Out of Her League |Lesbian St...

By Svetaivanova

786K 39.9K 9.7K

Imagine the worst female softball team you ever saw, triple it, and you've got Darci Bloom's baseball team. D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Author's Note

53.5K 1.5K 282
By Svetaivanova

Dear readers,

Thank you for reading this story! I read all your lovely comments telling me how much you enjoyed this book. I'm so glad I wrote something different from my other works. It helps me explore new style of story-telling, which I'm still learning each day.

My journey with Out of Her League is over. And I loved every minute of it. This story brought me joy. I hope it did the same to you.

This story is inspired by a movie A League of Their Own. Great movie. You should watch it if you haven't already.

I've always wanted to write about something that is inspiring and uplifting. And most of such stories are about competition and self-discovery. Same with movies I guess. So I chose sports to be the center of this theme.

But to tell you the truth, I don't play or watch any sport-related things. When I wrote OHL, Google and YouTube were my two best coaches.

And did you know that this book took me 1 month to finish? That the daily update you saw because I was racing against time just to see if I could write 30 days straight and complete the work. I remember it took me 2 years to complete Anastasia and 8 months to finish Hades.

Now that I did it in a short time, I came to a conclusion that I write realistic plots faster because the writing style is easier to control and easily expressed. I didn't have to agonize over words and prose, which would take me hours and even days (Yes, writers take long hours of their days to write, we don't magically produce a chapter with a snap of our fingers, so please stop bugging them to update).

I started writing OHL with a chapter planning. I'd never planned any of my works. I think I'm more of a gardener type of writer who just plants story seeds and keeps watering and nurturing them to see how they will grow.

But this time I wanted to experience this architect type of writer who has everything drawn and calculated before setting out to build a story.

So I planned this story and made a rough draft of each chapter in bullet points. It helped me going through the story like a road map. So I guess I learned something new.

Now who are your favorite characters? I swear my readers seem to love my supporting characters more than the MCs! And this book has a lot of people to keep track on, sometimes I had to do a headcount. True story.

Anyway, now that I finished this book, I have to get back to ROTA and try to finish it by the end of the year. Geez I had put it off to focus on this book just to prove a point to myself.

Cupid and Psyche has to wait for a while. I need to get my mind on the leash! I keep wandering off to find new stories. And you know what, while writing this book, I was also thinking about two to three other new books. At the same time! That's what it's like to be me. Lol

Okay, now come to the business part, you can support me in a small way if you feel inclined to help out. You can either watch or click the ad on my stories or you can buy my books. If you don't, it's totally fine. I'm still writing stories no matter what. I don't want to bother people or beg them for anything. So enjoy your time. But just to give you ahead up that I will rewrite my works and republish them, and it can get quite annoying at time.

That's it now. I will see you in another story!

With love,

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