to push back the anger his name called. 

He did this. The bastard. I going to rip his fucking head off. 

Hearing a growl, I pulled my attention back at the task at hand, the were trying to knaw my arm off, as used my other hand to wrap around his neck, catching him a headlock. My goal was not to kill them, but they were pushing it. Squeezing tightly I felt the wolf's struggle to keep a hold of my arm, and struggle for air. Normally were's new better than attack any of them, he was there creator after all. But with Sarina radiating a tidal wave of arousal they couldn't control their instincts. 

Not that they could hurt him, but the nonstop persistence of trying to get to her, was pissing him off. Letting out an aggravated growl of his own, he shoved the oversized wolf out the window. 

Looking down out the window, he saw him at the same time a loud growl filled the room, shaking its foundations. Every werewolf inside and out immediately stopped, letting out whimpers.  

"Son of a bitch," he cursed as he watch the largest lion he ever seen plow through thee wolves at a sickening pace. Apparently his anger over ruled the fact that some of the were's were in his own pack. Howls of pain echoed outside as he train rolled through them, punishing them for daring to claim his mate. 

"Please help me..." Sarina whimpered, crying on the bed behind me. Looking back I saw that my men were trying to hold back their thoughts as she curled into a ball, well as well as she could with her arms tied over head. 

Looking at her I knew I had no other choice. I had to let him in. As much as I hated this, I hated seeing her in pain worse. "Leave" I ordered. Sigh's of relief ensued as they quickly left them room, I knew they were relieved to be as far away as possible.  

Hearing the growls inevitably come closer to the bolted door, I knew I only had a few minutes before he would be here. Her predator's pull was getting stronger as she heard her mate so close to her. Though her body relaxed somewhat, knowing he was here. And that irritated me anew. I wanted to be the one she called to in pain. The only one she called to. 

Walking over to the bed, I watched the woman I love pant for another man. Cursing the universe I sat on the bed watching as she froze. Slowly looking over at me, she growled lowly at me.  

"Sarina" I said softly, trying to get through to her. As I watched her eyes shift from her jade green ones to the golden hue I knew I was losing this silent battle. 

Sarina Please hear me baby I pushed in her head, Your stronger than this. I'll help you. Just me and you.. 

Get the Hell out of my head she growled back. In the back ground of her mind I could hear Ash's taunting laughter. That's my girl he smirked at my discomfort. 

Ash hurry I'm on fire she begged acknowledging his presence in her mind, as well as his close proximity.  

Hearing her he smashed through the door shifting as he did so. Watching his reaction to her scent that filled the room, his eyed glowed as his head snapped in her direction, narrowing his eyes at my closeness. She's mine he warned me. 

The hell she is I snapped at him standing throwing in my full power. His power slapped back into me as the two of us as we went into battle mode. 

"No!" Sarina's shout rang through the air, breaking our mutual challenge. "Cam please don't. I'm sorry.. so sorry I just need..." a groan ended what she was about to say as her body started to shake.  

"Just get some damn clothes on, and do something" I growled, dangerously close to my breaking point. There was no way I was leaving her with him.  

"Is that an order?" he taunted while he strode towards her, never taking his eyes off of her. 

"No it was a order to get some clothes on first!" I snapped as he climbed on the bed wit her. 

No time, why don't you go get me some he replied in my head as he wrapped her in his arms. Watching her reach for him, pull him down over her was one of the hardest things I had to stand by and allow. That was until what she did next...

Ash's POV

Waking up I realized something was off. Everyone one off my warning bells were going off, as I used my senses around to look for threats. My predator was pacing back and forth, feeling my uneasiness. Rubbing my eyes I sat up, ready to go find the trouble so I could finally get a full nights sleep. God, I'm tired. 

As I walked out of my room I reached out automatically to my pack link ready to send out scouts to search the area, when my predator felt it, Sarina. Her predator was calling to him. He lunged trying to break through as I slammed into the stair railing breaking the thin slats I fell down off the side onto the floor below. 

Grunting in pain, my body shook as I used all my will power to control him. Damn what has him so angry? In took a few minutes I was able to push him back far enough to sense out for my pack. 

Except no one was answering me. 

What the hell? What the Fuck? I am your Alpha. You will answer me dammit I growled putting my full power into my voice, as I heaved off the floor stumbling through the front door out into the night.  

It's her sir... Jaxon paused, She needs help. We can't control it.... he whimpered under my command. 

Who is she? I asked when my beast caught her call to us. Oh dear God Sarina I thought at the same time as I lost what little control I had and I shifted. Letting out an angry growl he surfaced, bringing out his mighty roar. Oh shit... this is not good. 

As he tore through the woods using her cries as a guide I felt her call for her mate. It was as if she had wrapped him in steel chains and was pulling him. There was no way of not going, even if I wanted to.  

Sarina Little one, I'm coming I sent to her as I opened myself up to her while my beast ran as fast as he could to her. That's when I felt her pain. To say she was hurting was an understatement, she was in unimaginable pain. I felt how hot she was.. was she sick? I thought as I plowed through the edge of the forest charging thought the school grounds. 

Baby what's wrong? I pleaded inside her mind, I could hearing her whimper mentally, reaching out I looked through her eyes seeing the angels surrounding her fighting off the werewolves trying to get to her in the room. Wait a minute, what the hell were they doing? 

Feeling her restraints I felt her arch off the bed, at the same timme her arousal shot through me. My beast stumbled as her scent hit him full force.  

Ash I heard her call out to me to ease her pain, as her mate it was my right. 

Rounding the last corner, I let out my anger when I saw the other unmated fledglings trying to get to her. Being my mate made her scent stronger, I could see their frustrated growls as they tried to get to her. That pissed my beast off. SHE WAS MINE! 

LEAVE I ordered into every were's mind, pack or not. They will back off or I would tear every limb from their body. They will not come between me and my mate, and like hell anyone of them would actually get near her.  

When only a few listened, I growled. Knowing some of them were in my pack made not difference, as I tore through them sending wolves flying through the air, attacking them. Protecting my mate. 

Nearing the door I heard Camael ease into her mind trying to convince her to calm down and let him help her. Hell no I thought while I heard her tell him to get out of her head. I couldn't control the laughter that bubbled up at her resistance to him. She needed me now, not him. 

I felt like I won some sort of victory as I eased off my opponents, and strolled to her door. 

That's my girl I called to her as I made my way to her door. 

Ash, hurry I'm on fire she panted at me. Hearing her weak voice tore through my heart. I'm right here little one I answered as I slammed into the door, taking time to shift as I did so. My beast would scare her right now. And if he was in control when he saw her like this, with her arousal, it would not be pretty. 

As soon as I shifted her smell hit me a thousand times more potent. I almost fell to my knees as her scent called to me. My beast growled in anticipation. SHE'S MINE he growled through my lips as I snapped my head in her direction. Seeing him so close to her made him snap, and made me saw red.  

Like hell she is Camael growled, standing up throwing his power into the room. It was staggering. Answering his challenge I pulled up on my own power, if this was to come to a battle that a battle it will be. She needed me right now. I alone could help her. And I was going to. 

As we stood there weighing each other she yelled at us to stop. As I heard her apologize to him I snapped my focus off of him and onto her. It angered me that she felt bad for something so natural in my world. Looking over to her, I felt her pull me towards at the same moment her body started shaking. 

"Just put so damn clothes on and do something" he ordered gruffly as I started for her. 

"Is that an order?" I taunted him. he said something about clothes again, but Sarina laying there writhing for me captured my full attention. Seeing her laying there in nothing more than a damp tank top and underwear had my beast howling... She was so sexy.  

No time, why don't you go get some I urged absentmindedly trying to give us time alone. I knew what was coming, and I didn't want him in the room when it happened.  

Climbing into bed, I smiled as I felt her arms automatically reach for me, pulling me down on top of her. Internally groaning, I felt my arousal hit full force as her body pressed so close to mine. Oh God... 

Reaching up I snapped the ropes that tied her arms to the bed. I would allow nothing to hurt her, including the rope burns I knew were on her wrists from her pulling at them. Besides, there was not need to tie her down, I was here. 

She let out a growl of her own as she flipped me over and straddled my lap. I barely had time to adjust to the new position when she started attacking my with her lips. 

Pulling her closer, I held still as I felt her hands curl themselves through my hair and her lips devouring mine. Feeling such passion in her attack brought my beast groaning in the background. He was no.. we were on fire. I opened myself completely to her, my predator calling to hers.  

As my beast heard hers whimpering with pleasure, I felt every emotion pouring off of her. Frustration, Pain, Lust and what was that? I wondered as a different emotion lingered in the background. I could feel her stiffen slightly as she felt me reading her, but when I reached further to catch the slight trace scurrying away she pulled back. Ever keeping it out of reach. 

Cupping her face I looked into her beautiful gold eyes. She looked frightened. 

"It's ok love, It's going to be alright" I reassured her. 

"But," she whimpered, allowing a few tears escape "She wants you, she's demanding it actually and I..." her words stopped as her back arched rubbing a part of me that was already waiting for her, earning a groan from the both of us. Biting her lip she closed her eyes resting her forehead on my shoulder. 

I could feel the thoughts going through her mind. She was trying to get her wolf to see reason, to not push her to do something she didn't think she wass ready for. But she was struggling, her wolf not taking anything less than her mate completely. 

As I felt my beast agreement in answer I knew I had to take control of the situation. As much as I wanted to complete the process right here and now, I could not do it if she was so unsure. I wanted it to be her choice not her wolf forcing her to do it. It was a hard choice though, as I felt her warm breath on my neck, right over where her mark should be. 

Forcing myself to close my link to her I slowly opened my eyes. Looking over I saw Camael standing stiff looking out the window, his hands gripping the window frame intently. As much of me that wanted him to feel the pain that I have felt, another part of me, some long aga lost fragment of brotherhood, made me feel bad. And that irritated me. Feeling her lips slowly trail my neck, I sighed. Could this be any more complicated? 

"You know I felt it" Sarina whispered against my neck sending thrills down my spine. 

"Felt what?" I replied softly, enjoying her so close. 

"When I was in her body, back then..." she struggled to answer, "When you made love to her I felt it... every emotion, every kiss, every touch..." she spoke softly leaning back to watch my face. "For that moment it pushed her back and somehow even trapped as I was, it felt like it was me doing those things. Like you were loving me. It scared her." 

Shock etched my face as I groaned in response to her words. If she kept saying things like that my honorable side was going to lose. Hearing the window crumble I knew her words had affected Camael too. 

"Were you scared?" I asked watching her face intently gauging every emotion.  

The overbearing silence in the room told me that Camael was waiting on her answer as well. Even she went still thinking about her answer. 

"No" she said so softly that if we didn't have supernatural hearing neither one of us would have been able to hear her. Watching her look down, her shoulders slumping I knew just how hard it was for to her admit that. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then. 

As I reached over, I gently hooked my fingers under her chin a lifted her face so I could look into her beautiful eyes. God she was beautiful. Seeing her tear filled eyes, though stopped me from kissing her. I knew she felt bad for hurting Camael. 

"But it wasn't me Ash. You made love to her. Just as Camael had." Damn she's right I growled inwardly, he had too. 

"Sarina," he called softly, making my beautiful mate turn her head to look at him. But before he could say more she spoke. 

"Cam.." She swallowed, " I'm trying with every thing in me right now not to strip his clothes off and feel if everything that I did back then. To feel with my own body instead of emotions rolling through someone else's. I know it wasn't me, I'm still a virgin. But God my wolf doesn't its like we have done this a thousand times before." She gulped, tightening her arms around me. 

"But another part of me sees you, feels you. And that part of me is horrified that I am even on this bed with him. That only you can ease my pain. And that makes her frustrated. Because she wants both, always both" she groaned.

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